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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 238 Goodbye Yun Yun

“Miss Ran, I came out of seclusion today and heard from the teacher that you were looking for me. I wonder who my friend is?”

After they exchanged names, Chen Guan stopped talking and went straight to the topic of the inquiry.

Chen Guan considers himself a common man. Standing in front of this kind of woman who seems to be untainted by dust, he always feels out of place. At the moment, he just wants to end it as soon as possible.

After hearing the question, Ran Qingchen did not answer. He turned his slender hand and revealed an ordinary gold coin.


Taking the gold coin and feeling the slightly heavier weight than the ordinary gold coin, Chen Guan made a sound of surprise, his breath unconsciously emanated, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

“Sorry, I’m too sensitive. Miss Ran, do you dare to ask if Yun’er is a guest in Yin Valley?”

When Yun Yun came to Zhongzhou, he could still understand that as long as Yunshan broke through, the Yunlan Sect would naturally not need her to focus on it as before.

But when I arrived in Zhongzhou, I actually settled in Sound Valley, which was a bit unexpected.

At first glance, he almost thought that Otoya had done something he shouldn’t have done, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that he was overthinking it.

If this was really the case, the other party would not come to see him so blatantly.

“It’s okay. Mr. Chen Guan and sister Yun’er have a deep love for each other. It’s normal for this behavior to happen. It’s indeed a bit inappropriate for Qing Chen to come over this time. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen Guan, sister Yun’er is safe. The reason why she didn’t Being able to come here in person is mainly because I have reached a critical moment in my cultivation and cannot get away.”

Ran Qingchen explained in an ethereal voice, with a reserved but polite smile.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, believing most of it, but not completely.

“With all due respect, I would like to ask, how did Yun’er get to Sound Valley?”

Hearing this, Ran Qingchen hesitated for a moment, as if he felt that this was not the place to talk, but after looking at the empty inn, he made a decision in an instant.

If you want to win his trust, you must remove your guard.

Immediately, he waved his jade hand and laid a soundproof barrier around it.

“This is a long story, so Qing Chen will make it short. Because of some problems in the valley, Qing Chen was ordered to leave the valley a few days ago. His original intention was to go to the Burning Flame Valley to seek help. However, when I passed through the outskirts of the Black Mist Mountains, I… It was discovered that some of them were fighting fiercely. One of them was Sister Yun Yun. At that time, she saw that she was extremely exhausted and was close to exhaustion, but she gritted her teeth and did not retreat at all. Qing Chen admired her, so she made a small donation. Power.”

“Because of this incident, I became friends with sister Yun Yun. In order to help her recover well, Qing Chen took her back to the Sound Valley on his own initiative. Only then did he learn about Mr. Chen Guan from her.”

This is probably a kind of “hero” saving beauty.

Knowing that Yun Yun was not in danger, Chen Guan felt relieved, but his face still didn’t look good.

“Which force took action against Yun’er?”

Ran Qingchen shook his head.

“Can’t even Miss Ran be sure of her origin?”

“No, Mr. Chen Guan had a different idea. The person who fought with Sister Yun Yun that day was not a human being, but an out-of-control puppet. According to Sister Yun Yun, the puppet came from…”

Looking at Chen Guan, Ran Qingchen didn’t finish his words, but his meaning was very clear.

Chen Guan was suddenly stunned. Memories flashed through his mind like a marquee, and he suddenly understood.

When he and the little fairy doctor went to the Black Mist Mountains to seize the Netherworld Poison Fire, for safety reasons, he deliberately left a puppet to guard the outside. However, because of the encounter with the Netherworld Old Monster, he only wanted to escape and could not care about these things at all. .

Afterwards, the carefully crafted puppet was found by himself, but the one guarding the outside was completely forgotten.

This kind of low-level puppet has only one possibility after it exceeds the scope of its control. It will carry out the last order of its master for thousands of years. Anyone who interrupts will be regarded as an enemy!

Thinking about it, after Yun Yun discovered the puppet, she recognized that it belonged to her, which then caused some unreasonable worries, and this led to what happened next.

After clarifying the key, Chen Guan couldn’t help but be speechless.

I’ve been having trouble for a long time, and the enemy is actually myself!

His face felt a little hot, and Chen Guan didn’t want to meet Ran Qingchen’s eyes.

“Miss Ran, does Yun’er know my whereabouts now?”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Chen Guan. Although Yingu cannot escape from the world, he still has channels to communicate with the outside world. With your current reputation, it is not difficult to find out. After finding out your whereabouts, I have informed Sister Yunyun immediately. She wanted to come to find you at that time, but I saw that she was about to break through, so I stopped her and allowed her to break through safely in the valley.”

That’s good. Chen Guan nodded slightly and felt relieved.

Looking up at Ran Qingchen, who had hidden expectations in his eyes, Chen Guan knew very well that she came in person because she wanted him to go to the Sound Valley.

On the one hand, it’s to pick up Yunyun, on the other hand, it’s probably because he has something he wants to help him with, but it’s just not easy to say it directly at the moment.

Ran Qingchen didn’t open his mouth to see through, and Chen Guan naturally didn’t take the initiative to get involved.

“That’s good. Thank you Miss Ran for this. Please wait a moment. I’ll tell the teacher and then we will go to the Sound Valley to pick up Yun’er.”

In any case, since Yunyun is in the Sound Valley, she must take a trip.

As for the matters that Yin Gu may need to take action in the future, it is not too late to make a decision after meeting Yun Yun.

Being human, as long as what Ran Qingchen said was true and it wasn’t particularly troublesome, Chen Guan wouldn’t mind helping.

“Everything depends on what Mr. Chen Guan says.”

Ran Qingchen nodded slightly, understanding what he was worried about, and smiled softly, appearing very candid.

As long as we invite people back, the trip will be half done.

Chen Guan didn’t say anything more, walked out of Yunlai Inn and went straight to the Dan Pagoda.

Coincidentally, Xuan Kongzi and others had just returned.

Without hiding anything, Chen Guan told the story.

“Go with peace of mind. Although Yingu is reclusive, its reputation is top-notch. I have dealt with them several times before. Now that they are asking for your help, maybe you have the opportunity to experience their nine skills. Cai Ling Rainbow Pond, this is an enviable opportunity, but I couldn’t fulfill my wish at first.” Xuan Kongzi sighed while stroking his beard.

“Nine-Colored Rainbow Pond?”

“Well, this is a wonderful place in Sound Valley. Everyone who has experienced it will say it is good. I can’t tell you the details. You will know when you go there.”

“I understand, thank you teacher.”

After leaving the Alchemy Pagoda, Chen Guan returned to Yunlai Inn to meet up with Ran Qingchen.

Immediately, without any delay, he set off with the help of the space wormhole in Shengdan City.

They made four stops along the way and bypassed the Black Mist Mountains before turning to the southwest. It took them a full seven days to arrive at an endless sea of ​​lush green forest.

When he arrived here, Chen Guan could notice that the space in front of him gave people a strange sense of overlapping. It was not much different from the first time he went to the inner courtyard of Canaan College, but it was also more obscure. If he didn’t have strong mental power, he would never be able to sense it.

“This is where my Sound Valley is. Sir, please wait a moment.”

Ran Qingchen said, turning over his hand and taking out a guqin.

Then he held it with one hand and gently plucked the strings with the other hand. As more than ten tunes were played, the scene in front of him quietly changed.

I saw a vast valley in the originally lush forest sea, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, with birds chirping, waterfalls flying, and falling flowers in colorful colors. Everywhere revealed the tranquility and elegance.

What’s even more strange is that Chen Guan discovered that the elegant pavilions were actually built on huge pink shells, with weak and soft fluorescence constantly rippling out, filling the entire valley with a sense of smell. Dreamy atmosphere.

In comparison, the old monster Nether Poison’s Qing Ce Zhuang seems to be out of the spotlight.

“As expected of the legendary Sound Valley, Utopia is nothing more than that.”

Chen Guan was so proud that he praised him loudly.

Ran Qingchen smiled slightly, not too modestly.

While the two of them were watching, an old woman with a stooped body suddenly appeared on the distant pavilion. She didn’t make any movement, just glanced casually, and Chen Guan felt like his whole body was being looked at.

Dou Zun is a strong man!

Compared with the resurrected Lord Tianhuo, he is only stronger but not weaker!

Even being a semi-saint is not impossible.

The old woman came and left just as quickly. After glancing at the two of them and nodding slightly, she disappeared quietly.

“This is Granny Lu. She has a cold temper. Don’t mind Mr. Chen Guan.”

Chen Guan shook his head. Although he was a little curious about the old woman’s specific strength, he couldn’t ask more questions.

“Sister Yun Yun is practicing in the pool. Sir, please come with me.”

Knowing what Chen Guan was concerned about, Ran Qingchen smiled, landed on the ground and led the way to the back of the huge shell in the center.

Chen Guan followed closely behind.

The speed was not fast. After walking for more than ten minutes, we were close to the destination.

Somewhat surprisingly, there were far fewer Yingu disciples than Chen Guan expected. He only met no more than ten along the way, and without exception, they were all beautiful women.

From their names, Chen Guan also determined the more detailed identity of Ran Qingchen.

Yingu, the master of Shaogu.

As expected.

“Mr. Geng made me laugh. Due to my seclusion in the world, the number of disciples in Yin Gu has never been large. After my mother’s accident, the number of disciples has not increased. Now we only have just over a hundred.”

Such a big sound valley, this is really unbelievable to people.

However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate Sound Valley because of this.

Not to mention anything else, the old woman alone is enough to intimidate a party.

“Here we are, this is my Yin Valley… training place, the Nine-Colored Rainbow Pond, where sister Yun Yun is practicing.”

Walking in front of an interface shrouded in fluorescent light that looked like a huge upside-down jade bowl, Ran Qingchen stopped and said.

After a slight hesitation, his hands began to form seals.

As a series of dazzling seals were played, a portal slowly opened near the top of the barrier. Immediately, a burst of light spread down, forming a layer of light under the gaze of the two people. stairs.

“Sir, go up the steps and you will see Sister Yun Yun, but please don’t make any noise, so as not to disturb the practice.”

“Thank you.”

Chen Guan nodded in agreement and stepped up the steps.

The steps formed by the light curtain feel as if they were real when you step forward.

Without haste, in about half a minute, Chen Guan came to the door of the barrier.

Looking from the outside in, I realized that the scene inside the barrier was a bit strange, as if…

A giant mushroom with a concave top? !

In the center of the depression, there is a pool full of jasper-like liquid, which is fragrant and fragrant. After taking a shallow sip, you can feel that the flow of fighting energy in the body has accelerated a bit.

This is probably a prepared medicinal liquid!

Being able to smell the medicinal materials, Chen Guan had some guesses in his mind, and he didn’t know how many precious medicinal materials it would cost to build such a large pond.

Looking forward again, Chen Guan finally saw Yun Yun’s figure, just as beautiful as before.

At the same time, I also understood why Ran Qingchen hesitated just now.

Because, at this moment, Yun Yun looked exactly like a big white fish, sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, with only the upper part of her shoulders exposed.

However, under the medicinal liquid, you can also see the looming and proud figure.

His eyes flickered for a moment, and then he looked straight at the past. We are not outsiders. What has he not seen about Sect Master Yun?

After admiring it briefly for a moment, Chen Guan carefully released his mental power, and a look of astonishment gradually appeared on his face.

The peak of Six-Star Dou Huang? !

This is the rhythm that is about to break through the seven stars!

To be honest, this speed was somewhat beyond Chen Guan’s expectations.

Once you break through the Seven Stars, and then take Huangji Pill and Po Zong Pill, as long as you have good luck, wouldn’t it mean that you will directly enter the realm of Douzong?

A bit unexpected, but it’s a good thing anyway.

After withdrawing his mental power, Chen Guan thought for a moment and roughly guessed the reason why Sect Master Yun entered the country so quickly.

This Nine-Colored Spirit Rainbow Pond, which even Xuan Kongzi praised highly, must have played a big role in it.

With a slight smile, Chen Guan stepped down.

When Ran Qingchen mentioned Jiucai Linghong Pond just now, he could still pretend not to know, but now that he saw Yun Yun’s state, he was embarrassed to pretend anymore.

“It will take about a day for Yun’er to achieve breakthrough. I would like to thank Master Shaogu for taking care of her.”

“Mr. Chen Guan, you’re welcome. Sister Yun Yun and I hit it off right away, as we should. I’ve arranged a place to stay. Sir, please come with me.”

Following the young valley master, he soon came to a refreshing attic.

“Mr. Chen Guan will take a short rest here. I will tell other disciples in the valley to try not to disturb Mr. Chen’s peace.”

After bringing Chen Guan to his residence, Ran Qingchen said something. When he was about to leave, he showed hesitation several times.

Seeing this, Chen Guan stopped fighting with her.

He said bluntly: “Young master, you might as well tell me if you have something to do. Since you are Yun’er’s friend, you are also my friend.”

After the words fell, it could be clearly noticed that Ran Qingchen’s eyes began to feel depressed.

He took a deep breath to cheer up, then looked at Chen Guan with hope, turned over his hand and took out a jade box, holding it in the air.

The moment the jade box appeared, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and frost began to condense on the ground underfoot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even Chen Guan felt a long-lost coldness at this moment. The strange fire slightly circulated in his body, and he felt much more comfortable.

“Does Mr. Chen Guan recognize this object?”

Ran Qingchen opened the jade box with stiff fingers, and a crystal in the shape of a water drop, the size of a fingernail, and braving the cold air suddenly appeared.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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