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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 109 Yun Yun and Medusa

The trees have new leaves, people have voices, the moon is dark, and the forest is bright.

On the top of the cliff, the young man held Xiao in both hands, facing the bright moon and playing softly, his expression focused and serious.

One meter away from him, Yun Yun was sitting on the grass, her legs slightly bent, her elbows resting on her knees, supporting her fair and elegant delicate chin, her silver teeth biting her lower lip, listening and watching with complex eyes. .

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot.

The sound of the flute gradually grows, with occasional pearls and jade jumping in the bass, crisp and short, one after another, the sound gradually increases, first like the splashing of a singing spring, and then like a group of flowers vying for beauty, clusters of flowers, and interspersed with the chirping of birds. And, people can’t help but immerse themselves in it.

Finally, the song ends.

“How are you, how do you feel?”

Looking at Yun Yun who was a little distracted, Chen Guan asked with a smile, a trace of expectation on his face.

Yun Yun came back to her senses, but the strangeness on the corners of her lips had not disappeared, and she did not dare to look directly at him.

“It’s pretty good. Although I don’t know what the song is, I feel some resonance after listening to it.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan smiled happily.

“As long as it resonates, this song is called daughter’s love.”

Hearing this extremely straightforward title, Yun Yun’s delicate body stiffened slightly, and a rich blush like after drinking quickly climbed onto her cheeks.

Chen Guan stopped and sat next to her, admiring Lin Hai and chatting with her.

Sensitive topics were no longer mentioned, and Yun Yun gradually returned to normal. She occasionally exchanged a few words, but the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Same time, same place.

In the forest a few hundred meters away from the cliff here, two figures, one large and one small, stood hand in hand, looking at the two people chatting leisurely on the high place.

“Stinky Chen Guan, he was playing Xiao randomly. I thought he was in danger. Sister Medusa, let’s beat him up together.” Zi Yan said angrily.

Queen Medusa withdrew her gaze, smiled and touched the girl’s head.

Neither agree nor disagree.

The next moment, their fighting wings shot out, extremely bright and dazzling under the night sky.

Chen Guan, who was on the cliff, also spotted them. He was stunned for a moment. Soon, he realized what the problem was. He almost made himself cry, but he was also a little lucky.

“Queen Medusa?!”

Yun Yun stood up in surprise, her face solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Chen Guan gave her a reassuring look, stepped forward to catch the girl who rushed over like a cannonball, deftly resisted her bite, and looked at Queen Medusa with a hint of doubt.

“I have half a day, and the source of the companion amethyst has been obtained. Seeing that you have nothing else to do, let’s set off directly. We can get the spirit-melting elixir recipe as soon as possible and collect the medicinal materials.”

Queen Medusa briefly explained the reason for her appearance, and then spoke in an unquestionable tone.

She is indeed very eager for the prescription for the Fusion Spirit Pill.

As for the person behind the young man, Queen Medusa glanced at him and then looked away, without any intention of talking to him.

“Leave now?”

“With Zi Yan and me taking you, why are you afraid of any danger?”

Yes, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The matter was not up to anyone, either he or Yun Yun could only accept her arrangement at this time.

Queen Medusa acted resolutely, said something to Zi Yan, immediately spread her fighting spirit wings, and flew towards the imperial capital with Yun Yun in her arms.

Both of them are stunningly beautiful in the world, but they have very different personalities. Looking at Queen Medusa, who had a cold face and looked like she was rejecting people thousands of miles away, Yun Yun swallowed her greetings as soon as they came to her lips, and simply kept silent. The atmosphere is really weird.

Completely opposite to their side, Zi Yan and Chen Guan in the back didn’t stop talking all the way.

“Chen Guan, you are so heavy.”

“Don’t make excuses to be lazy. Speed ​​up. You can’t even see their shadow anymore.”

“If you push me again, I’ll throw you down and kill you.”

“Then you don’t have any pills to take.”

“Hmph, stinky Chen Guan.”

“Chen Guan, do you think Sister Medusa will throw that woman into the ravine?”


Chen Guan’s head was full of black lines, and he didn’t know where she had all these strange ideas.

Facts have also proved that girls only have random thoughts.

After one night of traveling under the stars and catching up with the moon, the four of them successfully arrived at the imperial capital at an extremely fast speed.

Not only did Queen Medusa not throw Yun Yun into the ravine, she was even extremely considerate and sent her to the foot of Yunlan Mountain herself. She was a conscientious female driver.

“Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen.”

When they arrived at the terminal, Yun Yun thanked her.

“It’s just a little effort.” Queen Medusa glanced at her and said casually.

Without saying anything more, he turned and left.

Yun Yun watched and waited until Queen Medusa was no longer visible, then she stepped up the mountain.

The other end.

Chen Guan and Zi Yan did not return to the palace immediately, but came to the Alchemist Guild first. To their surprise, Haibodong was also here.

Upon seeing the young man, Haibodong and Fama greeted him warmly, and then they unanimously set their sights on Zi Yan behind them.

There was a moment of surprise, but he didn’t ask.

This saved Chen Guan some explanation.

After chatting briefly for a while, Chen Guandao made his intention clear.

“Pharaoh, I heard that the Alchemist Guild has a recipe for a sixth-grade spirit-melting elixir?”

“Hey, you are quite well-informed. Not many people know about this. There are indeed some. Do you need it?”

Fama did not deny it.

“Well, how about I exchange a sixth-grade Po’er Dan prescription with Pharaoh?” Chen Jian nodded.

After the words fell, before Fama could answer, Hai Bodong stared at him, feeling a little angry.

This was true according to the rules, but seeing that the thing that I had worked so hard to get was just given away, and the other party was trading with others in front of me, I was still very angry.

Fama didn’t think too much and quickly gave the answer.

“The Ling-Rong Pill and the E-Breaking Pill are not ordinary sixth-grade elixirs. It’s not impossible to change them to you.”

“But if you want something from me, you have to satisfy one of my conditions. Don’t worry, it won’t be difficult for you. As long as you reach the fifth level of alchemist, I will exchange it with you. If you can reach the sixth level, I will break the Edan Dan.” You can keep it for yourself, or I can just give it to you directly.”

Fama stroked his beard and smiled happily.

Brat, I finally have a chance to take advantage of you.

However, this pride did not last long.

Chen Guan didn’t even think about it and agreed.

Immediately, he led several people to an alchemy room and took out a red medicinal cauldron.

The body of the tripod has various strange lines and is also engraved with images of beasts. If you listen carefully to the inside of the medicine tripod, it seems that there are strange roars echoing inside.

“This is…the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron ranked thirteenth on the Heavenly Cauldron List?!”

Fama exclaimed, her eyes never moving away from the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts, as if she was looking at a beloved treasure.

Well, this is indeed a treasure.

For alchemists, the strange fire and the medicinal cauldron on the Heavenly Cauldron List are the divine objects they dream of, but countless people cannot find them and cannot find them.

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Chen Guan did not search deliberately, but gathered them together easily.

Here, I have to thank Han Feng for his gift.

Chen Jian nodded and confirmed Fama’s guess, which made Fama even more emotional.

“If you don’t pay more attention to alchemy in the future, I will strangle you to death. Unparalleled spiritual power, strange fire, and the cauldron of beasts. Which of these things are not the dreams of ordinary alchemists?”

Chen Guan responded calmly.

Hai Bodong, who came to watch the excitement, didn’t realize it.

Without wasting time, Chen Guan immediately took out a bunch of needed medicinal materials and began to refine the medicinal materials in front of Fama.

Half an hour later, Fama looked at the elixir placed on the table. It was freshly baked and full of fragrant elixirs and did not speak for a long time.

The fifth-grade Qi cultivation elixir is of average difficulty. It is a very practical elixir for restoring fighting energy and has outstanding effects.

However, those who can take it are mostly Dou Huang and Dou Sect strong men.

Looking at this elixir, Fama was relieved. This boy had not wasted his talent as an alchemist, and his progress was far beyond his expectation.

There is also helplessness. I thought I could take advantage of him once, but now I have no chance.

Hai Bodong was speechless for a long time, looking at the young man as if he were looking at a monster.

In the room, Zi Yan was the only one who was unresponsive, looking like she was doing nothing, even wanting to doze off.

As the main leader, Chen Guan is relatively calm.

With his current mental strength, he can only refine a fifth-grade elixir. What is there to be proud of?

As long as you have hands, it’s no exaggeration.


With a long breath, Fama suppressed the mixed emotions in her heart and took out a pill recipe and a token from Najie.

“You guys gave me a big surprise. This is the Alchemist Guild’s guest elder token. Although you don’t need it based on your background, it can still be convenient occasionally. It has no restrictions on you, so keep it.”

Chen Guan took it and nodded in thanks.

At this moment, a colorful ray of light shot in from the outside, fell steadily on Chen Guan’s hand, and then ran to Zi Yan.

Whoever has breasts is a mother!

The drowsy girl caught it happily, and then fell asleep for a while.

Seeing such a beautiful and delicate little sky-swallowing python, both Fama and Haibodong became somewhat curious.

Hai Bodong, who had been silent for a long time today, couldn’t hold back anymore and asked.

“Chen Guan, what kind of monster is this? Is it a pet you keep?”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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