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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 297 Saint, fear nothing!

The scorching sun is shining in the sky, in the holy city of the snake people.

On the huge square to the west, people who can be named or cannot be named, both human and non-human, can be seen here, looking at the young man in the center with fiery and longing eyes.

“Sister Yaoye, I’ll leave this to you. Space ships are not rare in Zhongzhou. After I get there, I will ask someone to purchase them and send them back. After that, the two space wormholes will be officially activated.”

Standing in front of the space wormhole, Chen Guan gave his final instructions.

Yao Ye nodded with red eyes. This time, most of the younger generation went to Zhongzhou with Chen Guan. Even Yao Yue and Nalan Yanran were leaving. Even with Yao Ye’s character, it was hard to suppress it.

After all, she is just a woman not much older than Chen Guan.

“Sister, I will come back to see you often, as well as my great-grandpa and the others.”

Yaoyue’s eyes were filled with tears. This was the first time she really left the palace, and she went directly to the “legendary” Zhongzhou. It was indeed a big step.

If it weren’t for Chen Guan’s presence, and the Danta’s fatal attraction to the alchemist, it would be difficult for her to make up her mind.

Just like the two sisters, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran were also saying goodbye to Yunshan. In comparison, Nalan Yanran felt a bit dreamy.

She was mentally prepared to shoulder the heavy responsibility of being the leader of the sect, but suddenly she was greeted by such a big surprise, which made her feel like she was dreaming.

Medusa is also explaining to the elders of the Snake Tribe that the departure of the clan leader is not a trivial matter. Fortunately, the Snake Tribe is no longer what it used to be. No one in the entire northwest dares to underestimate it. In addition, Chen Guan revealed privately that he would take Medusa with him in Zhongzhou. Looking for a clan land that is more suitable for the snake people to live in for the second migration in the future, this made several elders unable to say anything against it.

However, they made a request, trying to keep Xiao Qingyan to take care of them, saying something about protecting the Medusa bloodline…

In this regard, Chen Guan only had four words.

Don’t even think about it!

The group was ready to set off at noon, but after saying goodbye, it was already an hour before they actually set off.

Seeing the sun gradually drifting away, and thinking that there were friends waiting for him halfway, Chen Guan had no choice but to stand up and interrupt.

“Everyone, it’s almost time, let’s set off.”

With that said, Chen Guan took out the space ship and threw it into the space wormhole. Seeing it rising in the wind, Chen Guan waved goodbye to everyone who was seeing him off and stepped into it first.

“Congratulations, Alliance Leader!”

“Congratulations, Alliance Leader!”

The uniform voice came from the rear, which shocked people’s spirits. It’s no wonder that so many people are ambitious…

Chen Guan didn’t let Chen Guan wait. After a while, Medusa was holding Xiao Qingyan, Yun Yun was holding Nalan Yanran, Qing Lin was holding hands with Yaoyue, Zi Yan was leading the Tang brothers and sisters, and the Little Medical Fairy was followed by Master Tianhuo. The poisonous old monster and everyone boarded the space ship.

“Or is Zi Yan sailing the ship?”

Chen Guan looked at Xiao Longren. Last time, she rushed to drive, although she didn’t last long.

Listening to Chen Guan’s slightly teasing tone, Zi Yan hummed, stepped up her calf, and walked to the other side of the console, looking at the monotonous scenery with a very mature look.

“Only children rush to play with this kind of thing.”


She was very stylish and pretended to be so similar that Medusa made everyone laugh.

Chen Guan didn’t bother to point her out and turned to look at the evil old monster.

‘Well, you know this dirty work will definitely fall on me in the end’.

Thinking in his mind, the evil old monster was about to take the initiative to take over the task, but he saw Chen Guan taking out a puppet.

“The northwest is far from Zhongzhou. Even with the help of space wormholes, it will take more than a month to get there. During this time, everyone can just practice with peace of mind. There are many free rooms on the ship. Just find a place you like to stay.”

“Teacher, let’s go see it for a while.”

Tang Zi smiled sweetly and expressed a few thoughts about her first experience. Even Medusa seemed to have this meaning.

Chen Jian nodded casually, although he felt that there was really nothing to see in this thing, and it was not a good scenery. It was so monotonous that it could drive some people crazy, but it would still feel fresh at first.

Without paying much attention to them, Chen Guan made a thought in his mind, and the puppet came to convey the fighting spirit, and the space ship officially set sail.

Immediately, Chen Guan went straight to the uppermost room, and the invisible and immaterial spiritual power quietly emitted, covering the entire space ship.

So much so that there seems to be nothing unusual about this space ship to the naked eye, but if someone with strong mental power detects it, they will find that the entire hull is wrapped in a barrier, as if a large transparent bubble is floating forward.

The silver-white halo circulated, which was a manifestation of the rippling power of space. Suddenly, a large luxury ship shuttled through it and quickly moved away. It was the only ripple in the monotonous passage.

Twenty days have passed since the departure.

As expected, no one in the group who was so excited at the beginning stayed on the deck to watch the scenery.

Because that is too boring and monotonous!

At first glance, there is not much difference.

Instead of doing this, it is better to go back to the room early, have fun when you have fun, and meditate and practice when you don’t have fun. It will only last for more than a month at most. It will pass as soon as you open and close your eyes, so it is not difficult.

Most of the people have devoted their energy to cultivation, but Chen Guan has never been in retreat. On weekdays, he is either bickering with Zi Yan, who is also restless, or guiding the Tang brothers and sisters in cultivation. It is rare for him to fulfill his duties for a period of time.

Occasionally, I would chat with Lord Tianhuo and the others, and the topics would be wild and imaginary, but each of them understood it deeply.

The only thing they can look forward to is the old friend Soul Palace.

Although he was well prepared, Chen Guan could not take it lightly. Chen Guan had been secretly vigilant because he was not sure when the other party would take action.

“Calculating the time, we are almost at the point where we are about to enter Zhongzhou. We have no access to the village in front of us and no store in the back. It is the perfect place to kill, set fire to, and block the road…”

The evil old monster said in estimation.

As if to confirm his words, as soon as he finished speaking, several people noticed at the same time that there was an obvious disorder in the power of space in the wormhole.


“Youdu, you also said that you are not a mole!”

Lord Tianhuo’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help but laugh as he spoke.

The poisonous old monster opened his mouth, unable to refute.

No more joking, the puppet reduced the flow of fighting energy, and the shuttle speed of the space ship suddenly slowed down.

This move was immediately noticed by several people waiting in the passage ahead.

“Has it been noticed?” Jiutianzun Moyu said hummingly.

“After all, Chen Guan is also the most valuable champion in the recent alchemy tournaments. His mental strength is far beyond ordinary people. It is not surprising to be discovered at such a close distance.” The Eight Heavenly Lord Prisoner’s face was dull, and he seemed to have a plan in mind.

“Jie Jie Jie, so what if he finds out, it’s too late even if he wants to leave at this time!” Tian Tianzun Xuehe smiled extremely sinisterly, and the surging blood energy made even Eight Tianzun and Nine Tianzun feel depressed.

Only Santianzun said nothing, frowned slightly, and sensed it carefully.

After a long time, he said with slight surprise, “There are two more Dou Zun than in the information, but they are all newcomers, so the impact is not big. They did not escape, they are still approaching here, haha, maybe in his eyes, You’re going to die in the Demonic Rain Prison, right?”

Santianzun shook his head and sneered, but his hand movements were not slow at all, and he quickly completely blocked the surrounding space, leaving only one entrance, like a big bag waiting for prey to get in.

Although the addition of two Dou Zun is a bit surprising, the Saint is not afraid of anything!

A half-saint is still a saint!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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