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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 111 Medicine Puppet (Additional update)

Glancing at the body on the ground with disgust, Chen Guan summoned strange fire, controlled the temperature, and dried the blood on the body until it fell off. It finally looked much better.

The more high-end puppets are, most of them are human-shaped.

Therefore, the corpse is a perfect puppet body.

After all, having a tyrannical corpse is tantamount to skipping the traditional first step.

The soul, on the other hand, simply and crudely filters out the second, most difficult step.

It’s just that this method is too inhumane. In the eyes of the most traditional righteous path, it is an evil path that takes shortcuts.

As he gradually developed the inheritance in his mind and deepened his understanding of puppetry, Chen Guan also discovered that his teacher was actually a representative of the most traditional and righteous puppet master.

In their eyes, any puppet that requires the use of corpses and souls is evil.

Adhering to the righteous way and disdain for the evil way, and the teacher’s rank has reached the peak of the eighth level, you who cheat and take shortcuts are not as good as me who study hard and conscientiously, and I immediately look down on the evil way even more.

Ever since, puppets such as the Heavenly Demon Puppet have been demoted to inferior status.

In fact, this is very subjective.

Chen Guan understands the teacher’s concept very well.

After all, using corpses and souls to make puppets is quite evil no matter how you look at it.

Nowadays, puppetry is almost lost, but in ancient times, when there were many competing schools, it would never be as difficult as it is now to learn puppetry.

If this evil puppet master is not suppressed and everyone only wants to use ready-made corpses and souls, it will definitely be a disaster for Dou Qi Continent.

Of course, the puppet master will also be tolerated by the world, and it is inevitable that he will be attacked by the group.

Therefore, in order to continue the inheritance, the righteous puppet masters will absolutely not tolerate the evil puppet masters, and they are probably the people who want to completely eliminate the evil puppet masters the most.

A leopard can be seen in a tube.

Chen Guan can guess the situation of some puppet masters in ancient times.

Unfortunately, today is different from the past.

The situation in Dou Qi Continent now is different from that in ancient times, and the concept needs to change.

Having received a modern education, Chen Guan was not a pedantic person. For a better tomorrow, he resolutely made a decision that went against his teacher.

“I’m sorry, teacher, times have changed, but don’t worry, the evil puppet master’s methods will only partially help me grow. I have not fallen behind on the orthodox puppetry skills. When I have the ability in the future, I will promote orthodoxy for you! “

With a confession in his heart, Chen Guan no longer hesitated. The red leaf knife fell into his hand and broke open the chest and eyebrows of Han Feng’s body.

It is also the method of the evil puppet master, but there are also differences between high and low.

The difficulty of refining a medicine puppet is much higher than that of combat puppets such as the Sky Demon Puppet.

The only convenience is that no magic core is needed.

Do not add other materials if possible. The more you add, the greater the impact will be on the future refining of ‘Han Feng’.

Using flames to evaporate the blood, Chen Guan closed his eyes, and his tyrannical spiritual power surged out. Finally, under exquisite control, it condensed into a soul pen, and outlined a mysterious soul array in Han Feng’s body.

This is a delicate job. Even if Chen Guan is mentally strong, he can only do it steadily and maintain a gentle speed.

Otherwise, if the outline is wrong, the most suitable body will be useless. It would be OK to replace it with someone else’s body, but the compatibility with Han Feng’s soul will be affected to a certain extent, and the alchemy skills that can be used will be more limited. Worse.

It took Chen Guanfang more than ten minutes to complete the first part of the Medicine Puppet Formation. Without hesitation, he continued to outline it in one go.

Because of Han Feng’s soul, Chen Guan does not need to outline a series of puppet formations such as flying and fighting.

The puppet formation that Chen Guan is currently sketching has only one function: to obliterate Han Feng’s sense of autonomy, completely ‘format’ him, and thus put his own brand on him!

The tyrannical mental power has obvious effects and is supported by the spiritual soul. As long as Chen Guan is serious about focusing and not being careless, he really has no chance of failure when he outlines this kind of puppet formation.

Maintaining a constant speed, one for about ten minutes, Chen Guan spent more than two hours, and finally, all twenty-eight puppet formations were completed.

Among them, twenty-seven were on Han Feng’s chest, and one was between his eyebrows.

At this point, it’s like cutting the vegetables and just putting them in the pot.

Chen Guan’s expression remained unchanged, he controlled the soul pen to increase its intensity, and immediately connected all the puppet formations with one stroke.

One, two, three.

As the number of connected puppet formations increases, just like the number of tofu pierced by a hair gradually increases, the pressure becomes greater and greater. If the mental strength cannot support it, it will be like a broken hair, and all efforts will be wasted. .

Fortunately, this step is equally simple for Chen Guan, who has a spiritual soul. The pressure he feels is similar to picking up a piece of paper to picking up a glass of water.

Done in one go!

Twenty-eight puppets were connected together, and Chen Guan could clearly feel that they seemed to be alive, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura.

Smiling slightly, Chen Guan opened his eyes.

He took out the jade bottle containing Han Feng’s soul from the ring.

“Xiao Za. Ahhhh!”

Han Feng’s curse turned into a scream before he could even curse him.

After some torture, Chen Guan withdrew the strange fire.

Immediately, he wiped off the ‘plastic wrap’ on the mouth of the bottle.

As if he saw life, the sluggish Han Feng’s soul shot out instantly, trying to escape.

However, he thought too beautifully.

As soon as it flew out of the bottle mouth, it was swatted by a big soul hand, and landed accurately in the puppet array between the eyebrows of the body, as simple as swatting a fly.

Needless to say, the pain was painful, but what made Han Feng even more frightened was that he saw the appearance of his own body. This was truly frightening from the soul.

“What are you going to do? Who are you?”


Falling into the puppet formation, Han Feng frantically tried to break free, but was unable to do so.

At this moment, he was like a mouse on a sticky trap. This kind of puppet array had as mysterious a force on the soul as water and fire!

Ignoring the shouting Han Feng, Chen Guan was also watching carefully, feeling extremely miraculous.

Now, he can lightly outline the puppet formation, but he still cannot understand its essential mystery.

Han Feng’s screams were so loud that if Chen Guan hadn’t sealed off the room in advance, most of the people in the palace would not have any peace tonight.

The screams lasted for a cup of tea, and Chen Guan could see that Han Feng’s soul became more and more sluggish, until finally, he completely lost his spirituality.

But is a soul without spirituality still a soul?

Chen Guan couldn’t understand this mysterious and weird principle of the puppet array. It felt like you could do one plus one equals two, but you didn’t know how to prove it.

I’m curious about what kind of genius the people who created it in ancient times were?

The skills of a ‘formatted’ soul still exist, just like a mobile phone, but the traces have been cleared, but the normal functions can still be used.

Seeing Han Feng’s soul merge into his body, Chen Guan immediately left a mark on the puppet array between his eyebrows.

At this point, the medicine puppet is 98% complete.

With a thought in his mind, Han Feng’s body floated lightly.

A bottle of fourth-grade menstrual renewal powder prepared in advance appeared in Chen Guan’s hand and poured it all into Han Feng’s body.

Immediately, he used strange fire to sort out his meridians, and the wounds between his eyebrows and chest slowly healed at this moment.

After drinking some tea, Chen Guan stopped.

Watching ‘Han Feng’ land firmly on the ground, standing in front of him, apart from his dull eyes and many broken appearances, he looked no different from a normal person. People who are not mentally strong might not be able to notice this. It’s a puppet.

“Take a few steps.”

The medicine puppet did as he was told.

“Walking like a tiger makes a wind.”

Chen Guan experimented for a while without any problems.

There is a slight stiffness when walking, but this is a normal sign of successful refining.

“Here, make a Qi Gathering Powder.”

Chen Guan took out a bunch of medicinal materials and lent him the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts for use.

Without the slightest hesitation, the medicine puppet sat cross-legged on the spot, and was able to use the strange fire as usual. He refined it smoothly, with incomparable standards in every step, no rush, no slowness, it can be called a textbook refining of medicine.

Chen watched the whole process and could only describe it in two words.


Chen Guan estimated that based on the extent of the impact on this medicine puppet, there should be no problem in refining the sixth-grade intermediate elixir.

As a result, there are two tool men in the palace who have reached the sixth level of alchemist.

Gu He stayed in the palace and took the medicine with him.

First, get some urgently needed elixirs, such as Haibodong’s Po’er Dan and so on.

Then, it’s time to think about the medicine dust.

Chen Guanduo glanced at the strange fire in the medicine puppet’s hand. This was the meat in front of him.

Unfortunately, I can’t eat it yet.

Otherwise, you may die.

After thinking for a while, Chen Guan shook off his distracting thoughts and took out several fifth-level puppets.

Now, I should have no problem refining fifth-level puppets. It just so happens that I can improve these puppets.

He didn’t want to let someone else take him flying next time he was on the road.

That’s it for the rest, it’s really awkward for the dragon man to carry around.

This kind of thing, once is enough!

Still owe five chapters~


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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