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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 152 Yunlan Sect intervenes

Yao Chen has a lot of ideas. As a teacher of Xiao Yan, he is undoubtedly qualified.

Unfortunately, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

After hearing what he said, Chen Guan accepted the bone-melting and blood-melting elixir.

Anyway, it’s what you said. This is just a reward for asking me to refine the elixir or refining the body. I didn’t agree to anything else.

“Then thank you Yaolao. Whether it’s the Bone-Melting Blood Pill or the body, you can come to me as soon as you have the materials ready. As long as I have the ability, I will not shirk it.”

“Yes, I believe you.”

After a simple deal was reached, Yao Chen also removed the soul blockade and returned to the Ring of Fire. He and Lord Tianhuo were on both sides of the screen, leaving space for the two young people.

In fact, Chen Guan and Huo Huo had nothing to talk about.

Xiao Yan stood up and came to Chen Guan, curious about what he and Yao Chen talked about and what the scroll was about.

But thinking that Yao Lao was specifically avoiding him because he was not prepared to let him know now, he suppressed his curiosity wisely.

He now has 100% trust in Yao Lao.

“Brother Guan, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask whatever you want, and I’ll answer it.”

“As Brother Guan, do you know Nalan Yanran?”

“We have met several times.”

Chen Guan nodded, roughly understanding what he wanted to say.

“You want to know about Nalan Yanran’s current strength, right? Counting the time, it’s almost three years since your appointment. The last time I saw her, before I met you, she was stronger than you. Now, I guess it’s not that far off, I don’t know the specifics, I haven’t been back to the Imperial Capital for a long time.”

Xiao Yan’s growth rate is very fast for the time being.

The ranking of Wind Fury Dragon Flame is one place higher than that of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and it has not been consumed by the evolution of Queen Medusa, allowing Xiao Yan to reach the Nine Star Fighting Master earlier.

However, Nalan Yanran also changed.

Not to mention the effect of the Amethyst Mysterious Pill.

Chen Guan met the other party twice in total, and his temperament alone has improved a lot.

Both sides have been slightly strengthened, which makes Chen Guan quite looking forward to the results.

Xiao Yan nodded in thanks and looked in the direction of Yunlan Sect with firm eyes.

“With the three-year contract, I will definitely win!”

“I hope I won’t tell you anymore. I’ll go to your Xiao family’s Wutan City to see the situation.”

“Brother Guan, if you need help, you can ask my father.”


Chen Guan responded casually and didn’t take it to heart.

Immediately, Dou Qi turned into wings and flew into the air.

It wasn’t until he left the Warcraft Mountains that Chen Guan remembered that he had forgotten to ask him about Gu Xun’er.

Shaking his head slightly, he had no intention of turning back, even if he went to Wutan City to inquire again.

On the other side, Xiao Yan was in trance as he watched the figure leaving gracefully, feeling very envious.

“Teacher, how old is Brother Guan now?”


This question is a bit difficult for Yaochen to answer.

“Don’t worry about him, Xiao Yanzi. Don’t be too ambitious. Your top priority now is to work hard to win the three-year contract!”

“I understand, teacher.”

Xiao Yan nodded silently.

There were some speculations in my heart. It seemed that the young man’s strength was not just as simple as joining the Dou Wang for the first time, but he might have already reached three or four stars.

Otherwise, Yao Lao would not deliberately conceal it.

As for Dou Huang, he had never thought about it.

Wutan City.

Considering the sudden appearance of strange and powerful men, Chen Guan landed a few miles outside the city. After putting on a simple disguise, he followed the crowd into the city.

As long as he doesn’t take the initiative to expose himself, from the outside, he is now a mercenary with a slightly delicate appearance and average strength.

Compared with the last few times I came here, Wutan City today has changed a lot. There are no longer the two big families of Jialie and Oba. The Xiao family is the only one, and the management is relatively orderly. Compared with before, the atmosphere is a little better. , also prospered a bit.

In this regard, the Xiao family deserves praise.

The difference between the declining big family and the domineering local snake family is not small.

Chen Guan wandered around the city, his mental power kept checking in a small area.

Somewhat surprisingly, the strange and powerful person did not notice it, but he sensed a well-hidden aura within the Xiao family. If he had not been mentally strong, he would not have been able to detect it.

Judging from the strength of his aura, it is not much different from the previous Jiaxing Tian, ​​roughly around the Eight Star Dou Huang.

“The strongest fighting emperor of the ancient clan?”

Chen Guan was stunned and could not understand the Xiao family more and more.

If his induction was correct, this person should undoubtedly have a dark attribute.

And the only one who meets the conditions is Ling Ying, who is known as the first fighting emperor of the ancient clan.

But Gu Xun’er has already left, why is he still hiding in the Xiao family?

The details made Chen Guan extremely confused.

Continuing to wander around the city, it didn’t take long before a lone junior from the Xiao family came into Chen Guan’s sight.

Without hesitation, Chen Guan followed.

Using a few tricks, Chen Guan got the information he wanted easily.

During these years, Gu Xun’er was very quiet in the Xiao family, very gentle to everyone, and kept a distance that was neither far nor close to everyone.

Including Xiao Yan!

Gu Xun’er came and walked gently, as if he was just a passer-by. Even when he left, it didn’t cause much disturbance.

After receiving this information, Chen Guan was 80% certain of some of his guesses.

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Guan no longer paid attention to Gu Xun’er’s affairs, and went straight to the City Lord’s Mansion, where he saw the people arranged by the royal family to keep an eye on the Xiao family.


Chen Guan knew that he was the younger brother of Wei Ping, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guards, with the strength of a one-star fighting king.


The guards also recognized the young man. When they saw him, they waved him back and stepped forward to salute.

This city lord’s mansion has become a decoration several years ago. It can only be used to fool the locals. The person who secretly makes the decision has long been changed.

“Well, I heard from Sister Yaoye that there are many strange and powerful people in Wutan City. Please tell me about the situation.”

They were all his own, and Chen Guan was not polite to him, but went straight to the point and asked.

Wei Jun nodded, “Master, I discovered this one night almost fifty days ago. I was practicing in my room that night, and suddenly I sensed the aura of a powerful Douwang warrior a few miles away. I secretly went over to check. But before they reached the top of the mountain, they found that they had moved first. There were thirteen people in total. Except for one person in white clothes who flew towards the interior of the empire, the rest were all dressed in black robes and they all sneaked into Wutan City. Home.”

“This group of people is very powerful, and extremely weird. It’s like a quiet place. I didn’t feel it before, so I didn’t dare to alert others. I kept hiding outside Xiao’s house until it was almost dawn, and I didn’t see the group of people coming out. , from beginning to end, no one in the Xiao family noticed.”

“By the way, when they came out of Xiao’s house, the two leaders said something.”

“What words?”

“Report first and wait for instructions.”

Weiping didn’t hide any details, and that’s all he knew.

Guessing that the group of people might be under the command of the Soul Palace, Chen Guan was not too surprised. It was luck to find the trace by chance.

Perhaps, the people in the Soul Palace did not expect that there would be a strong man at the fighting king level in Wutan City.

“Can you spot the one wearing white clothes?”

“I can’t be sure. When I passed by, the man had already turned into wings and flew far away. I didn’t see his face, but his clothes looked a bit like the robes of the Yunlan Sect.”

“Yunlan Sect! I understand, go ahead and do your work while I think about the problem.”

The guards bowed and exited the main hall, while Chen Guan sat above and pondered.

He was basically certain that these people were from the Soul Palace, but according to the description of the guards, they should be outsourced personnel at the lowest level of the Soul Palace.

There might not even be a strong Douzong person, otherwise, Ling Ying hiding in the Xiao family wouldn’t have been discovered.

The Soul Palace is very powerful, and the lower-level protectors are all strong Douzong warriors. However, in this northwest region, Chen Guan would not be surprised to find a group of errand runners under the protectors.

The reason why the Soul Palace discovered the Xiao family in Wutan City so quickly may be because of the relationship between Xiao Yan and Yao Chen, or more likely the Yunlan Sect.

However, it must be the action of Yun Leng’s group.

It should not be related to Yun Yun.

The last time he saw her, Chen Guan warned her that she would probably not ask for trouble.

But Yun Yun, the sect leader, understands everything.

There is nothing surprising about Yun Leng taking matters into his own hands. This old guy has been on the road to death.

As for what the Soul Palace is looking for, it is most likely the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

Today, in the Xiao family, this is the only thing that the Soul Palace can take seriously.

Suddenly, Chen Guan had an idea.

Could it be that Gu Xun’er left Ling Ying behind because of the Ancient Emperor Jade?


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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