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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 271 Breakthrough! breakthrough! Another breakthrough!

The mournful screams pierced the soul. Under the heavy suppression, the huge fire dragon rolled violently like a loach falling into a hot pot, causing ripples in the soul.

Looking at this scene, Chen Guan’s eyes were indifferent.

The battle for souls is a matter of life and death. There is no third way to go. If Sanqian Yanyanhuo wins, his end may be even more miserable.

“Now, be my strength!”

After watching for a moment, Chen Guan made a hand seal and launched a fatal blow. The strange fire surged out and struck the eyebrows of Three Thousand Flames together with the soul attack.

This move is just to erase his intelligence!

Seeing the strange alien fire and soul attack getting bigger and bigger in sight, fear finally filled the huge pupils of Sanqianyan Yanhuo.

The huge body struggled fiercely, but it was still unable to get rid of the soul vines wrapped around it. All efforts were meaningless.

Fear gradually turned into despair, and suddenly his whole body trembled, as if struck by lightning, his eyes quickly lost consciousness, leaving only dullness and confusion.

In this battle, it finally lost!


Chen Guan drank lightly, and the omnipresent mental power suddenly expanded. In an instant, a dimly lit mental space was shattered layer by layer like a mirror, and quickly exploded.

Within the star field.

The ten people headed by the Great Elder have been waiting for nearly half a month. The boring time day after day has made them almost accustomed to the atmosphere here.

“It’s been fourteen days. The strength of Mr. Chen Guan’s soul is really incredible. It’s unimaginable that he can persist for so long. I’m afraid he and Sanqianyanyanhuo are all relying on willpower to support themselves at this moment.”

Old Qinghua, who likes to make up his mind, sighed aloud, and invisibly, he began to respect Chen Guan’s name.

There is no priority in learning, the master is the teacher!

“I believe Brother Guan, when he was in the Dan Realm, Old Man Mu Gu and Dou Zun suffered a huge loss in terms of his strength. A beast can still turn the world upside down!”

Cao Dan took over the conversation and expressed his position, showing great potential to be a dog-legger.

Hearing this, everyone else fell silent.

Cao Ying, Dan Chen and Chen Guan have a good relationship, so they are inevitably worried at this moment and don’t want to talk at this moment.

As for the alchemists at the bottom of the rankings, although they look forward to having the opportunity to come into contact with the Three Thousand Flames Flame, how can they dare to speak at this moment?

The atmosphere became silent again, and suddenly, a ‘Puch’ sound attracted everyone’s attention.

The body of the giant dragon entrenched in the star field was seen trembling violently, and then, the purple-black flames lingering on the surface actually blinked and became sluggish.

Such a performance immediately made Cao Ying smile.

“He succeeded!”

He hurriedly looked at Chen Guan in front of the giant. As expected, Chen Guan slowly opened his eyes.

Through the scales that were not wrapped in flames, one could clearly sense that the original flames in Sanqianyan Yanhuo were floating around like a lost boat in the sea, and his mind had been completely lost.

At this point, this trip to the Star Territory is half successful!

“Great Elder, I have already wiped out the San Qianyan Fire Sanity. Next, it may take a while to devour and refine it. Please tell the teacher.”

Nodding slightly to the group of people, Chen Guan informed with a chuckle.

Although he didn’t say it directly, everyone knew the implication.

The most dangerous step has passed. I’m almost successful. Don’t waste your time here. You can leave now.

“Hahaha, okay, this hidden danger has finally been solved. You can refine it with peace of mind, I will take care of the rest!”

The elder responded with a hearty smile, putting aside his prejudice against Chen Guan. This was a good thing for both public and private purposes.

“Junior brother, come out early.”

Cao Ying put aside her worries and answered with a smile. Apart from the relatively heartless Cao Dan, she was probably the happiest person in the room for Chen Guan.

“Alas, after decades of pursuit of strange fire, I still don’t have this fate.”

The old man Qinghua sighed softly, shook his head and turned away first. He was able to pick it up and put it down.

With Qinghua taking the lead, the group immediately stopped staying any longer, each slightly bowed their hands to Chen Guan, and left together with the great elder.

The star field, which had been ‘busy’ for half a month, became empty again.

Turning back to look at the giant dragon in front of him, Chen Guan’s eyes were like lightning, and he quickly locked onto the original flame of Three Thousand Flames. Without any hesitation, he wrapped his right hand with the strange fire and resolutely probed into its body.

When it was withdrawn again, it was already tightly holding a purple-black flame.

“The fourth kind!”

He murmured softly, then opened his mouth and swallowed the purple-black flame into his belly.

In an instant, the huge dragon’s body collapsed and scattered into purple-black flames everywhere, which then rushed towards Chen Guan and gradually clung to Chen Guan’s body.

Seeing this, Chen Guan did not panic. He flipped his palm and threw a few pills into his mouth. Then a jade bottle appeared, opened the cork, and took a few gulps.

The Bingling Cold Spring that I spent so much time searching for in the past is now quite bold to use…

These things have little effect on refining the three thousand flames, but they can alleviate some of the pain caused by the strange fire. For Chen Guan, this is enough.

After all, although he could grit his teeth and endure it, it might be easier, so why not?

Chen Guan seemed unaware of the stinging burning sensation that spread from every inch of his skin, and even had a slight smile on his face.

What a familiar feeling!

outside world.

When the Great Elder led a group of people out, the three giants of Danta also noticed it and rushed over immediately.

Xuan Kongzi glanced around and found no trace of Chen Guan. Seeing Cao Ying smiling again, he had already guessed the outcome.

After some questioning, it turned out that it was true, I am still so wise!

“Hahaha, Qinghua, don’t be depressed. Although there are not many strange fires in the world, there are still quite a few. You have only half-footed into the ground, and you still have a chance to find other unowned strange fires.”

Glancing at the sad old man Qinghua, Xuan Kongzi spoke out to comfort him.

But the effect didn’t seem to be very good. Even Xuan Yi wanted to hold his forehead when he heard it…

Old Qinghua stared at Xuan Kongzi for a long time, wanting to know whether he did it on purpose or accidentally, but in the end he couldn’t see the flaw.

Immediately he didn’t want to stay any longer, so he slightly handed over.


After Qinghua, the Great Elder, Cao Dan, Dan Chen and others also left one after another, except Cao Ying who stayed for a while.

“Teacher, junior brother, over there…”

“Don’t worry, I will watch after the star field is closed. There will be no accidents. You can go and talk to his friends.”

Hearing this, Cao Ying was completely relieved, nodded and left.

Only the three giants were left in the field. Looking at the direction of the star field in the distance, Xuan Kongzi looked expectant.

“According to what Yao Chen said, every time Chen Guan refines the strange fire, he will undergo a transformation. The Three Thousand Flame Fire ranks ninth on the list of strange fires. It is more powerful than his previous ones. I don’t know if he can reach the top. Dou Zun!”

“Perhaps, if he is really promoted to Dou Zun, according to Danta tradition, you will not be far away from abdicating the throne.” Tianleizi replied with a chuckle, the impatience on his face disappeared, and he was completely unlike the one he usually showed in front of others. look.

However, Xuan Yi thought of another level and looked at the Dan Pagoda behind with misty eyes.

“Once the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo is refined, those in the Little Alchemy Tower will probably become interested in him. Yao Chen had a bad time with them back then. I hope this won’t happen again.”

Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi’s eyes became sharp.

“The situation of Chen Guan and Yao Chen is different. He is now a member of Danta. If the elders don’t even have this knowledge, then there is no need for them to sit in that position. I have resigned from office and have been in seclusion for ten years. The elders have been If they can do it, so can I!”

Tianleizi and Xuanyi didn’t answer any more, but they took another look at Xuan Kongzi and found that he valued Chen Guan far more than he showed!

Within the star field.

The collapse of the Three Thousand Flame Fire Dragon’s body caused the purple-black flames to spread everywhere, completely turning into a sea of ​​flames.

And in the center of this ocean of flames, Chen Guan sat quietly cross-legged, with purple and black gunpowder covering his body, layer after layer, forming a goose egg-like shape, making it difficult to see the reality clearly.

But every time the flames roared, the endless purple-black sea of ​​​​fire outside would cause violent fluctuations. The aura fluctuations from Chen Guan’s position would also become stronger.

Chen Guan was not aware of the fluctuations in the surrounding fire sea. At this moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that refining the source of the three thousand flames this time was actually easier than the previous times!

And this seems to be because he has fused a void swallowing flame fire!

If we talk about refining the strange fire several times before, it was a battle between two armies, and we could only gradually shrink the encirclement and suppression.

Then today it is a matter of harmony between inside and outside!

For example, Chen Guan seems to be quietly eroding and developing his own people within the enemy’s army.

Although the number was small, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. With the cooperation of these people, he was able to quickly break through the city gate and win a complete victory!

This characteristic surprised Chen Guan.

Originally, he had planned to spend the first half of August in the Star Territory, but now it seems that it doesn’t take that long at all!

Abandoning distracting thoughts, Chen Guan devoted himself wholeheartedly, and the concept of time began to blur.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally completely broke through the enemy’s defense, one step closer to success!

From this moment on, the raging sea of ​​fire no longer made waves, and the purple-black flames that surrounded the body gradually converged from the surface into the body.

From the outside, his body did not move at all, and even his breathing became inaudible. If not for a trace of life still coiling around his body, anyone would probably think of it as a lifeless corpse.

But looking inside, one can find traces of faint green flames quietly seeping out from the pores of his skin, and then wrapping around his body like tiny vines, with a strange tempering effect. The method tempered his skin, muscles, and even bones.

Under this kind of tempering, Chen Guan’s skin gradually gained a hint of bronze. Not only did it not look obtrusive, it actually had a sense of full strength.

In such a state, it seemed that the entire star field was fused with his breathing. Every time his breathing became heavier, the sea of ​​fire that filled the star field would set off waves of fire, waiting for him to breathe. When it is stable, the fire wave will quietly subside, and the star field will become silent again.

With each breath he took, Chen Guan’s mental power and the aura he exuded were getting stronger day by day!

Six Star Douzong…

Seven Star Douzong…

Eight Star Douzong…

Different from the sudden promotions in the past few times, this time Chen Guan seems to have come naturally, maintaining a rhythm and improving all the time!

This situation lasted until the Nine Stars Douzong, and was briefly stopped like flowing water meeting a dam. But the flowing water has not stopped yet, and the accumulation will only become more and more. It is only a matter of time before the dam is broken!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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