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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 224 The legendary Zi Yan

“What did you do to me?”

After carefully checking his whole body, he didn’t find anything wrong, but he still felt that something was wrong. The old monster You Po asked anxiously.

“Hey, that’s a good thing to stop you from thinking about us again.”

Zi Yan smiled and responded generically.

The poisonous old monster fell silent and sighed softly, as if accepting his fate.

But Hei Qing didn’t seem to intend to let him go so easily.

“People and friends of the Gulong clan must not be bullied. Today, for the sake of little friend Chen Guan, I will spare your life. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. I will give you two years to fulfill my promise. Two years later, I will personally come to pick you up. You come to Long Island as a guest.”

Then, he looked at the girl, “How long have you been here?”

“Almost half a month.”

Hei Qing nodded, “Then go to Dragon Island and live for fifteen years. Don’t think about escaping. With Dragon Seal here, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, it will be easy to find you. At Douzun’s level, you should also know that I am too What is the Void Ancient Dragon clan best at?”

In a few words, the plan for the next ten years or so has been planned for the evil old monster.

The poisonous old monster opened his mouth, but in the end he did not dare to raise any objection, and he felt powerless.

“I…I remember it.”

If you are unable to do what you want, you will give up. Although you have lost your cards, you still know the current situation.

Hei Qing was quite satisfied with his performance, nodded slightly and looked at Chen Guan.

“How does Brother Chen Guan feel about handling it this way?”

“Everything depends on His Majesty’s arrangement.”

“As long as you’re satisfied, don’t be polite to me, be more relaxed and just call me by my first name.”

“Brother Heiqing.”

That being said, respect should be respected.

Chen Guan smiled and spoke. Being bold does not mean being rude.

“Haha, that’s right. At your age, you can have the strength you have now, and your talent is outstanding. If you practice hard, you will have a bright future.” Hei Qing laughed and patted Chen Guan on the shoulder twice to express his closeness.

Good guy, this power…

I almost broke Chen Guan’s bones directly.

“Girl, your name is Zi Yan, right? Now that the matter here has been taken care of, let’s go back to Long Island with Uncle Hei.”

Zi Yan was just feeling that there was something wrong with the title between the two. Suddenly she heard this, her thoughts were interrupted instantly, and her beaming face immediately fell down.

After all, the day has arrived.

“Uncle Hei, can I not go? You can give me an address. I’ll play outside… and get some experience. I’ll come back by myself then, okay?”

Zi Yan moved closer to Hei Qing, shaking her big hands that were thicker than her calves, looking pitiful, trying to get away with being cute.

It’s cute, but useless.

Hei Qing rubbed her head and shook his head in denial.

“Dragon Island is floating in the void space, and its position is constantly changing. I can only take you back once, and then you can find the way. Moreover, your bloodline is somewhat extraordinary, so you must go back early. If something unexpected happens outside, That will be a huge loss to our Donglong Island. After you return, your strength will skyrocket, which will also make you safer.”

“Donglong Island?” Zi Yan was confused.

“You’ll know later.”

Hei Qing did not immediately explain. Some innocuous information would be fine for others to hear, but the division of the Gu Long clan could be fatal.

Seeing Hei Qing’s resolute attitude, Zi Yan’s face suddenly became deflated. This was different from what she originally expected.

Immediately, he could only turn to Chen Guan for help.

Chen Guan spread his hands to express his helplessness, there was nothing he could do about it.

Now that Hei Qing has arrived, Zi Yan must be taken away.

Knowing that the other party was doing it for Zi Yan’s good, even though he was reluctant to give up, he had no reason to stop her.

But if you only fight for a few days, it’s not a big problem.

“Brother Heiqing, Zi Yan and I have hardly been apart since we met. It may be difficult for her to leave now. How about this? Brother Heiqing will stay for a while and give us a chance to thank you. In two days, I condensed the poison elixir for the little medical fairy. At that time, she and I just needed to retreat to improve our strength. Brother Hei Qing took Zi Yan back.”

“Yes, yes, the life of Little Medical Fairy Sister’s Poison Pill is at stake. If I don’t see that it is successfully condensed, I won’t be able to rest assured. Uncle Hei, please.”

Zi Yan suddenly had an idea and thought of a legitimate reason.

Hei Qing looked at the Little Medical Fairy. He didn’t understand the poisonous body of Ernan, but he could also see that the Little Medical Fairy’s condition was not very good. He was as dangerous as a barrel of explosives that might explode at any time.

“how long it takes?”

“It can definitely be completed within ten days!”

Chen Guan replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Hei Qing did not insist anymore and nodded in agreement.

For more than ten days, as a monster, it may be more than that if you open and close your eyes.

The most important thing is that he can only confirm that Zi Yan has extraordinary blood and may have royal blood. He does not know that this girl is the only daughter of the old Dragon Emperor.

Otherwise, I would probably want to take off immediately.

“Oh yeah, Uncle Hei is the best!”

After getting permission, Zi Yan jumped up with joy, her mouth seemed to be covered with honey.

Seeing her gesture, several people also showed doting smiles.

After talking about the matter here, Chen Guan turned to face Master Xuan Yi and Feng Zun, cupped his hands and thanked him.

“Thank you to the two venerables for your help this time.”

Xuan Yi chuckled and shook his head with a calm demeanor.

However, Lord Feng thought of business and suddenly became anxious.

“No, we ourselves can’t help much, but I hope you will be notified of Yao Chen’s traces. From now on, our Xingyun Pavilion will treat you as a distinguished guest.”

The anxious look in his eyes made his words seem a little more sincere.

Chen Guan looked flattered. He knew what the other party wanted to hear and didn’t hesitate at the moment.

“Your Majesty, you are serious. Almost two months ago, the last time I saw Venerable Yao and Xiao Yan was at an auction in the Black Corner Territory. At that time, I was besieged by a group of powerful enemies. At the time of life and death, I was fortunate to have the help of their masters. Help each other.”

“As for now…if my prediction is correct, their master and disciple should be in the inner courtyard of Canaan College. The Venerable only needs to find Xiao Yan to find the Venerable Yao. With Xiao Yan’s temperament, even if It’s not difficult to find out his whereabouts after leaving Canaan College on the way.”

“Black Corner Domain, Canaan College, I remember it!”

Master Feng murmured, slightly cupping his hands in front of everyone, and without any hesitation, he disappeared directly on the spot and left.

Xuan Yi was stunned for a moment by the resolute Feng Zun, but he had no intention of catching up.

She had somewhat heard about it in the Black Corner Territory.

With the strength of Master Feng, he was able to cope with everything in the past.

“The matter is over, I won’t stay any longer. Everyone, Xuan Yi takes his leave.”

Xuan Yi cupped his hands and said, very politely.

Of course, it was mainly for Hei Qing, and as for Chen Guan and the others, it was just incidental.

However, when he was about to leave, Xuan Yi suddenly stopped and glanced at Chen Guan.

“This little friend has outstanding mental power and must be quite accomplished in alchemy. If you are free, you can go to the Dan Pagoda for certification at any time. There is a badge issued by the Dan Pagoda, which will be a lot more convenient when walking outside.”

Chen Jian nodded in agreement. He must go to the Dan Pagoda if he couldn’t avoid it.

The friendship between the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is very precious, but relatively speaking, water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness.

The Dan Pagoda was different. If he could have the protection of the Dan Pagoda, even the old Yinbi in the Soul Palace in Zhongzhou would have to think twice about touching him, let alone a character like the poisonous old monster.

After promoting Danta, Xuanyi stopped staying and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

“Where do we go next?”

When the outsiders were gone, Zi Yan asked.

Hei Qing and the Little Medical Fairy also looked at Chen Guan. Listening to what he just said, it was obvious that he had a plan.

“Go to Yecheng! But before that, you guys wait for me here.”

After saying that, Chen Guan’s fighting spirit wings appeared and flew towards the two small black dots in the distant sky.

It only took a few breaths to arrive in front of him. Chen Guan put away the puppet and solemnly thanked Cao Ying, who followed Xuan Yi and Feng Zun.

“Thank you very much for this incident. I owe you a big favor.”

“It’s just a little effort. Your mental power is very strong, even more outrageous than Dan Chen. You should also be an alchemist. I heard Cao Dan say before that a mysterious high-level alchemist appeared in the Warcraft Mountains over Dizhou City. Pharmacist, is that you?”

Cao Ying shook her head slightly and didn’t care. She was more interested in Chen Guan’s medicine refining skills, and she felt quite happy to see him.

There are not many alchemists above the seventh level, especially at the same time, so the possibility of two unknown ones popping up is too low.

Obviously, Cao Ying prefers to believe that they are the same person.

As for the female alchemist, you can understand it when you see the little medical fairy and Zi Yan in the square in the distance.

Chen Guan was stunned for a moment, and then he guessed something from his clever words.

“That should be the case. I didn’t meet Cao Dan, but I did make some… elixirs there.”

“That’s right. I look forward to competing with you on the same stage at the alchemy conference. Although I know you from your puppet, I still want to get to know Danta and Cao Ying again.”

Cao Ying stretched out her slender hand, her eyes brightening slightly.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it is the joy of finding another opponent when the music is high and low.

Not counting the old guys, among her peers, there were not many opponents that she could treat with caution in the art of alchemy.

So far, it’s just the weak little white rabbit of the Dan family.

“Chen Guan, coming from the northwest.”

Chen Guan also stretched out his right hand, which was as cold as ice and as soft as boneless.

Simply hold it and then take it back.

I still remember that the last time I introduced myself so solemnly was when I first met Xiao Yan.

“My friend is still waiting for me below, so I won’t talk much today. See you later.”

After thanking him, he kept the favor in his heart and got to know each other again. Chen Guan had no idea of ​​staying any longer.

Cao Ying nodded lightly, watched Chen Guan go back, smiled slightly, and turned around to leave.

on the square.

Zi Yan smiled and helped up the old Youdu monster who was leaning on the stone. She did not forget to stuff him with a pill that Chen Guan had casually refined with a heartbroken look on her face.

“I stood up so quickly. Sure enough, the effect of my seventh-grade healing pill is great.”

The poisonous old monster was speechless. After all, he was also a strong Dou Zun. Injuring his muscles and bones sounds terrible, but in fact it is not that fatal, right?

“Hey, old man, I’ve already given you such expensive elixirs. It’s useless to keep the remaining medicinal materials in your medicine library. How about I help you deal with them?”

The evil old monster rolled his eyes helplessly, wanting only to spit out the jelly beans he had swallowed.

But looking at the door-god-like Hei Qing, he could only hold back the pain in his stomach.

“I’ll give it all to you, you’re welcome.”

When Chen Guan came back, he couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this scene of respecting the elderly and caring for the young.

How arrogant he was before, how embarrassed he is now.

Without disturbing him, he watched Zi Yan leave and come back in just a few minutes, which was very efficient.

“Hehe, it’s all done. Let’s go. I’ve seen the map before. From Shengdan City to Naye City, we have to transit through space wormholes twice, right, Chen Guan?”

“Girl, have you forgotten Uncle Hei? With your Uncle Hei here, there is no need to borrow that space wormhole.”

Before Chen Guan could reply, Hei Qing spoke first.

Taixu Ancient Dragon rushed through the space wormhole. This was really a waste of taking off his pants and farting.

Zi Yan has a different opinion.

“The space wormhole is very interesting. We go in and out, go out and go in, and then come out again. It’s so fun to go in and out.”

Those who didn’t know better thought she really liked space wormholes.

But everyone present understood that the little girl just wanted to delay it for a few days.

Chen Guan and the Little Medical Fairy both sighed in their hearts, and Hei Qing didn’t insist anymore. It only took a little time, and Quan thought it was enough to satisfy her little wish.

“Then let’s go.”

Hei Qing waved his hand and immediately headed towards the Shengdan City.

No one cared about the evil old monster, just like no one cared about Chen Guan and the others a few days ago.

Looking at the backs of several people, the evil old monster let out a long and decadent sigh, went to the secret room and came back quickly, slowly walking to follow them.

“The owner of the village!”

“Don’t worry about me. You can’t hide what happened today. There are many people watching from a distance. Someone will definitely come here to seek revenge. You can’t stay in Qingce Village anymore. Go to Moling Villa.”

The distance from Shengdan City to Ye City is not much different from that to Hanyun City, both taking about four days to go back and forth.

Although Zi Yan made a lot of excuses on the way and was delayed for a long time during the transfer, a group of five people still arrived in Yecheng three days later.

It is worth mentioning that during this journey, the old ghost poisonous monster changed his appearance again, and handed over the poisonous ghost fire sealed by special means to Chen Guan.

At the same time, the so-called legacy of Venerable Poison was also introduced into the mind of the Little Medical Immortal.

As for whether all of them were given, that is unknown.

Here is a huge and vast stone platform. The whole stone platform is made of snow-white rocks. What is particularly surprising is that this stone platform is actually nearly a hundred meters high. And supporting it to such a height, it is impressively beneath it. A dozen giant stone pillars!

The stone pillars support the stone platform, like pillars supporting the sky. Viewed from a distance, it looks extremely majestic.

The space above this stone platform is also very different from Dizhou City, Liyue City and other places. It seems particularly chaotic. The large space is extremely distorted, and there are even some dark cracks spreading faintly. out

In this twisted space, silver light will constantly burst out, and every time the silver light appears, many figures will be spit out from the space, and then fall on the stone platform below.

Here is actually a concentrated point of space wormhole transmission!

Silver light flickered again in the twisted space, and then several figures flashed out from it. Then they tapped their feet in the void and slowly landed on the stone platform.

There is no doubt that this is Chen Guan and his party.

Yecheng is named after Ye, and the Ye family’s status in it goes without saying.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The so-called decline is just a relative term. If it were not for the other four major families at the Danta Elders’ Table, they would still be the overlord.

When they arrived in Yecheng, Zi Yan had no choice but to delay the time. From this stone, she entered the city along the broad avenue. In the most central area of ​​the city, within a kilometer of there was the Ye family’s manor.

Ordinary people are not allowed to enter here on weekdays, and the defense is extremely tight. Of course, this is only for ordinary strong people.

When Chen Guan and the other five arrived, not only did they not encounter any obstruction, they even saluted the guards who saw them.

Although they had never been here before, it was as if they had known them in advance. It was amazing how fast news spread in Zhongzhou.

When the five people arrived at the door of Ye’s house in a hurry, an old man in black was already waiting in front of the residence with several elders.

If people from Ye City saw it, they would definitely recognize it. The leader is the current head of the Ye family, Ye Chong!

From the previous behavior of the guards, Chen Guan and others had already guessed that the Ye family had learned about them.

Seeing this scene at this moment, I am not too surprised.

The arrival of a powerful warrior is no small matter, no matter how high the standard is.

Brackets: Only for families that don’t have those powerful Dou Zun warriors.

“I have long heard reports from the guards that five distinguished guests with extraordinary valor have arrived. I guess this is the legendary Venerable Hei Qing, and this little brother is the legendary Little Friend Chen Guan?”

Seeing the five people, Ye Chong greeted them with an eager smile.

“And me, the legendary Zi Yan!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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