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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 161 The highlight moment

In the square, nearly a thousand Yunlan Sect disciples all looked at the black-robed young man at the stone steps with their own different emotions.

They are no strangers to the name Xiao Yan. Many people have heard of Xiao Yan as early as his early fame as Jia Ma, but it was only after his three-year appointment with Nalan Yanran spread that it became widely known.

Since then, Xiao Yan has often appeared in the topics among his disciples.

Of course, whenever this name is mentioned, most people will be slightly disdainful and sarcastic. How does a ‘waste’ from a small family want to compete with their unattainable young sect leader?

The ants shake the big tree without overestimating their own capabilities!

Many elders also think so.

However, today, when I actually saw this ‘trash’ who only lived in their conversations, my impression quietly changed.

Facing the combined aura of nearly a thousand disciples of the Yunlan Sect, he still remained calm and calm. Such a calm attitude was not something a waste could display.

It really lives up to that saying, seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times!

Looking at Xiao Yan walking into the square, Nalan Yanran’s eyes were also a little surprised. Xiao Yan at this time was completely different from when they first met three years ago. The change was huge.

“Nalan family, Nalan Yanran, please wait for a long time!”

The girl stood up, her delicate body as tall and straight as a proud snow lotus, her bright eyes staring at Xiao Yan, her voice calm.

Even though Xiao Yan had changed and was no longer the so-called waste, she still did not regret her decision to break off the engagement.

As Nalan Yanran stood up, the atmosphere in the venue became tense. Only the steps above and the big shots on the left were relatively relaxed and watching with interest.

Yun Leng, who was sitting cross-legged on the steps above, also stood up at this time and slowly walked forward.

“I’m Yun Ling, the great elder of the Yunlan Sect. Today’s three-year appointment has been made by the sect leader. I have been asked to coordinate and preside over it. This competition is intended for discussion and point-of-view.”

“Life and death, each is determined by his destiny!”

Before Yun Leng could finish speaking, a cold and awe-inspiring voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his words.

The eyes followed the voice and looked at the young man in black robe below, with different expressions. They did not expect that he would say such words. Among them, the sensitive ones even sensed a murderous intention in Xiao Yan’s words. This made Many people watching the excitement frowned slightly.

But what they didn’t know was that Xiao Yan’s murderous intention at this moment was not specifically aimed at the young master of the Yunlan Sect.

Unaware of her true intentions, Nalan Yanran raised her eyes slightly. She never expected that Xiao Yan’s actions in the past would make Xiao Yan resent her to such an extent, and she no longer regretted her original decision.

He stared for a few seconds and nodded in response.

“as you wish!”

Hearing her answer, Yun Leng frowned. Xiao Yan’s sudden interruption made the powerful elder in the Yunlan Sect very unhappy. He also knew that Xiao Yan had long since lost his reputation as a waste. But Nalan Yanran’s talent is also not low, and with the training of the Yunlan Sect, her strength has improved rapidly. If they really want to fight, Yun Leng is not optimistic about Xiao Yan.

Originally, he wanted to leave a thin thread and call it a day, but when the two met, they were as sharp as a needle. Xiao Yan had murderous intentions, and Nalan Yanran also agreed, which left him speechless.

“Forget it, in that case, let’s live and die according to our destiny!”

Looking at Yun Ling on the steps, a sneer appeared on Xiao Yan’s face, and then his eyes turned to Nalan Yanran, wanting to settle the accounts one by one.

The palm of his hand suddenly shook, and the Xuanzhong Ruler brought out a sound of oppressive wind. He pointed diagonally at the ground. The strong wind blew up the dust on the ground. A faint earthy yellow fighting spirit lingered on the surface of the body. Xiao Yan stared at Nalan Yanran. : “I have been waiting for three years for this day. Today I will completely resolve my past grudges. Please return the shame you gave me in the past! Today, please return it!”

Nalan Yanran flipped her jade hand lightly, and a slender light blue sword flashed out. The blade was tilted, and the sunlight shone down, reflecting the coldness.

“Is it a shame? I don’t think I did anything wrong back then. I have the right to choose my own destiny. Maybe I did something wrong when I broke off the engagement, but if time goes back, I think I will still make the same choice. .”

Hearing this, Xiao Yan sneered.

Is it an understatement to try to shirk away his arrogant behavior? This seems a bit too simple, right?

“It’s no use talking anymore, let’s fight!”

Not wanting to talk nonsense with her anymore, Xiao Yan shouted loudly, his fighting energy circulated in his body, he held the Xuan Zhong Ruler, and suddenly burst out, with traces of light yellow flames lingering, and where the soles of his feet exerted force, several cracks spread on the hard bluestone. , like a cannon being ejected from the barrel.

Nalan Yanran was not to be outdone. She held a long sword in her hand, tapped the steps lightly with her toes, and dodged to meet the attack. Small blue wind curls rolled and floated on the sword body. In the wind curls, sharp wind blades stretched and retracted. As they moved, The blade of the sword gradually moved upwards, pointing at Xiao Yan in the distance. The sharp blade reflected the sunlight, making it look awe-inspiring.


Finally, in the center of the square, the weapons of the two men clashed with each other. Without giving an inch, a wave of air swept over them, and their robes were blown up and down.

After a moment of stalemate, Nalan Yanran took the lead and changed her moves. She slashed the long sword in her hand, and above the cold edge, several small wind blades came out from the sword and cut towards Xiao Yan’s neck.

Xiao Yan’s face did not change, and he raised his wrist sharply, blocking the Xuanzhong ruler in front of him, which was as big as a door panel. He intercepted the sword tip that was slashed horizontally, and also blocked the wind blades.

At the same time, he took out his left hand, made a fist and smashed it towards Nalan Yanran’s chest. The fist made a sound of wind, which showed the power in it.

Nalan Yanran’s expression was calm, her toes tapped on the ground, her body floated like a fallen leaf and stepped back, avoiding the iron fist and slashing with the sword again.

The long sword and the Xuan Zhong ruler were in constant contact, and the sound of clanging gold and iron could be heard endlessly.

With the help of body skills, the two of them fought together, going back and forth. Although neither of them used fighting skills, the strength they displayed shocked all the Yunlan Sect disciples.

They had expected Nalan Yanran’s strength, but they didn’t expect that Xiao Yan could not fall behind at all.

Who the hell said this is trash? If Xiao Yan is trash, then they

On the left side of the steps above, Nalan and his son were also watching intently. While nervous, they couldn’t help but sigh.

It is really sad that the two families who were closely related back then have developed to this point now.

Nalan Jie couldn’t help but glance at Yun Yun on the high platform. If things got out of control, she should be able to stop it, right?

Nalan Yanran’s breakup of the engagement had already made him feel guilty for the Xiao family. Now that the Xiao family had suffered a disaster, if the surviving Xiao Yan also had an accident under his nose, Nalan Jie felt that he would be criticized by thousands of people.

It was also at this time that Yun Yun turned her gaze and looked at the young man next to Nalan Jie and Fama.

The smile on Chen Guan’s face was not visible, and he nodded slightly to her twice in response.

Seeing this, Yun Yun’s expression became solemn. On the surface, it seemed as if she was very worried about the battle in the field.

Suddenly, a small sound of breaking wind sounded. Everyone looked up and saw the belated appearance of Hai Bodong. He did not come towards this direction, but landed on a towering tree near the square. .

At this time, no one spoke to him, and everyone nodded as a greeting.

in the square.

The two people who were fighting at close quarters were still in a stalemate. Xiao Yan opened and closed with a fierce attack, while Nalan Yanran practiced wind attribute fighting spirit. Speed ​​and nimble body skills were what she was best at. Each of them used their own skills. The advantage was brought out, so after fighting for a long time, no one could do anything about the other.


After another confrontation, the two of them opened a lot of distance, and the fighting spirit around them became more turbulent. They both decided to speed up the battle.

This time, Nalan Yanran did not attack again. Her pretty face was solemn. The green light of the long sword in her hand suddenly trembled rapidly. She then moved slowly and stood upright in front of her body. Whenever the long sword moved a few minutes, there would be a sound. A sword-shaped afterimage appeared as if it were a substance.

one, two, five

“Wind Spirit Fractal Sword?!”

“I heard that Senior Sister Nalan has only been practicing the Wind Spirit Fractal Sword for a year, but she has already been able to separate five sword shapes. It is really admirable. She is much better than me.”

“This is an intermediate Xuan-level fighting skill. It seems that Senior Sister Nalan wants to end the battle as soon as possible.”

Seeing the strange fighting skills displayed by Nalan Yanran, the Yunlan Sect disciples sitting cross-legged outside could not help but whisper in surprise.

Obviously, they all recognized the details of this fighting skill, and many of them had even practiced it.

Chen Guan, who was watching on the stage, also took another look at Nalan Yanran. He suddenly discovered that Yunlan Sect’s fighting skill was somewhat similar to his own fish frying skill.

The difference is that the skill of frying fish is very scraping, which is specially designed to torture vegetables, but the power of this wind spirit fractal sword is really impressive. This move alone has reached the intermediate level of Xuan level.

Below, Xiao Yan was not idle either. When Nalan Yanran made a move, his feet suddenly collapsed and he rushed out wielding the Xuan Zhong Ruler.

But it was too late, it was so fast, Nalan Yanran’s fighting skills were also completed in an instant.

“Wind Spirit Fractal Sword!”

With a slight shout, the long sword in Nalan Yanran’s hand suddenly pointed at Xiao Yan. The five illusory energy fragments in front of her body trembled slightly, and then they shot towards Xiao Yan, head to tail.

The energy remnant sword flew through the air, as if tearing apart the space. A light cyan arc of energy spread out from the tip of the sword. Five sword shapes connected end to end, like a stream of light, locking Xiao Yan’s figure.

Being able to feel the powerful energy contained in the oncoming five-energy remnant sword, Xiao Yan frowned slightly and discharged a burst of energy from his palms. With the push of the energy, his body retreated violently, stopping his rushing momentum. .

After steadying his feet and holding the handle of the ruler with both hands, the yellow fighting spirit around him suddenly surged. The sudden release of huge energy surprised countless people.

Earthy yellow flames flashed out, filling the heavy ruler, and suddenly swung, carrying a powerful force, and hit the broken energy sword hard in the eyes of one after another in astonishment.


As soon as the two came into contact, ferocious energy explosions sounded in the air, and a strong green-yellow light made some people couldn’t help but close their eyes.

Even Nalan Yanran couldn’t help but shrink her pupils.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly shot out of the large ray of light as fast as a ghost. It was Xiao Yan who took the opportunity to launch an attack.

The difference from before was that the Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand had been put away at this moment, which caused the speed to increase greatly, and even the movement of Dou Qi became smoother.

“Baji collapse!”

The sudden change surprised Nalan Yanran, but she did not lose her balance. While using her body skills to fly back, the long sword in her hand was held across her abdomen, which was where Xiao Yan attacked.

However, it still failed to offset the ferocious energy. Under Xiao Yan’s heavy punch, the long sword bent to an astonishing arc and was close to Nalan Yanran’s body, almost breaking.

On Xiao Yan’s fist, the energy surged again at this moment. The sudden blow made Nalan Yanran dare not hide any more. The fighting spirit armor instantly appeared. After double blocking, the blow was finally resolved.

But because of this stiffness, Xiao Yan was given the opportunity to really bully him. His best close-quarters combat was finally able to be used. Every part of his body, including his hands, arms, elbows, legs, head, etc., became… He wielded an extremely terrifying murder weapon, and when he swung his elbows and arms, the terrifying power caused a series of sonic booms to ring out in the surrounding void. Every time his energy dropped, Nalan Yanran could only defend in a panic, unable to escape at all. Fight back.

Xiao Yan gained the upper hand with one strike!

Seeing this scene, countless Yunlan Sect disciples were in an uproar, showing expressions of disbelief.

Yun Yun on the steps became slightly worried.

There were probably only a few people on Chen Guan’s side who could keep their expressions unchanged and still maintain the mentality of watching a show.

“His black ruler seems to be a bit special. After the ruler is put away, not only the speed, but also the eruption and concentration of fighting spirit become much stronger instantly.” Fama pointed out the key point thoughtfully.

Everyone saw Xiao Yan’s sudden surge in speed, but there were only a few who could sense the subtle changes in his fighting spirit.

Chen Guan also nodded and said with a smile: “It has some suppressive effect. Using the black ruler all the time is equivalent to walking forward with a load. This is a good way to sharpen yourself. If the opponent does not pay attention during the battle, he will be caught off guard.”

Nalan Yanran at this time is an example.

Dealing with it awkwardly, falling into the rhythm of Xiao Yan’s attack, Nalan Yanran lost the opportunity to counterattack. If this continues, the result is self-evident.

Unless, he can hold on until Xiao Yan is exhausted.

However, Nalan Yanran found it difficult to accept such an aggrieved method. She made a decision immediately, let go of her defenses, and took Xiao Yan’s elbow.

In an instant, Nalan Yanran was knocked into the air. With the help of this force, she moved her body skillfully and stepped away with her toes.

Although they suffered a small loss, they finally distanced themselves.

“Xiao Yan, you really surprised me, but I won’t lose. For the sake of Yunlan Sect’s reputation, I can’t lose either!”

Holding the long sword in hand and easing the cramping pain in her abdomen, Nalan Yanran called out Xiao Yan’s name for the first time today, truly paying attention to him.

Without giving Xiao Yan a chance to reply, Nalan Yanran was quiet for a moment. Then, she quickly rotated her palm, and five spiral sword angs condensed from the wind-attributed fighting spirit took shape in the blink of an eye.

“Qianfeng Gang!”

With a soft shout, five sharp swords came out of his fingers, entwined with each other, and turned into a thin green line. With a sharp sound of breaking wind, they shot towards Xiao Yan like lightning.

This fighting skill seems to be somewhat related to the Wind Spirit Fractal Sword, but it is also paradoxical. The sharp aura contained in it is even more astonishing.

The five sword gangs were like streams of light, so fast that people could not react in time. Even with Xiao Yan’s current speed, he could not dodge all the sword gangs.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yan flicked his fingertips, and wisps of earthy yellow flames shot out, like filters, constantly weakening the power of the five swords.

When the five swords broke through the flame net, most of their power had been lost.

“Nalan Yanran, do you think you are the only one who is the great fighting master?”

Xiao Yan shouted loudly, and Nalan Yanran’s fighting spirit armor, which was slightly rougher than Nalan Yanran’s, appeared, and he suddenly raised his fist and blasted it towards the side of Jian Gang. On his fist, strong strange fire burned, and in the blink of an eye, he punched five times in a row. Explode all the sword gangs!

The sharp sword energy spread all around, leaving messy sword marks on the ground around him.

Seeing this, countless Yunlan Sect disciples were stunned, and even the people on the steps were stunned.

Everyone knows that Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran are of the same age, but he has gone through a “waste” period for several years, and now he is as strong as Nalan Yanran and has reached the strength of a three-star master. This makes many people They couldn’t help but exclaimed.

This talent is worthy of being a genius who was once famous as Gama!

If there hadn’t been those few years of idle time, how strong would he be now?

It is really hard to understand that the Nalan family chose to break off the engagement with such a talented person.

Thinking of this, eyes couldn’t help but cast towards a certain father and son, making Nalan Jie and Nalan Su’s faces burn.

Nalan Yanran in the field was also surprised, and then quickly adjusted.

Having seen the monster in the royal family, the current Xiao Yan could move her, but not to the level of shock.

Thinking of this, Nalan Yanran unconsciously glanced at the steps, only to see the young man looking at them with an indifferent expression.

Perhaps, in his eyes, the three-year agreement that she and Xiao Yan attached great importance to was just like a child playing house.

As soon as this thought appeared, she couldn’t get rid of it. Nalan Yanran took a deep breath and had no intention of wasting any more time.

With some complicated emotions in his smart eyes, he took a deep look at Xiao Yan, who had a cold face across from him, and finally made the first move. His jade hand slowly pulled away the green belt that bound the three thousand black hair, and shook his head slightly, his head full of black hair. Like moonlight, it pours down, along the fragrant shoulders, and hangs down to the slender willow waist.

The moving scene of her falling black hair, combined with Chuchen’s agile temperament, made many people who already admired her have their hearts beat faster.

“Is she going to use that move?” Looking at Nalan Yanran’s sudden move, Yun Ling and others on the stone platform were startled, and then said to themselves.

“It seems that the competition is about to end, but Xiao Yan is really strong to be able to push the young sect master to this point!” A white-robed elder sighed.

Fama and others on the other side could also hear their conversation. They were all stunned, and then looked at the field with a little surprise.

Below, Nalan Yanran’s eyes slowly closed, and after a moment, she suddenly opened them. Suddenly, the black hair on her head suddenly rose automatically without the wind, and her long hair fluttered. As the black hair danced, her body did not use any help. The power of ejection or the effect of wings began to float upward strangely.

As Nalan Yanran’s figure slowly rose into the sky, the energy around her body began to riot like boiling water at this moment, and circles of light blue substance ripples continued to spread out from her body.

The long sword slowly moved up, and finally pointed diagonally at Xiao Yan on the square below.

At a certain moment, the long sword trembled slightly, and the sunlight in the sky suddenly condensed in the direction of the long sword. In just a moment, the light above the long sword swelled, and the dazzling light was as bright as the sky. the second sun.

“One move will determine the outcome!”

Xiao Yan could feel how amazing the energy condensed on the long sword was, making him feel extremely dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan did not refuse. The put away Xuan Zhong Ruler fell into his hand again. Earthy yellow flames surrounded it, and a hot breath spread, causing the temperature in the square to rise a lot.

The energy of heaven and earth was gathering towards him at this moment, and the huge movement was shocking.

“Is Xiao Yan using…earth level fighting skills?”

“With his strength, can he really unleash the power of earth-level fighting skills? Aren’t he afraid of being drained?”

“Strange fire!”

Tengshan and others on the high platform were all shocked. They never expected that the duel between the two juniors could go to such an extent, even showing off their earth-level fighting skills.

Unlike them who focused on fighting skills, Fama was even more shocked by Xiao Yan’s earth-yellow flames and looked at the boy next to him with doubts.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, confirming his guess.

“Indeed, it is ranked eighteenth on the strange fire list, Wind Fury Dragon Flame.”

After receiving the affirmation, Fama let out a long sigh.

It was just a young man around him. He knew that Chen Guan had many cards and could make sense of refining the strange fire, but this Xiao Yan.

Why do today’s young people feel that each one is more outrageous than the other?

In the field, their fighting skills reached their peak, and the two finally launched their strongest confrontation.

A sharp sword energy seemed to be coming from the sky, and it shot towards Xiao Yan overwhelmingly. Under the pressure of the sharp sword energy, the hard floor actually cracked and spread to the end of the square. crack!

“The Ultimate Wind: The Sunset Shines!”

Feeling the terror of this sword energy, the Yunlan Sect disciples hurriedly attacked their opponents. A stream of fighting energy rose up from their bodies, and finally condensed into a huge energy shield that covered almost half of the square. With this, they were able to escape. The oppression caused by the sword energy in the sky.

At the same time, Xiao Yan slowly took a step forward in full view of the crowd, holding the Xuan Zhong ruler high above his head. The veins on his arms were exposed, like little squirming snakes.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes on the square, the next moment, Xiao Yan’s arm trembled, and the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand suddenly fell!

“Flame Devouring Wave Ruler!”

“Break it for me!”

Suddenly, above the heavy ruler, a dark red light that was several feet huge shot out with a terrifying force that was as powerful as breaking a bamboo.

The ruler’s light fiercely faced the fierce sword energy. When it was shot, the aftermath caused a crack half a meter wide in the square that was already covered with turtle patterns. Along the trajectory of the ruler’s light, there were cracks in the In the eyes of horror, it spread rapidly!

One more update tonight


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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