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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 240 Yun Yun intends to overtake in a corner

a new day.

Three poles high in the sun, Yun Yun is still sleeping.

There was a happy and contented smile on her lips, like a tired kitten, nestled in Chen Guan’s arms. She probably hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time.

After all the hardships, we were finally reunited. Even firewood and fire are not enough to describe it. Yesterday, Sect Leader Yun was far more proactive and resilient than before.

The lotus root jade back carries the fragrance of snow, and the cloud-locked goose and willow are tender and yellow, stroking the smoothness. Chen Guan is not disturbed and enjoys the beauty quietly.

Seeing Yun Yun, Chen Guan could not help but think of the people he cared about in the northwest.

However, Yun Yun did not mention it immediately, which is enough to show that everything is stable and there is no need to worry too much.

Probably because he was at a special moment, Chen Guan had a lot of things on his mind, but he was extremely clear-headed. One thing after another was sorted out, and even the problem of Yingu Valley Master’s Cold Poison, which was troublesome yesterday, became clearer. Lots of clues.

This state lasted for a long time, until the beauty in his arms woke up and stared at her for a while, then Chen Guan came back to his senses and looked down, with a smile on his face.


Yun Yun rolled her eyes rather coquettishly, but she didn’t cover her eyes. There was no need.

“Don’t move, I want to have a nice chat with you.”

Chen Guan hummed and hugged Bai Yu’s shoulders tightly, “Tell me about the situation at home.”

Yun Yun nodded slightly, adjusted her posture slightly to make herself lie more comfortable, and then spoke slowly.

“Generally speaking, Tianmeng is now at its peak and developing very well. Queen Medusa is a qualified leader. Under her decision-making, the Izumo Empire, Luoyan Empire, and Mulan Empire were all easily included in Tianmeng. Under the command of the alliance, and with the relationship you left in the Black Corner Territory, now the entire northwest has the eyes of the Sky Alliance. According to Queen Medusa’s idea, after digesting the three empires, this will be the day when the Sky Alliance continues to expand outwards. the basis for development.”

Chen Guan nodded slightly. This plan was expected, but it was carried out faster than expected.

“After you left the northwest, everyone seemed to have been affected. They practiced extremely hard, and everyone couldn’t stop like a spinning top. Especially Queen Medusa, who took the helm of the Heavenly Alliance without losing any strength. I heard from the teacher that she is not far away from the Five-Star Douzong.”

“Jia Lao was also stimulated by this. Except for coming out when necessary, he was basically in seclusion. However, he was always stuck at the peak of One Star Douzong and had not yet broken through when I left.”

Chen Guan couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and he roughly understood Jia Xingtian’s thoughts.

He was the first to be promoted to Douzong, and he was very proud. However, his glory did not last long.

Seeing Queen Medusa’s realm rising steadily after her breakthrough, envy is inevitable.

Unfortunately, after Douzong, it is not easy to break through every small realm, especially for people in the state of Jia Xingtian. It is destined to be impossible to catch up with Queen Medusa’s entry speed. On the contrary, the gap is only It will get bigger and bigger.

After all, that is the colorful sky-swallowing python!

“I asked Mr. Yao to send some resources back. With the aid of elixirs, it should be able to help him break through. Where is Teacher You, is he a Dou Zong now?”

Yun Yun nodded with a smile, “Not long after I broke through, it was because my teacher was promoted to the Dou Zong realm that I was able to relieve myself of the burden of being the sect leader.”

“Ebi’s advancement is also very fast. He was promoted from Dou Huang’s five-star to seven-star within one year. He is much better than me.”

The Seven-Star Dou Huang is already considered a reserve army of Dou Zong. As long as there is a supply of resources and good luck, they can overcome the Dou Zong barrier by taking drugs.

Yun Yun left Northwest this time not only to find Chen Guan, but also to seek opportunities.

Seeing everyone around you making progress, if you want to avoid being left behind, you can only make changes.

“The general situation of the older generation is almost like this. As for the younger generation…the eldest princess of the royal family successfully broke through to the Dou King, but relatively speaking, the little princess Yaoyue is the most amazing. She became a fifth-grade alchemist at a young age, and her Dou Qi cultivation is also the same Before you fall, you have already entered the realm of fighting spirits. Teachers and others said that the little princess has a bit of your shadow, and is no worse than that Xiao Yan.”

Chen Guan was also very pleased to hear the current situation of the two sisters.

As for the last sentence, just listen to it.

Xiao Yan is not standing still.

“That’s all, is there anything else you want to ask?”

“For example…the child in Queen Medusa’s belly.”

Yun Yun was smiling, but it made the relaxed expression on Chen Guan’s face freeze.

Chen Guan couldn’t help but smile as he could feel her hidden jealousy.

It’s a lie to say he doesn’t care, it’s just that it’s not easy to ask, so he never mentioned it.

Speechless, Chen Guan could only move slightly to hide his embarrassment.


Yun Yun groaned and pinched Chen Guan’s waist not very hard. Seeing his exaggerated expression of pain, she didn’t dare to move anymore, so she could calm down.

“When I left, I made a special trip to the Warcraft Mountains to meet her. It’s been almost a year, but from the outside, it’s still not much different from usual. I only found out the reason after asking. According to her estimate, it will take at least two years. .”

Yun Yun’s tone was incomprehensible. When she first learned about this at the banquet celebrating Yunshan’s breakthrough, she felt very complicated in her heart, including disappointment, envy, etc.

But after meeting Queen Medusa in private and calming down for more than two months, I have now accepted this fact.

There’s no other way, it’s a done deal.

The only good news is that in two years, she still has the possibility of overtaking in corners. This is also the real reason why she took the initiative yesterday and missed nothing.

Women are all like this. Even if they admit it in their hearts, they will still struggle over some inexplicable things.

Chen Guan hugged the beautiful woman tightly, curious about what they would talk about.

“Did she ask you to bring me a message?”

“No, I asked specifically, but she said, ‘There are enough things on weekdays, how can I have time to think about these things? It’s not like I can’t live without him.'”

Yun Yun had a teasing look on her face, imitating Queen Medusa’s tone and said lazily.

Seeing her acting like this, Chen Guan felt a dark streak.

However, it does look like the temperament of Queen Medusa.

This woman has always been duplicitous.

I silently recorded this revenge in my heart, and I will give you a good lesson with a stick when I go back in the future!

“Okay, ignore her and tell me what happened on your way to Zhongzhou. Did you encounter any danger?”

“Fortunately, when I left, I took a puppet you left with me, and it changed its appearance slightly. It was very peaceful the whole way.

It wasn’t until I passed through the Black Mist Mountains that I discovered your puppet. You should already know what happened next. If it weren’t for Sister Qingchen’s help, I might still be wasting my time there.

After following her to Sound Valley, she asked me to enter the Nine Color Linghong Pool to recover. At that time, I didn’t know the effect of the Nine Color Linghong Pool, so I accepted a favor unintentionally. Later, I chatted with her and learned about the Valley. Regarding the Lord’s matter, I just thought that your strange fire could probably solve the matter, so I told her about you and wanted to ask her to find out your whereabouts. “

After confirming that Ran Qingchen helped Yun Yun without knowing about him, Chen Guan had a better impression of Yin Gu.

“Don’t worry, I will help her.”

“Well, maybe you can tell me about your experience after arriving in Zhongzhou.”

Yun Yun nodded with a smile. Now that the two of us are one and the other, I only have you. There is no need to distinguish clearly anymore. She pressed the matter down and became even more curious about Chen Guan.

Chen Guan did not refuse and immediately began to explain everything in detail.

Among them, including the crisis caused by the poisonous old monster, and what happened to the two of them when they condensed the poison elixir for the little medical fairy, they did not conceal it.

Now that Yun Yun has arrived in Zhongzhou, she will inevitably meet the little medical fairy. There is no point in covering up at this time. It is better to confess frankly.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Yun Yun didn’t react much when she heard about this. It seemed that Zaoyou expected it?

“Sure enough, it’s the same as what Medusa said.”

Chen Guan smiled, not surprised that Queen Medusa would guess it.

When they parted, the eye contact between Queen Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy was obscure, but he could still see it clearly.

“I’m too lazy to talk about you. When will you let me meet the little medical fairy? I haven’t sat down and had a good chat before.”

Maybe it was Yao Ye’s influence, or maybe it was something she heard from Queen Medusa, but Yun Yun didn’t have any hostility towards the little fairy doctor.

Looking at the smiling man, he rolled his eyes and turned the page.

I just hope there won’t be more.

“It will take some time. Xian’er is currently in retreat to break through Douzun. It will probably take a few months.”

“The strong Dou Zun… is really terrifying.”

“Xian’er is a poisonous body of misfortune, we cannot treat it with common sense.”

The two of them didn’t move for a whole day, cuddling together and telling each other their experiences. When they got tired of talking, they would compete in martial arts.

It wasn’t until the evening that Yun Yun thought that she might be teased by Ran Qingchen if she stayed in the house all day, so she dragged the energetic Chen Guan out of bed. After washing up, she went to say hello to Ran Qingchen. .

Facts have proved that Yun Yun’s worries were completely unnecessary.

Seeing the two people coming hand in hand, Ran Qingchen couldn’t help but ask. Thinking about what they would do, her cheeks turned red and she was too embarrassed to joke.

Seeing her like this, even Yun Yun relaxed and only found it interesting.

Chen Guan’s expression didn’t change even more. It’s normal for a man to have sex with a woman, isn’t it? He was also planning to go back and continue the second half.

“Master Young Valley, I have been thinking seriously about your family’s cold poison for a whole day today. Currently, there are two methods that are most feasible.”

Hearing Chen Guan mention business, Ran Qingchen immediately put aside his embarrassing thoughts and became serious.

“Sir, please elaborate.”

“Wait a moment.” Chen Guan nodded, took out a jade slip from the Najie, closed his eyes and concentrated, and soon had a feasible medicinal formula in his mind.

Immediately, the soul power emerged from the center of the eyebrows, and using the soul power as a pen, he wrote out all the required medicinal materials on the jade slip.

“This is a formula I have summed up. After I melt the Tianhan crystal with strange fire, I can move the royal palace to take a medicinal bath, thereby continuously forcing the cold poison out of the body, and at the same time consuming the energy of the Tianhan crystal core. If this continues for ten days and a half, I think the energy of the Tianhan crystal core will weaken, and then I can use the strange fire to invade the body of the royal family, thus forcing them both out at once!”

“You should prepare as many of these medicinal materials as possible. The more baptisms there are, the easier and safer it will be for me to exorcise them.”

The energy of Tianhan Spiritual Core is terrifying, but it still has a limit.

Just like a strong man, if his essence is absorbed day and night without replenishing, he will be drained out one day sooner or later.

There is nothing wrong with this method. The only embarrassing moment is during the medicinal bath. He must be there, otherwise the newly melted Tianhan crystals will immediately regenerate.

However, during the medicinal bath, he can turn off his perception and only use strange fire to assist him. This aspect all relies on consciousness.

Chen Guan didn’t say it explicitly, but with Ran Qingchen’s exquisite mind, he could naturally imagine it.

Ran Qingchen did not express his position immediately. After hesitating for a while, Ran Qingchen decided to compare again.

“I wonder what your other plan is?”

“The second option is slightly more complicated and relatively risky.”

“Cold poison has no spirituality, but it will still choose the most suitable place to gather like a living creature. It just so happens that I have a friend who is a poisonous body. This is definitely the most suitable place for the poison to live. As long as the cold crystals on the outside of the Melting Hall are Finally, if the Ernan Poison Body comes into contact with it, the cold poison that penetrates into the bone marrow will inevitably be transferred to my friend’s body.”

“Without the cold poison that ‘adds fuel to the flames,’ it will be easier to deal with the remaining Tianhan crystal core. Whether we repeat the first plan or ask Granny Lu to take action, we can easily solve it.”

The cold poison in the main body of Yingu Valley can threaten the strong semi-saints. Needless to say, its terrifying degree.

But for the poisonous body of Ernan, it is not a great tonic.

Chen Guan is 90% sure that if this cold poison is absorbed into the body by the little medical fairy, he will definitely suffer a lot, but the benefits it will bring are also huge, just like refining the strange fire by himself.

However, the success rate of the little medical fairy with a poisonous body is much higher than that of refining strange fire.

“As for the risk, my friend is currently in retreat, which will probably take a few more months, and the situation in my Guanlingtang body means that I can only last for about another year at most, and it will only be short-term or not long-term. Therefore, this method It’s actually a race against time.”

In fact, Chen Guan also has a simple plan, that is, without any other help, he can slowly expel the strange fire by himself, just like Yu Gong moved mountains. He will succeed if he takes more time.

But after some estimation, it would take at least half a year to get started all by himself, so Chen Guan simply didn’t mention it.

He was happy to help, but spending half a year here was really unacceptable.

Ran Qingchen’s face changed slightly under the veil, but he had to admit that what Chen Guan said was the truth.

If he hadn’t noticed that the situation of the owner of Sound Valley was getting worse, he wouldn’t have been rushing around to seek help during this period.

“In that case, let’s use the first method. Qing Chen will prepare the medicinal materials, and then Mr. Lao will be there.”

After a brief comparison, Ran Qingyi made a decision.

Chen Guan was not surprised by her choice and nodded in agreement.

I just sighed in my heart that the opportunity of this little medical fairy has passed away…

However, it is possible to leave a little more Tianhan crystal in this process. For people with ice attributes, this kind of thing can be called a rare treasure.

Haibodong is blessed!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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