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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 197 Dou Huang looks at the gate

One hall, one tower, two sects, three valleys, and four pavilions.

“Among them, Xingyun Pavilion, Wanjian Pavilion, Huangquan Pavilion, and Fenglei Pavilion are also called Sifang Pavilion because they stand on Zhongzhou in exactly four directions. Their strength is also not weak. Even if you look at the first-class ones in Zhongzhou He can be regarded as the best among them. In the future, try not to provoke him in Zhongzhou,” Xinlan reminded seriously.

Chen Guan didn’t refute and nodded in agreement.

So far, he has had some contact with two of them.

Yao Chen, the nominal master of Xingyun Pavilion, and Sanqian Lei Dong of Fenglei Pavilion.

It’s a good thing that the old guy Yao Chen is just a name. Otherwise, with his reputation as the number one alchemist and his peak Dou Zun reputation and strength, the authority of this ranking would be ridiculous.

“The three valleys are the Ice Valley, the Sound Valley and the Burning Flame Valley.”

“Yingu is the most mysterious and low-key. Most people know very little about this force. They only know that there is a tyrannical force.”

Ye Xinlan continued, which was no different from what Chen Guan learned.

Sound Valley seems to have always been living in legends

Chen Guan was not interested in the Glacier Valley, but the Burning Flame Valley was somewhat interesting and had its ultimate glory.

Moreover, there is a kind of strange fire in Burning Flame Valley.

Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire!

Unfortunately, there is basically no hope of obtaining this strange fire.

“The two sects are Tianming Sect and Hua Sect. These two sects also have extremely strong power in Zhongzhou. There are many strong people in the sect.”

“The first tower is the well-known Dan Pagoda?”

“Yes.” Ye Xinlan nodded.

The Ye family’s troubles are related to Danta.

Ye Xinlan thought for a moment and did not elaborate on this topic.

There is no doubt about the power of Danta and no further introduction is needed.

As for the Ye family’s affairs, there is still some time.

“The first palace is the Soul Palace.”

“The Soul Palace is extremely mysterious in Zhongzhou. It is difficult for ordinary people to meet people from the Soul Palace. Not to mention its headquarters, even some branches are rarely known. But even so, the Soul Palace is still as famous as the Dan Pagoda, which is enough. This shows how terrifying its hidden power is.”

“When Master Chen Guan goes to Zhongzhou, he must be careful about the people in the Soul Palace. They have a very bad reputation, but they are too strong. The three giants of Danta, but looking at Zhongzhou, they are all ranked among the top ten legendary powerhouses, but Even so, these three giants are still very afraid of the mysterious master of the Soul Palace. According to some rumors in Zhongzhou, the three giants of Danta once secretly fought against the master of the Soul Palace, but as for the result, , it’s just unknown.”

Ye Xinlan told everything she knew. It was a bit general, but it could also give people a specific idea.

The situation in Zhongzhou is really complicated. If we describe everything in detail, the amount of information would be too much.

After Ye Xinlan finished speaking, Chen Guan and Zi Yan also asked some questions that they were more concerned about, such as the famous Warcraft family among them.

In response, Ye Xinlan also tried her best to reply.

Unfortunately, she didn’t actually know much, most of it was news widely circulated in the outside world.

“Thank you very much.”

Chen Guan put away the elixir and said.

He originally wanted to give a few pills as a thank you gift, but Ye Xinlan refused, so he had no choice but to give up at the moment.

Ye Xinlan shook his head slightly and said with a smile: “Master Chen Guan, you don’t have to be polite. Xinlan just wants to have a good relationship. This is the map to Tianya City and the general map of Zhongzhou. It may be useful, so I will give it to you as well.” Master Chen Guan.”

As he said that, he took out two maps and was very careful.

“Thank you.”

Chen Guan took it and thanked him again.

It’s not a valuable item, but it’s certainly useful.

Ye Xinlan chuckled and shook her head. Seeing that they had no problem, she said something to a few people and left.

Watching her leave, Su Qian, who had been silent, looked over.

“The Ye family has not been in a very good situation in the past few years, and their status is in jeopardy. Xinlan should be going back in a few days. If your kid can become a seventh-level alchemist in a short time, he can go to the Dan Realm and have some experience. An unexpected gain, of course, it’s up to you whether you can help or not.”

Chen Guan nodded slightly, he knew what the great elder was talking about.

After chatting for a while, Chen Guan and Zi Yan stopped delaying and stood up to leave.

“Great Elder, take care.”

“Well, I won’t send you out. Be careful along the way, Ziyan girl. When you get to Zhongzhou, listen to Chen Guan and don’t cause trouble.”

“I know, I know, Old Man Su, let’s go and see you again later.”

After a brief farewell, the two left immediately.

The great elder stood at the door and watched them off. When they couldn’t see their backs, he couldn’t help but sigh softly, feeling a little reluctant but also a little relieved.

Black Seal City, Black Seal Auction House.

This is the headquarters of the Eight Gates, and nine out of ten of the forces are concentrated here. Here, few people dare to challenge the majesty of the Eight Gates. Once they do, they must be prepared to be attacked by a group.

People in the Black Corner Territory never talk about fairness and justice, and everything depends on strength.

However, at this moment, the luxurious room on the top floor of the Black Seal Auction House that originally belonged to the sect owner Yuan Yi was occupied by two women. The sect owner Yuan Yi was like a door god, guarding the door in a dignified manner. There is no trace of the usual arrogance.

On the contrary, you can even feel that he is a little proud.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to guard the door for two powerful Douzong masters.

When he saw Queen Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy today, Yuan Yi was extremely grateful for his original decision. The two powerful Dou Zong masters were basically able to run amok in this black corner realm.

Moreover, these two people look extremely young, and their gold content appears to be even greater.

This also made him gradually firm up in his originally hesitant and wavering mind. Perhaps, this was indeed an opportunity.

With various thoughts in his mind, Yuan Yi suddenly saw two figures flying from the distance from the window, their bright fighting wings dazzling.

How dare someone fly over Black Seal City?

The anger just rose, but when he saw the appearance of the two people clearly, it dissipated in an instant.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yuan Yi quickly flew out to greet him personally, fearing that his subordinates might collide.

This gesture also made many strong men from the Eight Gates speechless who were originally ready to scold him.

“Yuan Yi has met Master Chen.”

While bowing his hands in salute, he did not forget to show a friendly smile to the little one next to the young man.

With his five big and three thick looks, this posture seems a bit funny.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, glanced at the crowd below, and could sense two familiar scents in the Black Seal Auction House.

“Let’s talk after we go in.”

“Master Chen, please.”

Chen Guan did not treat him politely, and led Zi Yan into the auction house, all the way up to the luxurious room.

Queen Medusa and the Little Fairy Doctor were sitting side by side, chatting without a word. They didn’t talk much, but they looked quite harmonious.

Seeing Chen Guan pushing open the door and entering, both of them looked up, nodded slightly, and smiled.

It’s just that in comparison, the little medical fairy’s smile is smaller and more restrained, making her look approachable but not impolite.

Medusa had no scruples and was still leaning lazily, very casually.

“Sister Dieyi, sister of the little fairy doctor.”

Zi Yan laughed and ran over, squeezing in between the two of them.

Queen Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy also allowed her to be treated as one of their favorites.

Chen Guan was too lazy to feel envious. Happiness and other things were secondary. He mainly wanted to experience whether Xiaolongren’s position was warm or not.

Chen Guan nodded slightly in response to the two of them. Chen Guan did not go over immediately, but led Yuan Yi to the seat on the other side, more than 20 meters away from Medusa and the others.

“I asked you to collect and inquire during this period, but what did you gain?”

Hearing this, Yuan Yi nodded immediately.

Without hesitation, he took out the roster directly from the ring.

He had already started preparations when Queen Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy arrived, which was convenient at this time.

Chen Guan took the list and looked at it. It was not much different from the last time. It still mainly contained all kinds of shady black goods. Only in this Black Corner Territory could it be put up for auction without any scruples.

Chen Guan glanced at the martial arts and fighting skills and skipped them directly. They were all at a high level of Xuan level and did not make him excited.

The same goes for the elixir, which is not as good as the one he refined himself and is not attractive at all.

However, Chen Guan was a little surprised by two medicinal herbs called Dragon Blood Mushroom. They were one of the main ingredients for refining the Heavenly Soul Blood Melting Pill.

Tianhun Blood Fusion Pill, a seventh-grade pill, has four more important main ingredients besides Long Ming Zi Moss.

They are Dragon Blood Mushroom, Bone Spirit Fruit, Xuantian Ivy, and a seventh-level or higher level of magical beast blood essence.

“I want Dragon Blood Mushroom. In addition, you can help me collect these medicinal materials. I don’t ask for all of them, but try to collect as many as possible.”

With that said, Chen Guan took out the list of medicinal ingredients for the Tianhun Blood Melting Pill that had not yet been collected.

During this period of time on the road, relying on Zi Yan’s talent for treasure hunting, she could only collect less than half of the medicinal materials. Including those collected in the Jia Ma Empire, there was still about a third less.

Although the Black Corner Territory is chaotic, it is extremely rich in resources. Each major force also has its own medicine shop, so Chen Guan will not miss it.

Yuan Yi nodded and took it, but did not leave immediately, waiting for other instructions.

Chen Guan continued to look at the roster, turning page after page until he reached a pattern, with a smile on his face.

“This is a broken picture that was entrusted to auction by an old man who said it came from Zhongzhou a few months ago. I bought it directly for him with 800,000 gold coins. Thinking of your original explanation, I never took it out. Go to auction.”

Seeing Chen Guan’s expression, Yuan Yi also understood it, took out the remaining picture from the Najie, and spoke about its origin.

Chen Guan took it and didn’t even need to check it. He could confirm it just by feeling it.

Not shying away from Yuan Yi, he took out the three fragments of one large, two small and three pieces that he had previously obtained from Najie, and simply spliced ​​them together to make them fit perfectly.

“Well done. What was the price of the Three Thousand Thunder auction?”

Chen Guan was in a good mood and praised with a smile.

The biggest purpose of accepting Yuan Yi in the first place was this broken picture. Now that he can get it so easily, although it is logical, it is also worthy of happiness.

Involuntarily, he looked at the big man Yuan Yi with a somewhat satisfied look.

Having such a person is indeed so convenient.

Hearing Chen Guan’s inquiry, Yuan Yi showed an embarrassed expression.

“At that time, we faked the auction of Three Thousand Thunderbolts, but the auction was attended by people from the Blood Sect, Tian Serpent Mansion and other forces, and the prices quoted were even more astonishing. The situation got a little out of control. In the end, our bidder paid three Huang Ji Dan and two Spirit Fighting Pills were auctioned just then. But we didn’t have these pills, so when the man came over after the auction, I got him. Don’t worry, I handled it very cleanly. , leaving no trace.”

Chen Guan raised his head and looked at Yuan Yi with a sneer on his face. He did not expect this to be the final result.

But this is the Black Corner Territory, and it suddenly seems normal for black people to eat black people.

Chen Guan was speechless and didn’t pay much attention.

“Let’s not mention this matter. Three Thousand Thunderbolts, these medicinal materials, and this residual map are of great value. How about I give you a Emperor’s Pill and a Dou Ling Pill to settle the matter?”

“Thank you Master Chen!”

Yuan Yi was greatly surprised and quickly saluted and thanked him.

Excluding the three thousand thunders that were prostituted for free, from his perspective, the remaining medicinal materials and residual pictures were definitely not worth as much as the Huangji Pill and Dou Ling Pill.

After all, before all the remaining pictures were collected, they were no different than scrap paper.

Chen Guan can be considered very kind to give so much.

Chen Guan smiled slightly, took out two jade bottles and threw them to Yuan Yi.

If you want the horse to run, of course you have to give it grass to eat. A black-hearted boss will not last long.

“No need to thank me, you deserve it. After a while, there should be a group of people entering the Black Corner Territory and using the Tianmeng as a sign to make a living in the Black Corner Territory. Please take more care of them.”

“Master Chen, don’t worry, just leave it to me.”

After getting the benefit, Yuan Yi was full of energy and his chest beat loudly.

A Emperor’s Pill can save him several years of hard work. After taking it, he will no longer be at the bottom of the black list. In the future, even the guy from the Blood Sect will dare to fight against him.

“Well, is there any news about Bodhi’s incarnation?”

Hearing this name, the little medical fairy on the other side couldn’t help but stop whispering and looked sideways.

It was a matter of wealth and life, and there was no room for her not to care about it.

Yuan Yi put away the elixir, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

“Master Chen knows things like a god. Just last month, the Black Emperor Sect began to publicize that it will hold an auction of unprecedented scale. There are many good things. I asked about it, and among them is the saliva of the Bodhisattva!”



After getting the accurate information, Chen looked at the three women on the other side.

Except for Zi Yan who was confused, Queen Medusa smiled.

Friendship is friendship. Chen Guan had collected the poison elixir materials earlier and settled the matter for the little medical fairy, and she felt more at ease.

As for the Little Medical Fairy, he was even more relieved at this moment.

The evil poisonous body is like a sharp sword hanging above the head and will fall down at any time. Now he can finally take a breath.

The most elusive Bodhi incarnation has been found. Only the last Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast is left. Can it be far behind?

At that moment, I couldn’t help but ask: “When will the Black Emperor Sect’s auction start?”

They are all big bosses who cannot be offended. Yuan Yi turned around respectfully and replied.

“Thirteen more days.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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