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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 251 Just show off a little bit

In the midst of Chen Guan’s sad words, the great elder and disciple of the Danta Pagoda, the number one genius of the Song family, finally closed his eyes unwillingly.

It has to be said that it is very sad that such a young seventh-grade alchemist is here.

If nothing happened today, in ten or twenty years, he might be a famous alchemy master again.

It’s sad and deplorable.

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Guan took Song Qing’s corpse into Najie in a humanitarian spirit.

After all, he was a member of the Alchemy Pagoda, so he didn’t mind helping with this small favor. It was definitely not because he wanted to use Song Qing’s body to make the Song family and Qiu Zhang’s family go to pieces.

After restraining the body, Chen Guan was able to focus on checking Qiu Zhang’s ring.

Soon, a dark red scroll appeared in his hand, and a smile spread on his face.

Fortunately, this is exactly the fighting technique used by the opponent before.

“”Thousand Gold Fire Plate” is an elementary fighting skill at the earth level. It uses the body as a axis and fire as a grinding wheel to release endless rockets to cover the enemy. It is a powerful move that can defeat many enemies with one.”

“Scattered into arrows, gathered into spears, the condensed “Thousand Flame Spear” is astonishingly powerful, with the power to burn mountains and destroy seas. If the quality of its own flames is extremely high, its power is comparable to that of advanced earth-level fighting skills!”

Opening the scroll and looking at the description above, Chen Guan nodded slightly.

It was much the same as he expected.

When he saw Qiu Zhang using this fighting skill before, Chen Guan noticed that this fighting skill was similar to his “Red Star Font”.

It’s all the same, it can be used against groups or alone.

However, in comparison, “Thousand Flame Spear” is more powerful and more gorgeous, just like the plus version of “Red Star Falling”.

After seeing its essence clearly, Chen Guan became even more satisfied.

In this way, he can undoubtedly save a lot of time when learning this fighting skill.

“That’s right, it’s a combat skill that displays…the saint’s appearance.”

As his own strength improved, Chen Guan used “Red Star Pendant” less and less often.

Not only because of the grade, but also because of the appearance.

After all, who likes to play with a big fireball? If you don’t know, you would think you are creating the world…

Putting away the scroll, Chen looked at the dark night.

Without wasting any time, he released his majestic mental power and began to search for Dendrobium bixinum.

The sooner you find it, the sooner you can get to the Wanyao Mountains to meet up.

The examples of Song Qing and Qiu Zhang made him realize that he had underestimated the dangers in the alchemy world.

He didn’t really care if something happened to others, but Cao Ying had to pay more attention.

The spiritual power filled the air like a tide. After successfully reaching spiritual perfection, Chen Guan’s spiritual power could now easily cover a radius of dozens of miles.

Therefore, searching for medicinal materials at this moment, using a humanoid radar, is more difficult than other alchemists.

The sandy plain is the most suitable place for the growth of Dendrobium bixinum. In addition, Chen Guan’s efficient carpet search only took about half an hour, and a few scattered blood-red plants came into his mind.

“No wonder so many alchemists want to participate in this alchemy meeting. Even if they can’t enter the third round, as long as they can enter the alchemy world, the accumulation of medicinal materials after leaving will be doubled several times.”

With a flash of figure, he arrived at the location of Dendrobium bixinum and simply collected eleven plants. Chen Guan couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh.

You know, the three medicinal materials on the task list only require one plant each.

As for other superfluous things, there is no need to say more.

If we really talk about the area of ​​the Dan Realm, it may be due to its gradual decline, so it is only less than one third of the size of the Dan Realm.

But don’t underestimate this third. With the natural resources and treasures in this space, there is probably no force on the continent that will not be tempted by it. Having such a space is equivalent to having inexhaustible resources. An inexhaustible warehouse of rare medicinal materials!

And the Dan Pagoda actually uses this place as an assessment checkpoint, allowing participating alchemists to search for it. From this, we can also see how rich the Dan Pagoda’s heritage is.

If it were an ordinary force, they would probably only defend this blessed land to the death.

Chen Guan asked himself, if Tianmeng had such a place, he would not be so generous.

This is the difference in background!

Chen Guan had already obtained two of the three medicinal materials required for the mission. Immediately, he no longer stayed in the sandy plain. After choosing a direction, he set off towards the moon under the stars.

At Chen Guan’s speed, it would only take a day at most to travel through the entire alchemy world.

However, due to stopping and stopping along the way and constantly searching for medicinal materials, it took a whole night to arrive near the most prominent Wanyao Mountains on the map.

Along the way, Chen Guan also met many contestants, some working alone, some working in teams, and fights often occurred.

But because most of the differences in strength are not very big, death on the spot is rare.

After seeing Chen Guan, most of these alchemists would consciously stay away from him, obviously worried that he would suddenly take action.

However, many people would take the initiative to greet him after recognizing his identity.

In the alchemy world, fights are not uncommon. After all, everyone here is a competitor. If there is one less person, your chances will be greater, and you may be able to collect more medicinal materials.

But his identity as a disciple of the Danta giant still has a lot of credibility.

In their opinion, with Chen Guan’s status, he would probably disdain to do those dirty things.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect the reputation of Danta!

Chen Guan didn’t pay much attention to these little thoughts. Under normal circumstances, he still had some principles.

If others do not offend me, I will not offend others.

“Fourteen strong men from the Douzong…”

Thinking about the number of powerful Douzong masters he met on the road, Chen Guan also gained a better understanding of the overall level of entering the alchemy world this time.

Douzong strong men are already at the top level.

I just don’t know what the strength of the people sent by the Soul Palace is?

The rabbit is missing and the black sun is sinking, and the dawn dispels the darkness.

An endless green mountain range with soaring aura was also revealed in Chen Guan’s sight.

This is where the Wanyao Mountain Range is located, and it is also the place with the most complete and abundant medicinal materials in the alchemy world!

The soul power was released, and the scene of dozens of miles around came into his mind. He could see groups of alchemists fighting desperately, and a large number of people were chased by the monsters in the mountains and fled in panic.

Wherever high-end medicinal materials grow, most places are guarded by monsters, and Iron Law is no exception here.

Although the magical beasts among them are somewhat spiritually deficient due to the violent energy of heaven and earth, they are driven by instinct and will not let go of any heavenly, material and earthly treasures that are beneficial to their advancement.

“Ho! Roar! Roar!”

One after another, full of violent beast roars, seemed to be warning the invading humans.

However, this is mostly just instinct.

It’s daybreak and it’s time to go back to their respective caves to sleep.

They prefer to be active at night than during the day.

Chen Guan’s body was suspended in mid-air at the edge of the mountain range. Looking at the mountain range covered in mist, a piece of bamboo fell into his hand.

The next moment, the clear Xiao sound rippled like water waves and filled the mountains.

This continued for a few minutes, and more and more alchemists were attracted. The colorful wings of fighting spirit made the place quite gorgeous, and a sense of déjà vu was felt like fans cheering for them at a concert.

After playing for a while, Chen Guan shook his head slightly, feeling slightly disappointed.

Naturally, he was not just doing nothing to attract attention. What he did just now was just to confirm whether the Xiaolong people were in the Wanyao Mountains.

As long as that girl is there, she will definitely be able to sense and respond.

Unfortunately, apart from this group of spectators, there was no feedback at all.

“Senior Brother Chen, there are rampant monsters in the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountains. Sixth-order monsters are everywhere, and seventh-order monsters are no longer rare. There are even rumors that there are eighth-order monsters. It is an extremely dangerous place for us. Yesterday More than 70% of the people who went deep into the mountains encountered danger and had to crush the space stone, ending the alchemy meeting early, and dozens of people died on the spot without having time to exit.”

Chen Guan was thinking about Xiaolong’s world when a handsome young man stepped forward to talk to him.

He held his head high and his chest high, neither humble nor arrogant. The brand-new seventh-grade alchemist badge on his chest was so dazzling. Just when the rising sun peeked his head, it was shining brightly.

“Are you…Cao Dan?”

Chen Guan recognized him as a group of people following Cao Ying at the beginning of the Dan meeting.

At that time, others looked at him and Cao Ying with a bit of passion. Only this guy was weird. He turned his head and didn’t look at them at all, just like a child who was having trouble with his parents.

Chen Guan has not asked before, but because of Cao Ying’s relationship, he also knows the Cao family.

Apart from Cao Ying, he is the only seventh-grade alchemist of his age.


After being recognized, Cao Dan responded with his hand.

When he looked at Chen Guan again, his eyes suddenly showed a little more recognition.

He knows my name!

Doesn’t this mean that he recognizes my level in his heart!

What is respect? In Cao Dan’s view, this is respect!

Unlike the witch in the family, who has always put pressure on her since childhood, and her elders use her as a role model to warn her over and over again.

In fact, Cao Dan had no ill intentions towards Cao Ying, but because he heard too much, he would naturally have ideas.

Probably similar to the thoughts of a rebellious child…

As for Chen Guan, now in public perception, he is already a genius on the same level as Cao Ying. Being recognized by him is a great joy for Cao Dan, and his goodwill will not come soon.

“You are right. The Ten Thousand Medicine Mountain Range is indeed very dangerous. Well, even I am not sure that I can get in and out freely. But since you have come forward, you must have some ideas. Just say it. Cao Ying and I are senior sisters. Brother, you are not considered an outsider.”

Chen Guan could probably guess his plan and replied with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Cao Dan relaxed even more, and most of the arrogance he exuded was reduced.

“Senior Brother Chen, we discussed last night that it is too dangerous to rely on one person’s strength. However, if we integrate a group of people and explore together, although the search for medicinal materials will be slower, it will be safer. Therefore, I would like to invite Chen Senior brother, with you here, it will be easier for everyone to work together!”

Sure enough, Cao Dan’s words confirmed Chen Guan’s guess.

There are always more solutions than difficulties. Without Song Qing, others would stand up and organize actions.

I have to admit that this method does have some effect.

But it’s very limited.

This kind of temporary alliance itself does not have much binding force. No matter how high-sounding it is, when it is really in danger, some people will cheat.

It’s not impossible to go slow when exerting force, and move faster than the last when it’s beneficial. It’s not impossible to turn against one another on the spot.

This is probably the scene after the alliance.

The so-called leader is just the one who is at the front when encountering danger. This kind of thankless job can only fool the ‘simple’ Cao Dan, and is completely useless against an old yin… Jianghu like him.

Looking at the expectant eyes, Chen Guan shook his head without hesitation.

“I won’t go with you. For some reasons, I need to go deep into the Wanyao Mountains. It is very likely that I will encounter the legendary eighth-level beast. Being with you will only bring danger. You are still in charge of this alliance. Well, I believe that as long as you work together, ordinary monsters can’t do anything to you.”

Chen Guan has always avoided this kind of trouble whenever he can.

However, if there is a chance, he would not mind helping him if he can within his ability, which can be regarded as fulfilling Xuan Kongzi’s instructions.

Upon hearing the eighth-level ferocious beast, the expressions of the group of alchemists standing far behind Cao Danling changed a bit.

Facing the seventh-level monster, they still have a chance to win with their combined efforts.

At the eighth level…

I’m afraid it would be difficult to crush the space stone.

“That’s really a pity. Well, since that’s the case, we won’t force it. Brother Chen, please take care of yourself. I’m 90% sure that there are indeed eighth-level monsters in the depths!”

Seeing that Chen Guan was not lying, Cao Dan had no choice but to give up.

When he said goodbye, he lowered his voice and gave another reminder.

Immediately, he turned around and led hundreds of alchemists to leave first.

Chen Guan smiled slightly. This second generation of the Cao family, whose original career was not very good, now made a pretty good impression on him.

“I didn’t expect Cao Dan, who has always been impulsive and impulsive, to be quite polite in front of you.”

Familiar chuckles sounded behind him, and Chen Guan already knew who was speaking just by the scent.

“It’s just the right medicine. There’s no one you can’t get along with. Senior sister, have you found the Millennium Earth Fire Lotus and Lake Heart Blood Mushroom?”

Chen Guan turned around, nodded slightly to Dan Chen, then led Cao Ying towards the mountains and asked at the same time.

There are still many people waiting and watching here, so it is not suitable for talking.

Cao Ying’s wings fluttered slightly behind her back, and she followed step by step.

“I’m pretty lucky. It didn’t take much effort. I also discovered that everyone on this task list is the same. There are two medicinal materials that are relatively simple, and the remaining one is more likely to grow in places like the Wanyao Mountains where monsters gather. It’s clear that it was intentional.”

As a core disciple of Danta, Cao Ying did not hide her complaints.

Such a direct temperament made little tail Danchen envious.

“This is natural. If it were all that simple, wouldn’t the second level lose its meaning? Don’t worry about it. Let’s search for medicinal materials first. There may be dangers on the way. Please follow closely.”

“Gee, Dan Chen and I will leave our fortunes and lives to you today. Just don’t take us into the belly of the monster. Sister Dan Chen, am I right?”

“Ah, yes, yes, no, that’s not what I meant.”

Looking at Dan Chen who was confused and hurriedly explaining, Chen Guan and Cao Ying couldn’t help laughing.

With such a temper, even the slightest joking would feel guilty.

Inside the Wanyao Mountains.

In a spacious cave that can definitely be called a luxurious palace in the World of Warcraft, a tall and tall man with an upright body, Hou, was standing aside, looking at Hou who was sitting on the stage, his feet dangling in the air, and he was holding a huge ginseng and showing it to his mouth. The girl in white has a bitter look on her face.

“Big man, don’t be so stingy. It’s just a little medicinal material. It’s useless for you to keep it. When Chen Guan comes over, I will ask him to help you make all the elixirs. I already sensed him just now, hehe , I deliberately pretended not to hear and will give him a surprise later.”

Listening to the girl’s muttering, the tower-like man forced a smile.

Is he stingy?

Anyway, I don’t think so.

His eyes swept across a huge square in the center on the right, and he could see that there were all kinds of rare medicinal materials piled there, randomly placed here like cabbage, and the air was filled with the strong fragrance of medicinal herbs.

However, upon closer inspection, you will find that the preservation of these medicinal materials is not perfect.

Moreover, there is also an obvious small tooth mark!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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