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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 229 Cao Ying comes to visit

Shengdan City.

On top of the magnificent tall building, Xuan Kongzi and Xuan Yi stood side by side, looking at the bustling streets below, frowning slightly.

Familiar streets, familiar prosperity, to ordinary people, today seems to be no different from usual.

However, as the apparent leaders of Danta, the two of them were keenly aware that this was already the prelude to an undercurrent.

“This is the third Dou Zun strongman who entered Shengdan City today. These old guys usually wish they could take root under their feet and grow into the soil. They have rarely seen each other for decades. Why did they all suddenly come out?”

Xuan Kongzi was puzzled.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters. The good Shengdan City suddenly became stormy. It was still at this critical period and he couldn’t allow him to think too much.

However, Xuan Yi guessed some of the reasons, shook his head and said with a smile: “These old guys probably didn’t come for us. They all have one thing in common. They have a grudge against the poisonous old monster. I think they probably came here because of him. .”

“Old poisonous monster? Isn’t this guy being chased by the Soul Palace? When did he enter the city?”

“I don’t know, but the Soul Palace has been making quite a fuss around the Dan Territory in the past few days. Five Heavenly Lords have been dispatched. With the strength of the old monster Youdu, it should be impossible to escape. It is undoubtedly a good idea to return to the Holy Dan City to take advantage of the situation. A better choice, this old guy is very good at disguise. If he doesn’t show up, we won’t be able to find him, but there is someone who can accurately grasp his position.”

“That boy named Chen Guan?”

“Yes, the ancient dragon clan member left a dragon mark on him before he left. No matter how disguised the evil old monster is, he can’t escape the induction. Look at that tall black-robed man. If I’m not mistaken, he should be Chen Guan. There is no doubt that he is a puppet, and with his report, the plan of the evil old monster to hide in the Holy Pill City was wrong.”

Following the direction Xuan Yi pointed, Xuan Kongzi also discovered the puppet wrapped in black robe.

His eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light flashed.

“So, he also passed the location of the poisonous old monster to the Soul Palace a few days ago. In other words, this kid has contact with the Soul Palace?!”

“I know what you are worried about, but it is unlikely that he and the Soul Palace collude. At most, they are just using each other. Otherwise, Yaochen may have fallen into the hands of the Soul Palace.”

Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi also suddenly came back to his senses.

“But I thought differently. This kid is quite interesting. When the old poisonous monster provoked him, I probably never thought that this day would happen, and I don’t know when I will react. Although Danta doesn’t care about these trivial matters, he still has to do it. Ensure the safety of the city. Moreover, Yao Chen is coming back soon, and Tianleizi is not here either. At this time, it is best to keep the city quiet to avoid being taken advantage of by the Soul Palace. After he is exposed, please invite him out.”

Xuan Yi nodded, “I think so too.”

The poor Youdu old monster is actually worthless compared to Yaochen…

Half a day later, several terrifying auras spread out simultaneously in the city, causing countless people to tremble and pray not to die in the aftermath.

I thought that an unprecedented war was about to break out, but unfortunately, Xuan Yi appeared in time and suppressed the newly rising signs. Then, he showed his weapons and politely asked the few old guys who were preparing for the battle to come out of the holy pill. city.

“I don’t want to keep you here, I have my own place to stay. If you have the courage, just come after me, and I will take care of you all!”

“Youdu, don’t run!”

“Cunning villain, please don’t leave!”

I can’t see him, I can only hear his voice, but I can still imagine the scene.

Living in the puppet ring, Lord Tianhuo couldn’t help but chuckle. Then, he no longer cared about the old monster of the poisonous poison, and went straight to the alchemist’s trading place in Shengdan City.

The reason why he came to Shengdan City this time was really not to report points to the enemies of the evil old monster, but Chen Guan wanted to let them collect the medicinal materials for the Bone-melting Blood Pill during his retreat.

Chen Guan remembered that at the alchemist meeting in the Holy Pill City, the main ingredient of the Bone-Blending Blood Pill would appear.

Blood elf fruit!

Although the time was advanced a bit, it was thought that Yao Chen and Xiao Yan would most likely be taken to Zhongzhou by Master Feng, so Chen Guan could only ask Master Tianhuo to come and stay earlier.

After all, Yao Chen and Xiao Yan also need this thing. Once they arrive, this is almost a must-attend trade fair for alchemists. You will never miss it. If you arrive late, you may not be able to attend.

Regarding the resurrection plan, Lord Tianhuo had no choice but to pay attention, so he simply followed this puppet who was spiritual but not very spiritual and came to comply with it himself.

The Alchemist Trade Fair in Shengdan City has a very good reputation in this area. This trade fair is not as mixed as other trade fairs. If the trade fair is divided into three, six or nine grades, Then the trade fair in Shengdan City should be considered to be top-notch, far from comparable to the small trade fairs in other places.

The location of this trade fair is in the outer domain of Shengdan City, but the location is not bad. It is located at the junction of the outer domain and the inner domain. It is said that this trade fair also has the support of Danta, and it has developed so powerfully. Because of this, when items are exchanged in this trade fair, things like killing people and stealing goods are very rare. After all, in this Dan Realm, no one can escape the Dan Pagoda’s pursuit.

“It should be right here, the Alchemist Trade Fair. The name is quite straightforward.”

Standing in front of a building that occupies a vast area, Lord Tianhuo looked at the fonts of dragons and phoenixes on the light blue wooden plaque and felt slightly speechless.

Before the trade fair at this moment, there was a lot of traffic and people coming and going like a tide. Countless people wearing alchemist robes, with envious eyes around them, successfully passed through the heavy guards at the door of the trade fair and entered it. .

After slightly complaining, Lord Tianhuo no longer delayed and let the puppet lead him striding inside.

The tall body and the deep black robe made a clattering noise as they walked on the steps. At the gate of the trade fair, the two guards with cold faces felt a strong sense of oppression.

I feel slightly guilty, but my duty is to check my credentials.

Because according to the rules, there are only two ways to enter it.

First, he is an alchemist himself.

Second, it is led by a seventh-grade alchemist!

However, just when one of them was about to step forward to check, a majestic spiritual power came out, causing the expressions of many alchemists who came in and out to change slightly.

“Spiritual soul?!”

“I don’t know, it feels a bit strange.”

“What is this person’s identity? With such a strong soul, his level of refining medicine must be at least level six.”

Whispers rang out, and everyone was shocked by Lord Tianhuo. The taste was too strong!

“Do you still need to check?”

“That’s not necessary, sir!”

Lord Tianhuo’s attitude was average, but the guards only took it for granted.

Isn’t it already known to everyone that alchemists are arrogant?

He stopped and bowed to see him off.

Although something felt wrong, I still wisely chose to turn a blind eye.

After all, the rules are the rules of the Danta. I only have a few coins a month, so why should I risk my life?

This person did not produce any credentials, but his tyrannical soul power is obvious to all. Even if he is not an alchemist, he is definitely a strong man who cannot be offended!

Lord Tianhuo smiled with satisfaction, and the puppet strode in.

After the door, there is a spacious and cool passage. Walk along the passage, and then the boiling sound suddenly comes to you, and then gets into your ears.

Standing at the door of the passage, Lord Tianhuo’s mental power swept across the appropriate angle of view, and he saw an extremely vast hall.

In the hall, there are many neatly arranged stone platforms. Behind the stone platforms, some figures who look like stall owners sit cross-legged, like street vendors, with a lazy look and do not look like businessmen at all.

Of course, they are not.

Most of them are dressed in alchemist robes, and their identities are self-evident.

There are also many alchemists wandering in this vast hall. Occasionally they will stop in front of some stone platforms and carefully look at the objects placed on the stone platforms. If there is anything they like, they will stop. , and began to negotiate terms of exchange with the stall owners.

With Lord Tianhuo’s eyesight, he could tell that the alchemists active on this floor, as well as the items being traded, were not of very high grade.

Without hesitation, he immediately let the puppet go to the second floor.

To enter the second floor, you need to reach the level of a sixth-grade alchemist, and the inspection is relatively strict.

Helplessly, Lord Tianhuo could only take out the alchemist badge given by Chen Guan and get through.

Compared with the first floor, the space on the second floor is much smaller, but the items traded are more precious. Some medicinal materials can even be used to refine seventh-grade elixirs.

Unfortunately, Lord Skyfire did not find the Blood Elf Demon Fruit.

Some regrets, but also expected.

It would be outrageous if we really encountered it all at once.

The conditions for entering the third floor are to be a seventh-grade alchemist or a strong Dou Zun.

Lord Tianhuo could not reach any of them at present, so he could only suppress his curiosity and follow Chen Guan’s instructions. He found an empty stone platform, randomly took out a few medicinal plants, marked them with sky-high prices, and waited for the target to appear.

The not-so-wide training room was silent, as if everything outside was cut off from it.

Chen Guan sat cross-legged on the lotus throne, with his eyes closed tightly and his hands making seals on his knees, motionless like an old monk in meditation.

In front of him, a fist-sized, golden ball of blazing fire was suspended in the air, with rich energy constantly emanating from it.

However, before the energy could dissipate between heaven and earth, it was pulled into Chen Guan’s body by a mysterious suction force.

Continuously absorbing the majestic energy in the earth’s core fire bead, day after day, the meridians, bones, muscles, and even cells of the whole body are invisibly tempered and strengthened.

As a result, from the outside at this moment, Chen Guan seemed to be surrounded by a fine and large net, which was extremely mysterious.

Over and over again, Chen Guan took the trouble to run the technique, and Chen Guan entered a strange state without any special control. The powerful fighting spirit in his body was like a river, constantly flowing through his meridians, towards the so-called The Douzong barrier rushed away.

Being immersed in the wonderful feeling of slow rebirth in his body, Chen Guan’s mind was peaceful, and even the boring time could hardly affect his mood.

As such peaceful cultivation lasted for who knows how long, Chen Guan’s aura gradually increased to a terrifying level. Although he still had not broken through the Douzong, it was at least several times more powerful than before. .

The transformation of aura did not immediately lead Chen Guan to break through the Douzong. This shows how difficult it is to reach this Douzong level. Now, it is more like he has just stepped into one foot. He can only work hard to conquer the other. Only when you step in with one foot can you be considered successful.

Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain!

At the most critical moment, Chen Guan became even more focused. His body was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing the energy of the world. The fire bead in the center of the earth also gradually shrank in this process.

Cultivation has no time, and time passes very quickly here. Chen Guan, who has fully entered the state of cultivation, has completely forgotten the passage of time. He seems to have entered a state of forgetfulness, and the only way to escape from this state is to wait until The day of breakthrough!

In this state, time passed quietly like sand between fingers, without causing any ripples.

One day, two days…

Ten days, half a month, one month…

It was not until the forty-fifth day that the sitting body finally made some movement!

Outside the Ancient Altar Square, the wind blowing here seemed to be carrying a heat wave, and at this moment, two figures were standing on the edge.

Standing with his hands behind his back, he was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. He was the type who would be forgotten in a blink of an eye even if he was thrown into the crowd.

When he visited the Ye family a few days ago, it was only after he proved it several times that Ye Chong was able to believe that this guy was actually the little old man who had no presence behind the Lord Hei Qing.

His identity is self-evident.

The ambition of that day turned out to be unattainable, and even the Dan Realm could not be left, let alone the entire Dou Qi Continent.

The old monster You Po was really helpless. He escaped for more than a month and was chased by his enemies and the Soul Palace in turns. He was beaten lightly every day and severely every three days. Even a strong Dou Zun with amazing vitality could not withstand this kind of torture. ah.

In desperation, he could only go back to the starting point and prepare to apply for a fixed-term prison sentence to be executed immediately!

There are some things that he sees through now but doesn’t say anything about.


Not far away, leaning on a mahogany pillar with a lazy posture, was a stunningly beautiful girl with a slim figure.

Clear and bright pupils, curved eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin with a hint of red, thin lips as delicate as rose petals, warm and magnanimous without being kitsch.

The Ye family was really surprised by the arrival of this enchantress from the Cao family that day. After asking, they learned that she was here to see Chen Guan again.

Okay, that’s okay, just treat me well.

Cao Ying didn’t care what the Ye family thought. She came here just to run errands.

When a few old guys were too busy reminiscing about old times and were too lazy to move, she was the only one suitable for this job.

After all, there’s so much at stake this time, the fewer people know about it, the better.

“It’s been more than a month, it should be almost done.”

“Hmph, little girl, how can it be so easy to cross the Dou Zong barrier? Even with my Tianzong qualifications and the premise of taking the Po Zong Pill, it took me half a year to break through. According to me, you can go back The Danta report has been sent, and you can come back in half a year. If this brat can break through within two months, I will eat him on the spot.”


Just when the old monster You Po was in high spirits, the world around the Ancient Temple Square suddenly erupted with a roar of energy out of thin air.

Immediately, the energy between the heaven and the earth began to ripple violently.

It was as if the energy in the surrounding heaven and earth was being pulled by something, and it began to condense crazily towards the center of the altar, causing many of the Ye family disciples who were practicing around to show expressions of surprise and nervousness.

Good news, pie in the sky!

Bad news, this pie is a bit big and you might kill yourself!

At the edge, Cao Ying also stood up straight and showed a teasing smile.

“Senior, what were you planning to say just now?”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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