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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 199 Opportunity to be promoted to Fighting Saint

At the city gate, there are two passages.

Next to a dark door, there is a purple door that looks obviously more noble.

There, there were more than a dozen big men in light yellow uniforms standing upright. The majestic aura emanating from their bodies made the people in line on the other side not dare to get even closer and could only wait in silence. Move slowly along with the queue of people.

“Big guy, we don’t have to line up, right?”

Zi Yan glanced at Yuan Yi and asked.

Well aware of the little girl’s status as the group’s favorite, Yuan Yi squeezed out a smile and nodded: “Of course there is no need. The strong should have privileges. The VIP channel over there is for this purpose.”

After hearing this, several people did not hesitate and headed towards the purple door.

Seeing their actions, the surrounding eyes also became surprised. The Purple Gate was specially set up by the Black Emperor Sect for some famous strong men in the Black Corner Region. Without the strength of the Douhuang level, there is no way to escape from here. Enter.

Are these people all powerful warriors?

Inevitably, Zi Yan once again attracted a wave of attention. At such a young age, is she also a strong fighter?

Under the gazes of the surrounding people, the five people slowly arrived in front of the purple door, and the stern eyes of the dozen or so well-dressed men suddenly shot towards them. Immediately, an old laugh came from behind.

“Haha, friends, this place is specially designed for the powerful Douhuang warriors. If you don’t meet the standards, please go elsewhere.” An old man in yellow robes holding a cigarette rod in his hand walked out slowly, his careful eyes looking at Several people looked around and said with smiles.

“Ning Hai, are you blind? The strength of this sect leader still needs to be proven to you. This is my young master, and you dare to look down upon him?”

Yuan Yi seemed to recognize this person and stood up from behind and cursed angrily.

It was also at this time that the old man discovered that Yuan Yi, the master of the eight sects of the Black List, was also following him obediently.

The old man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he was surprised. Just when he was about to speak, a follower ran over quickly, and finally whispered something in his ear. After hearing the follower’s report, the old man’s eyes gradually became serious.

After dismissing his entourage and taking a few steps forward, Ning Hai simply bowed his hands to Yuan Yi, then turned to look at Chen Guan and the others.

He smiled politely and said, “I don’t know your name? What is your relationship with the Eight Gates?”

This old man named Ning Hai only has the strength of a four-star fighting king.

But at this moment, facing a few people who may be powerful warriors, he was polite but not afraid. The Black Emperor Sect gave him enough confidence.

Of course, if he knew that there were two powerful Douzong warriors in front of him, it would probably be difficult to maintain such calmness.

“Tian Boguang, who travels alone for thousands of miles, is a friend.”

Chen Guan responded casually.

“It turns out to be Mr. Tian. You must be here for the Black Imperial City auction, right?” Upon hearing the name Chen Guan reported, Ning Hai’s eyes flickered slightly and he immediately said with a smile.

Chen Guan looked at him like a fool. If he wasn’t here to participate in the auction, could he be here to eat at your Black Emperor Sect’s table?

He nodded perfunctorily and urged: “Can we go in?”

“Of course it can.”

Ning Hai nodded quickly, took out a green waist medal from the Najie, and handed it to Chen Guan.

“Mr. Tian, ​​the Black Emperor City is now overcrowded, and it is quite difficult to find a place to live. However, our Black Emperor Sect has specially prepared a special place for the strong men of the Black Corner Region. As long as you take this token and go to the center of the city,” “Heihuang Pavilion”, someone will arrange a resting place for you. Most of the people who can live there are some well-known and powerful people in the Black Horn Region. Master Yuan Yi knows them all, so I will not give them the token. ”

Chen Guan took it and said thank you, then he took Medusa and the four of them and slowly walked into the purple door.

“By the way, Mr. Tian, ​​although the people you killed earlier were scum, they were also members of the Kui Lang Gang, so you should be a little more careful.”

When Chen Guan and the other five were about to enter the Purple Gate, Ning Hai suddenly spoke up.

Chen Guan waved his hand slightly and ignored him.

Yuan Yi, who was following at the end, turned around and snorted angrily.

“Let them come, my eight-door sword is already hungry and thirsty.”

The Kuilang Gang is a veteran force in the Black Corner Territory, but its strength is not stronger than the Eight Gates. Even Yuan Yi is not afraid of it, let alone Chen Guan and others.

Watching Chen Guan and the other five completely disappear into the shadow of the city cave, Ning Hai narrowed his eyes, then waved his hand to summon a follower, and whispered: “Go to the sect and report this person’s matter to the elders and the sect master. Let’s just say that the Eight Gates may have been on a big ship. To have such strength at such an age, it is impossible to come from a small place. The situation in Black Imperial City is complicated now, and nothing can go wrong.”

“Yes!” The attendant responded respectfully, then quickly turned around and left.

Ning Hai squinted his old eyes slightly, clapped his hands lightly with the cigarette stick, and murmured to himself.

“Tian Boguang? There doesn’t seem to be such a young Douhuang warrior in the Black Corner Territory. Even Yuan Yi is willing to surrender. This guy is quite mysterious. Let the Nakui Lang Gang test the water first.”

Walking out of the somewhat narrow and dark city gate passage, dazzling sunlight poured down from the sky, and the bustling noise filled my ears again like a magical sound.

The five people slowly raised their slightly narrowed eyes, looking at the huge inner city that appeared in front of them and the crowded flow of people passing by on the wide streets. Even Chen Guan couldn’t help but sigh in admiration.

The scale of this Black Imperial City is no smaller than that of the Imperial Capital of the Garma Empire. In a certain aspect, even the Imperial Capital of the Garma Empire is not comparable here. After all, there are many things that the Imperial Capital has here. Never had it.

“Go directly to Black Emperor Pavilion?”

Medusa tilted her head and asked.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, “Okay, let’s go to the Black Emperor Pavilion to rest for a night and wait for the auction to start tomorrow.”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Zi Yan who was looking around, and then said: “You can take a walk in the city if you want. I just want to collect some medicinal materials. Just don’t cause trouble. Just call us if you need anything.”

After getting permission, Zi Yan immediately beamed.

Children like to join in the fun.

Seeing this, the little medical fairy also said: “You guys go to the Black Emperor Pavilion first. Zi Yan and I will go shopping, and the big guy will stay behind to guide us.”

Yuan Yi looked at Chen Guan, waiting for him to speak.

Chen Jian nodded in agreement and told some medicinal materials that needed to be collected. Such trivial matters would not require time and effort if someone helped.

Immediately, the group of people divided into two groups.

With the Little Medical Fairy here, Chen Guan is not worried that Zi Yan will act recklessly.

Taking Medusa straight to the Black Emperor Pavilion, I could sense that there was a lot of tyrannical aura in it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was like a hidden dragon or a crouching tiger.

The strength of this Black Angle Domain cannot be underestimated.

With the token given by Ning Hai, Chen Guan opened two rooms, enough for four people to rest at night.

As for Yuan Yi, he will find a way himself.

“In the Black Emperor’s Pavilion, there are close to ten auras of Douhuang warriors. Most of them must be people from the Black List and the masters of various forces. It may not be that easy to take pictures of Bodhi’s incarnation saliva this time. “

Entering the room, blocking the audio and video, Medusa said quietly after sitting down.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, not feeling too surprised.

“The value of the Bodhi Body Saliva is extremely high, and some legends are involved in it. With the status of these people, when they heard that the Bodhi Body Saliva would be auctioned, they were not willing to give it up. But in fact, I dare say that most people would not give it up. It’s just a partial understanding.”

In any case, he must obtain the Bodhi Body.

The best results can be obtained by following the normal auction process. If the price exceeds expectations, you can only reap the benefits while the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole lags behind.

In such a large-scale auction, there are too many good things, and there are so many strong people gathered together, so there will definitely be some unrest after the event.


Medusa was slightly surprised, she didn’t know much about this.

Chen Guan nodded, “In this world, there is a magical ancient tree called the Bodhi Tree. It may live in remote mountains that are inaccessible to people, or it may be in other places, and its traces are hard to find.”

“The roots of this tree buried deep in the earth will gradually form a sticky heart-shaped substance with magical effects after years of condensation. Therefore, some people call it Bodhicitta, but generally speaking, Bodhicitta For a tree to condense into Bodhicitta, it needs at least more than a thousand years of accumulation, and Bodhisattva’s saliva is some magical thing secreted from the surface of this Bodhicitta.”

“This Bodhi Body Saliva, if taken, has the effect of completely reborn and improving some of the physiques of ordinary people. It is very miraculous.”

“Bodhicitta is a spiritual object of heaven and earth that can truly be called the aura of heaven and earth. If this object is taken by people, it is said that it can gradually replace the human heart. In this way, even if the heart suffers a fatal attack, It can also preserve life, and the power that this Bodhicitta can provide to people is far stronger than the previous heart. Of course, the most important thing is that this thing can continuously nourish the soul, thereby making the soul gradually stronger. This For an alchemist, it is definitely an irresistible temptation.”

Not just alchemists, but normal people as well.

Everyone knows the benefits of a strong soul.

Medusa was slightly surprised when she heard all these wonderful uses.

Replace the human heart and strengthen the soul!

To describe it as a divine object is really not an exaggeration.

“It is indeed terrifying. In this way, this Bodhicitta is really a rare thing in the world. If you have the opportunity to obtain Bodhicitta, I am afraid that you can create a top genius in an instant.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan laughed.

“Most people have the same idea as you, but it is not that simple to rely on Bodhi’s incarnation saliva to learn clues about Bodhicitta and even the ancient Bodhi tree. Most of their understanding of these divine objects is just hearsay. “

At this time, the benefits of reading more become apparent.

As for the gangsters in the Black Corner Territory, if they really get Bodhi’s body saliva, 99% of the people can only watch and have no idea what to do.

But most people are unaware of it. With just a little bit of catchy news, they all flock to him. This invisibly makes it more difficult for him to take pictures of Bodhisattva’s saliva.

Medusa was not annoyed either. Seeing Chen Guan’s confident look, her eyes seemed to be shining.

Thinking about tomorrow’s auction, after getting Bodhi’s body saliva, there is no reason to stay in the Black Horn Territory. When it is time to officially leave, Queen Medusa also showed a look of sadness.

Quickly calming down her emotions, Medusa smiled and chatted casually to pass the time.

At the same time, a lively elixir exchange gathering was also going on in the Thousand Medicine Shop in the city.

In short, Qian Yaofang takes out the precious medicinal materials collected in a group of five, and customers exchange them for elixirs. The one with the highest price gets it. It is a kind of alternative auction.

Naturally, Zi Yan would not miss such a lively gathering and came right after smelling it.

In the entire Black Emperor City, except for the Black Emperor Sect, the scent of medicinal materials emitted by Qianyaofang is the strongest.

The little medical fairy let it happen and did not stop it.

Yuan Yi followed closely behind him like a guard.

At the elixir-changing gathering, the medicinal materials presented by Qianyaofang were all of extremely high value, and the worst ones were at the fifth-level level, which made the little girl extremely jealous.

However, apart from a few emergency pills, she only had simple pills left on her body, which obviously did not meet the requirements of Qian Yaofang.

The little medical fairy is also powerless. She also doesn’t have many pills on her body, but she can easily take out a lot of poisons.

Seeing the girl’s eyes that glanced at her from time to time, Yuan Yi did not dare to pretend not to see it anymore. He had no choice but to pay for her with his own money and endure the heartache to buy her a lot of medicinal materials.

“Hey, big guy, don’t worry, I won’t let you suffer. If anyone bullies you in the future, just report my name.”


Yuan Yi smiled sarcastically, speechless.

Telling you your name is of no use, no one even recognizes you.

I, Yuan Yi, am so strong and strong that even if I die, be skinned and cramped, I still won’t give a little girl’s name!

While talking and laughing, the elixir exchange gathering was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Finally, we arrived at the last set of medicinal ingredients.

Under the little doctor fairy’s signal, Zi Yan wanted to restrain her nature and stop exploiting the big guy.

However, what I never expected was that among this group of medicinal materials, there were Bone Spirit Fruit and other three main ingredients for refining the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill!

If it can be obtained in exchange, the main material of Tianhun Blood Melting Pill will only be the blood essence and blood of seventh level or above monsters.

Chen Guan did not come over, but Zi Yan and the Little Medical Fairy knew the importance of this group of medicinal materials.

Immediately, his eyes looked at Yuan Yi again.

“My sister-in-law, I really don’t have any valuable elixirs left to exchange for. The ones left are only at the highest level four, which they don’t like.”

He looks tall and thick, but now he looks miserable.

Seeing this, Zi Yan was about to speak, but was stopped by the little medical fairy, who spoke with final words.

“Exchange it for the Spirit-fighting Pill he gave you. When I get back, I’ll tell him and give you another pill. This set of medicinal materials is very important to him. Once he’s happy, the compensation for him will not go away. “

Hearing this, the bitter look on Yuan Yi’s face turned into surprise, and he nodded repeatedly.

When this person opened his mouth, he felt much better than the little girl.

None of the three people noticed that in the corner of the second floor, a young man in black robe was watching their actions.

“Teacher, Zi Yan is here, and Brother Guan is probably also here. Isn’t he also here for the Bodhi incarnation?”

“No need to doubt it, it must be. I was a little curious before about the use of the poison pill method of the Enan Poison Body. Today I saw this woman in white, and I finally understood.”

“Teacher, you mean this woman…”

“That’s right, the Poison Body of Disaster! And it’s the Poison Body of Disaster that is about to explode in full force. The saliva of the Bodhi Body is a necessity to form a poison elixir. It is related to life. They will never miss it. It’s a pity. I thought I would catch it by chance this time. We can pick up the slack at the auction, but with that kid here, there is no chance. Whether it is a competition of strength or current wealth, we have no advantage.”

“Since Brother Guan needs it more and we can’t compete, forget it. We don’t need this thing that much anyway.”

“No, you don’t understand. From the saliva of Bodhi’s incarnation, we can find clues to the body’s mind, and Bodhicitta is related to the opportunity to be promoted to the Fighting Saint!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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