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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 255 Don’t talk

Wind and lightning are not enough to describe the speed at this moment. In order to rush for help in the shortest time, Chen Guan even took out the puppet, let it tear apart the space, and used the temporary space wormhole to rush on.

Fortunately, this puppet is quite different and full of spirituality, otherwise he really wouldn’t be able to take on such a big responsibility.

“Chen Guan, I can get bigger and take you there, a little faster than it.”

Seeing that Chen Guan’s face was so solemn and scary, Zi Yan also put away her temper, huddled in her arms and whispered a suggestion.

“No, it’s not much different.”

Chen Guan shook his head and rejected it. No matter how powerful the Taixu Ancient Dragon was, it had to be supported by strength. Without strength, everything was empty talk. The previous incident with the Nether Poison Old Monster was a clear proof.

With Zi Yan’s current strength, she is really not much faster than the puppet at full strength.

Moreover, his ugly face was not entirely because he was worried about Cao Ying, but more because he felt guilty.

This time, it was really careless.

He knew clearly that due to his involvement in the Dou Qi Continent, the original plot began to seem specious, but still, because of the mindless operations of the Soul Palace, he subconsciously chose to believe in the original plot development.

Today in the Soul Palace, it feels like a brain suddenly grew, and I was caught off guard…

Having learned a lesson, gained wisdom, and reflected on himself along the way, Chen Guan jumped out of the wormhole in space with Zi Yan in his arms.

“Fortunately, the direction is correct, there is movement here!”

After glancing at the iconic mountains that more closely matched the map, Chen Guan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the soul’s perception spread out like a tide, and within a few moments, movement was detected.

The exit of Danjie is more than a hundred miles east.

In just over a hundred miles, even a Dou Huang could only take a stroll for three to five minutes at most.

However, just such a small distance has become a chasm in the eyes of Cao Ying and Dan Chen.

High in the sky, the man in black with a joking face was like a big mountain blocking the way. The looming aura made it extremely difficult for the two women to raise their heads, and the soul barrier he had set up was even more hopelessly strong.

This person must be a strong Dou Zun!

“Among the alchemists recorded in the Alchemy Pagoda, there are only seventy-year-old spiritual realm souls. At your age, there is not one who is not as good as those above, but not one who is more than below. Obviously, you have concealed your true appearance, and the whole In Zhongzhou, the only one who likes to be so secretive is the shady Soul Palace. In order to cause trouble in the Dan Society, the Soul Palace actually sent an elder, which is surprising.”

Cao Ying’s pretty face was calm and a little sarcastic. She protected the bunny-like Dan Chen behind her, deliberately delaying time while making preparations.

The Venerable is arrogant, but he is not invincible. As a disciple of the giant Dan Pagoda and a well-known witch from the Cao family, she is not powerless to fight back.

However, some methods require time.

“That’s right, that’s right. It’s well-founded. With your talent in refining medicine, you are indeed qualified to say this. But rashly angering a venerable person is not a wise decision. You are not the genius that I killed. The first, and not the last!”

The man in black smiled coldly, with killing intent in his eyes.

The intelligence of everyone in the Soul Palace seemed to be focused on him today. After saying that, he no longer gave the two girls time to struggle. He spread his hands and two flames, one bright and one dark, ignited, especially the black one on his left hand. The flame actually caused the space to continuously break and reorganize. Countless energies from heaven and earth converged towards the flame, but it was like a stone being thrown into the sea without causing a single ripple.

“You are proud enough to die under the power of Lord Nothingness!”

Overwhelming spiritual power surged from the center of his brows, and the man in black shouted loudly. The two flames in his hands suddenly rose up in the storm, and in the blink of an eye they turned into two fire dragons and raged towards Cao Ying and Dan Chen.

Wherever the fire dragon passed, the space shattered inch by inch, leaving two dark traces in the sky.

“Dan Chen, help me!”

Cao Ying’s complexion changed slightly, and while she was drinking, a glaze-like shadow flew out from between her eyebrows.

Behind him, Dan Chen didn’t hesitate at all. He put his white jade hand on Cao Ying’s shoulder from a few inches away and put all his strength into it.

In an instant, the shadow split into three, two of which faced the fire dragon, and the last one flew towards the soul barrier blocking this place like lightning.


With a muffled sound, the bright fire dragon was immediately beheaded and turned into sparks falling from the sky.

However, the man in black remained unhurried, because the other two shadows had no effect at all, the soul barrier was as solid as a rock, and the black fire dragon was like a bonfire with fuel added, making the castration even more terrifying.

This black flame is very strange!

“Danchen, let’s go!”

Cao Ying’s eyes were full of unwillingness. If she could delay it for another minute and push the soul-breaking shuttle to the extreme, she would definitely be able to break through the soul barrier.


Now that things have come to this, she has no choice but to grab Dan Chen, who is out of strength, and throws him far away, while at the same time escaping in the opposite direction.

She did her best and obeyed fate.

If you run away together, you will definitely die. If you spread out and let the enemy make a decision, you may be able to buy half a minute more.

“Naive idea.”

Seeing this, the man in black shook his head and sneered.

If the soul barrier is not broken, no matter how the two women run away, they are just catching turtles in an urn.

With a low voice, the man in black immediately controlled the fire dragon to pursue Dan Chen, and at the same time, he personally flew towards Cao Ying.

Only children make choices!

The distance of tens of feet was only a blink of an eye, but the aura emitted by a venerable person without restraint was so overwhelming that Cao Ying could not breathe. She broke countless bones in her body, vomited blood from her mouth, and was unable to make any resistance movement.

At this moment of dying, silhouettes of people flashed through Cao Ying’s mind, with a hint of regret and more relief.

At this critical moment, Cao Ying heard a “chi” sound, and a bright light fell from the sky, hitting the back of the man in black’s head.

Locked by the extremely fierce murderous intent, the man in black had no choice but to give up on Cao Ying in front of him, turned around hastily and waved his palm to meet the attack.

Because of this act of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, Cao Ying was finally able to escape. She endured severe pain and retreated until she ran into a warm embrace.

“Junior brother!”

Without looking, Cao Ying recognized the person who came to help just by his breath. When she raised her head, she smiled like a flower, but the pale complexion and the bloodshot eyes at the corners of her mouth made the smile a bit more poignant.

“Sorry, senior sister, I’m late.”

Chen Guan hugged Cao Ying’s swaying body with one hand, took out a life-returning pill from the palm of his left hand, and stuffed it into the other person’s mouth without any explanation.

The soft touch on the fingertips made people’s hearts tremble, but this moment was by no means a beautiful moment, and neither of them showed any abnormality.

With the life-returning pill’s real effect, it is more than enough to treat Cao Ying’s current injuries.

“Senior sister, take a break and send a message to the elder at the exit. Leave the rest to me.”

Chen Guan let go of Cao Ying, took out the long red knife, and locked his eyes on the frightened man in black in the distance.

Cao Ying looked at Dan Chen and saw a puppet standing in front of her, blocking the fatal blow for her. She immediately felt relieved, and her fighting spirit turned into a rope to pull Dan Chen to her side, and they retreated hundreds of feet away hand in hand.

Suddenly there were only two people left in the field.

and a golem with a deeply caved-in chest.

The man in black saw the situation clearly and did not stop the actions of Cao Ying and Dan Chen. He opened his palms and revealed a bone-deep wound that was extremely dazzling. The traces of cobalt blue flames raging in it were like maggots on the tarsus. With his strength, They all felt it was very troublesome.

As a last resort, he could only summon black flames to devour them all, and then the wounds began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“A soul with a perfect spiritual realm, an unheard of strange fire, and a puppet that is comparable to a powerful Dou Zun. It turns out that you, Chen Guan, who comes from the northwest, are the most troublesome one.”

The man in black had a burning gaze, trying to see through the young man opposite him.

It was nothing more than a puppet, but the soul strength far beyond that of ordinary people, and the strange fire that seemed to be fused, made him greedy.

Once in the Black Corner Territory, he secretly inquired about a guy who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors and seemed to have the ability to fuse strange fires. Unfortunately, the guy’s death was so mysterious that he could not identify the murderer after many years of investigation.

Now, the results seem to be self-evident.

Chen Guan didn’t know that the other party was thinking so far-term, but since he mentioned the northwest rear area…

Then it will be difficult to end today!

After looking at the eroded collapse in the puppet’s chest, Chen Guan’s fighting energy surged, his mental power was unprecedentedly concentrated, and his energy and spirit were raised to their peak.

Be solemn, but fearless!

“Old Man Mu Gu, you don’t need to remind me.”

“I always remember that I came from a humble background, so I treat everyone with courtesy.”

“I always remember that I came from a humble background, so when I encounter the enemy… I will kill them all!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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