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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 170 The war breaks out and the three women gather together

The secret room in the back mountain of Yunlan Sect.

As the last fire pill was refined, the rich energy of heaven and earth quickly gathered in the quiet space, making the sound of wind whine in the secret room.

This change lasted for a few minutes, and soon returned to calm.

In the room, Chen Guan opened his eyes, feeling the surging power in his body, and smiled with satisfaction.

Quite different from what he had previously expected, this batch of fire pills would push him to the level of a three-star fighting emperor.

However, compared to the improvement in fighting spirit strength, what pleased him even more was the growth in soul power.

During this period of time, Chen Guan could clearly feel that his soul strength had improved somewhat, which was even more rare than the improvement in fighting spirit strength.

“It’s very good. If I make four or five more improvements like this, I guess I’ll almost reach the spiritual realm.”

Suddenly, Lord Tianhuo’s voice came from the ring. Perhaps it was a psychological effect. Chen Guan felt that his voice was more energetic than before.

“Yao Lao also succeeded?”

“Well, I refined the evil spirit three days ago, and the recovery is almost as expected.”

Chen Guan smiled, this is good news.

Lord Tianhuo is now considered a powerful trump card for him.

Thinking of this improvement in soul power, Chen Guan suddenly had an unrealistic idea.

“Yao Lao, do you think that if I refine medicine or do other things, consume all the soul power like this time, and repeat it a few more times, will I be able to reach spiritual perfection faster?”

“It does have some effects, but try not to over-expend your soul power. There are no special treasures for the soul. Even if you have the method of soul cultivation, it will take a long time to recover. If you have this time, do something serious.” Okay, and in this case, the effect is more obvious in the first two or three times. If it is used more times, it will be useless.”

“The most important thing is that the difference between the spiritual realm and the middle spiritual realm is not as big as you think. Most of the things that can be done in the spiritual realm can be done in the middle spiritual realm. Those who can step into the spiritual realm, as long as they are not too stupid, will reach perfection. It will happen sooner or later, so spending time on this is not worth the gain.”

“On the other hand, the threshold to the Heaven Realm is very difficult. Without special opportunities, it may be stuck for decades or even hundreds of years. It is normal for a lifetime.”

Lord Tianhuo said sadly.

A long, long time ago, when he was still young, he had the same idea as Chen Guan, but the results were mediocre.

He has learned from the past, so Lord Tianhuo is very experienced in this issue.

Chen Guan nodded slightly. He didn’t really want to do that. Apart from anything else, he didn’t like the period of weakness after excessive soul consumption.

Time is actually okay. Chen Guan is less pressed for time now than before.

Holding a piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in his hand, this thing is like a veto power of the United Nations. As long as he does not expose the fact that he holds the ancient jade, even if Soul Emperor collects the other seven pieces, he will not be able to open the Ancient Emperor’s Cave. , it will not activate the Soul Devouring Juesheng Formation to refine the Young Pill.

This is also the reason why Chen Guan spent so much effort before and took the risk of getting involved between the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan to win over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

With it, there is a little initiative.

Before he was ready, the Soul Clan wanted to enter the Ancient Emperor’s Cave, but there was no door and it was difficult to find the location of the Ancient Emperor’s Cave.

“I’m also looking forward to the heavenly soul.”

“Hahaha, you are right to look forward to it. The Dou Qi Continent is so vast, but there are probably not even a hundred people with heavenly souls. You boy has great potential, but it is still quite far for you in a short time. One step Just keep walking and keep playing steadily. It won’t be difficult to surpass my peak back then.”

Listening to the hearty laughter of Lord Tianhuo, Chen Guan smiled and said nothing.

It is indeed difficult to break through the heaven realm normally. This hope can only be pinned on the Soul Palace.

After stretching his body slightly, Chen Guan stood up, pushed open the stone door that was brand new and out of place compared to the vicissitudes of the secret room, and stood on the back hill, looking at the scenery of Yunlan Sect.

There is a saying that Yun Potian had a very good vision back then. The location he chose was surrounded by misty clouds and mist, and it looked quite impressive. People who didn’t know it would have thought that there was something transcendent sitting above the sea of ​​clouds. The big forces.

Unfortunately, after Yun Potian, the Yun Lan Sect was less than ten generations old, and it declined to its current level. Not even a single earth-level fighting skill or technique could be found, and the Dou Sect became an unattainable goal.

Just thinking about it makes me feel…

Quite outrageous.

It would be fine if there were big enemies like the Xiao family, but the Yunlan Sect had never heard of any enemies.

After relaxing physically and mentally for a moment, Chen Guan stopped thinking about it and turned around to look for Sect Master Yun.

However, what was somewhat surprising was that after searching all over the Yunlan Sect and even using his mental power to search, he could not find any trace of Yun Yun.

Not only that, even the disciples of the Yunlan Sect became sparse and could not be found. It was as if most of the Yunlan Sect had mysteriously disappeared overnight.

After confirming that there were no traces of the battle, Chen Guan suppressed his doubts and stopped an outer disciple of the Yunlan Sect in the square.

“Chen…Master Chen?!”

The disciple who was stopped was shocked when he recognized him. He didn’t understand why he appeared in Yunlan Sect at this time.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, “Did something happen? Why is the Yunlan Sect so deserted? Where is your sect master?”

Hearing this, the outer disciple was even more surprised. Isn’t it known to everyone what happened?

Could it be that you haven’t been out recently?

Somewhat curious, but sensible enough not to ask any more questions.

Seeing that the young man’s face was slightly tense, he quickly explained.

“Master Chen, the old sect master and the sect leader should be stationed at the border fortress now, and the stronger disciples in the sect have also gone to the empire to help eliminate the poison masters who have sneaked in.”

“Garrisoned at the border, Poison Master…has the Izumo Empire launched a war?”

Chen Guan’s face straightened. Although he was asking, he was already roughly sure.

But he wasn’t too worried. For such a big thing, neither Jia Xingtian nor Yun Yun woke him up, which showed that the current situation was within the manageable range.

“Master Chen doesn’t know. In this war, not only the Izumo Empire, but also the Luoyan Empire and the Mulan Empire are involved. It’s coming fiercely. Fortunately, our empire’s strength is also unexpected. In addition, there is also help from the snake people who are also affected. , with the combination of the two, the situation at the border fortress was stabilized.”

“When did the war start?”

“Thirteen days ago.”

“How long has it been since the last battle between Yunlan Sect?”

“Forty-seven days.”

Chen Guan nodded slightly. During his cultivation, his concept of time was always a bit vague. His wife was accurate. Fortunately, it was not much different from what he felt.

I asked for some more details, but unfortunately, this outer disciple mostly heard about it and didn’t know much.

The only certainty is that the top forces of the Garma Empire and the Snake Tribe are now basically gathered at the Black Mountain Fortress on the northeastern border of the Garma Empire to confront the forces of the three empires.

After giving a second-grade elixir to Chen Guan without any further delay, Chen Guan transformed his fighting spirit into wings and rushed into the sky, heading towards the Holy City of Gama.

Although the war has started, the situation on the border is still stable. Jiaxingtian and Queen Medusa, who have the strength of Douzong, are on duty, and the little fairy doctor is covering the opposite side. Chen Guan is not too worried.

Therefore, there is no rush to go back to the palace first.

He has never forgotten the Izumo empire and has always kept it in his heart. It has been more than ten years now.

For the Izumo Empire, it has prepared a heavy gift!

Speeding all the way, Chen Guan returned to the palace in a few minutes.

Without hesitation, he headed directly towards the treasure house.

Ten days later.

Within the huge treasure house, there is a special area where no other shelves are placed, leaving an open space about the same size as a stadium.

Here, there are no precious medicinal materials, no fighting skills, only steel warriors standing upright.

There is no life fluctuation, but the chilling meaning makes people feel heart palpitating.

Five familiar tall puppets stood in front of the team, and the ferocious aura exuded by each one was enough to make ninety-nine percent of the people in the Gama Empire look horrified.

Behind them, there were more than two hundred puppets standing tall, and twenty of them looked obviously different.

The fundamental reason for this scene is that the materials used to create them are even rarer.

Five sixth-level puppets, twenty fifth-level puppets, and two hundred and thirteen fourth-level puppets. These are the gifts he prepared for the Yun Empire!

After receiving the inheritance of puppetry, Chen Guan asked the royal family to start collecting various materials. The high-level materials could not be found, but the low-level ones were not that rare.

After Chen Guan provided the drawings, the royal family used these materials to create many body parts needed for the puppets.

Naturally, high-level puppets cannot be operated like this, but low-level puppets are very easy to make, especially refining the puppet body, which is the simplest step.

The royal family completed the first step for them. In these ten days, Chen Guan only had to do one thing.

‘Enchant’ them and outline the puppet array!

Puppetry below the sixth level is not difficult for Chen Guan today, but with more than two hundred puppets, it is also a huge project that took ten days to complete.

Standing in front of this puppet army, Chen Guan glanced at the whole place, his heart burning.

This legion is comparable to an empire without the powerful Douzong, or even worse!


Chen Guan’s eyes moved slightly and he gave an order.

In an instant, the entire legion took two steps forward.



The steps are extremely neat and seamless, without any noise.

This effect cannot be achieved by any human legion.

Seeing this scene, Chen Guan suddenly felt an uncontrollable sense of accomplishment rising from his heart, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

“Old Yao, how is my army doing?”

After a few seconds of silence, Lord Skyfire’s faint voice sounded from the ring.

“In this northwest region, it is enough to change the situation of a war. From you, I suddenly understand why the ancient puppet master inheritance was cut off. A puppet master is completely a legion. How can such an existence not be feared by others. “

These days, when Chen Guan sketched the puppet formation, he did not avoid Lord Tianhuo.

Therefore, this legion was born completely under the eyes of Lord Tianhuo, and the shock in my heart was not small.

Chen Guan smiled slightly and did not explain in detail.

In fact, the puppet master is far less terrifying than Lord Tianhuo thought. Materials are an unavoidable point. Even in the ancient times when all kinds of materials were abundant, no one could gather the power of an empire like him.

In any period, in any region, or in any profession, it is actually the same. Only a small number of people can truly stand at the top.

Most of them are still in the middle and lower levels.

This is true for puppet masters, including current alchemists.

Drought will kill you, and waterlogging will kill you. It’s so real.

He waved his hand to collect all the puppets into the Heling Ring, and Chen Guan didn’t wait any longer.

Although the border situation can be stabilized by the presence of Jia Xingtian and Queen Medusa, many people at the bottom level will inevitably die.

It would be better for this war to end as soon as possible.

Chen Guan had just come out of the treasure house. Before he could start, he saw Yao Yue waiting outside.

“The letter my sister sent back these days said that you will definitely return to the palace after you leave the customs, and asked me to pass it on to you.”

Yaoyue rarely stopped playing, so she came forward and took out a few letters from Najie.

“Well, you stay at home, just in case, and try to go out as little as possible before the war is over. I will go to the border to take a look.”

Chen Guan nodded and took it, explaining a little more.

He could sense that not all the power in the palace was transferred to the border. There were still a few strong men with good strength. There was no need to worry about safety in the palace.

Although Yaoyue has an eccentric temperament, she also understands the priorities of the matter and nods her head obediently.

“Chen Guan, we won’t lose, right?”

Thanks to everyone’s love and care, Yaoyue didn’t know the truth about many things, which also made her less confident at the moment.

Hearing that the three empires were jointly attacking, I felt a lot of pressure.

“Don’t worry, we will win!”

Seeing Chen Guan’s confident face, Yaoyue felt a little more relaxed.

Everyone says this, so it shouldn’t be a lie.

“Be careful.”

“Yes, go back, I’m leaving.”

After saying this, Chen Guan didn’t waste any time. His fighting energy turned into wings and rushed into the sky. In a few breaths, he disappeared from Yaoyue’s sight and rushed towards the most intense battlefield, the Black Mountain Fortress.

During the flight, Chen Guan opened the letter sent back from Yao Ye.

Just as he had guessed, what was written above contained exactly all the information he wanted to know. It was much more credible and more detailed than what the outer disciples of the Yunlan Sect had heard. It explained everything from the beginning to the current situation.

The reason why the war broke out in advance has to start with the three-year agreement between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran.

It was impossible to block the news of the Yunlan Sect’s battle that day.

Without any surprise, it was also detected by the three empires. The strength of Yunlan Sect was greatly reduced, and the old sect leader Yunshan was seriously injured!

For the three major empires, this means that the overall strength of the Jia Ma Empire has been weakened by a few points. Especially the absence of Yunshan, the peak fighting emperor who temporarily needs healing, is great news and a God-given opportunity.

If we don’t attack Gama now, then when will we wait?

Immediately, under the leadership of the Poison Sect of the Izumo Empire, a vigorous war broke out.

It is worth mentioning that although the Little Medical Immortal at this stage has already taken the position of the leader of the Poison Sect, he has only just succeeded to the throne and has not yet been reorganized. His voice is not small, but he has not yet reached the level of being able to speak out.

Because of this, she had no way to prevent this war from breaking out in advance. She could only go with the flow and send a message to inform him in advance.

Speaking of which, the situation in today’s Izumo Empire, Luoyan Empire and Mulan Empire is somewhat similar.

In the Izumo Empire, the Poison Sect controls the royal family.

The Luoyan Empire and the Mulan Empire were controlled by Jin Yanzong and Mulan Gu respectively.

The so-called royal family is just a decoration.

The reason why the Jiama royal family was so afraid of the Yunlan Sect in the past was also due to the stimulation of the Luoyan and Mulan empires.

This time the three sects joined forces to attack Jia Ma. From a superficial perspective, Jia Ma Empire was at an absolute disadvantage. There was not even a single strong Dou Sect.

For this reason, the little medical fairy is still a little worried. She has just made a breakthrough. Even if she stands up against the enemy, it will be difficult to contain the two fighting sects of Jin Yan Sect and Mulan Valley.

However, what none of them expected was that when the war actually broke out, the plan would not change as quickly as it did.

The Gama Empire deceived them all!

The most astonishing thing is to quietly break through Douzong’s punishment sky.

No one expected that he could actually master the earth-level fighting skills. Even familiar people such as Yunshan and Haibodong saw such a fierce Jiaxingtian for the first time.

It was also in the early days of Dou Zong, and Yan Luotian almost died on the spot in the first battle. If Mulan hadn’t been rescued in time, grass would have grown on his grave by now.

Afraid of Jia Xingtian’s powerful fighting skills, after this battle, every time Yan Luotian faced him, he fought with Mulan Sanlao. The four of them counted as two Douzong-level combatants, two against one. , just to stabilize the situation.

As for the little medical fairy, he took on the task of dealing with the others on the pretext that he had just broken through the Douzong and had not yet stabilized his realm.

Below the Douzong experts, the strength at the Douhuang level of the Jiama Empire is still shocking.

Especially Yunshan, who was seriously injured, always looked pale as if he was about to die at any moment, but he participated in every battle, and until now, he is still alive and kicking.

In addition, there are also the Nether Sea Dragon Beast with eight-star Dou Huang power, the Amethyst Winged Lion King with four-star Dou Huang power, as well as Yun Yun and Hai Bodong.

The leader of the Poison Sect led the three powerful sects to fight against the five fighting emperors of Jia Ma. However, they did not get any benefits. Instead, one or two people would join in every battle.

Such a result made the three sect alliance attach great importance to the combat power of the several fighting emperors of the Gama Empire. After that, more and more powerful people joined in each battle. Finally, even if the little medical fairy intervened, the three of them The two beasts are also exhausted to cope with it.

It was also at this time that Queen Medusa and Zi Yan arrived.

This time, even if the little medical fairy didn’t let go, the situation was completely stable.

Putting away the letter, Chen Guan sighed lightly and sped up towards the Black Mountain Fortress, with a hint of worry in his eyes that was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

It’s not that I’m worried about the situation over there. Although this war broke out a few years earlier due to some reasons, overall it’s still under control.

Compared with this, Chen Guan was more worried.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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