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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 198 Blue Sky and White Sun

After a brief inquiry, Chen Guan felt relieved and settled down in Bamenmen, enjoying the happiness of the Supreme Emperor and waiting for the arrival of the Black Emperor Sect’s large-scale auction.

In more than ten days, whether fast or slow, a lot of things can happen.

For example, in Canaan Academy, Xiao Yan easily gained a foothold by relying on his own strength and possible relationship with Chen Guan.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Yan did not suffer any bullying from Laosheng, and he did not cause any more troubles.

Originally, he had some thoughts like this, but when he was practicing in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, he met Zhao Gang, the leader of the Chen Gang. A fellow countryman met a fellow countryman, and because of Chen Guan, the two quickly became familiar with each other, and they also started to work together. Zhao Gang learned from his mouth that Chen Guan was not interested in these small fights.

Deeply influenced by Chen Guan, Xiao Yan’s desire to create a force was temporarily extinguished. He wanted to replicate Chen Guan’s operations and let Hu Jia and the others create a force.

But for him, this is by no means something he can accomplish in a short period of time, and what follows is the problem of insufficient fire energy.

In order to quickly find out the truth about the strange fire in Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, he ignored the elders’ dissuasion and upgraded the fire crystal card again.

In this way, the gains from the Fire Energy Hunting Competition were all emptied out, and he was instantly back to before liberation.

In less than ten days, Xiao Yan was already a pauper.

Fortunately, with his methods, it is not difficult to earn fire energy. He can take on quests, refine elixirs and sell them, etc. Supporting his own cultivation is not a big problem.

On the Canaan College side, and on the Gama Empire side, the Miter family finally arrived in the Black Corner Region. According to Chen Guan, the first stop was Black Seal City.

Led by Tengshan, more than a dozen members of the direct lineage of the Miter family arrived, and even Concubine Ya followed, which was really surprising.

Fortunately, Chen Guan asked Tianmeng to give great support to the Miter family, and there are still people here to take care of them. Otherwise, it would be like a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth, delivering food to these old perverts in the Black Horn Region.

Without strength, anything can happen here.

With so many people entering Black Seal City, they naturally cannot escape the attention of the local snake Bamenmen. The rest of the idle people will be a little cautious and dare not provoke them easily, but Bamenmen’s subordinates have no such scruples.

It’s just a fighting king. A few days ago, we saw a strong fighting king guarding the door for the gate owner.

At that moment, someone also reported it to Yuan Yi immediately, trying to win the first victory.

After all, this group of people are planning to establish a foothold in Black Seal City to do business, and they are just trying to grab food, and they do not take Black Seal City seriously at all.

The Dou Wang strongman who reported the situation sneered in his heart, and had already thought about volunteering to take over the fat job later. But he fell in love with the stunningly beautiful woman in the team at a glance. Every move and every smile made him angry. passionate!

However, unexpectedly, after listening to his enthusiastic report, Yuan Yi rewarded him on the spot.

“Am I asking for death? That Tengshan is a brother I have known for a long time. Do you want to touch him? Go ahead and stop looking for trouble. Everyone should restrain themselves. If anyone offends someone, don’t blame this sect leader for cleaning up. Portal.”

Yuan Yi spoke loudly, as if he was telling the truth.

Except for his close subordinates, many people are puzzled, but they can only speculate in their hearts. Those who dare to directly raise questions are already ready to fight in the field.

Chen Guan occupied Yuan Yi’s original luxurious room and changed it into his favorite color decoration. When Yuan Yi came up to report, he learned that the people from Tianmeng had arrived.

Smiling slightly, Chen Guan lay on the pillow on Medusa’s lap without even bothering to raise his head.

“You’re doing a good job. You can give them some support, but don’t be too deliberate. Just go ahead.”

Yuan Yi didn’t dare to raise his head, bowed his hands and left.

Only Chen Guan and Medusa were left in the room. The latter also spoke at the right time, “Aren’t you going to meet Tengshan?”

“I won’t go. With Tengshan’s temperament, he should come to see Yuan Yi soon and say hello. He knows that Yuan Yi has a relationship with me and will grasp the stakes.”

The Black Corner Region is different from other regions. To survive and gain a foothold here, you must have iron-blooded means.

Relying solely on relationships won’t work. Chen Guan asked Yuan Yi to take appropriate care of him without going overboard. He also wanted to help Tengshan and the others adapt to the rules as soon as possible.

What’s more, if the local snakes of Black Seal City, Bamenmen, don’t cause trouble, it is already the greatest support for Tengshan and the others.

Medusa nodded lightly and did not mention the matter again. Her fingertips traced the cheek of the young man lying on the lap pillow, and leaned lazily on the seat.

Chen Guan turned around slightly and looked up. He didn’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because he was in this mountain…

Only one eye could see, but he could still see Medusa’s teasing expression and her unabashedly provocative gaze.

Chen Guan sat up and locked the door tightly with his hand, blocking out the audio and video.

“What do you want to do?”

“Fairy, I want you to help me practice!”

Blue sky and white sun, this is the beauty of the queen.

If it were Sect Master Yun, he would not dare to do so.

The garden is full of spring scenery and cannot be shut down, everything is left unsaid.

An hour later.

As Chen Guanhu was shocked, his strength finally took another step forward.

In recent days, there has been no focus on refining the Demonic Poison Spots, which makes it difficult to improve the strength. It actually took more than a month to reach the six-star Douhuang realm.

Thinking that it only took Haibodong less than twenty years to rise from the original five-star Douhuang to the six-star when he left the Jiama Empire, Chen Guan felt that he had slacked off. Compared to Haibodong, he was only faster. Just a little bit.

Holding Medusa’s alluring body, Chen Guan lamented that the goblin had mistaken me for my cultivation, but I was willing to be delayed. This life is considered a failure.

After closing their eyes and adjusting their breath for a while, the two of them stood up.

Just a few minutes after tidying up the room, I felt the scent of the Little Medical Fairy and Zi Yan coming from far away.

Sure enough, it was the same as the previous days, exactly the same time, and it was stuck just right.

Zi Yan is a person who has a hard time staying idle, especially in a place like this.

It just so happened that the little medical fairy was also very interested in entering the Black Corner Domain for the first time.

Immediately, the two hit it off and would go out together as a team every day. This gradually deepened their relationship and established a revolutionary friendship.

Chen Guan and Medusa, on the other hand, have been to the Black Corner Territory several times and are not as active as Zi Yan, so they can only reluctantly stay in the room and wait every day.

The room was unblocked, and soon, the two figures appeared at the door.

Zi Yan had a satisfied smile on her face, and it seemed that she had gained a lot. She moved her little nose a few times, and there was this strange smell again.

Chen Guan’s expression did not change. He had specially cleaned it every day. Unfortunately, Zi Yan, who was originally a monster, was far more sensitive than normal people in terms of breath.

In this regard, even the powerful Dou Zong, the Little Medical Immortal, cannot compare.

Of course, it’s also possible that the little medical fairy just hides it better and doesn’t show it.

The next day was also the twelfth day that several people entered the Black Corner Domain.

Very early, a group of people set off from Black Seal City and headed straight to Black Emperor City where Black Emperor Sect is located.

In the Black Angle Domain, everything seems to have a black character in it to appear orthodox.

Black Seal City, Black Emperor Sect, Black Emperor City, Black Territory Great Plains, Dark Auction and so on, and the Black Alliance of the original trajectory

Although they are both in the Black Corner Territory, the Black Emperor Sect and the Eight Gates headquarters are not close to each other. Under Dou Wang, it is estimated that it will take a day to arrive.

But among today’s group, the worst one, Yuan Yi, is a three-star Dou Huang. Even if he is not rushing at full speed, he is still extremely fast.

After about half a day, Chen Guan and his five people gradually approached the location of Black Imperial City.

As the distance to Black Imperial City got closer and closer, Chen Guan also discovered that there were more and more people on the road leading to Black Imperial City. Obviously, these people should also be heading towards Black Imperial City. of the auction.

In a place like the Black Corner Territory, when there are more people, various conflicts will naturally break out. And along the way, the little medical fairy is not like the bloody fights that will occur at intervals. At the beginning, I was so surprised by the belligerence of the people here. After these days of adapting, I am now able to turn a blind eye to it like Chen Guan, Medusa, and Zi Yan.

While rushing like this, in the afternoon, at the end of the avenue under the shade of trees, a huge city outline appeared looming at the end of the group’s field of vision.

Standing on a slope, several people looked at the towering city wall in the distance, with a flash of wonder in their eyes.

This Black Imperial City does live up to its name. Its majestic scale does not make it eclipse the word “Emperor”. The pitch-black city wall that stretches to the end has a cold smell, and the sunlight pours down, even making the The black city wall is like a mirror, reflecting a faint light. Those with knowledge can discover that the surface of the city wall is actually covered with a layer of rare black mirror stone.

The city wall made of this material has the miraculous effect of rebounding some attacks. It is a very good choice for casting the city wall, but this thing is also quite rare, and the Black Emperor Sect can use it Not only Chen Guan, but also Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy on the side were slightly shocked by such a rich foundation.

“Chen Guan, it’s so big!”

Zi Yan exclaimed in surprise. This was the first time she had seen such a huge city.

Chen Guan rolled his eyes at her and didn’t want to talk to her.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the crowds of people who were constantly passing by and full of fierce aura. Along the way, he also met many people with good strength, including several fighting kings and strong fighting kings.

Looking at their route, it is obvious that they are heading towards the Black Imperial City, and with so many powerful, hot-tempered and eccentric people gathering in such a city, I am afraid that the city will definitely not be peaceful in the coming days. Where to go.

Chaos, this is the most distinctive atmosphere of the Black Corner Territory. No matter how powerful the forces are, it is absolutely difficult to completely suppress the occurrence of chaos. The people of the Black Corner Territory simply ignore any system rules and have big fists. The most important truth!

With a slight shout in his mouth, Chen Guan grabbed Zi Yan who was looking around and said softly: “Enter the city and give me a place to stay. Although there are many treasures here, if you do it randomly, there will be some trouble. ,do you know?”

When he came here this time, he just wanted to participate in the auction safely and get the Bodhi body saliva. He didn’t want to participate in the rest.

Before, he had thought about finding an opportunity to take over the Demonic Flame Valley before heading to Zhongzhou, but now he no longer had such thoughts.

As long as the other party doesn’t provoke him, he doesn’t want to waste too much time on a Nongyan Jue.

If nothing else happens, Xiao Yan will solve this copy, and you can just borrow it for a look when the time comes.

Anyway, Chen Guan had already mastered the method of making the Heavenly Demon Puppet, and it didn’t appeal to him at all.

“I never cause trouble!”

Zi Yan replied with a hum, and those who said this without blushing, even Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy, couldn’t help but chuckle.

Obviously, everyone knows this girl’s temperament.

“Let’s go.”

After rubbing Zi Yan’s head, Chen Guan didn’t want to say any more.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Guan pulled Zi Yan, smiled at Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy beside him, and then took the lead towards the city gate.

Hearing this, the two women also nodded slightly, and their eyes inadvertently glanced at the passers-by who kept looking at them, and a cold look suddenly flashed in their eyes.


Yuan Yi, who was following at the end, decisively punched a man with wild eyes. There was no reason to explain, and he was as fierce as a cold machine, which made the people around him feel a sense of danger. , hurriedly withdrew his scrutinizing gaze.

Yuan Yi knew his position very well, so he could just leave such chores to him.

As a group of people left, the chill on this road quietly dissipated a lot. People looked at the silhouette of the powerful figure in the distance in front of them in confusion. They all wiped cold sweat. Fortunately, they didn’t have the courage to step forward before, otherwise, if…

“I’ve never been to Black Seal City. Is this person Yuan Yi, the master of the Eight Gates? He looks somewhat similar.”

“It’s indeed him. I just kept my head down and was following behind, so I didn’t even notice.”

“Xi Yuan Yi is a strong man on the black list. Even he can only follow him like this. What are the origins of these people?”

“It’s just that I can’t afford to offend him anyway.”

Many people whispered in low voices, very surprised.

On the other side, Chen Guan and others had already descended the slope. After walking for a short distance, the huge city gate appeared in their eyes. Outside the city gate, there was a long queue of people lined up, noisy and noisy. The sound spread from here, making people’s ears go numb.

Looking at the crowd of countless burly men huddled together with their upper bodies bare and covered with scars, Medusa and the Little Fairy Doctor frowned slightly.

Women are all a little bit mysophobic, and they don’t like this kind of situation.

Knowing their concerns, Chen Guanwei squinted his eyes and scanned the city gate.

“Hey, these two girls are so cool. I haven’t seen such a top-notch product in a long time. This figure is so attractive.”

“Gaga, that little girl is pretty good too. Her little face is so cute. I really want to take a sip.”

As Chen Guan glanced at the situation at the city gate, a burst of obscene laughter suddenly came from the side.

Chen Guan looked calmly along the sound, and saw a dozen burly men gathered on the ground, their lewd eyes constantly scanning the two women.

What’s more, Zhuo Zhuo stared at Zi Yan like a beast. She was just a child in her early thousands!

And hearing their lewd laughter, the people lining up around them couldn’t help but burst into meaningful laughter. During the boring wait, it was quite a treat to see such two pleasing beauties being teased. Quite a good way to spend time.

Queen Medusa’s temper is well known in the Gama Empire, and she can stop a child from crying at night.

However, the color of his cheeks did not change at this time. He held Ziyan’s angry face with his delicate hands and looked at Chen Guan.

Chen Guan took a step forward and stopped the faintly angry little medical fairy.

“Let me do it.”

Seeing this, the little medical fairy no longer persisted and retreated behind him.

These days, she has come to understand that the people in the Black Corner Region are all cunning villains who have a way to kill themselves. The probability of meeting a good person here is lower than the probability of a skill falling from the sky.

Regarding these miscellaneous fish, Chen Guan had no intention of fighting them for 300 rounds, and he didn’t even need to use weapons.

He scanned the crowd with a cold smile on his face. With a thought in his mind, fighting energy flowed in his body, and a cobalt blue sword shadow appeared behind him.

“Hey, this kid is angry, so scared.”

“What kind of fighting skill is this? It’s so weak. Let me do it. No one can compete with me!”

“I’m coming too, I want that.”

The joking voices seemed to be strangled by the throat, and for a moment, the whole place fell into silence.

Behind Chen Guan, the flashy sword image was like cells dividing, two, four, eight, sixteen… each one was bright.

In an instant, they were already densely packed, at least hundreds of them at a glance, like a forest of swords or a sea of ​​blue fire.


Locked in by the terrifying murderous intent, one of the dozen or so big men could not bear the pressure, sweat rolled down his face, and struggled to speak out for mercy.

However, there was no turning back when Chen Guan opened his bow, but Chen Guan just glanced coldly, and then, countless sword shadows filled the air behind him and suddenly shot out.

Like Gatling, the dense shadows of swords carried violent murderous intent, drowning more than ten people in an instant.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Hi!” “Hi!”

Listen, that is the sound of Dou Qi gauze and Dou Qi armor breaking.

Screams were accompanied by flesh and blood flying everywhere, but after just a few moments, it completely fell into silence.

He screamed happily and died miserably.

“Let’s see if there are any survivors. Let’s go.”

After giving an order to Yuan Yi and ignoring the frightened looks around him, Chen Guan took Zi Yan’s other hand and walked towards the city gate with Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy.

Yuan Yi looked around with murderous intent, then went through the process and stepped forward to check.

There is no need for him to make up for it, everything has been reduced to a sieve.

Seeing the dead looks of this group of people, Yuan Yi felt a little more respect for the friendly-looking young man.

He seems to be very talkative on weekdays, but if he doesn’t move, he will die.

His many years of experience in the Black Corner Territory told him that such shady and cautious people generally live longer!

With a sigh in his heart, Yuan Yi used his fighting spirit to beat out more than a dozen people who were full of flaws, and then hurriedly followed them.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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