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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 16 The temptation of delicious food

Chen Guan still didn’t find the cave today. However, he encountered two fire foxes, but unfortunately they were not the same one from yesterday.

After eating and drinking, Chen Guan put away the two fire fox cores on the ground. He had one more reason to kill the fire fox. Other monsters did not have such a high explosion rate.

Without bothering to find other monsters, Chen Guan went straight to the area where the Red Ice Snake King was.

Just as he could remember the breath of the fire fox, the Red Ice Snake King could also recognize his breath. Chen Guan didn’t need to look for it. He took the initiative to kill the person from the dense forest as soon as he arrived, vowing to wash away the shame of yesterday.

However, Chen Guan had been prepared for a long time, and his condition was no longer what it used to be, so he took the initiative to meet him with a broad sword in hand.

Walking on cloud steps to avoid the smelly venom, the boundless sea launched, and one person and one snake collided with each other in the most ferocious way.

The body of the red ice snake king monster has an innate advantage of huge strength, but Chen Guan defeated it with his skills. His offensive was like a stormy sea. Each wave was stronger than the last. From the first collision, he took ten steps back and stacked up to twenty waves. At that time, they were able to share the results evenly.

Of course, the consumption of fighting energy in his body was also extremely astonishing, almost draining one-tenth of his body.

Fortunately, he practiced the Xuanjie technique. If he had used the Huangjie technique, he would have been slaughtered after two or three outbreaks.

“Haha, come again.”

After fighting evenly with the Red Ice Snake King, Chen Guan was in a good mood. For him, this was the most suitable opponent. It could bring pressure to him without completely crushing him. Every attack held a The determination to kill him will never relent.

Such an opponent is really rare.

It was also because of this that Chen Guan temporarily gave up his determination to kill immediately, and kept Quan as a whetstone.

One man and one snake went back and forth to fight for nearly two hours, taking more than one break in the process. They chased from one end to the other, making the area where the second-level monsters move was in a state of chaos.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Guan took a second-grade elixir to restore fighting spirit, stopped fighting with it, and fled towards the outside.

“Goodbye, I’ll come and play with you tomorrow.”

The Red Ice Snake King gave up after chasing for a while. Maybe it understood the young man’s words, or maybe it was tired and would kill him tomorrow, so it was not in a hurry.

Chen Guan, who had left the Warcraft Mountains, had gone straight to Wanyaozhai.

We have been fighting for so long today, and it is impossible that there are no injuries at all. Fortunately, they are all skin injuries.

He can handle it himself, but why not use it when there are free doctors?

People can be professional.

Familiar display, familiar stairway, seeing Chen Guan going upstairs even though his injury was not serious, a few of the fiery mercenaries stepped forward to stop him.

But before they could make any move, a hand was placed on their shoulders.

“Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest of our Wanyao Restaurant.” Steward Chang pressed the mercenary’s shoulders with considerable force, expressing his determination.

“Dignified guest? This pretty boy?”

“Okay, since this will give you Wanyaozhai some face, don’t let me meet you outside.”

Manager Chang laughed and didn’t say much else. It’s hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words. Anyway, as long as it doesn’t involve Wanyaozhai, that’s enough.

No one knows the energy behind the young man better than Manager Chang. Today, he personally escorted a group of Huang Lianjing to the nearby Jiji City for handover. What he did not expect was that the city lord came to pick him up in person. Regarding this seemingly ordinary incident, Business is taken very seriously.

A glimpse of the leopard made Chang Guangshi realize that the young man’s identity was extraordinary.

Flattery might make people unhappy, but he thought it was okay to ensure that the young man was safe and sound in Wanyao Palace.

On the other side, Chen Guan arrived at the Little Doctor Fairy’s ‘clinic room’ with ease.

There were more people today, so Chen Guan waited for half an hour before sending all the irrelevant people away.

“Help me take care of the skin injury and apply some medicine.”

“Take it off, are you really going to find Firefox?”

Seeing Chen Guan’s slightly embarrassed look, the little medical fairy had already guessed the result.

“Of course, since I said it, I must do it. Unfortunately, I didn’t find the one that hurt me yesterday. I only found its two brothers. They were roasted by me. Well, I left one for you. I promised you yesterday. Don’t worry. Eat, that strange smell has been taken care of by me.”

Seeing the boy actually taking out a roasted fire fox, the corners of the little doctor’s lips twitched slightly.

She only thought it was a joke, but she didn’t expect it to be serious.

However, it is baked so golden and crispy that it seems to be quite delicious, which makes people very appetizing.

“Ahem, I won’t eat it. The smell of firefox is so strong that I can’t wash it off.”

Swallowing, the little medical fairy looked away and concentrated on dealing with the injuries. They were all small wounds on the skin. They didn’t even need bandages. Just clean them and apply some medicine, and it would be over soon.

“I’m shameless enough to go whoring for nothing today. I’ll bring you something delicious next time.”

“You’re welcome. I would like to thank you for the note. It was of great help to me.”

After sending the boy out of the door, the little medical fairy returned to his seat, looked at the roasted whole fox on the table, and couldn’t help but stretched out his little hand.

Is it really as delicious as he said?

One bite, just a taste!

Tear off a piece of leg meat and taste it slowly. The rich meaty aroma blooms on the tip of your tongue instantly. It seems really good.

And it doesn’t have that weird smell.

Unable to hold back, he stretched out his hand again, then stopped. He quickly stood up and walked to the door. He raised his head to make sure there was no one around him. With a ‘pang’ sound, the door was locked.

The next day, Chen Guan ate, practiced, beat the snake king, asked the little fairy doctor to treat her wounds, and brought her a steamed fire fox.

Another day, the same process, except this time it was replaced with spicy braised fire fox.

Then make the secret braised firefox.


For more than ten days in a row, Chen Guan’s daily life was very regular. He kept pace with both ends and gained a lot.

After more than ten days of fighting, Chen Guan has now fully understood the various methods of the Red Ice Snake King. When he fights the Snake King again, he no longer feels the pressure he felt at the beginning and can handle it with ease.

This made him sigh. It was not easy to find an opponent who could keep putting pressure on him. This was the case with Gangzi from the royal family, and the same was true with this Snake King.

Over at Wanyaozhai, Chen Guan would go there every day. Even though he had no skin wounds in recent days, it was still rain or shine.

Firefox’s various ways of eating are still very useful, and he and the Little Medical Fairy are now considered good friends.

The two get along very happily every time, and the topics they talk about become more and more extensive, ranging from how to eat Firefox, to some strange things in Douqi Continent, to a certain mercenary in Warcraft Town who became a Cao thief and also started to Some harmless jokes.

They all enjoyed this atmosphere, but the manager of Wanyao Zhai was a little more melancholy.

Because in the past half month, the little medical fairy seemed to have suffered from a strange disease. She had a poor appetite and the food she was served every day was almost untouched, which was very worrying.

It’s not that he cares much about the Little Medical Fairy, it’s just that the Little Medical Fairy can be regarded as a golden sign of Wanyao Zhai. If something happens to her, Wanyao Zhai’s business will plummet by at least 20%, which is no exaggeration.

How could he not worry about this?

At the same time, inside a certain inn.

With a muffled sound, Chen Guan opened his eyes, shining brightly.

“Finally a four-star fighter.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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