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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 283 An unexpected knocker

Compared with Zhongzhou, the Northwest Continent is far behind in terms of cultivation environment and overall strength. However, this does not mean that the Northwest is not well-informed.

After four or five days of fermentation, the news of the collapse of the Lion Underworld Sect was already known to all the major forces. For a time, many ‘big shots’ began to worry.

You know, the Shi Ming Sect has several powerful warriors sitting in charge. Otherwise, they would have been destroyed long ago based on their style of conduct.

And looking at the entire northwest, those who have the ability and motivation to do this can only think that the alliance leader has just returned to the Sky Alliance!

Although there is no evidence, this does not prevent them from making assumptions.

The expansion of Tianmeng shows that it is ambitious, and if it wants to unify the northwest, Shiming Sect is an obstacle that cannot be bypassed.

It just so happens that destroying the Shiming Sect can also deter the weaker forces like them and make them consciously fall under its command. This is almost the idea of ​​​​tacit understanding among most forces.

No one would sympathize with the destruction of the Shiming Sect, but after applauding the case, a deep worry arose.

“Hey, I’m afraid that without the lion, there will be a more terrifying tiger!”

“I heard that Queen Medusa, the deputy leader of the Tianmeng, and the wife of Chen Guan, the leader of the Tianmeng, is about to give birth. I have prepared a big gift. I will go there in person during the introduction.”

In the Royal Palace of the Star Empire, the emperor who rarely holds real power looked at the night and gave orders to the shadows.

Similar scenes happened to many forces one after another.

There is no doubt that congratulations are just an excuse, and taking this opportunity to find out more is their purpose.

Chen Guan could predict some of the suspicions from the outside world, but he didn’t care.

It is said that when you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. Attitude issues are also mutual.

However, this time the initiative is in his own hands.

Therefore, Chen Guan was not in a hurry at all, as if he was really relaxed. He traveled back and forth between the interior of the Jiama Empire and the Warcraft Mountains every day. He was either chatting with Yao Yejia Xingtian in the palace, or discussing elixirs with Fama at the Alchemist Guild. road.

It’s just a discussion, but I understand everything.

After two or three days of discussion, Fama was enlightened and benefited a lot. He actually announced that he would be in seclusion for a few days to digest. He thought that when he came out again, he would definitely have the sixth-grade high-level elixir at his fingertips.

Without Fama, Chen Guan no longer wanted to go to the Alchemist Guild. Once again, his relationship skyrocketed and Queen Medusa and the Little Medical Fairy, who were about to wear a pair of trousers, kicked out. Chen Guan left with a groan.

During his daily trip to the imperial capital, Chen Guan saw the Tang brothers and sisters receiving personal instruction from Jia Xingtian at the Tianmeng headquarters. Yao Ye, Yao Yue, Qing Lin, and Zi Yan were chatting in the pavilion. Everything seemed very strange. Hehe immediately did not bother and went up to Yunlan Sect with a smile.

Since the small gathering that day, Yun Yun has returned here with Yun Shan and Nalan Yanran. For her, the Yun Lan Sect has too many bonds, and she will not miss the opportunity to come back.

Under the moonlight, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran sat side by side on the top of the mountain. They seemed to have endless topics to talk about. Their laughter was like silver bells, which made people relax.

The relationship between master and disciple is really good!

He glanced at them from afar and waved hello to the two of them, but Chen Guan was too shameless to come forward.

This time, he came here specifically to care for the empty nesters!

We have been back for a few days, and we have already visited the palace and the Alchemist Guild. We have also privately given some resources to Jiaxingtian and Fama. Yunshan can barely be regarded as his father-in-law, so naturally he cannot leave them out.

In today’s Tianmeng, everything has rules and regulations. It is definitely not possible to give too many resources to others. It will easily make other people feel unbalanced.

After wandering all the way, Chen Guan soon found Yunshan in the secret room in the back mountain.

The lonely back hill, the empty secret room, and the little old man are the true portrayal of an empty nester.

With a slight smile, Chen Guan took out a pot of wine, then replaced it with a pot of medicinal tea, and then stepped forward to open the door.

I swear to God, Chen Guan didn’t even use any force. He just touched it lightly, and the half-closed stone door immediately fell down with a ‘bang’.

It can be seen that the corners of Yunshan’s mouth twitched slightly, as if he remembered some not-so-pleasant memories.


“Forget it, don’t worry about it. I don’t live here anymore, so I didn’t let anyone reinstall it if it broke before. I just remembered some old things today, so I came over to take a look.”

Seeing that Chen Guan was about to reach down, Yunshan said casually.

Outside, he deserves a lot of respect, but in private he is very casual.

A mother can be valued based on her son, and a teacher can be valued based on his apprentice!

Furthermore, it was also because he knew Chen Guan’s temperament quite well.

Nothing unpleasant had happened between the two of them before, and now they sat down to talk about old times and brag about each other, and the atmosphere was pretty good.

They chatted until early in the morning, and after three rounds of tea, Chen Guan took his leave.

After releasing his mental power a little, Chen Guan sighed helplessly when he saw that Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran had moved their positions and returned to the room together.

I obviously have three wives, but why do I still feel like I don’t know where to start?

After getting off the Yunlan Sect with a sigh, the imperial capital was still full of lights and trees, like a city that never sleeps. It was much more prosperous than when he was a boy.

Suddenly, a line of sight came up from below.

Chen Guan looked along and immediately met Hai Bodong’s eyes.

With a slight smile, Chen Guan disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, Haibodong was shocked to find that the person was already standing beside him.

The powerful Dou Zun is so terrifying! !

“Haha, the current strength of the alliance leader has exceeded my imagination. I still remember when I first met the alliance leader. At that time, I could still fight with the alliance leader. I can also brag about it when I go out in the future. The leader of the Sky Alliance and I Chen Guan once had a great battle, and it was hard to tell the difference!”

Hai Bodong’s laughing voice immediately sounded, making people feel extremely bold.

Chen Guan smiled casually. He and Hai Bodong did have a fight.

However, that one is more suitable to be described as a sparring match.

At that time, my level was low and my strength was weak. I had to go all out to barely get a tie. Hai Bodong’s strength was greatly blocked and he had not yet used his truly powerful fighting skills.

The moisture in it can be seen by a discerning person at a glance.

However, when Hai Bodong mentioned it, Chen Guan would not point it out boringly.

In fact, this little flattery sounds quite comfortable.

“Old Hai, you can try fighting me now. When you go out, you can tell me later. In the worst case, I, Chen Guan, have a slightly better move.”

“Hahaha, it still doesn’t work. After all, a single move is not as good as a deadlock. You will never be able to break this achievement in your life. I am an opponent you will never be able to defeat.”

They are younger than the other three in Gama F4, and Hai Bodong also likes to joke more.

While shortening the distance, he always controlled a scale that would not make people feel disgusted. In this regard, the old guy was quite professional!

The two of them talked and laughed, went into the house together, took out some wine and had a drink.

In the process, Chen Guan also gave him some resources, which were even more generous than those given to Jia Xingtian and Yunshan in a sense.

With the help of Tianhan Crystal, Hai Bodong’s attempt to cross the Dou Zong barrier is definitely easier than taking the Po Zong Pill. After breaking through, Hai Bodong’s improvement will be faster than that of Jia Xingtian and Yunshan.

Chen Guan even felt that with these Tianhan crystals he brought back from Sound Valley, Haibodong would become the strongest one besides their group of young people, and it wouldn’t take long to surpass Jiaxingtian and Yunshan!

For receiving such a big gift, Haibodong didn’t say a word of thanks, but solemnly raised his hands, just like a subordinate’s courtesy in front of others.

Wise people know that verbal gratitude has no practical meaning.

Unknowingly, the night had gone deep, and Hai Bodong had obtained the cold crystal, which made it hard for him to calm down, and he couldn’t wait to ‘try something new’.

Therefore, Chen Guan didn’t chat much with him, asked him to arrange a room and left.

This was a trivial matter, but in the middle of the night, when Chen Guan was practicing with his eyes closed, there was a knock on the door.

After his mental energy was swept away, Chen Guan looked stunned.

“Ya Fei?”

He never thought that this woman would be here and see him at this time.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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