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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 280 The silly fire spirit snake, green scales!

With everyone talking, and with the crowd complementing each other, the information about the Heavenly Serpent Saint has basically surfaced.

Not only was this saintly woman extremely talented and powerful, her status in the Heavenly Snake Mansion was even more transcendent.

The original Holy Son was the son of the Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, but under her light, he became eclipsed and had long lost his sense of existence. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the current Heavenly Snake Empire only knew the Holy Lady but did not know the Holy Son.

Not only that, within the Heavenly Snake Mansion, the Saint’s authority was also unparalleled, and her reputation had surpassed that of the palace master who had disappeared for many years.

“Let me tell you, the Saintess’s support now is enough to control the entire Heavenly Snake Mansion. She can take that position at any time. This will also make the reputation of the Heavenly Snake Mansion in the northwest even stronger. Unfortunately, the Saintess is cold-hearted and has no control over the entire Heavenly Snake Mansion. I don’t dare to be interested in anything. I usually practice or just be in a daze. If I want to really reach the top, someone has to push me from behind.”

“Bold! You, an outsider, dare to talk about the affairs of our Heavenly Snake Mansion. You will die!” A person suspected to be an ‘old member’ of the Heavenly Snake Mansion stood up and angrily shouted.

“If you blind your dog eyes, I am from the Tian She Mansion. I told you what can you do?”


A farce started, and a glimpse of the leopard was revealed. This also shows how high the status and voice of the Heavenly Serpent Saint are now.

Seeing the “old man” who was blushing and thick-necked due to the quarrel but never dared to take action, Chen Guan, who was sitting by the window, shook his head and chuckled, feeling completely relieved.

This can be regarded as a different kind of “superior achievement”, but in Dou Qi Continent, especially this kind of sect power, it is not as bloody as in the novel.

Strength is everything!

This is especially noticeable in Tian She Mansion.

Based on Chen Guan’s understanding of this force, the little-known Lord of the Heavenly Snake Palace might be happy to see this situation.

“Bill, please!”

In front of the magnificent gate of Tian She Mansion.

Although they are afraid of the power of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, many people still stop here every day, watching from a distance, hoping to be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the saint’s face, and they will have more bragging rights when they return.

Such a situation became even more enthusiastic after the saint was promoted to Dou Zun.

Tian She Mansion will not drive away these melon-eating people.

One is because there are too many people.

Furthermore, it was because of a bad incident a few years ago, on a dark and stormy night, that severely affected the majesty of the Tian She Mansion, and its reputation dropped to the bottom.

This situation lasted until the saint broke through the strong Dou Zun, and then it was completely reversed!

Using these big mouths will also help the Tian She Mansion’s publicity.

Listening to the boasts and exclamations of this group of people every day, even the guards guarding the gate of Tian She Mansion have become more arrogant, and they all have the attitude of winning with a sword…

“Stop, what are you doing?”

Looking at the oncoming young man, although the guard felt that he was extraordinary, he still raised his head and shouted.

With their backs against the big trees to enjoy the shade, they not only represent themselves, but also represent the Heavenly Snake Mansion!

Chen Guan didn’t like their faces very much, but this time he came with good intentions, otherwise he would have torn the space apart and entered.

Immediately, he threw out a token expressionlessly.

“I inform you, Saint, that Chen Guan from the Heavenly Alliance is here to visit.”

“Chen Guan, leader of Tianmeng?!”

The guard was shocked, and then quickly showed a look that said, “Don’t try to lie to me.”

“Who are you bluffing? Who in the entire northwest doesn’t know that Master Chen Guan left the northwest a few years ago, and he didn’t even ask when he lied. If you were Chen Guan, I would have done it on the spot…”

“Spot what?”

“Go in and report on the spot. Sir, please wait!”

The guard was talking happily, but he saw Chen Guan reaching out a hand, and the space between his palms was rippled like water waves. He immediately trembled with fright, and ran towards the house in a panic, with only one thought in his mind.

Dou Zong strong man!

At least! ! !

Obviously, he is not too stupid, and he knows that he cannot afford to offend a strong person of this level, whether it is Chen Guan or not.

Little people also have their own way of survival!

Chen Guan smiled slightly and didn’t take it to heart. However, he did not stand stupidly outside the door. He glanced at the remaining silent guards and stepped into the Tian She Mansion.

Pavilions, pavilions, waterside pavilions, towering buildings are rising from the ground, and elegant courtyards are scattered in an orderly manner. Looking at it, the scene in Tian She Mansion is quite good, which is completely different from their simple and rough style of doing things. .

While Chen Guan was looking around casually, suddenly, a slightly familiar breath appeared within the range of his perception.

“Let me see who is wishful thinking?”

A delicate female voice sounded, and the next moment, a fierce and hot wind suddenly hit from behind.

Even the strongest Dou Huang warriors may be seriously injured without warning.

Chen Guan didn’t pay attention to such an attack. His body seemed to be slow but fast, and he responded with a light palm to meet it.

I thought it would be a bloody test session, but what I saw was two pairs of giant eyes as big as millstones!

The rash attacker turned out to be a two-headed fire snake with a body several feet tall! !

As if seeing Chen Guan’s face clearly, the huge figure of the Fire Spirit Snake suddenly shook and came to a sudden stop on the bluestone. It couldn’t help but tremble, and the attack it launched also dissipated in an instant. Only fear remains.

Chen Guan was also slightly stunned, and his palm shifted slightly. He had already restrained 99% of his strength, but his fierce fighting spirit still smashed the rockery behind the opponent to pieces.


The Fire Spirit Snake’s body trembled again, and the memory of his death suddenly came to mind. Without thinking, he shrank his body and shot towards the sky to escape.

“Why are you running? Am I so scary?”

Seeing the confused snake figure running away, Chen Guan was speechless.

The ‘streaming light’ stopped in the sky instantly, and the Fire Spirit Snake also reacted. It seemed that it was no longer an enemy.

“Yeah, what am I afraid of?”

Listening to Fire Spirit Snake’s muttering, Chen Guan felt even more outrageous. How could he have become so stupid after not seeing him for several years?

“Master, long time no see.”

Returning to his side again, the Fire Spirit Snake’s tail stood upright on the ground, and he bowed slightly in style.

Not to mention, she looks pretty cute…

“Well, it’s been a long time no see. You’re already at the sixth level. It seems that you’ve benefited a lot from following Qinglin in the past few years.”

Chen Guan responded with a chuckle, in a good mood.

The two-headed fire spirit snake chuckled, his temper was like that of a childish little girl, and he couldn’t hide his joy and anger at all.

“It’s all because of the master. It’s a pity that Long’er is not good at it, otherwise he would definitely be higher now!”

“That’s true, but it’s not a big problem. When I have free time in the future, I can just refine a transformation pill for you.”

This was the case. Chen Guan had no comfort, but he didn’t mind giving her a hand.

With the foundation of a two-headed fire spirit snake, it is almost the limit to be able to grow into a sixth-level monster. Without a chance, it will be difficult to transform in this life.

But for the alchemist, these are all minor problems.

“Hey, thank you, Master!”

The Fire Spirit Snake was so happy that its four eyes widened, and it saluted like a human again.

Perhaps it was because she loved Wujiwu, or maybe because she thought of Qinglian Dixinhuo, Chen Guan quite liked this little snake, and the more he looked at it, the more interesting it became.

“Alright, is Qinglin at Tian Snake Mansion? Take me to see her.”

“I’m here. Except for occasionally going out to deal with problems that other people in the house find difficult, the master spends the rest of the time practicing quietly in the attic. She said that this way, I won’t have random thoughts. I can’t bear my temper, so I often… secretly I ran out to play and happened to meet the guard just now, so I stopped him and thought about coming over to see who was looking for the master. After all, I know everyone the master knows. I will confirm it myself and I will definitely make no mistake.”

The Fire Spirit Snake expanded slightly and became as thick as an arm. It turned around and led the way, while telling Chen Guan Qinglin’s daily life.

Chen Guan followed closely and listened quietly. He could imagine the scene. Fortunately, there was such a little snake beside him. Otherwise, Qinglin would probably be even more lonely.

Looking at it this way, the Fire Spirit Snake has made a big contribution.

Following the Fire Spirit Snake all the way around, he passed several tall buildings and met many disciples of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

However, there was no one who came forward to greet him. Although he was the curious Chen Guan, when they saw the Fire Spirit Snake, they could not hide the fear in their eyes.

This situation continued until one person and one snake arrived at an independent and quiet attic, and then they were stopped by an old man wearing a snow-white robe and a majestic face.

“Miss Long’er, who is this?”

Chen Guan could sense that the old man was in the Douzong realm, and he was not the first to join the Douzong.

But facing the Fire Spirit Snake, his attitude was not arrogant at all, more like he looked down upon his peers, even with a trace of…


Combined with the disciples of the Tian She Mansion he met on the road, Chen Guan also roughly guessed that perhaps this was a true portrayal of a person achieving the Tao of chickens and dogs and ascending to heaven.

“Second Elder, this is my young master. He came specially to see the master. The master has been looking forward to it for many years. He will definitely be very happy today!”

Fire Spirit Snake briefly introduced.

The second elder Jin Yang nodded slightly. Although he was surprised that he could not see through this young man’s strength, he did not ask in detail and stepped aside to make way.

It wasn’t until he watched the two people pass by that he suddenly realized the problem.

The importance that the Heavenly Snake Mansion attaches to the Blue Snake Three Flower Pupils has never been false. After bringing Qing Lin back, they also conducted a detailed investigation.

Because of this, they all knew that the relationship between their saint and the leader of the Heavenly Alliance was very close.

When he thought of this, a trace of worry suddenly flashed in Jin Yang’s eyes, and he was very worried that his saint had been kidnapped.

“How to do how to do?”

His mind was a little confused, and Jin Yang couldn’t think of a good plan after thinking for a long time.

After all, today’s Tianmeng is no longer weaker than the Tian She Mansion, and it is rumored that it is inextricably related to the Dou Zun strongman. It will definitely not work to forcefully stop him and break his face. If there is a real fight, the only Dou Zun strongman on his side will not work. It’s still a matter of debate whether he will help the Tian She Mansion or not.

But if we ignore it, wouldn’t it mean that all the years of hard work have been wasted and made into someone else’s wedding dress?

The more he thought about it, the more he had no solution, and Jin Yang became worried.

“This is a critical moment for our sincerity’s survival. It seems that we must wake up the Great Elder and Palace Master!”

“This is Jin Yang, the second elder of the Sky Snake Mansion, who is now the Six-Star Dou Sect. His original form is a golden anaconda in the Duansang Mountains. When he was a child, he was still a second-level magic beast. He was lucky enough to stray into a mountain stream, and he was buried inside. There was a powerful Nine-Star Douzong who transformed into a seventh-level fire-type monster. The second elder had been living there for hundreds of years in a hazy state.

It wasn’t until he became a fifth-level monster and his spiritual wisdom gradually deepened that he found the ring left by the strong man, and got a transformation pill and a magic core from it. After swallowing the magic core, he was promoted to the sixth level. , began to dominate the Duansang Mountains.

However, due to incomplete inheritance, he was still a Dou Huang after practicing for decades. After accidentally hearing that there was a force called Tian She Mansion in the northwest continent that sheltered snake-like monsters or monsters in their transformed form, he resolutely left the old land and joined the Heaven Snake Mansion. He has an innocent origin, is loyal, and has received a lot of resources. After being promoted to Douzong, he was appointed as the second elder by the master of the palace! “

the other side.

The Fire Spirit Snake told the gossip about the second elder, and after a while he shook it all off without any reservations.

Chen Guan listened quietly. This news might not bring any good, but it definitely wouldn’t do any harm.

Under the leadership of the Fire Spirit Snake, one person and one snake had entered the elegant courtyard under the attic.

When we got here, we could feel that there was a familiar and powerful aura dormant in the attic, which was no worse than that of the Little Medical Fairy.

“This is a special physique!”

Even Chen Guan couldn’t help but sigh at this moment, this is completely beyond common sense!

Others have worked hard, risked their lives, and gone through countless hardships to have the chance to be promoted to the strong Dou Zun. But with a special physique, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

As one person and one snake moved forward, Qing Lin, who was immersed in practice, finally noticed it and immediately released his mental power to detect it.

The Hanhan Fire Spirit Snake was automatically filtered. The moment it sensed Chen Guan, the vast sea-like aura fluctuated violently, and then was completely shattered.

“Qinglin, I’m here to pick you up.”

Chen Guan’s voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating, especially in this quiet environment, it seemed particularly loud.

“Master, is it you!”

A clear and slightly trembling female voice came from the second floor, and it was not difficult to hear her excitement.

The next second, the bamboo window was opened, and a beautiful shadow appeared in sight as quickly as light.

The slim-fitting blue dress wrapped around the girl’s delicate body, outlining a pair of perfect curves. Her pretty face, which was slightly baby-fat, held an incredible surprise. Her big, smart eyes were filled with mist, and she was in a trance for a moment. Then he quickly evaporated away, blooming into a bright smile, and all the indifference melted like ice and snow at this moment.


All the fighting spirit and strong demeanor are bullshit. The girl let out a soft cry, jumped down from the window sill and threw herself into Chen Guan’s arms, holding her back tightly with her hands, as if she wanted to confirm whether she was dreaming.

“Master, I miss you so much.”

“And everyone.”

Buried deep in his chest and unwilling to lift it up, Qing Lin murmured in a whisper.

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, the delicate fragrance hit his nostrils. Feeling the fiery aura of the girl who was only half a head lower than him, Chen Guan hugged her with an extremely gentle expression.

“I also miss Qing Lin very much. I haven’t seen you for a few years, and Qing Lin has grown into a big girl.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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