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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — Chapter 4

“Can he carry it?”

Mordo, who had been standing on the side without making a sound for a while, asked worriedly.

“It should work.”

Gu Yi didn’t know if Xia Ming could bear it, but now that Xia Ming hadn’t had a bad situation, it meant that he could continue.

A few minutes later, Xia Ming returned and lay on the ground.

In these short minutes, Xia Ming felt like hours had passed.

He has been constantly shuttling, constantly seeing different scenes, and the whole universe.

At this moment, he felt how small he was and how grand the world was.

He was immersed in the world of perception and did not wake up.

“It doesn’t matter if he’s concerned, does he?!”

Mordo looked at Xia Ming, who seemed to have been sluggish, and became nervous.

Furuichi stepped forward and looked.

“It’s okay, it seems to have some understanding.”

“Let’s go out first.”

Gu Yi said and walked out, without waking Xia Ming.

[By shuttling through the multiverse, you have realized the energy of the universe and obtained energy manipulation. 】

[By shuttling through the multiverse, you have gained an in-depth understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe, so far, your energy is endless! ] 】


Hearing the voice, Xia Ming’s consciousness returned, and at the same time, he felt that a powerful energy suddenly emerged from his body, sweeping through his body.

And he is still healing the injuries in Xia Ming’s body that have not fully recovered.

Xia Ming is happy, his gold finger has arrived!!

At this moment, his mind is full of knowledge of the multiverse, and he is constantly analyzing the essence of the universe at an unimaginable speed.

He sat up, his palms facing each other, and naturally, a star cluster appeared in his hands, emitting brilliant light.

This is the source of energy that suddenly bubbles up in his body.

One pocket universe energy!

Xia Ming looked at the miniature universe in his palm, constantly transforming it through the knowledge he had comprehended.

Slowly, a small solar system appeared in the deep universe and became the center.

Xia Ming felt that he could enter and exit this universe at will, and thinking about it, his figure disappeared instantly, leaving only glowing star clusters floating in the air.

On the square outside, Gu Yi, who was watching the trainee mages who were practicing magic, was silently counting the time.

Thinking that it would take a long time before Strange would come to pick up her shift, Furuichi couldn’t help but sigh.

Gu Yi: I want to retire.

At this moment, a powerful energy suddenly emerged, with violent fluctuations, which even the entire Karma Taj could feel.

The trainee mages didn’t know why, stopped their movements, and looked around in confusion.

Mordo and Camidal changed their expressions and immediately entered a state of battle.

The mages in other locations rushed to this side!

Furuichi, on the other hand, turned his head sharply and looked at the hall.

The place where the energy appears is where I often drink tea.

And now, there is only one person there!

Xia Ming!!

At this moment, even Gu Yi, who had lived for hundreds of years and had countless insights, wondered if he had looked away at Xia Ming!

Could it be that the other party is not an ordinary person!

But he didn’t find the other party’s disguise !?

“Ancient One Mage?!”

“Could it be that a demon god has invaded Karma Taj?!”

Mordo and Camidal asked nervously.

“You guys stay here, I’ll take a look, don’t panic, everything is with me!”

Furuichi said and ran towards the hall.

“Ancient One Mage!”

“Let’s go too!”

“Everyone is waiting outside!!”

Gu Yi scolded Mordo and the others who wanted to go in together.

“Don’t worry, this is Karma Taj!”

“That’s right, with the Supreme Mage here, even if the Dimensional Demon God comes over in person, it can’t please you!”

Although everyone had a worried face, they all trusted Gu Yi immensely.

As if teleporting, Furuichi appeared directly in the hall and was ready for battle.

But I found that the hall was empty.

Only a brilliant mass of light floated in the air.

And that location is where Xia Ming stayed before.

Furuichi frowned tightly, not knowing why, and leaned over carefully.

Until he came closer, Rao Yigu had been recuperating for many years, and he almost couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

What, what did she see?

She saw a pocket universe appear in Karma Taj!!

She almost retired without being scared!!

If this thing is not good, it will be enough to put the whole Karma Taj… No, even the entire Himalayas, or the earth, will be blown up!!

How did this come here!?

Karma Taj doesn’t have this thing either!

Wait a minute!

Koichi thought of someone.

“This shouldn’t have been made by Xia Ming, right?!”

Gu Yi’s face was extremely ugly.

What the hell is this guy!!


In the pocket universe.

Xia Ming, who was ignorant of the outside world, did not know that because of a universe he created, the Supreme Mage almost retired.

At this moment, he is transforming his world like a creation god.

“God said, Let there be light!”

So the sun appeared.

Along with that comes eight planets orbiting the sun, nearly 500 moons and at least a million asteroids.

Beyond the solar system, there is a dark and cold universe.

Xia Ming did not create anything else.

The pocket universe is finite, and the general universe is infinite.

At this time, this universe is still only equivalent to a newborn baby, and it is also a small world that has not formed a large world, and it has the ability to grow.

But in the end, it will become the same level or stronger as the real universe in the large universe.

Like the superhero sentinel in Marvel, a universe is linked in his body, and then he obtains the power of millions of stars.

Xia Ming also obtained a cosmic energy, but it was not as powerful as the Sentinel.

In concrete terms, there is probably only one sun’s energy?


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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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