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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 282 Accepting a Disciple

Jia Ma Empire, Warcraft Mountains.

Beside an ordinary small lake, three figures emerged from the dense bushes. The combination of one large and two small did not seem to be a deterrent, but it caused some of the monsters that lived here to flee in an instant.

“Master…Master, where are we going?” the little boy following the young man asked.

Although he had not officially become a disciple yet, the child’s strange premonition and the loose tone of everyone around him made him understand the young man’s intention of bringing his brother and sister back to the Tianmeng.

Having experienced darkness once, he knew how valuable this opportunity was. Calling the teacher in advance was a little clever beyond his years.

Compared with him, the girl looked more innocent. She held the young man’s big hand and kept looking around like a curious baby, as if she was interested in everything.

Chen Guanduo glanced at the boy, but did not correct his title. This time he brought them here for this very reason.

Therefore, it doesn’t make much difference whether it’s a little earlier or a little later.

However, the boy’s behavior gave Chen Guan a better understanding of his temperament.

“This is the destination. Wash off the sweat stains, change your clothes, and take you to meet someone.”

After taking out two new clothes and handing them to the two brothers and sisters, Chen Guan raised his hand to set up a barrier. In an instant, a mist filled the lake, making it difficult to see the reality.

On the way here, Chen Guan did not tear up the space to lead the brother and sister. Although he walked very slowly, he still made the two of them try their best to keep up. Because of this, the image of the two of them was not very good at this time.

Hearing this, the brother and sister didn’t ask any questions. They each picked up their new clothes and walked into the mist on the left and right.

At this depth of the Warcraft Mountains, third-order and fourth-order Warcraft can be seen everywhere, and each of them is an unmatched terrifying existence for them. However, with Chen Guan here, the two of them are not worried about this at all.

Chen Guan stood by the lake waiting for the two of them, looking at the sparkling lake, but his thoughts were far away.

He once told Zi Yan that this was a place that changed his destiny. This was not an exaggeration.

If it weren’t for the mutant snake king who led him to discover the opportunity in the lake and be unable to find a teacher, Chen Guan might be able to grow up, but the speed would definitely be much slower!

There is invisible pressure from the soul clan, and time is the most precious thing in Dou Qi Continent right now.

It was precisely because of his rapid growth that he was able to get involved in the affairs of the Xiao family and obtain an ancient Tuoshe Emperor Jade. From then on, the pressure was suddenly reduced and he became invincible!

In the past ten years or so, whether it was the spiritual power raised by the grains of pregnancy spirit dust or the nearly lost puppetry technique, they all gave him great help.

Because of this, this late teacher had a very high status in Chen Guan’s heart, even more so than Xuan Kongzi.

Chen Guan took over the responsibility as a matter of course for the puppetry technique that the teacher had been thinking about and wanted to carry forward. Even though he knew that this inheritance was incomplete and its personal functionality was not comparable to that of refining medicine, he still told himself, It’s not bad!

After all, people are all emotional!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guan smiled.

Although he was suspected of being lazy, he accepted two disciples to pass on the puppetry technique. For him, a lot of responsibilities were suddenly lifted from his shoulders.

From now on, the mission of promoting puppetry can be left to the brother and sister, and he only needs to provide support.

While he was thinking about it, a rustling sound sounded, and the brother and sister came back.

Withdrawing his mind, Chen Guan removed the barrier, fighting energy surged in his body, and he reached out towards the lake with his big hand.

With a little force, the lake immediately began to roll up and quickly receded to both sides, revealing a rugged river bed, leaving a passage in the middle.

“Let’s go.”

Leading the two admiring people towards the stone gate, Chen Guan felt more and more relaxed when he felt that some of the little tricks he had left behind in the past were intact.

Without hesitation, he immediately opened the door and entered.

The strong light disappeared instantly, and the soft dark yellow light that came into view was quite unaccustomed to it when it first entered.

But for Chen Guan, there is no such problem. Even without using mental power, he can find every small object in this place with his eyes closed. He has lived in this dark stone room for a long time.

Without giving the two of them more time to look at each other, Chen Guan stepped towards the inner room.

Seeing this, the brother and sister quickly followed. In this strange environment, only keeping up with Chen Guan could give them a sufficient sense of security.

At the same time, I was also very curious, who would live at the bottom of this dim lake all year round?

This doubt was soon solved.

When the brother and sister entered the inner room, they happened to see Chen Guan standing in front of a tablet, bowing respectfully and offering incense.

Seeing this, although the brother and sister didn’t know the origin of this tablet, they still put their hands together and bowed slightly to salute.

When he turned around and saw this scene, Chen Guan also smiled slightly.

Immediately, he suddenly became serious.

“Kneel down!”

Hearing this emotionless shout, the brother and sister fell to their knees without thinking.

When he came back to his senses, he was not surprised but happy, with unconcealable expectation on his face.

Although he already knew the answer, Chen Guan still went through the process.

“Tang Xi, Tang Zi, you two brothers and sisters, your soul strength is different from ordinary people, and you are considered to be gifted. Unfortunately, you lack the conditions to become an alchemist. However, I have another path that also requires strong mental strength as a support. That is In other words, puppetry!”

“You are willing to worship me as your teacher?”

“Yes!” x2

Without any hesitation, the brother and sister responded with crisp voices.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, and the smile reappeared on his face.

“Okay, now that you have joined my sect, you will be the only disciples of Chen Guan. I, um, don’t have so many rules as a teacher. You don’t have to be so rigid in front of me in the future. As for what you can and cannot do. There is no point in saying more about it. When you grow up, you will naturally understand it.”

“One more thing you need to remember is that you are not only members of our Heavenly Alliance, but also members of the Heavenly Puppet Sect. The Heavenly Puppet Sect is…”

Taking in a disciple for the first time, Chen Guan didn’t want to instill too much information at once, considering their ages, and he didn’t know how to teach in detail. He could only give a brief overview.

Immediately, he also told the two of them about the Tianpuppet Sect and asked them to burn a stick of incense.

As for the follow-up, including rules and so on, just guide them slowly.

If he really wanted to do it in one go, Chen Guan didn’t even know how to do it, let alone whether they could digest it.

“You can just listen to these things. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember them. When you grow up, I will explain them in more detail.”

“Next, you have only one thing to do.”

“I will arrange for someone to teach you how to practice, and at the same time give you enough auxiliary resources to complete the Dou Qi stage of practice as soon as possible!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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