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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 245 Reasonable Suggestions

Affected by the upcoming Dan Meeting, not only Shengdan City, but also Yecheng, the number of new faces arriving every day has increased significantly.

As one of the five major families, the Ye family has a high value in the hearts of people who don’t know it. Naturally, the alchemists who stop by to pay their respects are indispensable.

It was also in the process of them becoming familiar with the Dan Realm that every once in a while, there would be thunderous explosions inside the Ye family, and even, occasionally, colors would appear.

Such a situation made the alchemists who came from afar become suspicious.

Are you telling me that this is the Ye family in decline?

I suspect you are deceiving me!

Many alchemists couldn’t believe it and came to visit him personally.

Ye Zhong treated these curious alchemists with courtesy, but when others asked who the Ye family was who made the alchemy, he would always have a vague attitude of not knowing, not admitting, and not refuting, which was disappointing. Crazy.

There are many disturbances from the outside world, and it becomes more and more lively every day.

But Chen Guan in the small courtyard didn’t care about this at all. He didn’t take a step for half a year. Even when Lord Tianhuo came back, he met in the courtyard.

Under such immersion, its improvement in all aspects is also great.

The first is strength.

In the past six months, although Chen Guan did not focus on cultivation, his accumulation day after day allowed him to successfully enter the realm of the Four-Star Douzong.

The second is fighting skills.

Facts have proved that the “Da Yin Xi Sheng” given by Master Yingu Shaogu is indeed very suitable for Chen Guan, and it is extremely easy to practice. It gives him a feeling that it is easier than when he first practiced the earth-level elementary fighting skill Red Star Pendant.

Of course, fit is one aspect.

One of the reasons is that our own foundation is stronger.

The completion of “Da Yin Xi Sheng” put Chen Guan in a very good mood. On a hazy night, he quietly tried it. As the music rippled, the entire Ye family fell into a sweet dream without knowing it. , until I woke up the next morning, no one noticed anything unusual. I just felt that I slept extremely sweetly last night.

Even Lord Tianhuo and the old monster Youdu were immersed in it for several breaths before suddenly waking up.

Such a performance has made Chen Guan very satisfied. With his current strength and this little time, he can strategically retreat thousands of miles away with all his strength.

As for refining medicine, this was Chen Guan’s biggest improvement in the past six months.

The Tianyuan Pill prepared for Yun Yun was the first eighth-grade pill that Chen Guan had successfully refined. The level was not very high, at the level of two-color pills.


That was already five months ago!

It is also worth mentioning that under the continuous baptism of Dan Lei, the puppet was finally officially promoted to the eighth level three months ago.

With the characteristics of the puppet, it is still capable of fighting against the three-star Dou Zun at this moment.

Summarizing the harvest, Chen Guan smiled with satisfaction.

“Xian’er’s breath has been ups and downs these days. Counting the time, it should be over.”

After thinking for a moment, Chen Guan suppressed his intention to continue refining alchemy.

The refining of the eighth-grade elixir was time-consuming and laborious, and it often took half a month to start. He did not want to miss the little medical fairy’s breakthrough moment.

After getting up and leaving the room, Sect Leader Yun happened to open the door and come out. The two looked at each other, smiled, and walked hand in hand.

“I heard from Mr. Yao that the little medical fairy has made a breakthrough in the past few days. I was still thinking about whether to call you.”

Yun Yun said with a smile, her face glowing.

In the past six months, her progress has been equally obvious.

After taking the Tianyuan Pill, his qualifications have been greatly improved. Although his current cultivation speed is not as good as Chen Guan’s, it is still at the level of a first-class genius.

After that, he took another Huangji Pill. As expected, he was successfully promoted to the Nine-Star Douhuang. He only needed to settle for a while before taking the Po Zong Pill. It was no longer a dream to cross the Dou Zong barrier.

At that time, even in Zhongzhou Continent, it could be called a strong one.

The only thing that made her regretful was that during the past six months, during Chen Guan’s free time, the two of them often discussed the origin of life. Unfortunately, the dream of overtaking in corners still failed to come true, so that she began to wonder if she had something wrong. problem.

Chen Guan had nothing to do about this. Apart from comforting him, he could only redouble his efforts.

“Why bother? I’ve been paying attention to the altar. Nothing happened to the outside world during this period, right?”

Chen Guan shook his head and asked with a chuckle.

With Yun Yun by his side, Chen Guan left many things to her, such as maintaining contact with the Danta and sending people to collect medicinal materials, so that he could devote himself wholeheartedly to his cultivation.

And Yun Yun, who plays the role of ‘secretary’, also enjoys it. She doesn’t want to be a vase who can’t help in any way.

“Everything is as usual. Shengdan City is almost overcrowded now, and some conflicts are inevitable. However, under the control of Danta, things will not make a big deal. However, the pressure on Xingyun Pavilion is not small, and the Soul Palace is always watching. I heard that many of the Xingyun Pavilion disciples who went out have been poisoned by the Soul Palace, and they are completely determined not to give up until the Lord Yao is taken away. I am afraid that Xiao Yan will not be able to participate in this elixir meeting.”

With the actions of the Soul Palace, the grudges between them and Yao Chen began to become more widely known.

Although the Soul Palace is rarely like this, fighting a force to the death, most people know the character of the Soul Palace, and facing the former number one alchemist in Zhongzhou, they cannot pay too much attention to it.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, not too worried.

As long as it is not an all-out attack, Xingyun Pavilion can still defend according to the situation. To this day, Yao Chen still has not asked for help, and mobilizing his connections is enough to show that it is still within the range that can be dealt with.

“It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t participate. With his strength, it’s hard to sustain the refinement of seventh-grade elixirs now, let alone eighth-grade elixirs. If he practices hard for thirty years, he will definitely stand out in the next one.”

Opportunities to refine strange fires are rare, but one must act according to one’s ability. Chen Guan believes that master and disciple Xiao Yan can still see this clearly.

While chatting, the two of them had arrived at the Yanghuo Ancient Altar.

Knowing that the Little Medical Fairy’s breakthrough was imminent, the surrounding training rooms had already been cleared by Ye Zhong, forming a restricted area that no one could enter.

Of course, this restriction is of no use to Chen and Guan.

“Yao Lao.”

Arriving at the edge of the ancient altar, Chen Guan and Yun Yun greeted the two people sitting there playing leisurely.

“Haha, your sense is really accurate. Just wait, there should be some movement in a quarter of an hour at most.”

Lord Tianhuo put down the chess pieces and smiled.

As someone who has experienced it and is powerful, he can see it very clearly.

Chen Guan and Yun Yun both had happy expressions on their faces. They immediately stopped talking and looked at the center of the altar with expectation.

Seeing him like this, the evil old monster sitting opposite Lord Tianhuo could not help but curl his lips slightly.

Some people are so stingy that they have been prostituted by him for nearly a year for free, and until now, they are not even willing to call him a name.

Soon, the time for a cup of tea passed, and Chen Guandu had not felt that time passed so slowly for a long time.

Finally, in full anticipation, the ground beneath my feet seemed to shake slightly.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

The sudden shock immediately caused quite a commotion. In the Ye family manor, figures quickly flashed onto the roof, looking around in confusion.

However, the senior members of the Ye family quickly guessed something and looked in one direction.

Dou Zun is a strong man!

I don’t know when the Ye family will give birth to one.

At the altar, Master Tianhuo pushed the deadlocked chessboard towards the old monster Youdu. The chess pieces all over the board suddenly became messy. He stood up and stood next to Chen Guan.

The poisonous old monster dared not speak out in anger, so he could only admit that he was unlucky and silently complained about picking up the chess pieces.

“I still remember that when I followed you and saw the little medical fairy for the first time, I had just broken through the Douzong. In just one and a half years, I have already entered the realm of the Douzong. Looking at you young people, I I feel very shocked, Youdu, what do you think?”

Lord Tianhuo sighed for a while.

The poisonous old monster came back to his senses and nodded quickly.

“Ah, um, yes, you’re right.”

Seeing the old guy being manipulated, Chen Guan and Yun Yun couldn’t help laughing.

After a brief joking, everyone soon fell silent. The next moment, a majestic and vast aura, like a rushing tide, continuously filled the air from the body of the little medical fairy in the center of the altar.

Under this terrifying coercion, many Ye family disciples who were standing on high places couldn’t help but fell down due to the pressure. The scene was extremely funny.

Seeing this, Lord Tianhuo waved his hand, and a barrier suddenly emerged to isolate them from the outside world. Only then did the heavy feeling of doomsday in their hearts disappear.


It was also at this time that the training room in the center of the altar exploded, and the little medical fairy in white appeared in the sight of the four people.

The little medical fairy’s eyes were closed, and her light and delicate body slowly floated into the air wrapped in layers of gray energy, making her figure slightly hazy.

As if being summoned, the endless energy of heaven and earth suddenly surged from all directions. The energy gathered more and more, and the color of the wind and clouds changed. Like long dragons, they crazily poured into the gray energy layer, and were blown away by the little one. The medical immortals absorbed them all.

This situation lasted for more than twenty minutes before gradually stopping, and the aura emitted by the little medical fairy became increasingly powerful and terrifying.

“As expected of the Poisonous Body of Misfortune, this breakthrough has already reached the peak of the One-Star Dou Zun!”

The poisonous old monster was moved by this and couldn’t help but clicked his tongue and exclaimed.

Looking at Lord Tianhuo, then at Little Fairy Doctor, and then thinking of Chen Guan and a Dou Zun-level puppet, as well as the Dan Pagoda standing behind him, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and the evil old monster felt more and more that he had made a wise decision. Decide.

Such a lineup has been assembled in less than a year. What about ten years from now or a hundred years from now?

Chen Guan didn’t know what the poisonous old monster was thinking. Hearing the current state of the little medical fairy, the smile on his face became even wider.

While everyone was amazed, the energy dragons that were winding in the sky finally completely dissipated.

As they dispersed, the beautiful shadow in the sky became clearer and clearer. Eventually, the gray energy layer melted away like ice and snow, and the figure of the Little Medical Fairy finally appeared completely in front of everyone. Under the gaze of people.

His closed eyes trembled slightly and he opened them. He glanced at Chen Guan and a touching smile immediately appeared.

After a little time to adapt to the vast sea-like fighting spirit in his body, the little doctor lifted his immortal lotus steps lightly and arrived in front of Chen Guan in the blink of an eye, as if the space did not exist.

“Old Yao, Yun…sect leader.”

Suppressing the deep affection in her heart, the little medical fairy went ahead to say hello.

Of course, the evil old monster was ignored again.

As for Chen Guan, she has a lot to say and a lot to do, but it’s not the right moment.

“Haha, I am relieved to see your breakthrough. I think you have a lot to say, so I won’t be an eyesore here. Youdu, let’s go, let’s continue the chess game that just didn’t end.”

Lord Tianhuo laughed with joy. He regarded Chen Guan as his junior, and he was extremely happy when he saw the little medical fairy making a breakthrough.

However, it was obviously a young man’s place at this moment, so he immediately pulled the old monster Nether Venom away first, leaving them enough space.

The little fairy doctor bowed and thanked them, and watched the two of them leave.

Only the three of them stayed where they were. Seeing the two women sizing each other up, Chen Guan intended to speak to break the deadlock.

However, just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the little medical fairy.

“Sect Master Yun, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I never thought I would meet you in Zhongzhou.”

Yun Yun smiled politely, “I didn’t expect that the former master of the Poison Sect would already be a strong Douzun when we met again. Congratulations.”

“They are all taking advantage of the evil poison body, which is not fair.”

“How could it be? Physique is important, but it is useless if you don’t work hard. When we came to Zhongzhou, Queen Medusa and I also guessed what level you would reach after solving the hidden danger of the disaster poison body. Even though you have We had some mental preparations, but actually meeting you still gave us a huge surprise.”

Listening to the two people chatting, they were both smiling, but the more they listened, the more Chen Guan felt that something was wrong.

This situation was beyond his expectation. For a moment, he was at a loss as to what to say.

But when they saw him showing such a worried expression, the two girls, who were originally quite a bit uncomfortable, smiled in unison.

She rolled her eyes at him charmingly, and the little medical fairy returned to her normal posture, and took the initiative to say: “Seeing that he is nervous, I won’t tease him anymore. Sister Yun Yun, I am slightly younger than you, so I will call you this from now on.” .”

By calling her this way, all three of them knew what she meant.

Yun Yun looked surprised, then smiled and responded cordially.

“Then thank you sister Xian’er.”

Originally, Yun Yun was a little worried about this matter, but she never thought that the little medical fairy was so easy to talk to. She was pleasantly surprised and felt relieved.

The little medical fairy chuckled and shook her head, not caring.

After all, regardless of strength, in the final analysis, you are the one who comes later.

Seeing the two girls looking like this, Chen Guan finally felt relieved.

Let’s just say, with their temperaments, how could they possibly compete with each other and do things that would embarrass themselves?

“Stop talking here, go back to the courtyard first. Let’s have a good chat together in the evening, so that you can get to know each other more deeply and get along better in the future.”

Chen Guan made reasonable suggestions seriously.

Unfortunately, there are always people who think he has bad intentions.

“You think beautifully!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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