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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 185 Poisoning the Little Medical Fairy

Mobas said it more tactfully, but since we are all men, we can naturally understand what he means.

Chen Guan nodded slightly in response to his kindness, but Chen Guan didn’t take it too seriously.

The three of them walked for a few minutes, and the forest in front of them suddenly became wider. A tribe occupying an extremely large area immediately appeared in the field of vision.

The tribe is built on the mountain, and the shape is as if it is embedded in the mountain. Within the tribe, bustling snake people are swimming back and forth. Some snake warriors are also fully armed and standing on some high points, with sharp eyes at any time. Pay attention to your surroundings.

Following Mobas and Yue Mei, the three of them shuttled all the way. After a while, they finally came to a stop on a square deep in the tribe. After the square, there was a stone staircase that extended into the mountain. Today, this stone staircase is strictly guarded by many powerful snake people.

Standing on the square, Chen Guan looked directly at the stone steps extending to the end of his sight, and finally stopped among the many snake guards. There, a bald man was closing his eyes tightly, with a trace of violent aura lingering in him. The whole body, the shining bald head, is covered with gray-white snake patterns. From a distance, it looks like an entrenched gray-white poisonous snake, which makes people feel chilled.

Good guy, my hair is so curly that all my hair is gone.

With his eyes fixed on this bald snake man, Chen Guan narrowed his eyes slightly. He could feel that this person’s strength at the peak of the Dou Huang Peak and his aura intensity were no less than those of the four elders.

From this point of view, this bald snake man should be the leader of the snake people.

When Chen Guan looked at the bald snake man, the latter seemed to be aware of it. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and the strange triangular pupils were like a man-eating python, staring at Chen Guan.

“Commander, Master Chen Guan is a distinguished guest from the Snake Tribe. He has something to see Her Majesty the Queen.”

Yue Mei stepped forward and bowed slightly, with respect on her face.

However, Commander Chu Zhi remained silent and kept his eyes on Chen Guan.

“The Commander-in-Chief…”

Mobas also opened his mouth, but was stopped by the other party raising his hand, and at the same time he stood up and came over.

Chen Guan took the time to watch, and he could feel the mixed emotions in this man’s eyes, including curiosity, gratitude, and a trace of hostility.

“Cui Zhi, the great commander of the snake people, has met Master Chen Guan.”

Slowly walking in front of him, under the nervous gazes of Mobas and Yue Mei, Chu Zhi cupped his hands and said, actually a bit polite.

“Not long after I came out of seclusion, I heard a lot of things about you from the tribe and Her Majesty the Queen. As the leader of the Snake Tribe, I am very grateful for everything you have done.”

“However, I will not acknowledge the matter between you and Her Majesty the Queen, unless you are willing to fight me and defeat me!”

Seeing that he didn’t take action directly, Mobas and Yue Mei breathed a sigh of relief. Today’s commander-in-chief seemed to have a much calmer temper.

Chen Guan felt like laughing when he heard this, and was surprised by the brain circuit of this great commander.

What does it matter to me whether you admit it or not?

This is what I said…

“Okay, I’ll give you a chance.”

Using a strong wind to push Mobas and Yue Mei aside, Chen Kankan nodded slightly to the commander-in-chief.

Seeing Chen Guang nod his head, a war-loving smile suddenly appeared on Chu Zhi’s face. Without saying a word, he clenched his fist suddenly. In the green light, dense snake scales emerged, and then he let out a roar, and his fist Mixed with a cold energy, it hit Chen Guan hard.

He was somewhat restrained and did not directly use his fighting skills.

Obviously, he is just straight, not really without any brains.

Feeling the cold and sharp wind above the opponent’s fist, Chen Guan’s expression remained unchanged and his feet did not move an inch. The powerful cobalt blue flames suddenly surged out of his body.

The flames rose, the ground quickly became dry, and dry cracks spread rapidly. The surrounding strong snake people also hurriedly retreated with horrified faces. They were cold-natured, and they were most afraid of these things.

Seeing the cobalt blue flames on Chen Guan’s body, the commander’s eyes flashed with surprise, but his men did not stop at all.


The strong wind collided with the raging flames, and the sound like a sonic boom shook the surrounding areas. The heat waves came one after another, making the strong snake people even feel like they were back in Tagore.

The commander who took the initiative to attack was also frightened back by the flames. The snake scales on his palms were scorched black, which made him shocked. This was still the result of not being in direct contact with the flames.

“Come again!”

With an angry roar, the commander’s whole body glowed with green light, and streams of tyrannical energy shot out from his palms.

Chen Guan was naturally not idle either. When he saw the action of the commander, he had a thought in his mind. Suddenly, raging flames filled the air like a vast ocean. Flame pythons condensed from it, and the simplest ‘Elixir Fire Technique’ was activated.

It’s just that compared to ordinary people, he can condense more forms.

The cyan energy and the cobalt blue fire python were constantly in contact. In an instant, like ice and snow meeting boiling water, they were burned away in the blink of an eye. The speed was jaw-droppingly fast.

Seeing the fire pythons surrounding him, the commander’s face changed slightly, and he quickly made a seal with his hands. A green snake shape immediately came out of his body, like an energy shield, wrapping himself in it, and swung out his fists fiercely. , constantly resisting the invasion of the fire python.

Punch after punch, sonic boom hunting, and the energy aftermath set off gusts of wind.

It took more than ten breaths to finish all the fire pythons. Although they were not injured, they looked a little embarrassed with the burnt black spots on their bodies.

Taking a long breath, the commander looked at the calm-looking young man in the distance, with a bit more respect in his eyes. The rumors were not groundless.

The brief confrontation was nothing more than a small test, but if you had a glimpse of the leopard, you could still see something.

The thoughts in his mind changed. Just when the commander raised his arms to stop fighting, a petite figure suddenly appeared from the hall behind him.


With a squeak in his mouth, his slender little fist hit the back of Chu Zhi’s head with terrifying force under the stunned gazes of the snake men around him.

The commander’s expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned around. Green light emerged and wrapped his arms, and he punched out violently, meeting the slender fist.


At the moment of contact, a low muffled sound suddenly exploded, and immediately a ripple of terrifying energy suddenly spread out. The commander and the petite figure both took a few steps back.

Forcing himself to steady his body, the commander glanced at Ziyan who was rubbing his little fists with a wry smile.

Sure enough, it was this little aunt again.

“Bald guy, don’t bully Chen Guan!”

Commander Chu Zhi looked at himself, and then at the young man in the distance, who opened his mouth and was speechless.

Under Zi Yan’s gaze, she couldn’t say anything after all. She cupped her hands and stepped aside, sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed and adjusting her breath.

This girl is completely unreasonable!

A few days ago, when they saw each other for the first time, the two had a fist-to-bone fight. Without using any killing moves, they fought head-on, but in the end they ended up being equally matched.

However, after that battle, he was severely warned by the clan leader and punished to stay in the snake cave for seven full days!

From then on, every time he saw this girl, he could only walk around and dare not make a move easily. If he lost, he would be miserable, and if he won, he would not be able to get any favors.

Seeing him retreat, Zi Yan chuckled and appeared in front of Chen Guan, her proud posture full of showing off.

Chen Guan glanced at her angrily and rubbed the smooth purple hair fiercely.

“Oh, you dare to be so disrespectful to me, you are looking for death!”

The girl moaned and was about to pounce.

Chen Guan put his hand on her head, and no matter how her short hands fluttered, she still couldn’t touch him. He was as funny as a giant moth, which made people laugh.

It wasn’t until a few seconds later that Queen Medusa quietly appeared in the square and grabbed the girl, finally stopping the battle between the warrior and the dragon.

“Go in and talk.”

Holding Zi Yan in hand, Queen Medusa raised her beautiful eyes slightly, with a slight smile on her face, looking in a very good mood.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, stepped forward and walked alongside the two of them towards the main hall.

The commander’s closed eyes also opened at this moment, looking at the three people in perfect harmony, he sighed silently.

However, Queen Medusa seemed to have noticed his actions. She stopped and looked back. The smile on her face faded and she returned to indifference. She waved her hand and said in a calm voice: “Chen Guannai is the leader of the Sky Alliance and a distinguished guest of the Snake Tribe. , how could it be that you just took action when you wanted to? Go to the Snake Cave later and come out in half a month.”

Hearing this, Commander Chu Zhi opened his mouth wide and his face immediately dropped. However, he did not dare to resist and could only nod weakly.

I swear to God, he really didn’t mean any harm, it was just a brief discussion to see if he was qualified.

Mobas and Yue Mei were on the other side and wanted to laugh but didn’t dare.


After explaining the leadership, Queen Medusa no longer stopped and led Chen Guan into the main hall.

It is exactly the same as the Medusa Temple in the Holy City in the Tagore Desert. The decoration has not changed. It seems that the temple was moved here, so it will not feel strange.

“You came here this time, what happened?”

Sitting on the throne with Zi Yan, Queen Medusa asked.

There is no need to be polite among others, Chen Jian nodded and told everything about Wanxie Sect.

“Xie Biyan, this old guy has indeed broken through the Douzong, but with his accumulation, it doesn’t seem strange.”

“You know him?”

“Well, we fought back then, but when I first became the clan leader, he was already a well-known strong man in the Izumo Empire. We fought once at that time, and at that time, he was just a fighting emperor strongman. “Medusa said slowly.

“By the way, Haibodong also fought against him back then, but he lost in the end. The imperial family fought against him several times, winning more and losing less. But generally speaking, the Gama Empire and the Izumo Empire were better than each other. In the competition between the strong men, this Xie Biyan stole the show, overwhelming many strong men from the Jiama Empire.”

Chen Guan nodded, he already knew this from Yao Ye’s mouth.

“When will you leave?” Medusa asked, not wanting to dwell too much on the topic of the past.

Since Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect and Xie Biyan were mentioned, she could guess what the young man meant without asking.

“As soon as possible.”

“Then you wait for me for a while, I will explain the affairs of the clan, and then I will let you go. I have also wanted to meet the leader of the Poison Sect for a long time.” After hearing this, Medusa nodded without any hesitation. Complied.

It didn’t take long to arrange some affairs. Chen Guan and Zi Yan only waited in the hall for about half an hour, and Queen Medusa arranged everything properly.

Immediately, the three of them set off without any further delay. They quickly left the territory of the snake people and began to fly towards the border of the empire.

The Warcraft Mountain Range is quite a distance from the Izumo border. Even at the speed of Chen Guan and the others, they only arrived in the evening.

On a mountain peak at the border of the Izumo Empire, three streams of light flashed from a distance. After a moment, they turned into three figures and appeared on the top of the mountain.

“Poison masters are rampant in the Izumo Empire. After entering, we all have to be careful, especially Zi Yan. This time we can’t be naughty at all. Don’t touch things you don’t want to touch. Most of the strong men in the Izumo Empire are… He carries some vile poison with him.”

Looking down at a vague fortress at the end of his sight, Chen Guan tilted his head and reminded Medusa and the two.

At the same time, he took out two bottles of detoxification pills and handed them to them.

“I know, I promise to be obedient.”

Ziyan nodded her little head in response, like a chicken pecking at rice. As for how much she could hear, only she knew.

However, Chen Guan and Queen Medusa were not too worried about her. Even Commander Chu Zhi was a little overwhelmed by her terrifying power. It was really difficult to find someone who could threaten her life under Dou Zong.

Moreover, when it comes to a life-and-death situation, Zi Yan’s ability to save her life may be no worse than theirs, or even better.

This is the talent of Xiaolong people, which is not something you can envy.

“Have a rest for a while and wait until it gets dark before we continue on our way. The Poison Sect’s headquarters is in Sky Poison City in the center of the Izumo Empire. It’s not that close to here. It’s more convenient under the cover of night.”

“Just arrange it.”

Medusa had no objection and absolutely trusted him.

They stayed on the mountain peak for half an hour, until nightfall completely fell, and then the three of them set off.

The territory of the Izumo Empire is no smaller than that of the Garma Empire. In some respects, it is even much wider than the Garma Empire. However, compared with the Garma Empire, this empire is undoubtedly much more chaotic.

Poison master, a profession that was almost despised by everyone in the Gama Empire, has developed extremely prosperously in the Izumo Empire. In a city, people wearing poison master robes can be seen almost everywhere. In the Izumo Empire , there is a scene that is rarely seen in the Jia Ma Empire, and that is the sale of poisons.

In every city in this empire, there are some shops dedicated to selling some poisons. As long as everything related to poisons can be purchased in these places, the more poisonous things, the more expensive they will be. expensive.

In the Izumo Empire, there is a kind of fighting spirit that is countless times more powerful than other attributes of fighting spirit. People in the Izumo Empire call it poisonous fighting spirit.

Poison Dou Qi has countless branches, but they are roughly the same, they all contain highly toxic substances. Of course, the abnormal toxicity of poison is naturally not a normal attribute, but a man-made mutation product. Ordinary people, before they have become a Before becoming a famous fighter, you need to soak your body in some poisonous water, and then practice in it. In this way, as the poison slowly invades the body, it will eventually blend with the fighting spirit in the body, and wait for time Over time, the originally normal fighting spirit will turn into poisonous fighting spirit with different effects!

Compared with ordinary fighting qi, poisonous fighting qi does have some advantages in lethality, but poison is poison after all. This thing does not distinguish between friend and foe. As the practice intensifies, the body will become more and more weakened by the corrosion of poison, unless Can be promoted to a strong Dou Wang, otherwise the life span of ordinary people who practice the poison attribute will be much lower than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, the body is mixed with a lot of poison, which will always cause some people’s personalities to deviate, and this has also led to chaos in the Izumo Empire. Fighting will undoubtedly be much more frequent than in the Gama Empire. , and, perhaps because the poisonous gas in the body can attack the heart at any time, the people of the Izumo Empire have to be more crazy when practicing, because everyone knows that if they do not reach the Douwang level, then the poisonous fighting Qi they cultivate will be , sooner or later this life will be swallowed up.

And with this kind of oppression of death, the cultivation atmosphere of the Izumo Empire is indeed a bit crazy, and because of this, if you really want to say it, the powerful people hidden among the people of the Izumo Empire may be more powerful than those in the Gama Empire. There are many, and these strong men rarely join any big forces. Instead, they fight on their own and practice hard, hoping that they can completely escape the poisonous erosion in their bodies.

Generally speaking, this country is more chaotic and dangerous than the Gama Empire.

Of course, this level of chaos is much weaker than the Black Corner Territory, which has no legal system at all. After all, here, there used to be an Izumo royal family and the behemoth Poison Sect ruling here.

Because of the identities of the three of them, they couldn’t completely let go of their speed, especially during the day.

Therefore, Chen Guan and the others moved forward with their aura hidden, and it took them two full days to arrive at the center of the Izumo Empire, a well-known city.

Tiandu City!

This city, inside and out, is completely controlled by the Poison Sect. The so-called royal family of the Yun Empire has long become a decoration.

This Sky Poison City is regarded as a sacred place by countless poison masters in the Izumo Empire, because some of the strongest forces in the Izumo Empire in the past have set up their headquarters here, accepting worship from poison masters from all directions.

Standing on a mountain peak outside Tiandu City, the three men in black robes couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Finally arrived.

“Going into town?”

Looking at this huge city in the distance, Queen Medusa asked aloud.

Chen Guan shook his head slightly, took out his flute and blew it twice.

The last time they met the Little Medical Fairy Queen, the two left each other a means of contact.

The three of them were not kept waiting for a long time. In less than a minute, a vague figure appeared in the field of vision. After a few flashes, it had already arrived on the mountain peak.

The three of them were immediately aware of the unconcealable strong aura. After seeing the iconic white hair, they breathed a sigh of relief.

“She…is a three-star Dou Zong?!”

Queen Medusa beside her suddenly spoke out, with an uncertain tone, and she felt a little more vigilant in her heart.

Hearing this, Chen Guan was a little confused.

He knew that the evil poisonous body was terrifying, but was this a bit too outrageous?

The little medical fairy glanced at the three of them and slowly approached.

He guessed what they were thinking, and had a weird expression on his face that was both angry and funny.

“The Ten Thousand Scorpions Clan can’t wait any longer. The night before yesterday, someone gave me four kinds of strange poisons at once. Even a strong man from the Dou Sect will die if he is rashly contaminated.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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