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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 228 Even if a person is dead, he still has a hard mouth

Zhongzhou, south of Beiyu and north of Danyu.

An unprecedented and huge chase was going on. Under the night, a stream of light could be seen passing by. When it stopped on the top of the mountain, what appeared was an old man with disheveled hair.

His dry palm was torn out of thin air, and a temporary space wormhole emerged.

“Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river. When I return to Zhongzhou, it will be the day your soul palace collapses!”

Although he looked very embarrassed, he still never softened his words.

He let out a bold statement and immediately got into it without any hesitation.

However, at this moment, an old man in blue robes suddenly appeared, looking at the deep space wormhole with a sneer on his face.

“The person who killed me in the Soul Palace wants to leave? How can it be that easy!”

When the words fell, he punched out with a simple punch.

The seemingly light fist actually shattered the space layer by layer, and the space wormhole also collapsed. The poisonous old monster who had just stepped into it screamed and was swept out by the power of space. Hanging blood.

Fortunately, his strength is not bad, otherwise, he would be buried in the space storm just this time.

“Jie Jie Jie, you poisonous old monster, don’t even think about escaping. Our Soul Palace has dispatched several Heavenly Lords for you. They are guarding all directions in the entire Dan Realm. You can’t escape. It’s not easy to practice cultivation. I will give you a What are the chances of atonement?”

“what chance?”

“Serve my Soul Palace for forty years for free, and all grudges will be wiped out!”

There are just a few Dou Zong level protectors. To the Soul Palace, they are just a drop in the bucket and insignificant. A lot of such protectors die every year.

The reason why we mobilized so many troops this time was mainly because the powerful Dou Zun was involved, and it was also for the sake of saving face.

If you can use the four guardians to get the service of a strong Dou Zun, it will be a bloody gain no matter how you look at it.

Unfortunately, the desperate situation has not yet been reached, and it is obviously impossible for the old monster Youdu to accept such conditions.

“I have lived for more than four hundred years, and I have only killed eleven of you guardians. You let me serve for forty years? Mu Gu, why don’t you die? The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is not as dark as you!”

After swearing loudly, the old monster You Po turned around and ran away.

Old Man Mu Gu is very strong. However, his talent in space cannot be compared to Taixu Ancient Dragon. At least the old monster Nether Poison is not helpless. With the help of his disguise and the power of the Dan Pagoda, he still has no chance of survival. small.

What makes the old monster You Po feel strange is that the concealment technique that has always been invincible seems to be completely ineffective in front of this Soul Palace. He has changed his appearance many times, but every time he has just escaped, he has not waited. If you relax, you will be caught up again. This has happened dozens of times in the past few days.

This Soul Palace is really weird!

Cursing secretly in his heart, the poisonous old monster also changed his direction this time and headed into the Dan Realm.

“I don’t believe that you still dare to chase after us in Shengdan City!”

Ye family.

They agreed to only have one day’s rest, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Chen Guan and the little doctor still delayed for several days before starting the next plan.

There is no way, the little medical fairy’s strength has just been greatly improved, and it still needs to be strengthened more or less, not because Chen Guan knows the taste of food marrow and indulges in beauty.

But what I have to say is that the Yuxian Sect’s technique is really easy to use.

Chen Guan just used it as a reference, which made the experience immediately full, especially with the soft waist of the little medical fairy, all the movements were effortless.

This morning, the sky was bright and the sunlight shined through the windows and onto the floor of the room, forming dazzling spots of light.

In the room, through the layers of curtains, you can vaguely see two figures leaning against each other.

Chen Guan was leaning on the bedside, holding the little medical fairy in his arms, with a lazy expression, gentle eyes, and his thoughts drifting far away.

Through the dragon seal, he could sense that the poisonous old monster had escaped back to Shengdan City. Chen Guan was also preparing to communicate with the future Protector Li and announce that the first round was over.

The Dan Pagoda still has power. As long as the Soul Clan does not break the rules, relying on the Soul Palace alone is not willing to act recklessly in the Dan Pagoda’s base camp for the sake of a poisonous old monster.

Therefore, the thugs in the Soul Palace can be withdrawn.

However, Chen Guan heard Xuan Yi mention that day that this old guy seemed to have a lot of enemies. So, would the second round be okay?

With a slight smile, Chen Guan raised his hand and patted it, and suddenly there was a crisp sound that made people’s hearts flutter.

“Xian’er, it’s time to get up.”

The little medical fairy raised her head and rolled her eyes charmingly.

Immediately, Chen Guan’s chest was supported by his pink arms, and he freed himself with a slight frown on his eyebrows. He sat up straight, and the energy of heaven and earth turned into water to surround himself, cleaning away some traces of shame. He took out a plain white dress and put it on to cover up the holy figure. ’s delicate body.

Chen Guan also stood up. Just as he took out a new set of clothes and was about to change into them, he was taken over by the little medical fairy, who was waiting on him like a little daughter-in-law.

“This seems to be the symbol of the Jiama Empire?”

“Well, it’s been several years. Before the Tianmeng was established, Sister Yaoye prepared it for me. There were so many that I couldn’t even wear them. When I left Northwest, I prepared many more. I said it was unnecessary, and she said don’t talk nonsense. She actually wanted to travel around, see Zhongzhou, the Meteor God Icefield, and the boundless desert and sea. Unfortunately, she couldn’t take it off for the time being, so she asked me to wear the clothes she prepared and travel around. It can be regarded as giving her a sense of participation.” Chen Guan opened his hands and enjoyed the gentle service, with a nostalgic smile.

“The princess is so kind to you.”

“We will be a family from now on, no need to call us princess.”

The little fairy doctor nodded and smiled and said no more.

After lingering in the room for about ten minutes, the two of them headed to the Yanghuo Ancient Altar.

Compared with a few days ago, the appearance of the gravel square has changed drastically. Exquisite training rooms have been built around the center of the altar. They look inexplicably similar to the interior of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower of Canaan College. There are some similarities. The closer to the center, the better the effect on cultivation.

Of course, its effect is certainly far inferior to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, but for a family, it is already pretty good.

Chen Guan and the Little Medical Fairy had just been watching at the square for a while when Ye Chong got the news and rushed over in person.

“I have to trouble my seniors to prepare two training rooms for us.”

“Haha, I reserved it specially for you. It’s the training room No. 1 and 2. There is a sign on the door. Are you ready to retreat?” Ye Zhong replied with a kind smile.

“Well, the powerful people in Zhongzhou are like the Qing who has crossed the river. My strength is not enough to be active in Zhongzhou, so I should mention it.”

“In this case, you two little friends can just go into seclusion. My Ye family may not be absolutely safe, but no one can disturb it.”

Chen Jian nodded in agreement, there was no doubt about this.

Although the tiger is dead, its power is still there, not to mention that the Ye family has not declined to that point.

Compared to the ravines and wild forests, the Ye family, which he knew everything about, was indeed a good place for retreat.

“Then I won’t disturb you anymore. I wish you both that all your wishes will come true and your strength will increase steadily.”

“Thank you for your good words.”

After watching Ye Zhong leave, the two of them went directly to the training room No. 1.

Before Chen Guan goes into seclusion, the poisonous fire from the underworld must be absorbed by the Little Medical Fairy first.

Every time Chen Guan absorbs the strange fire, there are two steps. First, refine it, and then use the technique to devour and fuse it. The process is also quite painful.

The Little Medical Immortal’s absorption of strange fire is different. It only requires simple refining and can be controlled.

With her current strength, it is not difficult to suppress a twenty-ranked alien fire, and it does not require much preparation.

Taking out a Naling spirit he got from Han Feng and giving it to the little medical fairy, Chen Guan told her in detail his experience of refining the strange fire three times.

He thought it would be somewhat helpful to the little medical fairy, but when he actually started refining, Chen Guan realized that everything was so unnecessary.

The Nether Poison Fire seemed to be one with the poisonous body of Ernan. After the source was swallowed by the Little Medical Fairy, there was no ripple at all.

That posture is like a stray pug that has found a warm harbor. It is impossible to leave, and you can’t drive it away!

Not only that, the energy released by the Netherworld Poison Fire and the Evil Poison Body are great complements to each other. They complement each other at this moment, and it feels like the wind is helping the fire, and the fire is increasing the wind.

In just a few minutes, the little doctor fairy’s cultivation level, which was already at the peak of the Seven-Star Douzong, rose again.

Eight Star Douzong!

And looking at its steady improvement trend, Jiuxing is estimated to be only half an hour away.

“is that OK?”

Seeing the little medical fairy absorbing the strange fire so easily, and then comparing his life and death every time, Chen Guan’s smile was not so comfortable.

Hearing this, the little medical fairy opened her beautiful eyes, and she could see his thoughts at a glance, and couldn’t help but smile.

“I have never felt so good. The Netherworld Poison Fire is very obedient. It feels like your Fallen Heart Flame. It is a training cheating device that improves all the time. With this strength, I can challenge the Dou Zun.” The barrier is a little more certain!”

Thinking of the respective characteristics of the Nether Poison Fire and the Evil Poison Body, Chen Guan nodded slightly, as this should be the case.

It’s just that this training cheating device only targets the poisonous body that has solved its shortcomings.

Before condensing the Poison Pill, if one rashly refines the Nether Poison Fire, it is not known whether it can still remain stable. It may be better, or it may be overdone and make the Enan Poison Body lose control faster.

“No matter what, as long as the result is good.”

Chen Guan said that he is not envious at all!

The refining result was better than expected. Chen Guan was completely relieved and no longer suffered a vain blow here. He stood up immediately.

“You can practice with peace of mind here. It will be good if you can make a breakthrough in one go. If it doesn’t work, don’t worry. We still have a lot of time.”

“I will.”

The little medical fairy smiled softly and nodded in agreement.

But after Chen Guan left, his eyes became determined again.

next door.

Chen Guan sat down cross-legged and then called out Lord Tianhuo.

During this period, due to some reasons, the door of the old man’s house was locked tightly, and he was not let out for some air for several days.

“Isn’t this the Yanghuo ancient altar of the Ye family? It looks like it has returned to normal?” Lord Tianhuo floated out of the ring and asked in surprise.

“Yao Lao guessed it right. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this ancient altar, but…”

Facing Lord Tianhuo, Chen Guan did not hide anything and simply recounted what happened in the past few days.

“Earth Fire Pearl, tsk tsk, you kid is really lucky. This thing can only be produced when the sun fire is extremely strong. After several years of accumulation, the energy contained in it is absolutely terrifying. If you can get rid of those fighting Zong’s face, I guess I can kill him on the spot, of course, that is too wasteful, it is just perfect for improving my strength, with it, you will be promoted to Dou Zong this time, I think it will be better than that Po Zong Pill!”

“You are indeed lucky.” Chen Dian nodded and said with a smile: “The reason why I asked Yao Lao to come out this time was actually mainly for another matter, about Yao Lao’s resurrection!”

Hearing this, Lord Tianhuo’s calm face was slightly moved.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows that Chen Guan will not mention this matter for no reason. Now that he has mentioned it, there must be progress.

The matter was so important that even Lord Tianhuo couldn’t help but become nervous.

If you can jump around, who would want to live in a ring every day?

Sensing Lord Tianhuo’s emotions, Chen Guan smiled slightly and took out the corpse from the poisonous old monster’s hand.

“Yao Lao, this is the corpse of Venerable Poison. He was originally a peak fighting lord. It is impossible to verify how long he has fallen. There must not be many people who remember him. How about using it as Yao Lao’s resurrected body?”

“That’s enough, that’s enough! I haven’t seen the Venerable Poison in person, so it’s easier to accept it. To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable using the other corpses.”

Lord Tianhuo was surprised and said without any surprise.

“In this case, aren’t we just one pill short of collecting them all?”

“That’s right.” Chen Guan responded with a chuckle.

Lord Tianhuo’s soul body is undoubtedly more complete than Yao Chen’s soul body, and therefore, it is relatively simple to resurrect.

There are four conditions in total: three kinds of strange fire, seventh-level monster blood essence, a body of Dou Zong or above, and a bone-melting blood pill!

“If I remember correctly, what we are currently missing is the seventh-grade peak elixir ‘Bone-Resuscitating and Fusion-Blending Pill’. Although we have been collecting medicinal materials in the past few years, we are still missing a few types. This shows how difficult it is. I have been reading through it these days. After looking at the treasure that Han Feng gave you, I found a pill recipe called ‘Yin Yang Life Soul Pill’. This pill is ranked at the seventh-grade intermediate level. It has the miraculous effect of melting souls and restoring life. The required materials are also relatively small. It’s much simpler, we only need one Soul Demon Fruit, Mr. Chen, can you use this elixir instead?”

“It is indeed possible.” Chen Jian nodded in affirmation.

He has never tried it, but in the original trajectory, Lord Tianhuo was resurrected using this elixir.

“Then let’s use this Yin Yang Life Soul Pill. It can also save a lot of time.”

“No, Yao Lao, you deserve better. We must do our best to do what we do. The seventh-grade intermediate Yin Yang Life Soul Pill is not worthy of Venerable Poison’s body, let alone Yao Lao. As for the raw bones Mr. Yao doesn’t have to worry about the lack of materials for the Blood Melting Pill, I already have an idea, and that’s exactly why I called you out this time.”



At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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