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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 171 Save me, save me, save me!

Lingyan City is a border city not far from the Black Mountain Fortress.

The splendid fighting spirit energy was rising and gathered together to form an energy shield, covering the entire city like an upside-down jade bowl, resisting the invasion of poisonous gases all over the sky.

In this world where fighting spirit is the main theme, the methods of siege are completely different.

The energy shield condensed by thousands of people is very solid, and it is difficult for even ordinary Dou Huang warriors to break it in a short time.

However, the number of the attacking three empire coalition forces was not large, especially the leading Dou Wang warriors and the group of poison masters in black robes. The poisonous fighting energy gathered together had some corrosive effect, making the huge The energy shield became thinner visibly to the naked eye.

“Hahaha, the surname is Huang, Yue Mei, if you can’t hold on, if you are wise, give up as soon as possible and join my three sects. Otherwise, there is no chance of survival, especially you, Yue Mei, a fighting king A female slave from the snake tribe, I think many people will be interested in you.”

The Dou Wang in white robes stepped forward and laughed and shouted. The golden word “Dayan” embroidered on his chest was extremely dazzling. From this, it can be seen that this is a strong Dou Wang from the Jin Yan Sect.

Hearing this, many people turned their attention to the two backbones on the wall.

One of them has a delicate body and a wild snake tail that is extremely eye-catching.

The leader of the Snake Tribe, the Charming Snake Tribe, Yue Mei!

The other was an old man, who looked about fifty or sixty years old, with silver hair. He was clearly the former Lord of Shimo City, the old general Huang Yipeng who had a little innocuous hobby.

As the relationship between the Jia Ma Empire and the Snake People became ambiguous, he, a powerful fighting king, was no longer needed to be stationed there, and was dispatched to the more important Lingyan City.

Listening to the shouts of the Jin Yan Sect Fighting King, the murderous intent on the two of them became more intense.

General Huang took a few steps forward and glared angrily.

Jin Yan Zong Dou Wang didn’t take it seriously at all, he didn’t take it seriously and asked teasingly.

“Huang, what can you say?”

“Yan Ming, I call you your ancestor!”

The battlefield seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then bursts of laughter could be heard. Although the occasion was wrong, they still couldn’t hold it back.

Yan Ming’s smile faded and suddenly turned gloomy.

“I want to see if your strength is as tough as your mouth!”

With an angry groan, Yan Ming immediately ordered to increase the attack on the energy shield.

For a time, the already thin energy shield became even more shaky.

On the city wall, Yue Mei looked solemn.

“General Huang, once the energy shield is broken, let’s take action together. Although this guy is the Eight-Star Fighting King, you and I should be able to stop him together. Before Her Majesty the Queen and Jia Lao are over, we must not let this guy The poison masters entered the territory of Gama and Tagor.”

The border front is too long, and there are too many people in the three alliances. Even if the Jiama Empire and the snake people unite, it will be difficult to stop everyone.

Those with low strength are fine, but fighting king-level enemies, once they are allowed to penetrate deep inside, it will be a disaster.

Old General Huang nodded without any intention of backing down.

“Don’t worry, Leader Yue Mei, this war will not last long. The three sect alliances thought that our Jiama Empire could be manipulated at will, but little did they know that our Jiama Empire was no longer what it used to be. This war , we will win!”

General Huang is full of confidence. A few years ago, he thought that his potential had been exhausted and he would stop being a one-star fighter in this life.

Unexpectedly, the empire did not give up on him, and gave him a batch of resources that pushed him to the realm of the Three-Star Fighting King.

Even a person with average potential like him was treated as such, let alone the other younger and stronger ones.

It can be seen that the overall strength of the Jia Ma Empire has been secretly improved to a higher level.

Yue Mei also nodded slightly. Although the pressure from various parts of the border was great, she knew that the battle situation on the Black Mountain Fortress was the real key to determining this war.

And over there, Jia Xingtian and Queen Medusa are in a small advantage!

Therefore, they only need to delay and hold on until the winner is determined, and all problems will be solved naturally.

The poisonous gas is dense and rising like mist, covering the sky and the sun.

Under the erosion of such strong poisonous gas, the energy shield finally failed to hold up and completely broke with a click.

“Kill me! Don’t let anyone go!”

The shield broke, and Yan Ming instantly rushed to the sky and shouted orders, rushing over first, with a ferocious killing intent on his face.

Yue Mei and General Huang looked at each other and turned into wings to greet him.

Yue Mei also received the Spirit Fighting Pill reward from Medusa, and is now a six-star fighting king. Dealing with Yan Ming together with General Huang is not very stressful.

“Snake spirit binding!”

“Aoki Yun!”

Neither of them held back, and directly used fighting skills to attack and kill. For a moment, a snake-shaped tyrannical energy shot through the air along with a ray of cyan light.

With such an offensive, it stands to reason that even if Yan Ming is the Eight-Star Fighting King, he would never dare to be careless.

But what puzzled General Huang and Yue Mei was that Yan Ming didn’t seem nervous at all. When he pulled away to dodge, he even had a treacherous smile on his face as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

Seeing this, both of them felt an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, the next moment the hunch came true.

Suddenly, two attacks no less powerful than Yue Mei suddenly appeared from the crowd of Poison Masters below, one yellow and one green, like long snakes.

The situation was critical, and the two had to give up attacking Yan Ming and retreat in a hurry, condensing crystal shields in front of them to defend themselves.

But even if they reacted quickly and were caught off guard, they could not withstand the attack that had been brewing for a long time. The crystal shields were shattered and shattered, and each of them received a strong blow.

Although 40 to 50% of the energy had been consumed, it still made the two of them feel uncomfortable. They were knocked back for more than ten feet, and the fighting energy in their bodies was disordered. Yue Mei, in particular, felt weak and weak for a while.

“Despicable Izumo!”

Looking at the three people flying up into the sky and surrounding them in a triangle, Yue Mei turned pale, resisting the poisonous fighting spirit that invaded her body, and sneered.

Who would have thought that there are two Six-Star Fighting Kings hidden in the darkness!

General Huang had blood on his lips. Although he had not been poisoned, he was only three-star strong. He was also seriously injured by the blow from Mulan Valley Fighting King.

“Hahaha, Yue Mei, I gave you the opportunity, but you didn’t know how to grasp it. It’s too late to regret it now. I’m looking forward to a Douwang-level snake slave girl.”

Yan Ming’s eyes were lustful, looking at Yue Mei’s alluring curves wantonly, without concealing his desire.

Without saying anything more, Yan Ming nodded slightly to the other two people. Immediately, the three of them started their offensive again, each wielding a powerful energy and shooting towards General Huang with murderous intent.

When a crisis strikes, Yue Mei wants to help, but is unable to do so.

Just when she was about to give up her efforts to resist the poisonous gas, General Huang held her shoulders, and with the force, Yue Mei fell violently downwards, temporarily leaving the center of the battlefield.

“If you want to kill me, you have to spit out blood!”

With a loud shout, General Huang completely let go of his defenses, quickly made a seal with his hands, and locked onto the Poison Master Dou Wang. A stream of green energy gathered in front of him, forming a huge energy ball in the shape of a sea urchin, staggering the opponent’s attack. Shooting suddenly.

This is his strongest blow!

The cyan energy ball was extremely fast and arrived in front of the poison master first.

Even though Poison Master Dou Wang reacted quickly and did not have any carelessness to block it with all his strength, he was still hit by this fatal blow and was knocked down several feet. Although he did not vomit blood, it was still shocking enough.

Still a bit worse.

After witnessing this scene, General Huang sighed slightly in his heart, and then he was completely overwhelmed by the three rays of energy.

“General Huang!”

Yue Mei, who fell below, shouted and couldn’t bear to close her eyes.

However, unexpectedly, no sound was heard from the energy bombardment, only the strange sound of chi chi.

Yue Mei opened her eyes and looked, her red lips slightly opened in surprise.

Old General Huang, who thought he would definitely die, was also surprised when he saw a slightly familiar young man standing in front of him. A layer of cobalt blue fire enveloped his whole body, including him. No matter how tyrannical the three energies were, However, the impact on the fire curtain did not cause any ripples. With the sound of hiss, it was being consumed rapidly. In just two breaths, it completely disappeared.

The fire curtain then subsided, and General Huang saw the young man’s appearance clearly, and a hint of surprise emerged.

“Mr. Chen Guan!”

“Well, General Huang, after so many years, you will get stronger with age.”

Chen Guan turned around and nodded in greeting.

The old general showed a wry smile and was about to speak, but the atmosphere was broken by the sound of geese surrounding him.

“Did your Excellency rescue him because you wanted to interfere in the war here? You have to think clearly.”

It was obvious that he, who was born in the Jin Yan Sect, did not know Chen Guan, so he would say such stupid words. He was just wary after seeing him resist the attacks of three people so easily.

On the other hand, fear flashed across the face of the poison master Dou Wang who was knocked back by the old general’s life-threatening blow, as if he recognized his identity.

Chen Guan turned around to look, and when he raised his hand, a black shadow shot out.

It would be a waste of time to say anything to such a mortal man.


Seeing the black shadow punching at him, Yan Ming was slightly frightened. From this puppet, he actually felt a fatal threat.

“Golden Wild Goose Roaring and Sky Strike!”

At that moment, he didn’t dare to beep anymore. He quickly formed seals with his hands, activated the fighting skill of pressing the bottom of the box, and shot out a golden energy column as thick as a bucket.

However, the result was that everyone was shocked. The golden shock wave, which even the powerful Dou Huang warriors did not dare to underestimate, was actually exploded by a punch under the puppet’s iron fist.

Wave after wave of energy scattered out in all directions. Yan Ming was shocked and turned pale, and hastily condensed a golden shield in front of him.

But under the absolute power, it was still a pointless struggle.

It was still a punch, and with a ‘click’ sound, the shield exploded instantly. The puppet kept attacking. Under Yan Ming’s horrified eyes, he punched his head.

With three simple punches, an Eight-Star Fighting King was just… dead.


The whole battlefield can be heard at this moment.

Even the people fighting below unconsciously stopped their movements, not daring to express their anger or believe their eyes.

The silence lasted for a few seconds before being broken by the puppet.

After killing Yan Ming, he immediately rushed towards the fighting king from Mulan Valley.

Even Yan Ming of the Eight-Star Fighting King was not an enemy in one fell swoop. The fighting king of Mulangu had already been frightened out of his wits. Without any hesitation, he and the Poison Master Fighting King flew away in the opposite direction at the same time. go.

But what made him tremble was that the puppet ignored the Poison Master Fighting King and chased him straight at an extremely fast speed, and the distance between him and him was rapidly closing.

“Why are you chasing me!!!”

At the last moment, the Mulan Valley Fighting King screamed in despair.

When he thought about it, Poison Master Dou Wang was more annoying from any angle. Why would he rather let him go than kill him?

It’s a pity that no one can answer his questions.

The puppet had already chased him behind him. Without any emotion, he punched him to pieces and blood spattered into the sky.

On the other side, Chen Guan will naturally not let go of Poison Master Dou Wang.

With a flip of his hand, a large black bow flashed out. He pulled out the bowstring. The fighting energy was condensed into a cobalt blue rocket wrapped in the strange fire. His mental power locked on the fleeing Poison Master Dou Wang and released him suddenly.

In an instant, the rocket roared away, as fast as a stream of light, with a suffocating cold breath. In just two breaths, it had already caught up with the Poison Master Dou Wang, penetrated the hastily condensed crystal shields, and passed through. The body, a brilliant firework exploded in the air, extremely gorgeous.


Seeing this scene, even Yue Mei and Huang Laojun, two strong warriors, couldn’t help but take a breath.

Putting away his big bow, Chen Guan smiled with satisfaction.

This is one of the special fighting skills he saw in the Yunlan Sect’s Fighting Skills Pavilion. The conditions for training are a bit harsh, requiring strong mental support and a bow weapon.

Coincidentally, there was such a big bow in the royal treasury, and Chen Guan’s mental strength was not bad, so he learned it.

His level is not high, only the intermediate Xuan level, but with his current mental strength, when used at this moment, the power is extremely impressive, no less than the general Xuan level advanced fighting skills.

“Three adults are dead, run away!”


“Get out of the way!”

“Help me, help me, help me”

Seeing that all three strong warriors were killed in an instant, a complete riot broke out below. The three sects no longer cared about attacking, they scattered in all directions and fled, wishing they had more legs.

Quietly, the offense and defense have been transformed.

“Kill, leave no one behind!”

After a short period of recovery, Yue Mei also removed part of the poisonous energy from her body. Although she was not at her peak, dealing with the remaining three sects, who were at the most fighting spirit level, was like chopping melons and vegetables.

Fighting energy turned into wings and flew into the air. He gave a stern order and rushed out at the lead, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, harvesting heads wantonly.

In this battle, the overall situation has been decided!

Chen Guan also summoned ten Dou Ling level puppets to help again, and summoned back the puppet that collected the spoils. Killing a chicken does not require a skill.

After a brief glance at the items in Najie, there was nothing that caught his eye, so Chen Guan casually threw it to Old General Huang.

“Mr. Chen Guan.”

“It’s of no use to me. You and Yue Mei should split up and reward the soldiers as well.”

After hearing this, the old general accepted it and thanked him.

Under the leadership of Yue Mei, a strong fighter, the pursuit did not last long, but the tea time was over, and the soldiers who returned from the victory cheered and celebrated.

On the city wall, Chen Guan briefly checked Yue Mei’s body and found that there was no big problem. He threw a third-grade antidote pill to her and left it alone.

After taking the elixir, Yue Mei took it directly without any hesitation.

“Thank you Master Chen Guan.”

“Well, do the three sect alliances have a lot of fighting kings? Can they send three to attack Lingyan City?”

Chen Guan responded and asked with a little doubt.

Yue Mei shook her head slightly, “Although the three empires launched this war together, it was led by the Izumo Poison Sect. The Jin Yan Sect and Mulan Gu did not send out all their strength. The number of fighting kings was actually more than ten more than us. Under normal circumstances, three would not be sent from one city. Today is a special case. I guess General Huang and I are the only ones who have discovered Lingyan City. They treat us as weak persimmons and want to use this as a breakthrough. According to what I know You know, over at Black Banyan City where Yan Ci is guarding, the Dou Wang warriors from the three sect alliances simply don’t dare to attack.”

Flame Thorn, the leader of the Snake Tribe of the Flame Snake Tribe.

After being rewarded by Queen Medusa with the Spirit Fighting Pill, he has now reached the peak of the Fighting King, touched the threshold of the Fighting King, and is the undoubted strongest among the eight leaders.

Knowing that the situation at the middle level could also be stabilized, Chen Guan nodded slightly and no longer worried.

“That’s all. Just adjust your breath and recover. When I get to the Black Mountain Fortress, I will have people come to support you. A situation like this will never happen again.”

“Thank you Master Chen Guan.”

With a slight nod, Chen Guan stopped staying, identified the direction, turned his fighting spirit into wings and rushed into the sky, continuing to rush to the Black Mountain Fortress.

General Huang watched him off until he could no longer see the young man’s figure before turning his head.

But he saw that Yue Mei’s eyes were shining brightly, and there was a strange emotion flickering in them, one of admiration and even pride.

This made the old general slightly stunned. This seems to be a member of our Jiama Empire. Why do you seem to be more honored than me?


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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