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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 299 Devastated

“Strangling Soul Wind!”

“Blood Devil Palm!”

The screams of despair spread wildly in the space wormhole, but even though they tried their best, they still could not reverse the situation.

As half-saints, the gap between high-level and low-level is too great, even far greater than the gap between Douzun and Douzong.

The Master of Sound Valley fought against the Three Heavenly Lord and the Four Heavenly Lord on his own, one against two, without any difficulty at all, and he didn’t even take out his weapon.

Seeing the two major fighting skills sweeping in, Master Ran Gu made seals with both hands, and two musical note-like marks flew out. They looked soft and weak, and seemed to have no lethality. However, when they came into contact with the Soul Palace Tianzun’s fighting skills, they This caused the two people’s fighting skills to instantly fall into pieces.

It’s nothing more than destroying everything.

After destroying the two major fighting skills, the musical note still did not dissipate. It was firmly imprinted on the chest with an ethereal and uncertain trajectory through the hasty protection of the two.

In an instant, the Three Heavenly Lords and the Four Heavenly Lords were struck by lightning, and were knocked several hundred feet away. They were coughing up blood all the way, their hair was disheveled, and they were miserable and miserable.

This battle situation seems to have lost its suspense.

On the other side, the Eight-Star Dou Zun is in prison, and the Nine-Tian Zun Mo Yu is equally uncomfortable. They are only as strong as the Eight-Star Dou Zun despite all their efforts.

As for Tianleizi, he was already a peak level eight-level Douzun warrior!

It is no exaggeration to say that even without the help of Chen Guan and others, Tianleizi could suppress two of them by himself, but in comparison, the degree of crushing was not as bloody as that of Yingu Valley Master.

You can’t escape even if you want to, and you can’t fight if you want to. This is the most helpless thing in the world.

“The Saint and the Dou Zun are two completely different worlds.”

Tang Zhen sighed as he casually helped bully the Eight Heavenly Lord and the Nine Heavenly Lord. For the first time, he clearly saw Yingu’s strength.

As one of the three valleys, Fenyan Valley is not without its own heritage. Unfortunately, the one in the family is not in good condition…

“Valley Master Tang is in his prime. Given time, he will have the opportunity to fight for the Saint.”

Yao Chen chatted with a smile. The addition of a high-level semi-saint made this battle that he thought would be very troublesome countless times easier. He never thought that one day he would be able to talk and laugh like this when facing the four Heavenly Lords of the Soul Palace at the same time. , there is no need to even use the strange fire.

This battle is too easy…

“It’s as hard as climbing to the sky!”

Tang Zhen shook his head slightly. Even those Dou Zun who relied on the eight ancient clans could not guarantee that they would be promoted to Dou Saint, let alone him.

“Oh no!”

A scream drew the two people’s attention back. They turned around and saw that the slightly stronger Eight Heavenly Lord was being taken care of by Tianleizi. He smashed the heavy protection with a thunder fist. The shadow of the fist continued to castrate, completely destroying him His chest was dented.

Although he was not killed on the spot, he was seriously injured directly. His momentum plummeted, and he quickly withered like a deflated balloon.

On a battlefield like this, serious injury is almost equivalent to a death sentence.

As the Eight Heavenly Lord flew upside down, two fire dragons swept up in an instant. Visible to the naked eye, the flesh and bones seemed to have turned into foam, and were burned to death in an instant. Not to mention the whole corpse, not even a trace of ashes was left.

An eight-star Dou Zun at the peak of his power declared his death!

“What a terrifying flame. That girl’s flame seems to be the poisonous fire of the netherworld, while Chen Guan’s flame is the fusion of different fires?”

Tang Zhen was slightly frightened. Above the strange-colored fire, even he felt heart palpitations.

“Hahaha, a tiger is bullied by a dog, no matter how proud you are, one day you will pay the price for what you did today!”

Watching the death of Eight Heavenly Lord with his own eyes, Jiutian Lord, who was even slightly inferior in strength, laughed maniacally, his breath stirred, and his body expanded rapidly.

Obviously, he is not alive!

Knowing that he would definitely die, he actively chose to self-destruct.

No one stopped him. The Dou Zun strongman’s self-destruction was terrifying, but with the combination of nearly ten Dou Zun strong men, it was just a big firework.

Without communicating verbally, Chen Guan and others quickly made the same move. Each town blocked the space around Jiutian Zun again.

One layer after another.


The explosion was earth-shattering, making the space wormhole seem to be shaking, but it still failed to break through nearly ten layers of space blockade.

Soul Palace Nine Heavens Lord Mo Yu, Eight Star Dou Lord, helplessly declare that they are all in vain…

At this point, the two parties have ended one side of the scene.

Sensing the battle situation here, Master Yingu didn’t want to waste any more time, so he immediately started his real attack, and his offensive became more and more fierce.

“The pure aspect of Tianyin!”

With a soft murmur, the master of the Sound Valley condensed his fighting energy on the piano, and his fingertips suddenly moved.

In an instant, circles of invisible sound waves rippled. Under this strange sound wave, the power of space that was constantly flowing in the channel seemed to solidify and fell into absolute stillness.

The expressions of the Three Heavenly Lord and the Four Heavenly Lord changed greatly, especially the former. He has a rare blood attribute and can practice very quickly, but his mental power is relatively poor and he is not good at dealing with such strange attacks.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he mobilized the energy of heaven and earth to the extreme. Bloody mist suddenly emitted, filling the wormhole in space. From a distance, it looked like a vast sea of ​​​​blood, covering the sky and the sun.


Valley Master Ran’s attack came as expected. It was more like a combination of soul fighting skills and sonic fighting skills. It was so weird that it was hard to guard against.

Visible to the naked eye, the blood mist in the sky stopped moving, and the aura of the Four Heavenly Lords quickly disappeared.

“River of Blood?!”

The Three Heavenly Lords screamed in surprise, mixed with the impact of fighting energy, causing the heavy blood mist to disperse, revealing the figure of the Four Heavenly Lords who refused to rest in peace.

He seems to be the same as ordinary people, but his soul has died!

He confidently came to intercept and kill them, but within a quarter of an hour, three people had already died.

Such a strong contrast, even with the mind of the Three Heavenly Lords, he was frightened at this moment, so frightened that he even started talking nonsense.

“Three Heavenly Lords have fallen here. This is the biggest loss in decades. I, the Soul Palace, acknowledge it. Everyone, how about this? I am a semi-saint. If even I fall, you will not be able to bear the revenge of the Soul Palace. .”

If you think about it carefully, this childish statement actually makes a little bit of sense.

The value of a Semi-Saint far exceeds that of Dou Zun.

Unfortunately, the grudge between Chen Guan and Soul Palace has long been irresolvable.

He didn’t have too many debts to bear, and he didn’t care about one more debt or one less debt. He didn’t believe that if he let Santian Zun go, he would be able to clear up all the grudges and just smile.

Therefore, when the owner of the Sound Valley looked over, Chen Guan’s response was also quite casual.

“Aunt Ran decides.”

The Master of Yin Valley played a decisive role in the outcome of today’s battle. If she really believed the lies of Santianzun and insisted on letting him go, Chen Guan and others wouldn’t be able to do much.

However, Chen Guan believes that the master of Yin Valley will only be wiser than him.

As expected, after receiving the reply, the master of Yingu Valley did not hold back his murderous intention at all. Now that he had done it, he should do it thoroughly, cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and stay back to spread the news and bring disaster to Yingu?

Sensing the murderous intention of Master Yingu, Santianzun frowned and hurriedly spoke to fight for himself.

“Senior, I have a very good relationship with Er Tianzun, you can’t kill me!”

Gu You, the Second Heavenly Master of the Soul Palace, had some friendship with the Master of the Sound Valley when they were young.

Listening to what the Three Heavenly Lord said, it was obvious that he had some understanding of this, so he would use this as a life-saving straw.

It’s a pity that the owner of Yin Valley doesn’t like this.

On the contrary, the murderous intention is even stronger.

“Haha, since you know the relationship between Gu You and me, you should know that he owes me favors, not that I owe him. He will give me face…”

“But I have no feelings for him!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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