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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 123 Compensation


Before the sound fell, people had arrived.

Yao Chen suddenly looked up, only to see a somewhat familiar young man, holding a sword in both hands with red sword wings and slashing towards him with the force of splitting the Huashan Mountain.

Speed, as fast as a thunderbolt!

On top of the sharp long knife, it seemed to be carrying a river of sky fire, and the surging momentum rushed toward him.

The attack came too suddenly. Yao Chen suppressed his doubts first and counterattacked with the Xuanzhong Ruler.


The weapons of both sides clashed, and in an instant, a surging energy centered on the two of them spread out like ripples, setting off waves of sand and dust.

After the blow, the medicine dust stayed firmly in the air.

But the angry young man was knocked back several feet by the shock.

Just when Yao Chen was about to speak, the young man moved again. His retreating body suddenly stopped, and he rushed back like an antelope hanging its horns. The strange-shaped long knife slashed like a violent storm, but in the blink of an eye, In the meantime, he has already swung his sword more than thirty times.

The astonishing crimson sword energy was like a sea of ​​fire falling from the sky, carrying an extremely violent aura of destruction.

Very good, but not enough to threaten Dou Huang.

Yao Chen’s expression remained unchanged and he did not feel too much pressure.

The Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand struck quickly at a mysterious angle, deftly defusing this continuous wave of attacks.

“Little friend, stop, there may be some misunderstanding between us.” Yao Lao’s deep and old voice came from the black robe.

The duration of the Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation has expired, and Chen Guan has fallen to the ground at this moment.

Hearing this, he ignored it.

Under the influence of fighting spirit, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked as if his eyes were red with murder, and he was so angry that he lost his mind.

“Destroying my puppet for no reason, what a bullshit misunderstanding!”

With a loud shout, Chen Guan’s body slowly floated into the air under Yao Lao’s astonished gaze, reaching the same height as him.

But what is surprising is that there are no fighting wings behind him.

“Spirit Realm Soul!”

Yao Chen had excellent eyesight. After a moment of shock, he quickly saw the truth clearly. The young man actually lifted himself up completely by relying on the power of his soul.

Only after the soul reaches the spiritual realm can it have various magical functions, and can even allow the soul to escape from the body.

Chen Guan ignored it and quickly formed seals with his hands. The energy of heaven and earth was rioting at this moment, gathering like a wave of madness.

The next moment, double suns crossed the sky, and a small ‘sun’ appeared above Yao Chen’s head. A heat wave rolled in, making the already hot temperature even more terrifying.

“Red Star Falling!”

With the blessing of soul power, the same earth-level fighting skills are several times more powerful at this moment.

Even Yao Chen felt a hint of danger.

Immediately, not daring to be underestimated, Xuan Zhongzhi swung against the trend, tilted upwards, and the huge white fire ruler suddenly met the astonishing fireball.


The two fighting skills clashed together, exploding like a small nuclear bomb, turning into a rain of fire that filled the sky.

“It’s just a seven-star fighting spirit. With the blessing of soul power, it can burst out attacks that even the powerful Dou Emperor dare not ignore. It’s enough to be proud of, but it’s not enough to keep me here.”

“I don’t know why you said he was your puppet, but this person has something to do with me. I’m sorry, I have to take him away!”

As if he felt that the young man’s skills stopped here, Yao Chen praised him and said, his attitude became stronger.

Maybe this move is unethical, but no matter what, he must take Han Feng away!

If Chen Guan had no trump card, the final result could only be this.

Unfortunately, Yao Chen seriously underestimated the young man.

“Haha, old guy, you are too arrogant!”

Knowing the relationship between Yao Chen and Han Feng, Chen Guan was not surprised by this and looked like he was angry.

As he spoke, he waved his big hand, and five puppets shot out.

Four of them stayed in the air, and the wings on their backs were somewhat illusory, like cicada wings, which were quite different from normal fighting spirit wings.

The strongest puppet fell below.

Not only that, a colorful ray of light also flew out from Chen Guan’s sleeves. In the blink of an eye, his size exploded countless times and intercepted behind Yaochen.

Colorful sky-swallowing python? !

Under the black robe, ‘Xiao Yan”s expression suddenly changed.

The five puppets were astonishing, but Yao Chen could feel that they were not a big threat to him. At most, they could restrain him a little.

But this seven-colored sky-swallowing python forced him to pay attention. On the surface, it looked like a fifth-level snake, but Yao Chen felt extremely dangerous, as if there was something hidden in its body. generally.

At this time, Chen Guan’s soul in the spiritual realm was completely released, and his majestic and vast spiritual power turned into an invisible long vine, waiting to be launched.

“Soul fighting skills!”

Yao Lao couldn’t help but scream out in surprise, his heart was extremely heavy.

No one knows the soul better than him. In his current state, he is absolutely unable to face the soul fighting skills of the soul in the spiritual realm!

“Destroy my medicine puppet and pay for it with your life!”

Chen Guan shouted angrily, and the five puppets and the enlarged seven-colored sky-swallowing python immediately launched attacks in all directions.

A siege drama was staged!

Relying on the power of the alien fire and various powerful fighting skills, Yao Chen actually fought evenly with the five puppets and the colorful sky-swallowing python.

There are even some advantages.

But Yao Chen’s face didn’t look proud at all, but instead looked extremely solemn.

He knew very well that what was hidden in the seven-colored sky-swallowing python and the soul skills brewed by the young man were the greatest threat!


After knocking back a puppet with one foot, he didn’t have time to think too much. More attacks had already come, making Yaochen extremely annoyed. However, he still couldn’t get rid of these iron lumps, and he couldn’t destroy them.

At this moment, an extreme feeling of danger arose in his heart. Yao Lao’s mental power was so strong that he could ‘see’ the long vines transformed by his mental power sweeping towards him.

No longer caring about the puppet’s attack, Yao Chen devoted most of his energy to quickly shrinking his soul and defending layer by layer.

The next second, the invisible Soul Star Vine arrived in an instant, striking hard at Yao Chen’s soul protection.


The pain that came from the depths of his soul, even Yao Chen couldn’t help but gasp, staggered in the air, and almost lost control of Xiao Yan’s body.

To make matters worse, his soul was traumatized, which made his ability to burst out a little weaker.

As a result, under the multitasking, the power of the fighting skills in his hands was greatly reduced, and he was directly blasted by the strongest puppet. The attacks of the other puppets followed closely, and he suffered four iron fists in a row, and a attack from the colorful sky-swallowing python. The purple flames impacted and knocked him down from the air.

If Yaochen hadn’t protected him in time, Xiao Yan’s body would have been destroyed by this round of bombardment.

Both soul and body were damaged!

Seeing the young man’s soul power surging, he was about to activate his soul skills again. Yao Chen didn’t dare to hesitate and hurriedly stopped him.

“Little friend, please stop now, I am willing to make compensation!”

“Hmph, that’s nice to say. A puppet that can refine sixth-grade elixirs can be extremely valuable. How can you compensate me?”

Chen Guan’s movements slowed down a little, but he still looked angry and disbelieving.

Yao Chen ignored all the doubts in his heart and felt relieved when he saw that his tone had softened.

As long as they can talk, he is afraid that the young man is determined to take action. In that case, the final result will be that he will blow himself up and die together. The dignified Lord Yao, dying so easily, is it too aggrieved?

“Little friend, listen to me. I didn’t mean to destroy your puppet. I didn’t know about it beforehand, and I didn’t know he was a puppet. I once had a life-and-death feud with the owner of that body.”

“I remember when you took action, what you called a rebel?” Chen Guan interrupted him.

Yao Chen choked when he spoke, this was a secret that he had not even told Xiao Yan.

The murderous intention was too strong before, so I shouted unconsciously when I started to attack, but I didn’t expect that someone would hear me secretly.

Forced by the situation, Yao Chen let out a long sigh.

“My little friend is right, Han Feng was indeed my disciple.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan also fell to the ground and kept using his soul power to lift his body. The consumption was not small.

However, the puppets and colorful sky-swallowing pythons in the sky still surround this place.

Withdrawing his soul power, Chen Guan showed an interested expression.

“When I killed Han Feng, I found a handwritten note in his ring. It recorded a lot of his past events. You must be the teacher mentioned in his handwritten note. Please come forward and speak.”

Chen Guan followed the trend and said, half truth and half falsehood.

He is not here to kill people, and he does not dare to really push the opponent to a desperate situation, but he cannot show it, otherwise the performance will be in vain for so long, and the initiative will be lost instantly.

There are indeed many notes in Han Feng’s Najie, but most of them are about the experience of refining medicine, and there are no other past experiences.

Serious people, who keeps a diary?

Yao Chen knew that the young man’s soul had reached the spiritual realm, and he didn’t feel strange that it was seen through at this time. He hesitated for a moment, and then left Xiao Yan’s body.

This can be regarded as his sincerity. No matter Xiao Yan is in a coma, or he is in such an out-of-body state, he is absolutely unable to withstand the young man’s attack. If Chen Guan takes action at this moment, then he will have no choice but to self-destruct cruelly, and everyone will die together. .

“I wonder how much you learned about me from his letters?”

Yaochen asked pretending to be calm.

But his eyes were fixed on Chen Guan’s face.

“There are not many records, just a little bit.” Chen Guan replied casually, unable to tell whether it was true or false.

Yao Chen looked at him silently, and Chen Guan did not care about his gaze, using his fighting energy to clean out the Yao Puppet buried in the sand pit.

Previously, under Chen Guan’s instruction, Yao Puppet simply resisted, and because of this, he was almost exploded by Yao Chen.

At this time, the appearance of the medicine puppet looked very visceral. His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he was almost cut into two pieces. Only one left hand was still intact, and his soul aura was like a candle in the wind. Let alone refining elixirs, he could It’s a blessing that my soul hasn’t completely dissipated if I persisted like this for half a year.

But Chen Guan didn’t care. Up to now, Yaopup’s most important mission had been completed.

From the time of refining, he had already thought about the role of the medicine puppet. He would work as a tool for a period of time to refine the required elixirs, especially Haibodong’s Po’er Dan. However, because of Medusa’s Because of this, it could not be used for this purpose.

After that, it is used as bait.

And finally, the medicine puppet has to act as a container to preserve Hai Xinyan.

Precisely because he had thought about its fate in advance, Chen Guan used it without cherishing it, being extremely rough, and not treating it as a treasure at all.

Seeing the young man put away ‘Han Feng’, Yao Chen sensed something, and his heart was filled with excitement.

What a weird trick!

“Old sir, I helped you kill Han Feng. In a sense, it can be regarded as revenge for you. It took me two full years to finally find a rough stone and finally successfully made it into a puppet. But I was ruined by you like this, tell me, how can I compensate you?”

Yao Chen was dubious.

After the ancient times, he never thought about passing on the puppet master’s inheritance. He just thought that he had a method of making puppets by chance.

He believed that refining such a puppet would not be easy, but it didn’t really take that long, and no one knew whether the rough stone was genuine or not.

After pondering for a moment, Yao Chen said: “I am willing to compensate you for a low-level fighting skill and a share of the inheritance of an alchemist. What do you think?”

There is still some sincerity. A single low-level fighting skill of the earth level is definitely not as valuable as a sixth-grade alchemist. Adding the inheritance of an alchemist is almost the same.

However, Chen Guan shook his head.

“As you have seen before, I have earth-level fighting skills, and the alchemist inheritance is equally attractive to me. I have gained something from Han Feng, and I can at least go straight to the sixth level of high-level. I guess the inheritance you gave me will not be much higher. go.”

Yao Chen was speechless. The inheritance he was about to take out was only at the sixth level.

As for his alchemy skills, it is impossible to pass them on.

“How about I compensate you with eight sixth-grade elixir prescriptions?”

“No matter how good the elixir is, it must be refined to be useful, and I got quite a few elixir recipes from Han Feng.”

Yaochen feels a headache, Han Feng from Gouri!

After proposing several plans again, they were still rejected. Yao Chen knew that this kid had a great background, and he had obtained all of Han Feng’s inheritance. He was so rich that he could no longer afford ordinary good things.

“I don’t know what appeals to you, so why don’t you make a condition and I’ll try my best to satisfy you. I used to have a certain reputation and have made a lot of friends. Even if I can’t do it, I can ask them for help. “

Soft yet hard, it is also a subtle reminder.

Chen Guan pretended not to hear it. He thought about it for a long time and said, “It’s quite annoying. After thinking about it carefully, I really don’t seem to have anything missing.”

It looks like he deserves a beating.

But it also makes Yaochen feel even more troublesome.

Suddenly, he saw that the young man seemed to have an idea.

“I suddenly thought of something. Among Han Feng’s legacy, I found an incomplete magical technique. It was also mentioned in his handbook. The complete version should be in your hands, right?”

Traitor! Traitor!

Even if you die, you won’t let me live in peace!

Yao Chen cursed in his heart and hated Han Feng deeply.

The worst thing happened. He already understood what technique the young man was talking about, but he still asked one more question, just to make sure it wasn’t the right one.

“What my friend said is…”

“Haha, old gentleman, why bother pretending to be stupid? What I’m talking about is of course Burning Jue.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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