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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 231 Putting aside the facts

On the top floor of the Dan Tower is still the familiar office.

Xuan Kongzi was sitting in the main seat, with Master Xuanyi and Feng Zun on his left, and on his right was Master Yaochen, who had been away from Chen Guan for… not a long time.

In a small room, there were actually three and a half Venerables gathered at this moment, which was a rare sight.

Because Yao Chen needed to be resurrected, Master Feng did not take their master and disciple directly to Xingyun Pavilion, but came to Dan Pagoda first.

While on the road, Yao Chen mentioned some conditions needed for resurrection.

Chen Guan, who possesses three kinds of strange fires, is indispensable, and he happens to be in the elixir realm. As for the other elixirs, body and other objects, with Xuan Yi and Feng Zunzhe there, it is naturally not a problem, and resurrection is also put on the agenda.

It has been many days since we returned to Danta, but these old guys seem to have endless memories to talk about. Xiao Yan feels tired every day when he looks at them. He can only hope that Chen Guan will arrive soon so that he can have someone to complain to. object.

After waiting day after day, finally, when I was drowsy today, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Xuan Kongzi responded that the person who walked in was not the person Xiao Yan had been thinking about.

“Brother Guan!”

As if he saw a ray of light in the darkness, Xiao Yan was shocked and stood up to greet him first.

Chen Guan chuckled and nodded, saluting the old guys.

“I’ve met a few seniors.”

Xuan Kongzi and others responded with smiles and nods, looking in good spirits.

Especially Feng Zunzhe and Xuan Yi, their eyes were even more intimate.

Yao Chen, who was most familiar with him, looked slightly stunned and sighed.

I still remember that when we first met in the desert, he was just a spirit warrior, but he was still impetuous. Just because he ‘accidentally’ moved his puppet, he shouted to fight and kill, and no matter what he said, he couldn’t listen to his impulse. boy.

However, every time they met after that, they could go up a few more steps. Now they have the strength of Douzong, and they have a faint aura of a strong man who is not afraid of anything.

It’s a pity that he is not his disciple…

Glancing at Xiao Yan who was looking slightly excited next to him, Yao Chen suppressed his unwanted emotions.

“Chen Guan, long time no see. It’s thanks to you this time that I was able to return to Zhongzhou so quickly.”

“Yao Lao is so polite. I feel ashamed to say it. I also used your reputation to ask the two venerables for help, and I was able to get out of trouble.”

What happened this time was purely a transaction, and Chen Guan didn’t want to take any credit.

Yao Chen shook his head, “It’s all about deeds and heart. I’ve already heard from Feng Xian and Xuan Yi that they actually didn’t help much. However, this is not the first time that you and I have dealt with each other. We understand each other’s personalities and are polite. Without further ado, the main reason for inviting you here this time is to prepare for my resurrection.”

“Well, I heard Miss Cao Ying mention it on the way to Shengdan City. I can come here at any time. Just let me know if Yao Lao is ready.”

Yao Lao’s resurrection is a little more troublesome than Lord Tianhuo, but because he did not fall into the hands of the Soul Palace, his soul body is undoubtedly much better than the original trajectory.

Therefore, it is not as difficult as imagined.

With the Danta’s foundation, it is not very difficult to restore his soul.

After that, it is time to collect medicinal materials and refine the bone-melting and blood-melting elixir. The day when the elixir is completed is the time of resurrection.

“That’s very good. You can live peacefully in Shengdan City these days. You can also help Xiao Yan get familiar with the environment in Zhongzhou. When you have nothing to do, you can also come to the Dan Pagoda for meditation and improve your medicine refining level. If If you can put your name to it, more of the Danta’s classics will be opened to you, and I believe it will be helpful to you, am I right, old guy?”

Yao Chen stroked his illusive beard and explained some of the benefits of Dan Pagoda.

Xuan Kongzi rolled his eyes, too lazy to speak and acquiesced.

“The Danta is a holy place for alchemists. I won’t miss it. Then we won’t disturb the seniors to reminisce.”

Chen Guan did not refuse. This time he came to the Dan Pagoda with the intention of improving his alchemy skills. There was no reason to enter the treasure mountain and leave empty-handed.

Yao Chen nodded slightly and watched the three juniors get up and leave.

It wasn’t until he sensed the auras of the three people leaving the top floor that Xuan Kongzi, who had always had nothing to do with me, looked at Yao Chen suspiciously.

“This boy’s soul strength is only a hair away from the peak of the spiritual realm. At such an age, he is really a freak. Does he really have no master?”

After seeing what Xuan Kongzi meant, Yao Chen was not surprised.

Even he had the idea of ​​recruiting a disciple more than once, let alone Xuan Kongzi, who was solely focused on the Dan Pagoda.

“He has used pregnancy spirit dust, and the amount is definitely not small. This is the reason why the strength of his soul is far higher than that of ordinary people. Xiao Yan should be able to enter the spiritual realm within a few months, and he can be considered as having benefited from him.”

“As for the teacher, there should be no one. I have known him for several years, and I have never heard of him. There is no one in the Jiama Empire who can be his teacher. Besides, even if there is a mysterious teacher in the secret, that is No conflict, if you have an idea, it’s best to do it as soon as possible, this kid is growing at an alarming rate, and in a year or two, I’m afraid he won’t like you anymore.”

Yaochen still supports Xuan Kongzi.

There was no chance for him to accept a disciple by himself. There had been some misunderstandings before. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, they quickly became familiar with each other without realizing it.

He is very optimistic about Chen Guan’s potential. If Xuan Kongzi can accept him, based on his relationship with Danta, he and Chen Guan will be completely on the same boat. They will be much closer, and when they get along, they won’t have to be like before. So much trouble.

“Hey, will I be rejected if I accept a disciple? Are you kidding me? Let’s take a look first. Don’t be in a hurry.”

Xuan Kongzi glanced at Yaochen with disdain and had his own thoughts in his heart.

Yao Chen is helpless, why can’t he tell the truth but not believe it?

This opportunity is not to be missed, time will never come again, do you understand?

the other side.

Chen Guan and three others were walking in Shengdan City, with Cao Ying on the right and Xiao Yan on the left.

They said they wanted him to familiarize themselves with Xiao Yan, but in fact, they all relied on Cao Ying as their guide.

After all, after all, this is only Chen Guan’s second visit to Shengdan City, and it is far from familiar.

“In Shengdan City, alchemists are the least valuable, and also the most valuable. The number of alchemists gathered here all year round is not five thousand but three thousand. It is not an exaggeration to say that you can catch a handful, but correspondingly, as long as your If your level is high enough, above level six, you will also receive more noble treatment here.”

Cao Ying acted as a temporary guide and introduced the characteristics of Shengdan City to the two.

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan were deeply aware of the constant glances directed at Cao Ying and the endless greetings they heard coming all the way.

“Already feel it.”

Cao Ying smiled and continued: “Although it should not be divided into three, six or nine grades, in Shengdan City, this is the most obvious. Ordinary alchemists are in the first grade, and people from the five major families are in the first grade. On top of that, there are Dan Pagoda disciples and Dan Pagoda core disciples. Basically, based on their identities, one can roughly judge the level of this person’s medicine refining.”

Listening to Cao Ying’s introduction along the way, Chen Guan and Xiao Yan also had a basic understanding of Shengdan City.

When you reach the junction between the outer and inner areas of Shengdan City, you will see the vast and magnificent trade fair.

Also at the door of the fair, two men wearing the robes of a fifth-grade alchemist seemed to be fighting over a medicinal plant. They argued so hard that their faces turned red and their saliva flew everywhere. They looked through each other’s family trees, but Despite this, he still tried hard to restrain himself.

If this were in the Black Corner Domain, it would be absolutely unimaginable.

Sensing that the strength of these two people was actually at the level of Dou Wang, Chen Guan watched the excitement, but Xiao Yan was very emotional and vomited out all the bitterness in his heart.

“When I was in the northwest, I still thought that I was a figure, but when I arrived in Zhongzhou, I realized that with my little strength, I couldn’t stand on the stage at all. Uncle Feng said that after the teacher is resurrected, he will return to Xingyun Pavilion and I will be the young master. Pavilion Master, Brother Guan, do you think this is really something that a little Dou Ling like me can afford?”

There is no doubt that Huo Huo was hit again.

Chen Guan also understood the reason why he had been staying in Danta and didn’t want to come out.

To be honest, I understand.

After all, after having been fighting in the Fish Pond Bureau, with a superb record, and suddenly being promoted to a high-end game by a power leveling player, the gap in my heart must be huge.

It’s embarrassing, Chen Guan is the culprit…

“Yes, why can’t you? If you don’t lose your spirit, everything is possible. They are stronger than you now, but so what, it’s nothing special. It’s just that they have better resources than us since childhood. If it were you who were born in Zhongzhou will definitely not be worse than them!”

“You should believe in yourself and your talent. You have been practicing hard in the northwest for so many years. You have been waiting for this opportunity. Now you have to fight for it. It is not to prove that you are better than others, but to tell others that you are no worse than anyone else. !”

“It doesn’t matter if you are lagging behind now. When you get to Xingyun Pavilion, Yao Lao and Feng Zun, there are countless ways for you to quickly catch up with them and surpass them. Three years of Dou Zong and five years of Dou Zun are no longer a dream, but if you lose your spirit, , everything is in vain.”

Without hesitation, Chen Guan fed him several large bowls of chicken soup.

The decadent Huohuo Egg is useless, Huohuo should just do it if he refuses to accept it, and bravely rush to the front line against the Soul Palace!

Chicken soup is full of big cakes, but I have to say that sometimes when you are confused, what you need is a affirmative voice. Don’t worry about whether it can really be achieved, just tell him that it can be done.

Just like Xiao Yan at this moment, after hearing these words, his face was excited and his eyes were bright!

Facts aside, what Brother Guan said makes sense!

“I understand, Brother Guan. I suddenly feel like I’m about to break through, so I won’t accompany you. Brother Guan, I’m going to practice.”

As if God’s will expressed its affirmation, Xiao Yan’s aura suddenly fluctuated. This was a call for a breakthrough.

A joyful expression appeared on his face, and he immediately said something and hurried back.

Looking at the cheerful back, Chen Guanwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I haven’t lost my temper.

Otherwise, on the other side of the Ye family and the Soul Palace, wouldn’t I have prepared training opportunities for him in vain?

As the saying goes, bystanders know better, but Cao Ying couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange between the two.

Even a child would find these words a bit childish, but they actually work?

“This disciple of Master Yao is…well, he has quite a personality, and your relationship is also strange.”

“Is there anything strange about this? We are as close as brothers and sisters.”

Chen Guan walked towards the trade fair with a satisfied look on his face. Today was another sunny day.

This seems to be the second time he has done ideological work for Huohuo.

Cao Ying, who was falling behind, curled her lips slightly. She could see something, but she wasn’t familiar enough yet to say it directly.

I complained in my heart, but also took steps to catch up.

“This is the largest alchemist trading place in Shengdan City. It is similar to those auctions. There will be a larger trade fair every month. If you want to find something missing, that is the best time. The things traded today should be It won’t be too good, and if you want to enter it, there are requirements.”

“I know this place, but with you, a seventh-grade alchemist here, it should be no problem to take me up there.”

Lord Tianhuo has been setting up a stall on the second floor for more than a month, so Chen Guan is naturally no stranger to this place.

It’s just that I haven’t been to the most advanced third floor yet, so I can take this opportunity to take a look.

Cao Ying smiled, turned her hand, and the seventh-grade alchemist badge suddenly appeared. She wore it on her chest, and she seemed to feel a little more confident.

“Of course it’s no problem. You should also take the test of a seventh-grade alchemist. Having such a badge will be very convenient in Shengdan City. Anyway, with your level, it shouldn’t be difficult.”


There was no rush to find Lord Tianhuo, and they followed Cao Ying directly to the top floor.

Cao Ying’s presence here is the best proof. The guards guarding the door did not dare to step forward to check. They said hello and respectfully stepped aside.

Twenty meters is not a long staircase, but Chen Guan sensed six or seven hidden gazes, looking at him from some hidden places.

Not noticing any malicious intent, Chen Guan didn’t care too much, and carefully looked at the top floor of the legendary alchemist trade fair.

Compared with the two floors below, it is not spacious.

But the decoration is extremely thoughtful. The ground is covered with light blue warm jade, which is low-key and luxurious. When you step on it, a faint warmth will flow into the soles of your feet, making your whole body extremely comfortable.

There are very few people on the top floor. At first glance, there are only twenty or thirty people. However, what is certain is that if these twenty or thirty people were placed outside, they would all be enough to attract attention. Some sensational real strong men or alchemy masters.

The appearance of Chen Guan and Cao Ying naturally attracted the attention of some people on the top floor, and their eyes immediately shifted.

Seeing this Cao family enchantress personally leading the way, many people couldn’t help but secretly speculate on Chen Guan’s identity, and a small number of well-informed people were able to roughly confirm it.

“Most of the things that can be traded here are of great value, and gold coins have lost their standard of measurement. They are more willing to accept barter. If you like something, it is best not to be overjoyed, so as not to be taken advantage of by these people. Become fat sheep.”

This was not the first time for Cao Ying to come here. She was very clear about the rules here. Seeing that Chen Guan was a little agitated, she immediately sent a message to remind her.



At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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