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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 234 It’s broken, let her succeed!

The limit that a seventh-grade alchemist can reach under the spirit realm soul can only be seen a few times a year even in the Dan Pagoda. Therefore, every such assessment is taken very seriously, even in the assessment area. , are all isolated separately.

Seeing Chen Guan and Cao Ying step into that significant door, the originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet for a moment.

Immediately, there was an even louder noise.

“Seventh grade assessment?!”

“Who is this person? He looks like he is only in his twenties, but he is already in the seventh rank?”

“It’s easy to get in. Only those who can pass are considered capable. There is no shortage of people trying to impress people every year.”

“Haha, then you will probably be disappointed. I heard some rumors that this person has an extraordinary background. Master Xuan Kongzi is very optimistic about him. It is enough to let Miss Cao Ying take charge of this matter.”

Xuan Kongzi’s prestige is extremely high in Shengdan City. Hearing his name, all the alchemists who felt uncomfortable had to fall silent.

Although they didn’t want to believe it, their reason told them that what happened today was definitely not that simple.

the other side.

Chen Guan pushed the door open and entered. He was a little surprised to see an elegant open-air courtyard behind the door. However, considering that the seventh-grade elixir can trigger elixirs, it was not surprising.

In the center of the small courtyard is a stone platform, which is filled with densely packed precious medicinal materials. As a benefit of the Danta, these medicinal materials can be used for free as long as they pass the assessment. Otherwise, you need to bear the consumption by yourself.

There are soundproof barriers around the courtyard. As soon as you step inside, the noise from the outside world is instantly cut off, as if you have entered a cave outside the world.

After looking at it slightly, Chen Guan nodded with satisfaction.

“You can start directly when you are ready. You can use the medicinal materials on the table as you like, but it should be noted that you only have one chance.”

Cao Ying reminded him with a smile like a flower. She didn’t think he would fail. They had discussed it together and knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses very well.

An opportunity is by no means a deliberate attempt to increase the difficulty, but this is the nature of seventh-grade elixirs.

Under normal circumstances, if an alchemist who comes to participate in the assessment fails the first time, his mental energy consumption will be unsustainable, and it will be difficult to do it a second time.

Chen Jian nodded, responded with a confident smile, and walked directly onto the stone platform without any delay.

Although he had prepared seventh-grade medicinal materials, he still took a careful look at the ones on the stone platform.

After all, the Danta family has a great cause, and if you don’t cut it, you won’t cut it…

Suddenly, Chen Guan’s eyes rested on two of the dark red magic cores. Faintly, there seemed to be two not very authentic dragon roars coming into his mind.

The magic cores with this special performance are all above the seventh level, but these two are clearly only the sixth level.

The only explanation is that it was freshly born!

Definitely not more than seven days!

Chen Guan suddenly smiled when he thought of what brother Han Feng left before his death.

Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan, the decision is yours!

He always liked this kind of elixir just in case.

With a decision in his mind, Chen Guan immediately started taking action, picking at the stage quickly and taking out some medicinal materials from Najie.


The Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts then landed on the stone platform, causing Cao Ying’s beautiful eyes to shine and she was reluctant to look away.

The strange fire, the cauldron of beasts, and the super soul perception…

It’s all the alchemist’s dream!

Others will be happy if they get one of them, but he has it all!

No wonder he was so casual when mentioning the assessment. If he still failed, I would probably be tempted to go up and spray him in the face.

The whistling sound of flames drew Cao Ying’s attention back, and what came into view was the dazzling cobalt blue fire.

I saw the strange fire in Chen Guan’s hand like an arm. With a wave of his hand, it instantly poured into the medicine cauldron. For a moment, raging fire suddenly rose from the cauldron.

The step of ‘warming the cauldron’ was quickly completed. Chen Guan took a breath, and immediately, his mental power enveloped the two dark red demonic cores and threw them into the cauldron.

The refining of the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill has officially begun!

As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same goal, theory is dead but people are alive. When refining different elixirs, the alchemist must also learn to be flexible.

For Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan, these two magic calculations are the key and must be completed within seven days. In order to avoid time passing after refining the remaining medicinal materials, Chen Guan simply refined them first.


Under the scorching heat of the strange fire, the two magic cores continued to flip in the cauldron, making strange noises frequently. It could be seen through mental power that there were some gradual changes in their surfaces, both in color and model.

However, this is just the beginning, and there is still some distance before the refinement is completed.

Chen Guan concentrated on controlling the temperature of the strange fire, and his strong mental power prevented him from feeling any difficulty. If he had not been concerned about the endurance of the magic core, he could have further accelerated his speed.

Looking at the two magic cores in the cauldron that were like solid stones, Chen Guan was not in a hurry. He used a stream of spiritual power to wrap up several medicinal plants on the stone platform and threw them into the cauldron one by one.

He was multitasking and shooting left and right, but he didn’t seem to be in a panic. Instead, he seemed to have entered a rhythm, and everything was so orderly.

But even so, the seventh-grade elixir is destined to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive job that cannot be completed in a short time.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be boring after watching it for a while, but for Cao Ying, this scene seemed to be the most interesting thing. From the beginning to the end, she was looking at it with beautiful eyes. .

Time flies like water, and two and a half days passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside, a young man with a black ruler on his back was wandering around Shengdan City with a happy face, his eyes constantly scanning the crowd. He searched like a fly for more than an hour, but still could not find the figure.

In desperation, he could only return to the Dan Pagoda and inquire with Xuan Kongzi. Only then did he know the ins and outs and go straight to the location of the assessment.

The hall is crowded and lively as ever, but upon careful observation, you will find that these alchemists will always look towards a closed door intentionally or unintentionally, as if they are extremely concerned about it.

After letting go of his mental energy and simply listening to what they were talking about, Xiao Yan was sure that it was Chen Guan.

Knowing that Chen Guan and Cao Ying had been there for two and a half days, Xiao Yan was no longer in a hurry and just meditated and waited in the hall.

Although he has never refined a seventh-grade elixir, he has heard a lot from Yao Chen that refining a seventh-grade elixir is extremely difficult and can easily take ten days and a half.

“Come on, wait for me to fight the king, I’m sure… I should be able to refine the seventh grade…!”

Xiao Yan murmured in his heart that it would be difficult to catch up with the Dou Qi cultivation level in a short period of time, but he was still somewhat confident in refining medicine.

He is a disciple of Master Yao, the number one alchemist in the mainland!

Yao Chen’s years of teachings have laid a solid foundation for him. The only thing he needs to worry about now is whether he can sustain such consumption with his own strength…

On the top floor of Dan Pagoda, in Xuan Kongzi’s study.

A few old guys were laughing and chatting. Although they were thousands of meters apart, the scene in the assessment hall could not be hidden from them at all.

“Yao Chen, your disciple has a good character and a bright future. However, if you target the boy named Chen, you will probably get hit. You have to be more careful and don’t let him lose his morale.”

Xuan Kongzi laughed and said, his face flushed with an indescribable pride.

How could Yao Chen not know what he was thinking? He rolled his eyes and replied angrily: “You don’t need to worry about it. It’s as if Chen Guan is already your disciple.”

“Isn’t this a matter of time? Is it possible that he can still refuse if he accepts a disciple as an old man?”

“Haha, I have known him for several years. Do you know him better or do I know him better? Seeing how he is now so good at refining seventh-grade elixirs, how much can you teach him with your level? This boy is a rabbit. The master of the hawk.”

Yao Chen was still tough-talking, with a sneer on his face.

This appearance also made Xuan Kongzi, who was originally full of confidence, a little shaken.

What if you are really rejected…

No, we have to find a way!

No thoughts, no thoughts, immersed in cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

On this day, Xiao Yan’s closed eyes suddenly opened. With his outstanding mental strength, he noticed something abnormal before anyone in the hall.

“It’s done?!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud dragon roar was heard, and then, a burst of blue light shot up into the sky, as if it had touched the strings of a piano. The energy of the world in this space suddenly stirred, and the situation was like It is like throwing a piece of wet meat into a hot oil pan, and it will fry frequently.

In an instant, countless eyes in the hall looked in the same direction, and they quickly ran out of the hall to watch, with envy that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Chen Guan didn’t pay any attention to the attention of the people outside. He looked up at the energy storm that was gathering like a long dragon. Among them, a blue light spot was extremely eye-catching.

“Dan Lei is coming soon. The last step shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

Glancing at the billowing black clouds in the sky, Cao Ying retracted her gaze and smiled.

At this point, the overall situation has been decided.

“It’s natural.”

Chen Guan was smiling and his expression was as usual, as if refining such a seventh-grade elixir did not consume much of it on him.

As soon as the voice fell, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the Najie. The speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it had already rushed into the sky. It was independent under the black clouds. It was a puppet that had been replaced after taking the time.

As if being provoked, with a ‘bang’, a bucket-thick white elixir suddenly exploded, hitting the puppet’s chest hard.

However, surprisingly, after suffering such a heavy blow, the puppet was not damaged at all. Even the body that was hit quickly stopped. After careful sensing, you can even find that the aura it exudes is even more fierce. How many points!

“Is this a demon puppet? No, there is a difference!”

In the hall, Xiao Yan also came out to watch with the crowd, and he keenly discovered that this puppet was different from the description of the Celestial Demon Puppet he knew from Demon Flame Valley.

boom! boom! boom!

Pillars of lightning fell down brazenly, but they were all blocked by the puppets. None of them fell below.

Seeing the black cloud that was so incompetent and furious that it could only die out without any solution, the alchemists were stunned and had a strange illusion.

This Dan Lei seems to be just like that.

I can fuck me too!

In the sky, the puppet moved swiftly. The moment the elixir faded away, its figure flashed and landed next to the round elixir wrapped in blue light. Its iron hand suddenly reached out and grabbed it accurately.

Immediately, a flash of light fell on the elegant courtyard below.

“Examiner of Cao University, am I passing?”

After taking the elixir and putting away the puppet, Chen Guan looked at the warm elixir with satisfaction. The refreshing fragrance made people want to swallow it.

Cao Ying came closer, nodded slightly, and looked at the elixir with curiosity.

“I heard that Venerable Yao once created a Yin-Yang Black Dragon Pill. Could it be that it is…”

“As you think, it is indeed it.”

Chen Guan nodded frankly. Although Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan was not in circulation, its reputation was not small. Lord Feng was the beneficiary in front of him.

Let me ask, who doesn’t want to be the next Feng Zun?

A Yin-Yang Black Dragon Pill falling into a chaotic place like the Black Angle Region is enough to cause a bloody storm.

However, this one would definitely not flow out. Without much hesitation, Chen Guan threw it directly into his mouth.

The movement was so crisp that Cao Ying was speechless and couldn’t help but give him a charming roll of her eyes.

“You have no pity at all.”

“Elixirs are meant to be eaten after they are made, and their final destination is to make the best use of them. I hope there won’t be a day when they come into play.”

Chen Guan responded with a smile. Speaking of which, this was his first time taking a seventh-grade elixir.

Well, there is no taste at all, except for a cool feeling in the stomach, there is no feeling at all.

Cao Ying couldn’t refute, so she changed the subject and said, “Let’s go. If nothing else, the teacher and the others are already waiting outside.”

“Senior Xuan Kongzi?”

“You’ll know when you get out.”

Cao Ying teased and said, looking very close.

Confused, Chen Guan could only follow behind.

It was exactly the same as what Cao Ying said, and the scene was even bigger.

In the hall, not only Xuan Kongzi, but also Xuan Yi, Feng Zunzhe, and Yao Chen were hiding in Xiao Yan’s ring.

Not counting Yaochen, the other people all had gratifying and friendly smiles on their faces.

Without giving Chen Guan time to think carefully, Xuan Kongzi was the first to step forward, stroking his beard, with an unusually loud voice that echoed throughout the hall.

“Boy Chen, it’s a pity that your talent in refining medicine was wasted. I heard that you don’t have a teacher yet, would you like to be a senior brother and sister with Ying’er?”

As soon as these words came out, except for a few people who knew it in advance, Chen Guan and Xiao Yan were stunned, and the other alchemists were so envious that their eyes turned red, and they wished they could take their place.

He glanced around at the envious and jealous eyes around him. If he shook his head at this moment, he would probably arouse public outrage and be hated by Xuan Kongzi for the rest of his life, right?

He complained slightly in his heart, but Chen Guan was not a hesitant person, so he immediately suppressed his helplessness and bowed in response.

“Thanks to the great love of my seniors, Chen Guan is willing.”

“Since you are willing, why should you call me senior?”

“is teacher.”

“Hahaha, okay, you can take a rest and come see me in the evening.”

After getting what he wanted, Xuan Kongzi was in a good mood and laughed heartily. He also glanced proudly at the ring in Xiao Yan’s hand.

Chen Jian nodded in agreement and watched a few old guys leave first.

Turning around and seeing the rich smile on Cao Ying’s face, I understand, I understand everything!

“Junior brother, come on, call Senior Sister and listen.”


“Brother Guan, congratulations, I have good news to tell you.” Xiao Yan stepped forward.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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