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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 153 Soul Palace, Protector Chen!

This is the only thing Chen Guan can think of.

It can’t be that Ling Ying is used to hiding in the Xiao family and doesn’t want to move, right?

After thinking for a while, Chen Guan was not in a hurry and left. According to what the guards said, the group of people in the Soul Palace should not have left Wutan City yet and were waiting for instructions from above.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts and letting the guards arrange a room, Chen Guan immediately settled in the City Lord’s Mansion.

He didn’t want to go out and hang out. He practiced during the day and paid attention to the movements of the Xiao family at night.

Five days later.

Chen Guan sat cross-legged on the bed, holding a fire lizard man’s fire elixir in each hand, using the strange fire to refine and absorb the violent energy in it.

Suddenly, the energy of the world accelerated and gathered sharply. Until a certain moment, Chen Guan’s body shook slightly. After a few more breaths, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he was already a two-star Dou Huang!

“The remaining fire pills should be able to raise one more star, as well as the Huangji pill.”

After some calculation in his mind, Chen Guan smiled with satisfaction.

He was confident and quickly caught up with Sect Leader Yun!

After feeling the joy of improving strength for a moment, Chen Guan closed his eyes, formed mudra, and continued to strengthen.

At the same time, the soul power spread like a tide from the center of the room, covering the entire city lord’s palace, and continued to flood towards Wutan City.

“Yao Lao, is my current soul realm still far from the peak of the spiritual realm?”

Chen Guan asked in his heart.

His soul cultivation method is a method from ancient times. It has no name, and it does not mention how to distinguish the three small realms of early stage, middle stage and Dzogchen. It seems that there was no such detailed division in ancient times.

There are no other people around who are good at this, and the only one who can be used as a reference is Lord Tianhuo.

“It’s not that easy to reach the Great Perfection of the spiritual realm. Even if you have the method of soul cultivation, it is still very time-consuming. I estimate that if there are no other opportunities, it will take you at least about three years.”

“so long?”

“Does your kid have a problem with the concept of time? It’s only three years, is it a long time? I don’t know how many people want to beat you up. It takes decades for many alchemists to improve their soul realm. As a unit, it is more difficult for non-alchemists. I once had a friend who was stuck at the peak of Douzong for nearly a hundred years because his soul realm could not keep up with his cultivation level. Later, he only paid attention to the improvement of soul strength, and his cultivation level also failed. It keeps rising.”

Lord Tianhuo responded angrily.

The Versailles of his youth reminded him of some not-so-good memories of his friend.

Chen Guan smiled, and found that his mentality had changed unknowingly, and he quickly adjusted.

After chatting with Lord Tianhuo for a while, Chen Guan withdrew his mental power and continued to immerse himself in cultivation.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, black and white alternated.

The moon is not bright tonight, and dark clouds are forming, making the earth a little more groggy.

Outside Wutan City, twelve figures in black robes stood in the night, like ghosts walking at night, and there was an inexplicable feeling of gloom.

“Jie Jie Jie, let’s take action. There is no room for failure in tonight’s mission. After completion, we will be rewarded and we can be promoted to the ranks of guardians earlier.”



It was like stabbing Jie Jie in the strange lair, and for a while, the strange laughter couldn’t stop.

Immediately, the leader in black robe waved his hand, and everyone went straight to the Xiao family.

It was also at this moment that Chen Guan from the City Lord’s Mansion suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, came to the door and looked into the distance.

“Master, what happened?”

The guards who had been paying attention here quickly rushed over with serious expressions.

Chen Guan shook his head, “You can continue to practice, and don’t bother with any big noise tonight.”

After giving an explanation, Chen Guan took out a black robe of the same style as the protector of the Soul Palace and put it on. Without using his fighting energy to transform into wings, he flickered in the dark night and headed towards the Xiao family.

If nothing else, the Xiao family should have an accident tonight.

Under the hazy night, more than ten figures in black robes quietly came outside the Xiao family courtyard wall.

“Finally, I searched again and found nothing before taking action. Except for the head of the Xiao family, who must be kept alive, the rest can be dealt with at will.”


After the leader explained, twelve low voices responded together.

Immediately, they dispersed in twos and threes and sneaked into the Xiao family.

No one noticed that there was one more person among them.

Chen Hundianguan followed two of them to the Xiao Family Dou Qi Pavilion.

Although the leader told him to search first, he would not start until the search failed.

But obviously, the people below automatically filtered the first half of the sentence. Therefore, at this moment, they acted without mercy and acted in the simplest and crudest way.

Dou Qi Pavilion is the most heavily guarded place in the Xiao family.

It’s just that this strictness is relative. There are only five Dou Master-level cabinet guards. In front of Chen Guan, the two temporary teammates who have reached the level of two-star Dou Emperor, they can’t make a splash at all.

Before he could even utter a scream, he was already wiped out by a soul chain. In the silent night, only the penetrating sound of the clattering chains could be heard.

There was no communication. The three of them were shrouded in black robes and nodded slightly.

Immediately, he punched open the door of Dou Qi Pavilion.

“Someone broke into Dou Qi Pavilion without permission!!”


“Inform the clan leader and elders quickly!”

Not far away, several figures rushed out of the room, shouting to inform others, but just when they were about to rush towards this side to stop them, a gloomy chain came through the air and passed through their bodies easily.

Ignoring the ‘teammates’ over there, the three people on Chen Guan’s side also began to search carefully.

As expected, the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was not found.

However, when they came out of Dou Qi Pavilion, one of the three men in black robes was inexplicably missing.

The remaining one didn’t pay attention, but the one who disappeared at that time was eager for quick success and left to search elsewhere.

Coming out of the Dou Qi Pavilion, the entire Xiao family was now littered with corpses, wailing and screaming.

The so-called resistance seems so pitiable in front of this group of powerful attackers. Every chain shot can take away several lives.

This is a massacre!

Chen Guan, shrouded in black robes, is also taking action. Not only that, he is also the most active one among them.

The chains in their hands shattered in the air, and one after another Xiao family members fell to the ground, losing consciousness. Once the soul power passed, on the surface, it looked no different from death.

There was only so much he could do.

Soon, the shrill screams of the Xiao family quickly disappeared. Looking around, there were mourners everywhere, and except for Xiao Zhan and the three elders, no one was left standing.

“Who are you? Why did you massacre my Xiao family for no reason!”

Xiao Zhan roared hoarsely, his Kung Fu Mad Lion Fury Gang was running desperately, and his signature fighting skill Shishan Split was launched again and again, but it had no effect, and he was defeated by a group of black-robed men.

“Hand over the ancient jade and you will live.”

The leading man in black robe hummed in response, showing no emotion.

“Bullshit ancient jade, my Xiao family doesn’t have any ancient jade!”

Xiao Zhan glared angrily, not understanding what the other person was saying, only boundless hatred.

The three elders beside him were also breathing heavily and their eyes were red.

Seeing this, the leading man in black robe stopped talking nonsense and waved his hand.

Three chains shot out, passing through the bodies of the three elders, destroying them. The so-called resistance was a joke.

One of the chains was made by Chen Guan.

After skillfully touching the corpse, Chen Guan and the other two men in black robes shook their heads, saying that they had not found the target.

“Jie Jie Jie, it seems that the ancient jade is in your possession. It’s useless for you to deny it.”

The leading man in black robes laughed strangely, and swung a burst of energy towards Xiao Zhan.

“The furious lion is angry!”

Xiao Zhan shouted angrily and used his fighting skills to resist.

But the fighting skills he unleashed were as brittle as paper under a casual blow from others, and he was defeated without even stopping for an instant.

The energy castration continued, and the fighting energy in Xiao Zhan’s body had been exhausted, leaving him no longer able to resist.

However, just when he thought he was about to be killed, something unexpected happened.


A deep shout sounded, and a black energy suddenly shot out from behind, wrapping around Xiao Zhan’s body like a long rope, dragging him several feet away, narrowly avoiding the attack of the man in black robe.

Xiao Zhan looked back and saw a hazy figure, surrounded by black energy, as if he was deliberately hiding his identity.

All he could tell was that he was a man.

“Thank you sir for helping me, I don’t know”

“Stop talking nonsense and let’s go!”

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared interrupted his ramblings, grabbed Xiao Zhan, flew into the air, and fled away at high speed.

The unexpected appearance of the mysterious man caught everyone in the Soul Palace off guard, but they quickly reacted.

“Bold, even a mere eight-star Dou Huang dares to interfere in the affairs of my Soul Palace!”

“Two soul locks!”

The leader shouted angrily and chased into the sky. Two strange chains shot towards the two people fleeing in front.

The strength of the Nine-Star Dou Huang was fully revealed at this moment!

Chen Guan and other eleven people also quickly followed up and chased away in a pocket style.

However, Ling Ying was not very panicked. The strongest fighting emperor of the ancient clan still had some strength.

Black energy surrounded him, and strange fighting skills were activated. His body was scattered like black smoke by dozens of energies. When he reappeared, he had already flown dozens of feet away!

Dark attributes make people unpredictable.

“grown ups.”

“The ancient jade is on your body?”

Black energy obscured the two figures, and Ling Ying interrupted again and asked.

Xiao Zhan looked embarrassed. At this moment, how could he not know that the person who saved him was not pleasing to his eyes, nor was he kind-hearted? He was also doing it for the ancient jade.

Ever since the leading man in black robe mentioned the ancient jade, Xiao Zhan had been thinking about it and gradually guessed what the ancient jade they were talking about was.

A piece of jade that he didn’t pay much attention to brought disaster to the Xiao family. Xiao Zhan was filled with grief and anger, and he also realized that this ancient jade must contain a huge secret!

Without saying anything, Ling Ying guessed the answer.

I wanted to snatch it directly, but then I thought of Gu Xun’er’s explanation when he left, and silently shook his head.

“That ancient jade is of great importance. If you can’t grasp it, leave it to me. I promise you that I will take proper care of your sons. This group of people is very strong. With you, none of us can leave. You have three minutes. Think about it, one thing you can rest assured is that as long as you kill him and don’t know the whereabouts of ancient jade, they may not kill you.”

After saying this, Ling Ying said no more and concentrated on dealing with the twelve people who were chasing him.

Xiao Zhan clenched his fists tightly, and his nails had already been dug into his palms without even realizing it.

The two mysterious forces are all staring at Gu Yu and don’t care about the life and death of the Xiao family.

And according to what this person meant, even if they gave Ancient Jade, the group of people behind would still kill them.

I hate it so much!

But there is nothing that can be done.

Biting the tip of his tongue to calm down, Xiao Zhan quickly made a decision. Compared to the group of executioners behind him who were stained with the blood of the Xiao family, the person next to him was undoubtedly more trustworthy, although his attitude was still condescending.

But he had no other choice.

The three sons outside, as well as some juniors, are already the last bloodline of the Xiao family!

“I can give the ancient jade to you, sir, but please don’t break your promise!”

Ling Ying glanced at him and said nothing.

Xiao Zhan felt even more sad and took out the ancient jade that had always been used as proof of the clan leader’s identity.

Ling Ying took it and put it into the ring, then flew with Xiao Zhan for more than ten seconds. She dodged the attacks of chains in an extremely thrilling way, even the black energy around her was scattered, and she almost revealed her true appearance.

As if being pushed to the limit, Ling Ying stopped in the sky, grabbed Xiao Zhan and turned around.

“Shadows start a prairie fire!”

He activated his powerful fighting skills and shook open the gloomy chains with one blow.

Of course, he didn’t feel comfortable at all. His body was shaken back dozens of feet before he could stand still. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his breath quickly became weak, as if he was really in a desperate situation.

“If you dare to interfere in the affairs of my Soul Palace, death is your only destination.”

The leading man in black robes had murderous intent, and his two soul chains were like two celestial snakes, winding and circling in the air.

“You should know what to do!”

After Chuanyin said something to Xiao Zhan, Ling Ying stared at the people in the Soul Palace and actually laughed.

“With a small number of enemies, I am indeed no match for you, but if you want to kill me, you reptiles are not qualified enough!”

With that said, he threw Xiao Zhan to the side, and at the same time, the fighting skills he was brewing suddenly started.

Dozens of afterimages were pulled out and attacked everyone at the same time.

On one side is Xiao Zhan, who is falling rapidly and must be rescued, while on the other side he has to deal with Ling Ying’s attack.

Even with the strength of the leading man in black robe, he was a little confused for a while.

When he defeated the energy afterimages that came from the bombardment and flew to catch the falling Xiao Zhan, there was no trace of Ling Ying in the sky.

As for the others, they had just finished dealing with Ling Ying’s final attack.

It was also at this time that he realized that there seemed to be one person missing. The most energetic subordinate was missing?

On the other side, Ling Ying took advantage of the darkness of the night. He was easily hidden due to his dark attribute.

Ling Ying also breathed a sigh of relief after running away for hundreds of miles without finding the pursuer.

As long as he gets rid of these people and uses his concealment methods, trying to find him is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

With a smile on her face, Ling Ying couldn’t help but be happy. She got the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, which was a great achievement!

As long as they are sent back safely, the rewards from the ancient clan will be absolutely astonishing, and Dou Zong will no longer be an obstacle. Even Dou Zong may be able to look forward to it.

However, just as Ling Ying’s smile bloomed, it quickly solidified.

In front of him, a figure in black robe quietly appeared, blocking his way.

Its strength cannot be sensed!

A strong warrior from the Soul Palace?

Ling Ying’s face turned ugly, and she felt a sense of crisis.

“Jie Jie Jie, you just want to leave after robbing my soul palace. How can it be that easy!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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