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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 3 Izumo Empire!

In a square inside the palace, nearly fifty children stood in a row. A burly middle-aged man in armor was lecturing from the front. His voice was like a bell, which made many children turn pale.

“Do you know where this is?”

There was silence, no one dared to speak.

Some are really confused, some are afraid, and some are pretending not to know.

“Let me tell you, this is the palace of the Jiama Empire!”

“Do you know how lucky you are? Being able to stand here is the favor of His Majesty the Emperor. You must keep this in mind. It is His Majesty who has given you hope!”

“Of course, the palace is not a charity house, and useless people are not raised here. If you want to fill your stomach every day, change your life against the will of heaven, and no longer be bullied, you must show your worth and become a useful person. man of.”

“Now, what is before you is an unprecedented opportunity. His Majesty has given you half a year to prepare. In the next six months, you only need to do one thing, practice! Practice hard!”

“In the next three days, I will teach you a technique so that you can slowly memorize it. Remember not to practice it because your meridians and body strength will not be able to bear it. I will also teach you the secrets to let you know how to feel. The fighting energy and energy from now on will all depend on your luck. There will be a unified assessment in half a year, and the assessment results will determine your future destiny.”


Ba La Ba La talked for a long time. While brainwashing everyone, he also pointed out the most important things.

Chen Guan, who knew the purpose of the royal family, knew that what the other party said was true. If he performed well in the assessment after half a year, he would be better trained. Otherwise, he would probably be brainwashed into a dead soldier.

After more than half an hour of procrastination, the technique the man mentioned was finally handed down, and everyone got a copy, just like a textbook.

What surprised Chen Guan was that the grade was not low.

The Huang-level advanced non-attributed technique – the Soul-Devoting Art!

Huang class advanced!

In Wutan City, it was enough to attract the attention of the three major families, but here, everyone has a share.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being a royal family.

However, Chen Guan also understood very well that the fundamental reason why the Gama royal family was so generous was that those present would be die-hard loyalists to the royal family in the future, so naturally they would not be too stingy.

Once here, the possibility of leaving the royal family is slim.

Unless, you can show enough talent!

But if it is truly a peerless genius, just a yellow-level advanced technique, the royal family will not care, and at the very least, you can gain the favor of a future strong man.

In every aspect, the royal family never loses.

“Put down your exercises first and sit cross-legged. I’ll teach you how to feel the energy of fighting energy. Feeling the energy of fighting energy is a prerequisite for practice.”

“The trick is not complicated, just concentrate and let your mind go.”

Chen Guan moved quickly and was the first to sit down. He began to learn according to the tips given by the other party. He concentrated his mental energy on the center of his eyebrows and let himself go and slowly felt it.

The surrounding sounds completely disappeared, and Chen Guan seemed to be in a strange world at this time. He was the only one here. Slowly, and he didn’t know how long it took, a trace of red appeared in his sight. Then more and more people gathered, gradually engulfing him.

This should be the fighting spirit energy!

Fire attribute.

This was not surprising to Chen Guan, as it was already mentioned in his suicide note.

Opening his eyes, Chen Guan suppressed the joy in his heart and glanced around. Many people had finished their first attempt, but it could be seen from the confusion on their faces that they should all have ended in failure.

He is the only one who successfully felt the fighting spirit energy for the first time!

Even though he knew that he had good talent, this result still surprised Chen Guan.

In just a few minutes, everyone finished their first attempt.

“Don’t be discouraged. It’s not easy to feel the fighting energy for the first time. You can’t find many people who succeed in the first time in the entire Jiama Empire. They are at least talented enough to be a fighting emperor. Take a rest and continue to feel it.”

The man’s expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected this result, he said casually.

According to his estimation, it would be great luck to have two or three succeed today.

Chen Guan, who was sitting in the team, hesitated a little. Telling the other party about his talent would definitely attract attention and get more and better resources.

But correspondingly, there will also be some risks.

The principle that a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind applies no matter where it is.

There are advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to decide.

In the end, Chen Guan chose the former. The strength of the Jiama royal family is still worthy of trust in the Jiama Empire. If Douzong doesn’t come out, there is basically no need to worry. When Yunshan breaks through Douzong, he should be able to protect himself. .

In order to become stronger faster, some risks cannot be avoided.

However, just when he was about to raise his hand to tell, something suddenly appeared in his mind.

Chen Guan had already guessed what this familiar feeling was.

After checking it carefully, there was no surprise, it was another suicide note.

But compared to the previous one, this one is extremely brief and lacks many details.

“I didn’t expect that Jia Xingtian actually wanted to take a disciple after learning about my talent. I knew he wanted to tie me completely to the Jia Ma royal family’s ship, but I still agreed. I really needed a guide and someone from the royal family. resources provided.”

“My talent is better than I thought. In two years, I actually reached the sixth level of fighting strength. But it was at this time that an accident happened.”

“On this day, as usual, I went to the teacher to ask for advice on cultivation issues. On the way, I met a group of guards, but I didn’t pay attention.”

“Soon, tragedy happened. I was stabbed through the back by the guard captain. I was unable to save myself. The teacher rushed over angrily. When I was dying, I realized that the news that the teacher had accepted me as his disciple had already spread. Think about it. That’s right, after all, as a teacher, this is no small matter.”

“I heard the assassin laughing and revealing that he was from the Izumo Empire. It took him two years to finally sneak into the palace and wait for this opportunity. It turns out that they have been targeting me for a long time.”

After reading this suicide note, Chen Guan held down his right hand that was about to move with his left hand.

It’s really the wind that will destroy it.

He thought about the territory of the Jia Ma Empire, but ignored the threats outside the empire.

The Izumo Empire is really abominable!

Chen Guan silently made a mental note to the other party. According to what a certain double-standard god king said, the Izumo Empire has a way to kill him!

However, this incident did remind Chen Guan that it is better not to show off too much. Stability is the way to go.

After a brief rest for a few minutes, everyone continued to feel the fighting energy.

Chen Guan was thinking about other issues in his mind.

The arrival of the second suicide note gave him a better understanding of this ‘Goldfinger’.

Although this thing can’t give him such a heaven-defying opportunity, its effect is really not that small. It can help him avoid sending propositions. This alone is enough.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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