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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 27 Ziyunyi, Assassin’s Creed

One year is neither long nor short, but it is enough time for too many things to happen. After describing himself, Chen Guan also asked about the external situation.

Rushing back in a hurry, he didn’t even have time to inquire carefully.

He thought it would be similar to the original work, but Yao Ye’s answer left him stunned.

“There’s not much else to say, but there’s one thing you might be interested in.”

“After you disappeared, I got the news and took a group of people to search the Warcraft Mountains. Unfortunately, after searching for almost a month, I still found nothing. At that time, I couldn’t help but wonder if you had entered some Warcraft. abdomen.”

“Because our royal family has made quite a move, the Yunlan Sect and the Miter family couldn’t sit still. They thought we had found some opportunity and joined in. Later, even the Lion King Yan Shi came to join in the fun. Sou Shan’s The team is getting bigger and bigger.”

“At that time, I still thought, this is fine. I don’t want to use free labor in vain, so I can cooperate with them in acting.”

“But what we never expected was that after searching for half a month, we actually found an opportunity. It should be the legacy of a Douwang or a powerful Douhuang. I almost thought that our royal family was really lucky. Got the news in advance.”

Yaoye laughed as she said this, this was such a coincidence.

Chen Guan was stunned for a moment, suspecting that the opportunity they found was most likely the cave discovered by the little medical fairy in the original trajectory.

If you think about it carefully, it seems unsurprising.

With so many people searching the mountain, it would be even more strange if they couldn’t find it.

“Is it a big gain?”

“Generally, the value of the remains in the cave is pretty good, but because we didn’t expect it before, people from the Miter family of the Yunlan Sect would definitely want a share of the pie, and each family would make a small profit. “

“That’s true. What’s in it?” Chen Jian nodded and asked casually.

That’s all the other stuff, but he didn’t want to miss the remaining image of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire Map.

He chose Qingshan Town as the training location at that time. In addition to strengthening his strength, this residual picture and the little medical fairy were also his goals.

Unfortunately, the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and something went wrong along the way.

“Some medicinal materials, gold coins, a volume of “Seven Colors Poison Sutra”, a Xuan-level intermediate flying fighting skill called “Purple Cloud Wings”, which is very rare, and a Xuan-level advanced fighting skill “Crazy Lion’s Roar”, basically So, by the way, there’s also a useless incomplete map.”

“They preconceived the idea that our royal family would be the first to get the news, and I didn’t explain it, so when it came to carving up, our royal family would be the first to choose.”

“In the end, I chose the rarer “Purple Cloud Wings”. Fortunately, you came back in time. If it had been a few days later, I might have started practicing. Now it’s better for you, and you can protect yourself better, so I can rest assured.”

Yaoye did not hide anything and made arrangements for “Ziyunyi”.

“Purple Cloud Wings” is a rare flying fighting skill, and its value is not low, but as Chen Guan said, no matter how great the value is, it must be used to be useful.

She rarely leaves the Imperial Capital Holy City, and there are not many places where she can use Ziyun Wing, which is far less practical than Chen Guan.

There’s nothing wrong with the idea, but Chen Guan actually doesn’t have much demand for “Purple Cloud Wings”.

If it was before receiving the inheritance from Teacher Shu Tianhe, he would never refuse.

But now, it’s just useless.

“Sister Yaoye, please keep it for practice. Have you forgotten these puppets on me? Without them, Ziyunyi will not be of much help to me.”

“I forgot to tell you that because my teacher is lazy, these puppets have a small problem and cannot fly. However, they can jump very fast, no worse than ordinary Dou Wang flying. If they are really in danger, holy shit. They are more convenient and don’t require vindictive energy.”

“Although it may be unsightly, who would care about this in front of my little life? Sister Yaoye, you are different. If you were jumping around on a puppet, the scene would be… ahem, it would be too eye-catching.”

Chen Guan felt blind when he thought about it.

To sum up, he really doesn’t need Ziyunyi.

Apart from allowing him to carry a small cup while flying to satisfy his vanity, this thing has no use whatsoever.

After hearing Chen Guan’s reasons, Yaoye looked strange. He probably thought of that kind of scene and immediately stopped insisting.

“Our royal family took “Purple Cloud Wings”, “Crazy Lion’s Song” fell into the hands of Yunlan Sect, and each family copied a copy of the Seven-Colored Poison Scripture. As compensation, the residual picture whose purpose was unknown was also given to Mi The Miter family, the remaining gold coins and medicinal materials are also divided between the Miter family and Yan Shi.”

See, this is the importance of context.

Yan Shi is also a veteran fighting king, but in this fate, he only got some scraps.

The incomplete picture fell into the Mittel family, and Chen Guan knew he had to make a trip.

Suddenly, he remembered a character.

I don’t know if Yafei has gone to Wutan City at this time. After careful calculation, it seems to be about the same. After all, Xiao Huohuo will return to the world in two years.

“It’s okay. The distribution is very reasonable. Later, you can have someone copy a copy of the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra for me.”

“Why do you need this thing? I read it once. It contains basically some methods of preparing various poisons and strange medicines, as well as some anecdotes, but it’s good to gain some experience.” Yao Ye replied.

Chen Guan simply explained, “I have a friend who would like it very much.”

“That little medical fairy from Qingshan Town?”

“You know this as well?”

“Of course, even though I’m in the imperial capital, I know all about you, big and small, and I heard that someone went to Wanyao Zhai every day before he disappeared. I took a special look when I went there. She is indeed a little beauty. If you have an idea, how about I kidnap her back to you?”

Oh, I’m so proud.

Chen Guan gave her a roll of his eyes.

But I am saying in my heart, you only see the first layer on the surface, I am at least on the fifth layer.

“We can’t talk about it. We are just friends now. I don’t know what will happen in the future. Let’s just let it happen.”

He and Yao Ye talked for a long time, talking about business and leisure matters. It was not until more than an hour later that Chen Guan got up and left.

The eldest princess has been coaxed, but there is still a little princess waiting.

Just when he was thinking that he was very busy today, Chen Guan saw a very familiar guard outside the palace, walking back and forth at the door, acting very suspiciously.

Thinking of the reason for his premature death in the second suicide note, Chen Guan’s smile gradually faded, he rubbed the ring in his hand and walked over.

Izumo Empire, Assassin’s Creed?

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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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