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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 201: What more can a husband ask for when he gets a wife like this?

The warning from a strong Douzong master is very powerful.

Listening to Mo Tianxing’s cold words, the huge auction house was completely silent. Even some extremely vicious people, under his emotionless eyes, slightly changed their expressions and quietly restrained some strange thoughts. .

On the other hand, the strong men in the VIP box were still smiling, chatting and laughing with their subordinates, as if they didn’t care at all, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were just trying to save face and be tough.

Those who truly dare to offend the Black Emperor Sect are hard to find even in such a large auction house.

“Haha, I know you don’t like to hear this, so I won’t waste time here. Let’s get straight to the topic.”

Seeing that the deterrent effect had been achieved, Mo Tianxing slightly cupped his hands on the stage, and then slowly retreated.

As Mo Tianxing exited, the floor of the auction platform cracked open again, and several passages emerged. Immediately, an old man with white hair but full of energy walked out with a smile.

Behind the old man, a group of beautiful maids held silver plates in their hands, shuttled around the stage like butterflies, and then placed the silver plates respectfully on the auction stone platform.

“I’m Zhang Feng, I will host the next auction for everyone. Without further ado, let’s start directly. This is a volume of finger fighting skills, which is just right as an appetizer.”

The white-haired old man pointed to a silver plate in front of him with a smile. In the silver plate, there was a snow-white scroll.

Then he introduced: “This fighting skill is called Tianyu Finger, and it is the intermediate level of Xuan level.”

“Finger fighting skills have always been rare. Although they are a little difficult to practice, they can achieve unexpected results when fighting against others. You all here are not ordinary people. You must also know how difficult some finger fighting skills are to deal with.”

“According to the true value of this Tianyu Finger, the starting price must be at least 300,000 yuan, but since it is the first object, the sect leader said that the starting price only needs to be set at 100,000 gold coins, and the maximum price is Eight hundred thousand, if whoever pays this price first, then no matter how much higher the price is, this Tianyu Finger belongs to you. Everyone, don’t miss this opportunity.”

This old man was obviously experienced in battles and had rich auction experience. This was just a simple trick, and the atmosphere in the auction room was instantly mobilized by him.

This is not Wutan City, and one hundred thousand gold coins is not a high price for most of the people here.

And the Tianyu Finger was indeed as he said, and its real value far exceeded the price of one hundred thousand. Therefore, as soon as the old man finished speaking, the shouts of bidding suddenly rang out in the huge auction house.

“One hundred and fifty thousand gold coins!”

“Two hundred thousand!”


In the VIP box, Chen Guan and others were not interested in any of this. They all just watched the excitement and waited quietly for the appearance of Bodhi’s incarnation.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely hot, and the little old man’s constant compliments made it even more inflammatory. Within a few minutes, a volume of fighting skills worth at most half a million gold coins was sold at the highest price, making a lot of money.

Not only this one, but also the following auction items. Each item was sold at a serious premium. In such a fiery atmosphere, these people’s IQs seemed to have plummeted by a notch in an instant.

If the old man in charge of the auction were replaced by a beauty like Mitel Yafei, the scene would definitely be even more heated.

Of course, the lively auction cannot be separated from the Black Emperor Sect’s thorough preparations.

The quality of every auction item is considered rare. It is the highest quality auction that Chen Guan and others have seen in recent years.

It’s just that this kind of rarity, from the perspective of the public, to Chen Guan and others, is probably some useless thing that is of little use and is a pity to throw away, and it is not enough for them to take action.

As time passed, the auction started for more than an hour in such a heated atmosphere.

As the quality of the auction items became higher and higher, even in the VIP box, some strong people began to bid and compete.

It is also because of the participation of these people that the atmosphere in the auction room has been raised to a higher level.

After all, many forces participating in this auction came from all over the Black Corner Territory, and many of them and the forces did not like each other, and even had an undying hatred for each other.

Now when we meet in an auction, it is natural to make the other party feel disgusted. Even if it is not necessary, we have to increase the price desperately. The more distressed the opponent is, the happier I feel. It is purely to harm others and not benefit myself, so I am happy.

Whenever this happens, Yuan Yi will take the initiative to tell Chen Guan and others about the love-hate entanglements of this group of people. He is like a know-it-all and knows almost everything.

This is not surprising, because the main business of Bamen is auctions, and they are naturally clear about these matters.

Listening to Yuan Yi’s story, several people seemed to be able to see the jealous and thick-necked people in each box. As melon-eaters, they couldn’t help laughing.

On the stage, another auction ended. Under the eyes of several people watching a play, the old man took a silver plate from the hand of the maid beside him with a mysterious face. In the silver plate, there was a roll of crimson fire-like paper. reel.

“Everyone, the next volume of fighting skills is extraordinary and extremely rare, because it is a tape measure fighting skill!”

“Although it is a bit partial, its level is not low. It has reached the intermediate level of the earth class. It is said that this was left by a senior who traveled across the continent hundreds of years ago, and its value is quite extraordinary.”

Hearing the words “Intermediate Earth Level”, all the powerful people in the VIP box became somewhat interested.

While I was curious, I also felt a little pity.

Among them, there was no one who could use a ruler.

Chen Guan thought of something, and his eyes scanned the whole place, finally settling on a black-robed figure sitting upright in the corner of the hall.

Unexpectedly, after going through so many changes, Huo Huo still didn’t miss the auction.

Unexpected, yet reasonable.

Feeling the fiery gazes of everyone, the old man carefully took out the red scroll from the silver plate with both hands, then raised it slightly towards the auction house and said with a smile: “This ruler fighting skill is called Liuhe Youshen Ruler. It was created by Venerable Liuhe who roamed the continent hundreds of years ago.”

“This ruler technique is also one of his famous fighting skills. It is extremely powerful. The only flaw is that the ruler technique is a bit off-kilter. If it is not someone who has been raping someone for several years, it would be difficult to control it.”

Venerable is a title that only a strong person can have!

Hearing this name, there were many exclamations in the auction house.

Just like the celebrity effect, anything related to this level will undoubtedly skyrocket in value.

Therefore, even though the ruler is a relatively unpopular weapon, many people are still attracted by it.

A film with such powerful fighting skills, even if it takes several years to film it, it is worth it to use weapons instead!

“The Liuhe Traveling Ruler, the starting price is set at 2.1 million, and each initial increase must not be less than 10,000. Everyone, please bid.”

Looking at the auction house where whispers arose, the old man smiled slightly and announced the start.

“Two million and two million!”

“Two million two hundred and fifty thousand!”

As soon as the old man finished speaking, someone in the hall started shouting impatiently, attracting everyone’s attention.

This number is not small anymore. I thought that this fighting skill would be something that only the big shots in the VIP box could compete with, but I didn’t expect that there were so many… fat sheep hidden in the hall.

The shouts of bidding came one after another, and the price was rising steadily.

In just a few minutes, the price was directly raised to 2.48 million. This price was the highest price ever recorded in this auction for the first time.

“three million!”

Suddenly, an old and hoarse voice sounded from the hall.

The price suddenly skyrocketed, immediately causing an uproar in the entire auction house. Immediately, eyes followed the sound, and finally stopped at a figure wrapped in a black robe in the corner.

“This person feels a little familiar to me.”

In the box, Zi Yan also saw the person calling out the price and said unsurely.

Chen Guan chuckled and explained to her, “As long as you are familiar with him, he is the only one we know who likes to use door panels as weapons.”

Chen Guan was not surprised at all that Xiao Yan would bid.

The Liuhe Youshenchi appeared here, and it was said that it was tailor-made for him. In fact, it was not too much.

Moreover, as Xiao Yan and Yao Chen’s alchemist status, they don’t have to worry about money. Don’t give up the fighting skills that come to your lips.

The Little Medical Fairy and Queen Medusa watched the two of them playing riddles without asking any questions. In this regard, the two women were not very curious people.

Yuan Yi, who was standing behind, was curious, but didn’t dare to ask around.

The appearance of Liuhe Youshenchi set off a small climax in the auction house. Xiao Yan was determined to win this fighting skill, and for this reason, he even did not hesitate to offend several strong men in the VIP box.

Among them, there is the dialect of Demon Flame Valley.

In the end, Xiao Yan successfully obtained the Liuhe Traveling Ruler at a very high price of 5.1 million, and became a big fat sheep ranked high in the eyes of many powerful people in the Black Corner Domain.

“This friend of yours is probably being targeted by many people. Do you want to help him?”

The little medical fairy looked at Chen Guan and asked with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Chen Guan shook his head slightly.

“No, he has his own trump card. Let’s continue watching the auction.”

The appearance of the Liuhe Traveling Ruler also evoked many memories of Chen Guan, and he couldn’t help but look forward to the next auction items.

As time goes by, the atmosphere in the auction is getting higher and higher. The auction items that appear at this time can already be regarded as some high-end items. The auction prices are almost as high as sky-high prices for ordinary people. Therefore, the big price at this moment Most people can only watch this auction with the mentality of watching a show, but to be able to see with their own eyes the jealous and thick necks of the big forces fighting for some treasures, it is considered that the trip is not in vain.

Chen Guan still didn’t encounter anything he was interested in. On the contrary, Xiao Yan frequently took action in the hall and took photos of many things. Together with the Liuhe Traveling Ruler, the total value exceeded ten million.

Such a wealth has moved many people.

In the second half of the auction, a volume of earth-level intermediate skills called Shadow Skills appeared again, and sold for a sky-high price of more than nine million gold coins, bringing the atmosphere of the auction to a climax.

Wiping off his sweat, the old man made the final decision with satisfaction, scanned the crowd below, and said: “The items to be auctioned next are a little weird, but they should be quite attractive to some people who are in need. force.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand with a smile, and then the floor slowly cracked open, and a dozen burly men slowly stepped up the platform carrying a giant object covered by white cloth.

The sudden appearance of this giant thing also aroused the curiosity of many people, and many eyes were cast on it.

Chen Guan also smiled at this moment, this thing finally appeared.

“It smells weird”

Ziyan, who was sitting aside, suddenly wrinkled his little nose.

Being able to still smell its scent despite so many obstacles is truly a gift.

At this moment, the old man on the stage pulled down the covering white cloth with a cry, and immediately, a giant corpse about ten feet wide appeared in everyone’s sight.

This monster corpse is huge, but it seems to have been dead for a long time. The bones and flesh all over the body are in a dried state. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of giant wings that have turned into white bones. This pair of giant wings is quite strange. Like jade, it exudes a faint fluorescence. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that there is some kind of strange energy contained in these wings.

“this thing”

Medusa’s eyes lit up and she turned sideways to look at Chen Guan.

Knowing how to make the Tianyan Nine Wings, when she saw this pair of bone wings, she immediately thought of their function.

Judging from the size of this monster, as well as its vague aura that is still there even though it is dead, it is by no means inferior to a seventh-level monster.

If its bone wings are used to refine the Tianyan Nine Wings, then Chen Guan will have an absolute advantage in speed compared to the strong Douzong. Even the strong Douzong will be difficult to catch up and can make She felt more reassured.

Meeting Medusa’s gaze, Chen Guan thought of another aspect, smiled and nodded.

“The level of this monster is not low. It should be able to extract some blood essence from its body, which is enough to meet the conditions for the Heavenly Soul Blood Melting Pill. With it, the materials have been gathered together.”

Medusa was startled, then smiled happily. Her smile was full of tenderness, like the breeze, like the sunset, irreplaceable, as if the other people around her didn’t exist.

Such an expression made Yuan Yi lower his head and dared not raise his head, made Zi Yan giggle, and made the little medical fairy look complicated.

Even Chen Guan, who knew the basics, was stunned by this, and it took him a moment to realize it.

For a moment, his thoughts about going to Zhongzhou were shaken.

If you get a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?

But at this moment, the tender and affectionate voice of the two people was interrupted by the voice of the old man playing with the mummy of a monster below.

“This monster corpse was accidentally encountered by the Black Emperor Sect in a mountain stream. After personal identification by the sect leader, this monster should be a peerless beast that is about to break through the seventh level and advance to the eighth level!”

After these words fell, there was an uproar and discussion in the hall.

“A magical beast that is about to advance to the eighth level? Isn’t that the equivalent of a human fighting master?”

“Nearly all magical beasts of this level have the power to reach the heavens, and their lifespans are also extremely long. How could they die here?”

In the box, as the old man continued to play with the mummy of the monster, Zi Yan’s body suddenly trembled uncontrollably. Although the arc was very small, the people around him were not weak and could truly feel it.

“What’s wrong?” Medusa asked.

“For some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable as soon as this monster corpse appeared. It made me feel very disgusted.”

Ziyan blinked his eyes and replied softly in a daze.

Hearing this, both Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy were puzzled.

They don’t know why this is the case.

Chen Guan rubbed Zi Yan’s head and said, “Perhaps there is some feud between this monster and your tribe. Imagine that if it were still alive, would you want to cut off its feet and chew its flesh so that it would never come back? You must not lie down at night.”

“Yes, that’s what it feels like!”

Zi Yan waved her little fists, her big eyes full of excitement and excitement.

Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy looked at Chen Guan thoughtfully, always feeling that he knew some inside information, but it was obvious that he didn’t say it clearly, and they didn’t ask.

“Everyone, since our Black Emperor Sect obtained this Warcraft mummy, it has been stored perfectly without any damage. And I can also assure you that this Warcraft mummy has not been touched by our Black Emperor Sect. However, that is to say, we don’t know what exactly is inside this monster, and similarly, we also don’t know whether it contains a super magic core that is about to break through the eighth level.”

In the field, the old man continued to speak.

These words undoubtedly dropped a powerful bomb again.

Everyone knows that this peerless ferocious beast is almost covered with treasures. Its skin can be used as armor, its claws are sharper than weapons made of special metals, and the blood in its body must be filled with powerful and violent energy. For some alchemists, it is Excellent alchemy material.

Of course, the most important thing is the magic core!

It is conceivable that a Warcraft core that is about to break through to the eighth level contains how terrifying energy it is!

The combined value of these things is already inestimable. Therefore, the old man’s words instantly caused the value of this monster corpse to skyrocket.

Whispers kept ringing in the auction house, and after a while, an impatient shout finally came from the VIP box.

“Stop talking nonsense and start early.”

Hearing the shouts, the smile on the old man’s face remained undiminished. He shook his head slightly at the VIP boxes upstairs, cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Dear guests, I believe you all know the value of a magical beast that is about to break through the eighth level. It’s so high that gold coins can no longer measure its value, so in this auction, gold coins will not be sold, but things will be exchanged for things!”

Hearing the old man’s request, all the boxes upstairs fell into silence.

For them, if the gold coins are gone, they can still get them again. Anyway, they have countless ways to make money quickly.

But if you want to exchange things for things, if you want to exchange for this monster corpse, you must at least get something truly heavyweight.

But who wouldn’t hide something of that level like a treasure?

It would be quite painful to ask them to exchange it.

Moreover, many of them plan to save their treasures until the end to compete for the Bodhi Incarnation Saliva. If they waste it here now, the subsequent competition will be very uncertain.

The auction house suddenly fell silent. Although the old man still had a smile on his face, a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In fact, this monster corpse is not as valuable as he said, otherwise, the Black Emperor Sect would not put it up for auction.

This monster has been dead for who knows how many years. Under the corrosion of such years, there are not many traces of energy in its body. Moreover, they have also used secret detective methods. The blood content in this mummy is also pitiful.

As for the so-called magic core, there is no sense at all.

This means that anyone who wants to bid for this monster corpse must be prepared to gamble. If there is a magic core or blood in it, then he can make a fortune.

But if there’s just a bunch of dried meat inside…

Then, you have to plan for blood loss.

These people in the VIP box are not fools. They are also aware of this. In their eyes, the old man’s assurance is just like the promise of a prostitute, without any credibility. Therefore, they have no idea whether it is true or not. When it comes to auctioning and buying, many people have no idea.

Time passed by minute by second, and the atmosphere in the auction house remained silent. The old man’s clothes and vest were wet with sweat. Mo Tianxing had high hopes for this monster corpse. If he couldn’t even sell it at the auction, then he would be If you don’t do your job well, you will face punishment.

The silence continued, and just when the old man was about to become unbearable, a rough voice from the box on the second floor finally broke the silence in the auction room.

“Two Spirit-fighting Pills.”

Many people were a little surprised when they heard this voice.

Because, the recognition of this voice is not too great. Except for the tall and thick Yuan Yi, there will be no other people.

But they knew Yuan Yi’s net worth very well. It might not be difficult to come up with a treasure worth as much as two Dou Ling Pills, but it would be hard to believe that he would come up with two ready-made Dou Ling Pills at once.

Thinking of some recent rumors, many powerful people believe it even more.

On the auction stage, the old man heard someone making a bid, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He shook off the sweat on his forehead without leaving a trace, but thoughts were flying in his heart. The value of the two Spirit-fighting Pills was indeed very high, but it was so easy. If you want to exchange for this mummy of a Warcraft, it will be slightly dwarfed by it.

After all, no matter what, this is a peerless beast that is about to enter the eighth level.

Although this peerless ferocious beast has now turned into a mummy, although the tiger is dead, its power is still there, let alone a monster of such a level?

Sure enough, the next moment a voice came into his ears, and he could only sigh in his heart.

With a smile on his face, he glanced at the VIP boxes and said with a smile: “The distinguished guest in the box number bids two Dou Ling Dan. I wonder if there is anyone who bids higher?”

After a long moment of silence, a hesitant voice emerged from a certain box.

“Can a volume of low-level fighting skills at the Earth level be enough?”

Hearing this, the old man was slightly stunned. The secret message came at the right time, and he immediately smiled back.

“Of course you can. The distinguished guest in box No. 18 bids for a roll of Earth-level fighting skills. Is there anyone else who bids higher?”

Although it was a general inquiry, his eyes were fixed on Box 9.

Obviously, he also knew that if the others were really interested, they would have spoken out long ago.

In the box, Chen Guan once again took out a Douling Pill and signaled,

Seeing this, Yuan Yi understood and responded loudly.

“Three fighting spirit pills!”

The old man looked surprised and looked at box number 18 with expectation.

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, the people inside did not raise the price again.

After receiving another secret transmission, the old man sighed softly, and then slightly raised his hands towards Box 18.

“I’m sorry, compared to low-level fighting skills at the Earth level, I, the Black Emperor Sect, still prefer fighting spirit pills.”

If it were a low-level earth-level technique, it might still be somewhat competitive.

But in terms of fighting skills, their value is far less than the skills.

There was no reply in the box, presumably because he had lost interest in bidding again on the Warcraft mummy.

Or perhaps, he has other thoughts.

Of course, no one can know this.

In the second box, Fang Yan looked at the man in gray robe beside him, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, with the intention of asking.

Feeling his emotions, the man in gray robe still closed his eyes tightly.

“Give it to them, it’s just a corpse of a monster of uncertain value. Moreover, even if you compete with the Flame Fighter, the Black Emperor Sect knows its shortcomings and will not choose it. There is no need to offend an unknown fighter for this uncertain thing. Zong Qiang, the auction is over, you can try to get in touch with them, the woman seems to be mainly that young man, and this person happens to be a fire attribute, using the Flame Skill as bait, it shouldn’t be difficult to win over!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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