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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 205 Accidentally killed your father

After staring at Xiao Yan, they saw that he was working hard to help and seemed to have a good relationship with Chen Guan. Medusa and the little medical fairy didn’t say much. This was not the time to care about these things.

The dialect spoken by Dou Huang at his peak was a formidable enemy to Xiao Yan.

Even with the support of Yao Chen’s power, even if Fang Yan is not in good condition at the moment, it is not something he can easily solve.

However, this is exactly what Xiao Yan wants. If he abuses the food easily, today’s help will appear to be without sincerity.

The icing on the cake is nothing compared to providing help in times of need!

Fang Yan was taken over by Zi Yan and Xiao Yan, and the remaining Dou Huang warrior, who was unfamiliar to him, was fighting with Yuan Yi. Looking at the field at this moment, Chen Guan could not find an enemy.

After glancing at the Black Emperor Sect watching on the wall, the lightning flashed slightly under his feet, and he jumped a hundred feet above the ground to join the battlefield between Medusa and Old Man Yingshan.

The addition of Chen Guan was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, making it even more difficult for the old man Yingshan, who was already Alexander, to cope with it.

With a palm, he dispersed the burst of colorful energy, and at the same time he stepped away to avoid the light of Chen Guan’s sword. The old man in Yingshan was panting, and glanced at the group of strong men who secretly wanted to reap the benefits. By.

They all want to pick up ready-made ones, but none of them are reliable!

Seeing that the situation was out of control, and there was a fully-charged Mo Tianxing waiting not far away, the old man in Yingshan suddenly wanted to retreat.

At this moment, the little medical fairy on the other side of the high-altitude battlefield took the lead in forcing Liu Jian to death.

“Sky Poison Prison Realm!”

With a clear shout, the surrounding tens of feet of space was distorted to form an invisible cage. The poisonous fighting energy continuously released polluted the energy of heaven and earth in this sealed space. Within this cage, Liu Jian did not dare to absorb it at will. Absorbing every bit of external energy is tantamount to chronic suicide.

As a result, his consumption will be difficult to replenish.

The actual gap was already huge, and now the defeat was accelerated. Under the crazy attack of the little medical fairy, within a few minutes, it was already beyond its capabilities.

In the end, he died tragically at the hands of the little medical fairy without any accident, and was pierced by a gray bolt, completely extinguishing his life.

Seeing with their own eyes the death of a normally aloof Douzong expert, everyone felt in a daze and couldn’t believe it.

However, the battle also made the poisonous body of disaster, which was already at the critical point in the little medical fairy’s body, increasingly difficult to control. The gray energy around him was looming, making it extremely difficult to control.

Seeing the little medical fairy approaching, this made the situation of the old man Yingshan even more dangerous. At that moment, he no longer cared about his face, so he fired at him from a distance.

“The mountains and rivers will not change. Today I admit defeat. Your Excellency, how about we just give up? I am willing to give you a seventh-grade life-returning elixir as compensation. Otherwise, I will risk my life and seriously injure one of you, and even use one as my back.” OK.”

As he spoke, the old man from Yingshan glanced at Chen Guan with a sinister gaze.

Obviously, he is the best choice to take the back seat as he is not as strong as Dou Huang on the surface.

No one present dared to look down upon the death-defying counterattack of a powerful Douzong warrior.

But he made a big mistake by targeting Chen Guan.

Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy were not worried about his safety, especially Medusa. After hearing this, instead of hesitating in her movements, she launched a more tyrannical attack.

The energy of heaven and earth is rioting and gathering madly. This is a call for the use of earth-level fighting skills!

Sure enough, in the next moment, the diffuse seven-color energy gathered at the tip of the sword, locked onto the old man of Yingshan and shot out.

The colorful energy is extremely gorgeous, like a long rainbow streaking across the night sky. The terrifying energy becomes more and more convergent during the flight, until it condenses into a colorful line. Wherever it passes, the space is split by it, and it cannot get stronger for a long time, which shows its sharpness. .

Seeing that Medusa was so decisive and didn’t give any room for peace talks, the old man in Yingshan’s face became fierce, and madness appeared in his cloudy eyes.

“You forced me to do this, so let’s die together!”

“Wu Nian Yi Dao!”

While drinking, he completely gave up his defense. A tiger-headed sword fell into his hand, and the unparalleled energy of heaven and earth gathered. The dazzling light dispersed the darkness, making it seem like daylight for miles around, making it difficult for countless people to look directly.

The next moment, the old man of Yingshan ignored Medusa’s Sky Mark, and suddenly struck out with a brewing blow, heading straight for Chen Guan’s door.

“Hahaha, with you as my support, even if I die today, it will not be a loss!”

While laughing, the old body was accurately hit by the colorful light, and was instantly wiped out. It seemed that the light of the sword was his last glory.

Faced with the fatal blow from the old man Yingshan, Chen Guan did not dare to take it lightly. He quickly retreated a hundred feet and opened up enough distance to launch his fighting skills. The fireball hanging not far away suddenly struck horizontally. And go.

At the same time, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and it turned out to be a cold puppet.

There were five Douhuang level puppets, and Chen Guan also took one with him when he left.

Made of special materials, it is difficult to destroy it even with the methods of a strong Douzong person. Using it as a shield gave Old Man Yingshan a lot of face.


The huge fireball and the dazzling white sword light collided together, like a nuclear explosion, making a shocking sound. The energy spilled spread out like ripples, spreading for an unknown distance, until it hit a building outside the city. The top of the mountain was flattened and then completely reduced.

Many people immediately raised their heads to look at Chen Guan, who was facing the attack, but saw that he was no different, his clothes were still the same, and there was no trace of embarrassment in him.

However, after receiving the blow safely, Chen Guan frowned slightly.

Although the power of Old Man Yingshan’s attack was not weak, as a desperate counterattack by a strong man in Douzong, it was still a little short of it. According to his estimation, it was equivalent to a strike for the first time in Douzong.

Moreover, the old man from Yingshan who was reduced to ashes gave him a strange and unreal feeling.

Without hesitation, Chen Guan’s vast spiritual power immediately spread out, spreading like a tide.

For a moment, the faces hidden in the darkness appeared in my mind, and I could clearly feel the fear and joy in their hearts.

Without paying much attention to this group of idiots who couldn’t keep up with the heat, Chen Guan searched carefully, and finally, his eyes were fixed on a deep pit caused by the fighting below.

A ball of cobalt blue flame appeared in the palm of his hand, and Chen Guan showed a smirk on his face. As he waved his hand, the flame turned into a fire python, rushed down, and ignited blazingly the moment it entered the deep pit.

Within a minute, when many people were puzzled, they heard bursts of miserable howls coming from the deep pit.

Immediately, a wolf figure swept out of it and fled away at high speed, but was forced back by Medusa’s sword and fell into the circle of three people.

Although his eyebrows and beard were burned bare and as dark as a big stewed egg, he could still vaguely tell that he was not the old man from Yingshan who had already died once.

It’s just that the old man Yingshan is in a very bad condition at the moment, and he no longer has the terrifying aura he had before. Although he is still in the realm of Dou Zong, he is almost the same as the fallen Liu Jian.

“How did you discover the anomaly!”

Old Yingshan had a dark face and was unwilling to ask.

He once obtained a method of soul avatar. Relying on this secret technique, he used the golden cicada to escape from its shell, which helped him survive several crises.

But I didn’t expect that I would be caught today.

Seeing the glaring gaze of the old man Yingshan, Chen Guan chuckled.

“A secret technique like yours must require a lot of mental power. If that’s the case, haven’t you noticed that my mental power is far superior to yours?”

Hearing this, the old man Yingshan was slightly stunned, took a deep breath, exhaled, and closed his eyes in despair.

If you don’t use secret skills and just want to escape, you may be lucky and have a glimmer of hope.

But in this current state, it is tantamount to burying the slightest trace of life with my own hands.

Seeing this, Medusa was also merciless. She raised her sword and dropped it, and a burst of colorful energy struck out, killing him.

At this point, the first batch of strong men to take action were only Fang Yan and the face-to-face Dou Huang who was indistinguishable from Yuan Yi.

But seeing their temporary teammates die tragically one by one, the two of them were also mentally shattered. They had long lost their thoughts on Lu Zhan. While fighting, they kept leaning towards the edge, trying to fade out of sight and fight for a glimmer of life.

Unfortunately, this idea is too naive.

After putting away the body of the old man from Yingshan, Chen Guan focused on the two of them.

With a thought in his mind, the puppet shot out from behind and headed straight towards Dou Huang who was fighting Yuan Yi.

As the person with the weakest strength, he couldn’t move his hands against Yuan Yishang. He was even more desperate now and was beaten to death on the spot by the puppet’s simple punch.

Xiao Yan on the other side saw Chen Guan let the puppet intervene, and he also communicated with Yaochen in his heart, and launched his ultimate move without reservation. With Zi Yan’s cooperation, the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler was activated, completely giving Fang Yan no chance to beg for mercy. Click the result.

“Hehe, luckily I lived up to my fate.”

Carrying Fang Yan’s broken body, Xiao Yan came closer with a smile on his face.

“Hey, the one who holds the door panel obviously has a lot of credit for me, okay?”

Zi Yan spoke up in dissatisfaction, but Xiao Yan had no words to retort. He could only smile and recite silently in his heart, not caring like a child.

Holding down the angry Zi Yan, Chen Guan waved his hand to put away the loot.

“Okay, let’s leave first.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard several bursts of applause coming from not far away.

Looking back, who else could be there besides Mo Tianxing who has been watching the show?

“Is Sect Leader Mo ready to end?”

Chen Guan sneered and said, not very surprised by his actions.

The little medical fairy is not in a very good condition at the moment and needs to be adjusted as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk of losing control. Medusa even used earth-level fighting skills in the battle with the old man Yingshan, and the consumption was not small. Against Mo Tianxing In other words, it was exactly the result they wanted to see, and it was the best opportunity to take action.

A four-star Douzong faces two three-star Douzong who are in bad shape. In this battle, I have the advantage!

Chen Guan, Zi Yan, Xiao Yan, and Yuan Yi were able to frighten the Dou Huangs lurking in the dark, but they were not enough to scare Mo Tianxing, a strong Dou Sect master.

“Haha, your Excellency, you are joking. I just feel that your current state is not enough to face other dangers. You just took a picture of the treasure in our Black Emperor Sect, and you can be considered a distinguished guest of the Black Emperor Sect. For your safety, this sect I would like to invite some of you to come back to the city to stay for a few days, and it won’t be too late to leave after you recover.”

Mo Tianxing had a hypocritical smile on his face. Everyone knew what Sima Zhao was thinking, but he still wanted to speak nicely.

After all, taking action right after their auction will have a great impact on the reputation of the Black Emperor Sect, although he doesn’t really care about such useless things.

Qi Shan and other Douhuang-level elders behind him understood this and stepped forward to surround them.

In the eyes of passers-by, Chen Guan and the others have just stepped out of the tiger’s den and into the wolf’s den. In their current state, it is extremely difficult to deal with the Black Emperor Sect’s obstruction.

But what surprised them was that Chen Guan and his party, except for Yuan Yi, had no nervous expressions on their faces, and even had a bit of sarcasm on their faces.

“If we are not interested in staying here, will Sect Leader Mo take action?”

“This sect is considering you.”

Mo Tianxing Douzong’s momentum was relaxed, as was Qi Shan and others. The answer was already obvious.

Medusa’s murderous intention was revealed, and she took a step forward to fight again, but Chen Guan stopped her in front of her.

“Let me do it.”

Blocking Medusa, Chen Guan looked at Mo Tianxing. Although he was smiling, there was no trace of warmth.

“Sect Leader Mo, do you think it’s possible? They don’t need to take action against you at all.”

Mo Tianxing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and for the first time he really paid attention to the young man in front of him. Anyone who dared to say this either really has something, or he was just stupid.

Obviously, the one in front of me is probably the former.

I pay more attention to it in my heart, but I still don’t give in at all.

“They don’t need to take action, do they rely on you? I would like to know, what do you rely on to have such confidence?”

“Just because of me, the sky will move!”

With a low shout, Chen Guan took action decisively, and it was Wang Zha who made the move, without any intention of testing.

Invisible soul storms suddenly rose up, covering a distance of more than a hundred feet, and an inexplicable heart palpitating feeling unconsciously rose from everyone’s hearts.

People with good mental strength, such as Xiao Yan, Qi Shan, etc., all had their eyes widened at this moment. The soul storms were like large black storms in the Black Plains.

But what’s different from the black storm is that the storm in front of you targets the soul!

Even more weird and difficult to defend against.


An elder of the Black Emperor Sect was the first to be swept in by the soul storm. The so-called defense was completely useless, and his relatively weak mental power was instantly shattered into pieces.

The top warrior at the peak of the Dou Huang Peak turned into an idiot. He could no longer maintain his fighting spirit and fell upside down from the sky. Red and white splattered all over the ground.

Such a strange scene made some people who didn’t understand the reason feel numb.

“Your Excellency, this sect really just wants to invite you to be our guests. If you don’t want to, I won’t force you. Don’t get me wrong!”

What is shame? Mo Tianxing said he had never heard of it.

Seeing such a terrifying soul storm, Mo Tianxing changed his tone and decided to stop fighting.

But at this time, how could it be that he just stopped when he said a word? Chen Guan responded to him with only one word.


Several people around him jumped out immediately, harvesting the lives of everyone in the Black Emperor Sect to their heart’s content.

I thought it was a bladder game, but I didn’t expect it to be a complete man-machine game. It was incredibly simple, even worse than the previous ones.

Even Mo Tianxing of the Four-Star Douzong had no chance of resisting the attacks of Xiao Yan and others while resisting the sweep of the soul storm. In less than five minutes, his soul and body were both severely injured and were struck by Zi Yan. The fist snatched the head.

The majestic four-star Douzong died so simply. This dreamy scene, absolutely no one would believe it unless they witnessed it with their own eyes.

Let Medusa and others clean up the battlefield, Chen Guan turned around and flew into the city.

auction house.

Mo Ya was not in a hurry to leave the city to watch the show, because according to Mo Tianxing’s estimation, the Black Emperor Sect would take action in the middle of the night. There was no need to rush. He could hand over all the items at the auction before leaving. Late.

But Mo Ya couldn’t help but feel the huge noise coming from outside the city, and couldn’t help but feel itchy, and it was difficult to concentrate when doing things.

Immediately, he stopped embarrassing himself, told his subordinates to continue the handover, and left the auction house.

But just as he was about to leave the city to watch a movie, he unexpectedly spotted a familiar figure speeding towards him.

“Hey, Brother Chen, didn’t you leave? Why are you back again? Your companions.”

Mo Ya greeted him with a smile, his expression of gloating unabashedly.

Chen Guan sighed softly with a guilty expression.

“I came back in a hurry because I wanted to tell Brother Mo some bad news.”

“Oh? Tell me.”

“I was just outside the city and accidentally killed your father.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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