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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — Chapter 50

“He’s not a brat, he’s an adult, and he’s still here to take on tasks.”

The weasel placed the wine glass in front of Wade.

“Oh? Falke, I hate this face! “

After Wade learned Xia Ming’s age, he glared at him with extremely annoying eyes.

Ever since he became a mutant and disfigured, he disliked handsome guys very much.

“Each other, I don’t want to see your face.”

Xia Ming turned his head the moment he saw Wade take off his hood and prepare to drink.

Wade’s face, he really did not dare to compliment.

Weasels, too, even after all this time, still feel diaphragmatic.

“Little ghost! What do you mean!! “

Wade slammed the cup on the table, very angry.

“Eh! Don’t get so close! I’m normal! “

Xia Ming put his left hand on the side of his face to block his vision, and stepped back one after another.


Wade gave Xia Ming a middle finger, and then lay on the table to die.

“Wait until I find that bastard…”

Wade was not angry at Xia Ming’s words, but angry at the person who made him like this.

“One more drink!”

Wade shouted.

“You still haven’t found him today?”

The weasel asked as he poured the wine.


Wade still searched outside for a day today, destroyed several dens, asked several people, and found nothing.

As soon as he thought of this, Wade remembered that last time he had obviously caught Ajax with great effort, but he was disturbed by two guys who called themselves X-Men, and let him run away.

And was also forced to lose a hand.

Finally, his hand recovered in the past few days, and as a result, Ajax hid deeper.

“And you are?”

“Of course, continue to look, my face will be restored by that bastard of Ajax!” So I can go to Vanessa! “

Wade took a sip of wine, sad.

Now he can only look at his beloved girlfriend from a distance before he recovers his appearance, and does not dare to approach.

Xia Ming next to him, listening to the words of the two of them, silently calculated the time.

At the same time, find that the opportunity to make money, isn’t there one in front of you?

“Do you want to know where Ajax is?”

“Do you know where he is!?”

Hearing the four words of Ajax, Wade stood up abruptly and grabbed Xia Ming’s shoulder, his expression was anxious, and he was full of blood.

“Stay away from me! Fak, don’t put this face of yours together!! “

Wade’s sudden attack forced Xia Ming to see his face, and then closed his eyes in despair.

Well, he can skip meals for the next few days.

“You say where he is, I’ll let you go!”

“You let go first! I’ll say it again!! “

“You speak first!”

“You let go!!”


The weasel looked at the two people who were fighting each other in front of him and silently covered his face.

These two guys, one by one, are not fuel-efficient lamps!

“Wade! You let go first and listen to him, are you still afraid that he will run away? “

In the end, it was the weasel who stood up and pulled the two.

The main thing is that the weasel, as Wade’s friend, is still on Wade’s side, and at the same time hopes that he can find the enemy.

Otherwise, every time Wade comes over for a drink and doesn’t pay, he can’t stand it!


Wade thinks it is.

“Say it quickly! Otherwise, if you go to the toilet, I will keep an eye on you!! “


Xia Ming was speechless.

He thought he was cheap enough… No, it’s enough to be faceless, and it turns out that Wade is faceless than him!

“Ahem, I can help you find Ajax, but what can you give me?”

Xia Ming straightened his clothes and looked at the weasel and said.


“You asked him! See what I do!? “

“I don’t dare look.”

“…… You’re special! “

The weasel has black lines all over his face.

“What do you want?”

Wade stared at Xia Ming’s side face and asked.

“I can help you kill! Anyone can! “

Wade is extremely confident in this regard.

Especially now that he can’t kill him, he is completely handy to do his old profession before.

“I don’t have anyone I want to kill.”

Xia Ming shook his head.

“And you?” At this moment, Wade was stumped.

“Do you want women? It’s not impossible. “

“He wants money!”

Weasel reminded.

Then, Wade fell silent.


“Isn’t it, you don’t have any money?!”

Xia Ming people were shocked!

As a mercenary, didn’t Wade easily earn millions?!

“I have money! Why don’t you look at him and ask! “

The weasel’s whole person was speechless, and he was startled by Xia Ming’s questioning.

“Ahem, most of the money I earned before was used to treat diseases, and the rest was left to Vanessa.”

Then Wade disappeared for a few years, until he was returned by Ajax with mutant abilities, and he only wanted revenge, how could he have time to make money?

Now he is also a poor bastard.

“There’s no way to talk about it.”

Xia Ming shook his head regretfully.

“How much do you want? I can go and earn! “

In order to find Ajax, Wade is out!

“Tens of millions.”

“Huh? Is it hundreds of thousands, or millions? “

Wade looked at Xia Ming speechlessly, you can make it clear!

“It’s not a matter of your ability, of course, the more the better!”

“Then… Let’s set a million first! Soon I will be able to put it together! “

Wade made up his mind, and in the chaotic Hell’s Kitchen, there was never a shortage of people who hired him, nor did he lack rich people.

Moreover, he can also make money while inquiring about Ajax’s whereabouts.

“But can you really find Ajax?”

Weasels are very skeptical.

“Absolutely no problem! As long as you have the money, I will be able to bring you to Ajax in person! “

Xia Ming looked at the weasel and said seriously.

“Not me… Never mind. So how can Wade contact you after raising enough money? “

“Call me.”

“Okay, tell me your number.”

Weasel said as he took pen and paper from under the bar.

“emmm…… Do you have a cell phone here? “


The weasel looked up.

“Why don’t you even have a cell phone!? Then you say a fart call! “

The weasel couldn’t help it and began to spray angrily at Xia Ming.

“No way, I’m so poor that I can’t even afford to drink water.”

Xia Ming stalled his hands.

“Friend! My dear friend! Help out! “

Vedra held the weasel’s hand with a kind look.

“Stay away from me!”

Finally, in desperation, the weasel found a mobile phone and handed it to Xia Ming.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay when the time comes!”

“Forget it, you just need to stop running.”

The weasel sighed, it was not a shame.

“Yes! You’d better leave your address behind, lest you run away! “

Wade spoke suddenly.

Faced with the hope of finding Ajax, even if Xia Ming seemed so unreliable, Wade chose to believe.

Only by finding Ajax as soon as possible can he meet his girlfriend as soon as possible!

“Heh, as long as I want to run, you can’t stop it if you want to!”

“Call me when there is news, and then I will come to fulfill my promise~”

“Then, for nothing!”

Xia Ming waved his hand, and his body disappeared out of thin air.

Wade, Weasel: ???

“Am I drunk?”


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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