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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 194 The Difference between Yun Yun and Medusa

The attraction of the Three Beasts Wild Jue seems to be stronger than imagined.

In a few days, Chen Guan had explained everything about the Tianmeng, but the four elders still remained motionless. They showed no ripples like stones thrown into a lake, and they did not come out again. They were obviously immersed in it and could not extricate themselves.

Zi Yan, on the other hand, came over from the Snake Tribe and spent the past few days hanging out with Yao Yue. Even the pills she needed for daily use were taken over by Yao Yue, so Chen Guan didn’t need to worry any more.

“It seems that several elders won’t be able to come out in a short time. I’ll go to Yunlan Sect and then prepare to leave.”

Looking at the Douji Pavilion, Chen Guan made a decision. Who knows how long it will take them to practice the Three Beasts Savage Art.

Zi Yan glanced at the person who was speaking helplessly, but the smile on his face was not concealed at all. She curled her lips slightly, exactly as Sister Dieyi guessed.

Chen Guan, however, didn’t know what the girl was thinking, so he just said that and left for Yunlan Sect.

Yunlan Sect, in front of the inaccessible gate of life and death.

A graceful silhouette curls up independently, the oval face shines like the bright moon, the downcast eyes are filled with autumn water, the green clothes are gorgeous, and the fine tailoring outlines the slender waist and the proud figure.

Pure and beautiful, just like before.

Suddenly, the sound of feet stepping on dead branches came from behind.

Sensing the familiar aura, Yun Yun was not surprised by his arrival.

It wasn’t until he was hugged from behind that he turned around slightly stiffly and gave the culprit an angry look.

Immediately, he took the rare initiative to grab Chen Guan’s big hand and led him all the way to the edge of the cliff where the path stretched all the way in front of the Gate of Life and Death, and sat down leaning against him.

“Are you here to say goodbye this time?”

With Chen Guan’s current status, every move he makes attracts much attention. If anyone is aware of it, it is not difficult to guess that he is making preparations before leaving.

Smelling the fragrance in the beauty’s bun, Chen Guan did not answer directly, but suggested softly: “You can leave with me. The Yunlan Sect has your teacher here, so you don’t need to worry too much.”

With Yunshan’s current spirit, there won’t be any problems if he works for another ten or twenty years.

Young people should have the energy of young people. Just leave the job of looking after their hometown to the old guys.

Yun Yun raised her head slightly, thinking of traveling around Zhongzhou together, fighting for opportunities, fighting side by side, cuddling up to watch the flowers bloom and fall, watching the clouds roll and relax, a look of excitement flashed across her pretty face.

But in an instant, he restrained himself again.

“It’s not possible now. Yanran has entered the Gate of Life and Death and won’t be able to get out for a short time. The teacher has to take the Po Sect Pill to attack the Dou Sect barrier, which will take at least a few months. The Yunlan Sect cannot be without a master for a day, and I still can’t escape. “

“Besides, my talent and strength are far inferior to yours, and I will be a drag on you.”

Although this is true, it is very unpleasant.

Chen Guan frowned slightly, “How come there are so many scruples about relationships? If we really want to pursue equality in everything, then everyone should just stop talking about relationships and just find a marriage partner with similar strength and background. I just often go out. Running is just more opportunities. When you go to Zhongzhou, you will have these opportunities and you will naturally be able to keep up.”

Not to mention other things, Huazong alone has a great opportunity that makes people jealous.

After being scolded a few times, Yun Yun was not angry. Instead, she acted like a little girl, with a flattering smile on her face as if she had admitted her mistake.

Chen Guan wasn’t really angry with her, he just felt helpless at her hesitant temper.

Yun Yun leaned in her arms, with a sweet smile on her lips, and said in a slightly serious tone: “Little liar, I like to see you surrounded. The road you walk should be full of flowers and bustling with people. , In fact, I knew a long time ago that this day would come sooner or later, and the Northwest Territory would not be able to keep you. At that time, I was thinking about how I should make a choice.”

“Has a decision been made now?”

“Well, you go to Zhongzhou first. When the teacher comes out of seclusion, or Yanran comes out of the gate of life and death, I can relieve myself of the burden of being the sect leader. Then I will come to find you again, okay?”

After thinking for a moment, Chen Guan nodded and agreed.

Knowing Yun Yun’s temperament, Chen Guan didn’t expect her to leave immediately.

If she really wanted to be that decisive, she wouldn’t be Yun Yun.

“Don’t forget to cover up your appearance.”

Dou Huang’s strength is considered strong in the northwest, but it is nothing in Zhongzhou.

Of course, as long as you don’t deliberately seek death and cause trouble, you should take care of things you shouldn’t be involved in, do what you can, and keep a low profile, and others will not bully you for no reason. After all, only a small number of people are mentally ill.

“I know~”

Yun Yun rolled her eyes charmingly, feeling very grateful for Chen Guan’s concern.

Little did she know that Chen Guan was like a sharpened sword, with the same posture but completely different dangers.

Feeling the blazing gaze, a trace of blush appeared on Yun Yun’s delicate face, her eyes were lightly closed, and she looked even more bright and charming.

The next moment, hot breath passed across the cheeks, and that wonderful touch came from the lips

Yun Yun pressed her hands against Chen Guan’s chest. They were limp and without any strength, and she seemed to be trying to resist in return.

Chen Guan had long been accustomed to her small movements, and was not affected at all. He held her slender waist and invaded wantonly.

Yun Yun noticed it, but thinking that the separation was imminent, her tense body relaxed, allowing him to indulge in his wantonness.

I don’t know how many minutes passed, but a gust of breeze came slowly, awakening the entangled two people.


After moaning softly, Yun Yun blushed and pushed away Chen Guan, who was getting more and more aggressive.

“Yun’er, what’s wrong?”

Yun Yun glared at Chen Guan with an innocent face in shame, endured the strange feeling of numbness all over her body, and pulled out the big hand that had slipped in at some point.

“not now.”

When he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Chen Guan’s dejected expression, and added something as low and inaudible as a fly.

“It’s daytime”

Chen Guan chuckled and coughed to hide his embarrassment.

This time and place are really not suitable.

Lifting up Yun Yun, who still had an intoxicating blush on her face, Chen Guan flipped his palm, and a fine jade bottle of suet appeared and handed it over.

“Give it to me? What kind of elixir is this?”

After receiving the jade bottle, Yun Yun opened it and saw a strong fragrance of elixir immediately spread out, and she could feel the majestic energy contained in it.

Chen Guan chuckled and introduced: “Huangji Pill.”

“You should know the effect of Huangji Pill. It is somewhat similar to Dou Ling Dan. When you take it when you are in the Seven Star Dou Huang, if you are lucky, it is possible to be directly promoted to the peak of Dou Huang. At worst, it can help you to be promoted to close to nine stars. Degree.”

The effect of the elixir is closely related to the perfection of its refining.

He had refined this before. The level at that time was naturally not as good as it is now, and he was not sure whether he could improve it by two stars.

After listening to the introduction, Yun Yun looked at Chen Guan with gentle eyes, feeling that the originally cold jade bottle was actually a little hot to the touch.

“Keep it, I have prepared it myself. When you reach the peak of Douhuang, I will refine the Po Zong Pill for you. Speaking of which, I heard some students from Canaan College from Zhongzhou mentioned that there are several strange things in Zhongzhou. The land is very beneficial to break through the Douzong. When you arrive in Zhongzhou, we can go and see it together. The benefits of using those special places to break through should be greater than taking pills. At least, we no longer need to spend a lot of time to consolidate.”

“Okay!” Yun Yun didn’t hesitate anymore, put away the elixir and leaned on Chen Guan’s shoulder, with longing on her face.

The difficulty of breaking through Douzong has long been a cliché and does not need to be elaborated on.

In the past, Yun Yun was confident that she could reach the peak of Dou Huang, but Dou Zong was daunted by it.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, she actually learned that there was more than one way for her to be promoted to Douzong, which made people feel like a dream.

The sun sets, the moon rises, the sun rises and the moon sets, each rotation is one day.

When in the Snake Tribe, the feeling of fiercely competing with the powerful Medusa was intoxicating, and the true gentleness of Yunyun’s side was equally addicting.

In the blink of an eye, the sun and moon rotate three times.

Chen Guan finally broke away from Wenrou Township and left Congyun Lanzong.

When Chen Guan was leaving, Yun Yun did not personally send him down the mountain, which surprised the disciples and elders of the Yun Lan Sect he met along the way.

To this day, although the intimate relationship between the two has not been completely disclosed, most people still understand it tacitly.

After all, one’s eyes cannot be concealed. In the past few times when Chen Guan was in Yunlan Sect, their sect master always had a gentle smile that he had never seen before, and occasionally looked at each other. Can detect abnormalities.

That’s why it feels strange not to see the sect leader today.

Are you having trouble?

“Pavilion Master Chen.”

“Leader Chen.”

“Master Chen Guan.”

They were called various names along the way. Although they were confused, no one lost their minds and asked him face to face.

Chen Guan’s face was red and he was in a good mood and nodded in response.

Such a strange appearance is even more confusing.

In a towering building of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun was wearing a green dress. She kept looking at the figure through the exquisite wooden windows until it completely disappeared into the clouds and mist, and then she reluctantly withdrew her gaze.

Her slender jade fingers touched a ring on her finger, which contained the Huangji Pill given by Chen Guan, as well as some protective power.

“Teacher, you have to get out of seclusion quickly.”

Putting away the lingering affection in her eyes, Yun Yun turned her head to look towards the back mountain and murmured softly.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to practice the circulation technique.

Now, she is not far away from the Five Star Dou Huang.

Headquarters of Tianmeng.

When Chen Guan came back, what was rare was that Jiaxingtian actually came out of the Douji Pavilion and was instructing Yaoyue to revise the mysterious technique that he had dropped from the sky and hit on his head a few nights ago.

The level of this mysterious skill is not low, reaching the level of the earth level.

Jiaxingtian is of the earth attribute, and Yaoyue is of the fire attribute.

The attributes are different, but when it comes to cultivation, most of them are easy to understand. Based on his experience, there is no problem in teaching Yaoyue.

Seeing Chen Guan’s inquiring look, Jia Xingtian smiled complacently and said, “I have been studying the Three Beasts Wilderness Art for a while, and I have some insights. I happened to have an exchange with these elders of the Snake Tribe, and they benefited a lot. They quickly entered the door, and now they are trapped in a deep level of cultivation that is difficult to extricate themselves from. I estimate that they will not come out in March or May.”

Zi Yan, who was out for a walk, just came back and saw Xiaolongren. Jia Xingtian coughed and became serious.

“I wanted to work with these Snake Tribe elders to settle the marriage between you and Queen Medusa. However, they are addicted to cultivation. There is probably no chance of it in a short time. That’s it for this time. You have other plans and you can’t delay them. But next time You have to settle this matter when you come back.”

“I understand, Jia Lao.”

Chen Guan nodded in agreement. The status must be given, but one cannot favor one over the other.

Jia Xingtian knew what he was thinking, so he didn’t say anything more at the moment. As he waved his hand, a chessboard appeared.

“Yue’er, you play with Zi Yan, and I’ll play a few games with Mr. Chen.”

Yaoyue said yes, but her feet didn’t move.

Like two guards, he and Zi Yan stood behind Chen Guan and watched.

Ignoring them, he motioned for Chen Guan to sit down and Jia Xingtian played with the chess pieces to go first.

“Your boy has grown up now, and now he is going to Zhongzhou. With my little strength, I can’t help you. I only have some life experience left. I tell you to listen, write down the useful ones, and let go of the useless ones. .”

Seeing this, Chen Guan also looked serious.

“Actually, I have always been very reassured by your temperament. You are neither arrogant nor impetuous, and you are far more stable than your peers. But Zhongzhou is no different from the northwest. The stage is bigger, and the challenges and risks are bound to be greater. We cultivators , things like fighting for opportunities are inevitable, and you may offend some people invisibly, and your interests may also be harmed by some people.”

“When encountering something like this, we either don’t offend and welcome others with a smile and tolerate it, or, once we are in trouble, we have no plans to hold back and kill when it’s time to kill and eradicate the root cause!”

“Because none of us can afford to gamble. Sometimes in a person’s life, it only takes one mistake, just like this wrong move, and the whole game is lost.”

Jia Xingtian said earnestly, messing up the chess pieces on the chessboard.

Chen Guan nodded slightly and looked over.

This is the truth, but I am only one step away from winning. You old man is suddenly acting like this. Are you sure you are not trying to cheat?

Jiaxingtian’s expression remained unchanged and he smoothed his short beard.

“This is another truth I want to tell you. Don’t believe in those so-called rules. All rules are made by people. They can only restrain the weak and have no effect on the truly strong. It cannot restrain the people who make the rules. Be prepared for the worst in everything and you will never go wrong!”

Jiaxing Tian said earnestly.

Chen Guan agreed with what he said, but he still felt that the little old man was deliberately cheating.

Behind them, Yaoyue and Ziyan were even less interested. After a few glances, they ran to the other side to play.

“Don’t worry, Jia Lao. I will be careful about my words and actions after I go out. I know many, many examples of people who are jealous of talents.”

Chen Guan responded casually.

Although he knew what Jia Xingtian said, the kindness was still quite heartwarming.

But when he raised his eyes, he saw Jia Xingtian laughing, looking like you are still too young.

“Bullshit, jealous of talents. The reason why they say this is because no one cares when the idiot dies.”

“Well, you’re right!”

Chen Guan was speechless, and that seemed to be the case.

The two of them sat in the courtyard all afternoon, playing chess and listening to Jia Xingtian talk about his many years of life experience.

I haven’t played a few games of serious chess, but I’m excited to listen to his chatter.

But I have to say, they are all very useful.

In the evening, Jiaxingtian put away the chessboard.

“when are we leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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