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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 119 The Amethyst Winged Lion King is targeted again (additional update)

Behead, touch the corpse, cremate, raise ashes.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one go.

This set of procedures is only suitable for poison masters.

After rummaging through the three brothers’ rings for a while, Chen Guan soon smiled.

Turning his palm, a dark gray scroll appeared.

Xuan-level advanced fighting skill, “The Return of Nothingness”!

In this northwest region, there are only three one-star fighting spirits. To be able to obtain such fighting skills is considered very lucky, and there must have been some opportunities.

Chen Guan opened it and took a look, then frowned slightly.

This fighting skill, let’s say it’s amazing, it’s really amazing.

It is a very special combined fighting skill that can be practiced by people of any attribute. It can be practiced by two people, or by three or four people.

According to its description, there is no upper limit in theory. The more people cooperate, the more powerful the combined attack skills will be.

But there is a serious limitation that the people using it must be of the same mind, otherwise there is no possibility of success.

With this one in place, it seems useless.

After all, apart from brothers and sisters, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to communicate with each other, even those whom they trust absolutely.

Therefore, this is a fighting technique only suitable for special people!

Chen Guan shook his head slightly and threw it into Najie to eat ashes.

Later, he can study it with Sect Master Yun or Medusa. If, like in the novel he once read, a baby worth eight billion, wouldn’t it be possible to smash the world to pieces with this fighting skill? ?

He smiled, shook off distracting thoughts, and continued to use his mental power to search for the Poison Master.

Hua She’er and the others were quite clean in their encirclement and suppression. Chen Guan spent half a day exploring the entire Tagor and only found six fish that had slipped through the net.

Fortunately, they are all hiding under the yellow sand.

After a simple solution, they returned to the Snake Tribe Holy City.

The eight leaders have already left with the first batch of antidote pills, eager to go back and detoxify the snake men under their command.

In fact, relying on these second-grade detoxification pills alone, it is definitely not possible to detoxify all the poisons of these poison masters. However, if the poison is too powerful, the people who are infected will basically die.

“Commander Hua She’er, you can let them lift the blockade. Send a few more people to find General Huang. Calculating the time, the detoxification pill from the Jiama Empire should be arriving soon.”

“Okay, Master Chen Guan.”

Hua Sheer left in response, but the name remained the same.

Back in her room, Zi Yan was lying on the bed with her arms and legs spread out. She was already a useless lolita. When she saw Chen Guan, she still looked listless.

“Chen Guan.”

“Well, sit up and let me check you out.”

This girl has always been out of touch, but recently she has been so abnormal that it’s hard not to think more about it.

Hearing this, Zi Yan still lay still.

“Chen Guan, I feel like I’m about to advance.”

“So fast?”

Chen Guan sat over and probed the girl’s body with his soul perception. She was too healthy to look like a human being. Well, she was indeed not

The energy in the body is extremely huge, and there is a faint feeling that it is about to burst out of the body, and it is indeed about to advance.

But according to his estimation, this speed was much faster.

It is true that Zi Yan followed him, and the pills refined from high-end medicinal materials were not broken every day. The food was much better than the original trajectory, but it was still a bit alarmingly fast.

“What did you do with the little sky-swallowing python that night in the Warcraft Mountains? Did you eat something secretly?”

He had asked this question before, but the girl shook her head in denial every time and refused to explain.


“Really not?”

“It’s just such a small egg. I dug it out more than ten meters deep. It’s red and doesn’t taste good.”

Seeing that his face became serious, Zi Yan didn’t dare to tell any more lies. She sat up from the bed and made a circle as big as a basin with her hands.

From the royal family to the Canaan Academy, to the Snake Tribe, Chen couldn’t remember how many ancient books he had read, and even some handbooks recording anecdotes, books introducing heavenly materials, earthly treasures, various magical beasts, etc. He asked himself There is still something in my stomach.

But at this time, I still couldn’t figure out what kind of monster egg the girl was describing. It was red, with a big basin, what the hell.

There is still eighty even if there is not one hundred!

Read more and don’t suffer!

“Okay, just eat it. It should be the egg of a high-level monster. It is a great tonic. You are not afraid of being strangled to death. Can you roughly determine how long it can last?”

Although he could surmise that the level of this monster egg was certainly not low, and when it grew up after hatching, it could at least be comparable to a powerful Dou Huang warrior, Chen Guan said that he did not feel distressed at all.

Really, I don’t feel bad! !

“At most, three months.”

Zi Yan replied uncertainly.

Hearing this, Chen Guan also breathed a sigh of relief. Three months was enough for him to finish the matter and return to Canaan College.

“Behave lately, stop running around, and try not to do anything. I will finish the matter as soon as possible and take you back to the academy to advance.”


Chen Guan rubbed her head and received only a blank stare. Zi Yan was not used to being so quiet.

Another day at noon.

Hua Sheer knocked on the door and came in to report that the first batch of elixirs refined by the Jiama Empire had been delivered, along with a letter from Yao Ye.

It mentioned that the little medical fairy who had not heard from her for the past two years finally sent a message to her, clearly stating that in about three to five years, she would take control of the Poison Sect. At that time, she would launch a war against the Gama Empire. , let Yao Ye prepare early.

This letter looks weird

But it is a great gift prepared by the little medical fairy.

After having accurate information, Chen Guan also suppressed the matter for the time being, no longer thinking about the Izumo Empire, and concentrated on thinking about the last thing at hand.

Warcraft Mountains.

In front of a rapid waterfall, Xiao Yan sat cross-legged on a large rock with his upper body naked, breathing heavily.

“Teacher, the effect of burning blood is really good, but it is too painful.”

An illusory soul body floated out from the ring between his fingers. Yao Chen smiled and cursed: “You have to endure hardships to become a master. Others have no chance to suffer this sin. You are not satisfied yet. Dou Qi Continent is strong.” There are countless people, but who can climb up comfortably?”

As he said this, he silently added in his heart.

Except those of the eight ancient tribes

Xiao Yan scratched his head.

Yao Chen did not continue talking and changed the subject: “Xiao Yanzi, you have to be prepared. Next, we will speed up your training plan.”

“Ah? Teacher, is something wrong?”

In order to become stronger, he could endure hardships, but he still couldn’t help but be a little curious.

Yao Chen glanced in the direction of the Tagor Desert, “When you were practicing today, I walked around the mountains and found a few mercenaries on the outside. I heard from them that the snake people had blocked the Tagor Desert for several days. It seems like there is something big going on.”

“The teacher is worried that the snake people will affect our plan?”

“Well, get ready.” Yao Chen nodded.

“It just so happens that there is a sixth-level amethyst-winged lion king in this Warcraft Mountain Range. This may be an opportunity for you. Your first source of fire depends on it. After this incident, you should be able to break through the Dou Shi. When the time comes, let’s go to Tagore Desert.”

“I understand, teacher.”

Xiao Yan replied solemnly, looking forward to it.

The evolution of Burning Technique requires flames.

He can’t get the strange fire yet, but high-level animal fire can also work.

Amethyst Winged Lion King, it’s up to you!

Owe ③~


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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