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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 169 Ancient Clan, Black Annihilation Army

Pay attention, the man named Xiaoshuai who is concentrating on reading in the Douji Pavilion has just experienced a big battle, and this is the rare time for a sage.


Chen Guan’s days in Yunlan Sect were very peaceful.

On the fourth day, while reading in Douji Pavilion, Sect Leader Yun was busy with sect affairs and did not come back.

On the fifth day, I was reading a book in Douji Pavilion, but Sect Master Yun still didn’t come.

On the tenth day, Sect Leader Yun finally reappeared.

However, as the busyness of Yunlan Sect came to an end, Douji Pavilion slowly began to return to its former bustle. Chen Guan did not want to go too far. He chatted with Yun Yun for half an hour, his plain clothes undyed.

It was also on this day that Chen Guan left the Douji Pavilion.

It’s not because Dou Ji Pavilion is inconvenient, but simply because he has basically read all the collections in it that he is interested in.

More importantly, after ten days of recovery, although his soul power has still not returned to its peak, it no longer feels as weak as before.

Next, you can practice while recovering your soul power.

After contacting Yao Ye and making sure that there was nothing else happening recently, Chen Guan occupied the secret room in the back mountain of Yunshan. While refining the flame lizard man fire elixir, he restored his soul power and concentrated on improving his own strength.

After knowing his plan, Yun Yun took him there and showed up once. Then she devoted all her attention to the Yun Lan Sect’s affairs and did not bother him again.

Chen Guan was very calm about this.

Cultivation requires concentration. If Yun Yun runs towards this back mountain every day without disturbing anything, Chen Guan seriously doubts that he may transform into a ‘Secret Chamber Douluo’ at some point.

He has confidence in his self-control ability, but when it comes to consensual behavior, his confidence is not particularly high.

Without the distraction of chores, Chen Guan devoted himself to his cultivation.

The fire lizard man’s fire elixir is a good thing, but due to its quality problems, as Chen Guan’s strength becomes stronger and stronger, the effect of the fire elixir on improving him has also weakened.

Fortunately, there are a lot of fire pills in his body. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. After refining them all, I estimate that there will be no problem in breaking through to one star.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Chen Guan took out a fire elixir the size of a pigeon egg and held it in his hand. Cobalt blue flames wrapped around it, refining the violent energy in it.

Time always passes quickly in cultivation.

Before I knew it, another half month had passed.

Within the Jia Ma Empire, hot topics such as the Alchemist Conference, the three-year agreement between the young master of Yunlan Sect and Xiao Yan of the Xiao family, and the war that broke out that day gradually cooled down and returned to the original rhythm of life.

After nearly a month of reconstruction, today’s Yunlan Sect seems to be no different from before on the surface. All traces of the battle have been erased, as if there had never been a battle.

With the loss of more than ten elders, many people thought that this behemoth would have to languish for at least a few years before it could recover.

However, some supporters of the Yunlan Sect scattered throughout the empire, as well as people familiar with the Yunlan Sect, keenly discovered that it seemed to have transformed invisibly, no longer loose, and completely twisted into one. The rope is like an octogenarian suddenly rejuvenated, losing something but becoming more energetic.

Yunlan Sect ended like this, and Yunshan was very satisfied.

After getting on the right track, Yun Yun could easily control it alone without his help, which gave him enough time to enjoy his ‘retirement’ time with a few old guys, and he had to go to the palace almost every day. Sometimes they don’t even go back.

Of course, while reminiscing about old times, Yunshan would make insidious inquiries about the reason why Xingtian crossed the Douzong barrier every day.

Although the relationship with the royal family has been repaired, his desire to restore the Yunlan Sect’s former glory has never stopped, and he is still eager to break through the Douzong.

There is no hope on your own. The only way out now is to add Xingtian!

“Old guy, are you really not letting go? Among us, except Hai Bodong, you don’t know the state of me and old Fama. If there is no breakthrough, there will be at most twenty or thirty years before the end is almost reached. Now, when the time comes, you won’t have anyone to talk to, don’t you think it’s boring?”

After trying various methods, Yunshan still couldn’t find out what he wanted to know, so Yunshan had to change his mind.

These days, Jiaxingtian always inadvertently showed the superiority of the Douzong strongman in front of him, which made his teeth itch, but he had no choice but to endure it.

It’s quite frustrating.

Looking at Yunshan who was a little angry, Jiaxingtian Bengbuzhu burst out laughing with a face full of teasing. Finally, when Yunshan was about to go crazy, he gave him a little hope.

I have been showing for almost a month and I feel very refreshed.

The most important thing is that today is different from the past. Now we no longer need to worry about the threat of Yunlan Sect. We are almost a family.

If Yunshan breaks through, it will also be of great benefit to the Jiama Empire.

Thinking in his mind, Jia Xingtian took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

“Actually, you don’t have to be so anxious. Just for the sake of your disciple, Mr. Chen will not forget your benefits. We have been collecting these high-level medicinal materials recently. You ask Yunlan Sect to collect them too. As much as you need, the more you collect, the faster you can see hope.”

“They are all fifth- and sixth-level medicinal materials. Isn’t this the material for refining the Po Zong Pill?”

Yunshan took it and glanced at it. Thinking of the Po Zong Dan mentioned by the protectors and the protector once, he suddenly came up with a guess.

But he once heard Gu He say that the grade of Po Zong Dan is very high, and even with the current Fama, the possibility of refining it is estimated to be extremely low.

After carefully considering Jia Xingtian’s words, a bolder guess emerged in his mind.

“That boy can refine the Zong Dan?!”

Yunshan’s voice rose a little unconsciously, it was unbelievable.

Because of Yun Yun, Yun Shan got to know Chen Guan carefully and knew that he was very talented in refining medicine.

But being able to refine Po Zong Dan with confidence so quickly was something Yunshan had never dared to think about before.

Chen Guan’s age is really too deceptive. Yunshan knows extremely well that how many years Fama has been stuck at the peak of the fifth level shows how difficult it is to reach the sixth level.

Jiaxing Tian smiled and said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence.

At this moment, he did not despise Yunshan. When Chen Guan asked him to collect the materials for Po Zong Dan, Jia Xingtian himself was equally surprised.

“What a little monster. His talent for refining medicine, even if Furukawa hadn’t died in the Tagore Desert, he probably wouldn’t be able to match it.”

Yunshan sighed, and then smiled again.

With Yun Yun here, no matter how talented he is, he will always be a junior in front of him!

Jia Xingtian didn’t know what he was thinking. He casually glanced at the small dark room across the lake and nodded in affirmation with Yourong.

“Indeed, I used to think that Furukawa was the only one in the Jia Ma Empire, but now, it seems to be just like that.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you old guy, you seem to be so swollen now that even the sixth-grade alchemist doesn’t look down on you?”

“Don’t lie, I don’t. I always treat alchemists with the highest courtesy.”

Yunshan rolled his eyes at him and put the paper away solemnly. This was related to his hope of breaking through the Douzong, and no mistakes were allowed.

He could clearly remember it at a glance, but he was so careful, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

After being frustrated for nearly a month, he finally had something to gain. This made his depression disappear and he was in a good mood.

Following Jia Xingtian’s gaze towards the small dark room opposite, Yunshan was a little curious.

“Old guy, what is this room for? Every time I come here, you mentally block it. Are you hiding something shameful?”

Jiaxingtian glanced at him.

Although he had reconciled with the Yunlan Sect, it was impossible for Furukawa to go back.

Where can anyone find such a useful tool?

“It’s nothing. The little Amethyst Winged Lion King likes the shade, so we built it specially for him.”

As soon as he finished speaking, as if cooperating with Jia Xingtian, the little Amethyst Winged Lion King, who looked like a calf, staggered out of the small dark room.

His eyes were misty and he looked dizzy, as if he was drunk, and there were a lot of pill fragments hanging around his mouth. It looked like he was looking for Furukawa to eat at the buffet.

Jiaxing Tian even saw the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

The two Amethyst Winged Lion Kings have greatly improved the strength of the royal family, but the daily consumption is not small, especially the growing little Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Fortunately, the effect is also very good. Now the little Amethyst Winged Lion King has reached the fifth level, and it will be a fighting king level when released.

Seeing the little Amethyst Winged Lion King coming out of it with his own eyes, Yunshan was half convinced, but still 70% doubtful.

Really, he knew Jiaxingtian too well.

Yun Shan dared to say that if it was that simple inside, he would stand on his head and have diarrhea!

However, seeing that Jia Xingtian wanted to hide it, he suppressed his curiosity and didn’t ask any more questions.

There are secrets between husband and wife, not to mention the royal family.

Shaking his head slightly, Yunshan said goodbye and would not stay any longer. He couldn’t wait to go back and mobilize the power of Yunlan Sect to help collect medicinal materials.

Black Corner Domain, Heping Town.

A young man dressed in black, with a black ruler on his back, stood under the gloomy Necropolis tree. Listening to the introduction by the law enforcement team students who enthusiastically gave him popular science, he had a preliminary understanding of the strength of Canaan College.

There is no doubt that this person is Xiao Yan, who traveled through the stars and the moon, overcame thorns and thorns, spent nearly a month, and finally arrived at Canaan College.

“Teacher, with the strength of Canaan College, can we really get the strange fire?”

“The difficulty is not low, but it is not hopeless. We don’t have to rush and plan slowly. There are always more ways than difficulties. Don’t look at it. Go in first. With the strength of Canaan Academy, the Soul Palace will not be penetrated. , there is no need to worry about your safety for the time being, but after entering the academy, I will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary to avoid being noticed by those old guys.”

“I understand, teacher.”

Xiao Yan nodded slightly in response, but his heart was still full of fire.

The second kind of strange fire, here I come!

Zhongzhou, a certain area.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the calm space.

The next moment, a group of small black dots appeared strangely from the space.

As the black spots gradually enlarged, one could clearly see that they were not human figures, but more than a dozen dark monsters with a single silver horn that was many feet long on their heads.

The horns of these monsters are covered with strange lines, and there are even faint sounds of wind and thunder coming from them. There are also extremely wide four wings on the back of the monsters. The wings vibrate, and the strong wind howls down from the sky. Set off waves of air.

For a moment, a powerful and fierce aura spread out, causing people in the town not far away to feel an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

Obviously, these monsters are not just ordinary flying monsters used for transportation and traveling, but similar flying beasts for combat.

Flying beasts are rare, and flying beasts used in battle are even more rare. Those who have the capital and ability to raise and tame them must be extremely powerful forces!

Looking up from these four-winged unicorns, there is a figure standing on their broad backs.

These figures are all wearing a set of purple-black robes, with expressionless faces, and their eyes flicker slightly, like sharp swords, making people feel chilly all over. Almost every one of these ten figures has The aura is like a deep pool of water with no bottom, which shows its strength.

Suddenly, the space rippled again.

The next moment, an old man in white robes led a masked man in black out.

The leading old man has no aura, just like an ordinary person without any strength, but the way he walks calmly and casually in the void really shows that he is at least a strong man above Douzong!

As for the person behind him, if Protector Chen were here, he would definitely recognize him. It was Ling Ying who had fought against him before.

Without saying anything else, Ling Ying saluted respectfully to the old man, jumped onto the back of the huge monster in the front, and landed behind the young man with an arrogant face.

The old man walked slowly, walked to the side of the team, looked at the arrogant young man who was leading the group, waved his hand and set up a barrier to isolate people from sight and hearing, and then opened his mouth to explain.

“Go and come back quickly. Remember your mission. It’s good if you can trace it. If you can’t, don’t force it. Don’t cause too many troubles. Be careful with the Soul Palace.”

“Lingquan remembers it.”

The leading young man cupped his hands and replied, very respectful to the old man, without the arrogance that came from his bones when he looked at Ling Ying just now.

“Well, it’s a long way to go, so I’ll give you a ride.”

The old man nodded slightly, and immediately, with a wave of his sleeve, unparalleled energy was shot out, the space was shattered, and terrifying space storms were raging in it. However, under the old man’s gentle movement, it quickly stabilized and returned to calm. A simple one-way space transmission channel is thus formed.

“Go ahead. This passage won’t last long, but it can save you more than ten days. Go early and come back early.”

“Thank you, elder!”

Lingquan’s eyes were fiery and he bowed in reply.

Then he stopped talking nonsense and took the lead, leading a group of black Annihilation troops into the passage. The light flickered slightly and quickly disappeared into the space passage.

The old man watched them leave and sighed slightly in the air, not having much hope in his heart.

They sent people to investigate this time just because they didn’t want to let go of the one in 10,000 possibility. In fact, in their minds, they had almost determined the incident.

The action that Soul Palace has planned for a long time cannot be destroyed by just one person.

This is even the case in Zhongzhou, let alone in the northwest region where novices are pecking at each other.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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