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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 285 Uninvited Guest

The unexpected piece of Soul Heart Jade and Heart Nourishing Essence gave Chen Guan more ways to pass the time in his spare time.

Especially the refining of pregnancy spirit dust, Chen Guan is very interested in it. Only by truly experiencing it can he know how powerful this thing is.

If you can use it at a young age, you will be a big step ahead of others.

Therefore, after dawn, Chen Guan returned to the Warcraft Mountains, spoke to Queen Medusa and the Little Fairy Doctor, and then entered the secret room to start refining.

Time passes day by day, and more than twenty days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, there was almost no peace in the Warcraft Mountains. Although the Snake Tribe and the Heavenly Alliance were extremely tightly guarded, they still could not hide the rolling black clouds that gathered from time to time, as well as the earth-shaking thunder.

Such frequent movements also made many power leaders who had been paying attention to this place look extremely serious.

In their opinion, this is the performance of refining seventh-grade elixirs. Although the frequency is somewhat unbelievably high, they think it is understandable when they think that Chen Guan is rumored to be an eighth-grade alchemist.

Perhaps, in the hands of these alchemy masters, there is a method that can quickly produce elixirs?

Most of the seventh-grade elixirs correspond to the strong ones in the Dou Sect stage, and they can already foresee the scene where the overall strength of the Tianmeng will skyrocket.

Inside the Temple of Medusa.

It was a rare gathering of senior leaders of Tianmeng today, including Fama, who had been promoted to the sixth-grade senior alchemist, who could break through at any time, and Hai Bodong and others who were just waiting for this matter to be over before preparing to retreat.

And gathering together will naturally not be without reason.

Today is a good day for giving out benefits!

Chen Guan was sitting on the Medusa throne, in a good mood. Looking at the curiosity in everyone’s eyes, he spread his palms, and a high-quality jade bottle of suet suddenly appeared.

The jade bottle floats quietly, but it emits a faint yellowish light. At a glance, it looks like a light bulb with insufficient wattage…

“Leader, this is… pregnancy spirit dust?!”

While the others were still considering their guesses, Fama had already come to a surprising conclusion.

He knew how precious the pregnancy spirit dust was, and he also knew that the size of this thing and the word “dust” were no lie.

But what is in front of me is able to emit such a ‘strong’ light through the jade bottle, it’s hard to imagine how many grains are inside!

Chen Guan nodded slightly in affirmation, and then went straight to the topic without making them interested.

“I have learned from Dieyi that in the past few years, everyone in Guantian Pavilion has done their duty and contributed a lot to the development of Tianmeng. According to the rules of Tianmeng, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. At the same time, this is the apology of the leader of the alliance as the master of the hands. , everyone here today has a share!”

The atmosphere of surprise spread quickly. Many people, such as Nalan Jie, had no idea what pregnant spirit dust was, but this did not affect their happiness.

The alliance leader personally gave it to him, and Alchemist Guild President Fama revealed what he desired. How could it be any worse?

“The Alliance Leader is overly worried. The reason why the Sky Alliance has been able to develop so rapidly is the Alliance Leader who deserves the most credit. Without the Alliance Leader to back us up from behind and jointly establish a network of relationships including Canaan Academy and Black Corner Domain, we would not be able to do anything even if we had the strength. Envoy.”

Haibodong followed up and was surprisingly flattering.

Just when people who knew him were surprised, they heard Hai Bodong change the topic and suddenly became playful and smiling.

“So, Alliance Leader, how do you divide this pregnancy spirit dust?”

Chen Guan rolled his eyes at the old guy angrily and ignored him, and simply explained a few words.

“Before the distribution, there are some things you need to know. Regarding the pregnancy spirit dust, you must keep silent after returning, so as not to leak the information and cause unnecessary trouble.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

These days, they also know from the mouths of Lord Tianhuo, Old Monster Youdu and others that there are many forces more powerful than Tianmeng. Even Danta and Soul Palace have a strong enemy.

Although Chen Guan is backed by Danta, it is best if he does not cause trouble.

In order to avoid becoming the target of public criticism among the alchemists when the time comes, it would be difficult for Xuan Kongzi to do it.

“In addition, some of you may not be aware of the function of pregnancy spirit dust. Simply put, it can invisibly enhance the spirituality of your soul. If you have a good foundation, it can help you reach the spiritual realm faster. If you have a poor foundation, it can also improve your spiritual power. , in this way, it can be regarded as a disguised form of improving your cultivation talents.”

Hearing this, Mu Zhan, Nalan Jie and others’ eyes suddenly filled with blazing heat.

For them, their talents are really limited. Even if they have improved a lot after joining the Tianmeng, Dou Huang is at his limit, and he doesn’t have any expectations for Dou Zong.

But if there is pregnancy spirit dust…

There is hope for Douzong!

Chen Guan didn’t know what they were thinking, otherwise, he would probably be tempted to break the illusion.

Pregnant spirit dust is indeed effective, but it is by no means that mythical.

After all, this is all support.

Without wasting any more time, Chen Guan opened the cork, and his mental power led the pregnancy spirit dust to float out, like a swarm of fireflies.

Scattered here and there, a total of thirty-eight pills!

“The next people I call will come forward one by one without any preparation.”

“Yao Yue, in the past three years, he has refined a total of more than 800 fifth-grade elixirs for the Tianmeng. He regularly teaches public alchemy in the elixir hall. He has made great contributions and was given four pills of pregnancy spirit dust.”

“Yao Ye, I coordinated the Tianmeng army in more than eighty battles, and personally killed four powerful Dou Wang warriors. For outstanding military exploits, I will give you four pills.”

“Nalan Jie, kill one of the eight-star fighting kings and one of the two-star fighting kings, and give them two pills.”


Grains of pregnancy spirit dust flew towards everyone’s eyebrows under Chen Guan’s words, more or less, without exception.

Including Nalan Yanran, who had just come out of seclusion not too long ago, Chen Guan found an encouraging excuse and rewarded her with a pill.

No one has a problem with that.

Such power is just a matter of words.

Moreover, Chen Guan is relatively fair.

Focus on cultivating the younger generation and talented disciples, and the choice is the same no matter where you are.

The pregnancy spirit dust sank into the eyebrows. As Chen Guan said, there was no obvious manifestation, but it still could not stop the curiosity of this group of people. Nalan Jie, Mu Zhan and others directly sat cross-legged on the spot, impatient to wait. You have to look at your own improvement.

At the same time, outside the Warcraft Mountains, a group of uninvited guests also quietly arrived.

This group of people wore different clothes, including an old man in linen clothes, a gorgeous woman with a hot figure and a large area of ​​snow-white naked body, and a heroic middle-aged man in a python robe who looked like a big shot.

The same thing is that the strength of each of them is considered powerful in the northwest region. If they spread a little at will, they will make the people around them feel bursts of pressure.

If nothing else, he should be a big shot!

The guard commander Hua She’er was the first to notice that with her current strength as a three-star Dou Huang, she could not see through any of them, which shocked Hua She’er.

But that’s all.

From the fact that this group of people chose to come on foot instead of flying rashly, it can be guessed that they are probably not here to cause trouble. Hua She’er felt a little disappointed.

Putting aside his inappropriate thoughts, Hua Sheer flew up on the city wall.

“The Holy City of the Snake People ahead of us is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Alliance. Stop!”

A group of people who were looking around looked around when they heard the sound. They all felt as if they were in a dream when they saw that the little Dou Huang dared to condescendingly scold them.

Some of them had bad tempers, and the sullenness had begun to show in their eyes.

But in an instant, my IQ returned to its high level, and I had to suppress my discomfort.

“Haha, Commander Hua She’er, don’t get me wrong. I am Lin Xiuyun, the son of the general of the Sky Star Empire. This is His Majesty the Emperor. We have admired the leader of your alliance for a long time. I heard that the leader of the alliance has returned from Zhongzhou and that the Queen is about to have something good happen. Come and give me some congratulatory gifts and get acquainted, please don’t blame me if you come uninvited.”

A handsome young man in Tsing Yi stepped forward to salute and answer. His attitude was extremely gentle and he appeared to be sincere.

After this person, the others followed suit.

“Liuyun Empire, I’m here to congratulate you.”

“I stayed in the Immortal Sect only to meet the leader of the alliance.”

“Me too!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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