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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 317 Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan

“Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit?!”

Hearing this name, the others had not yet reacted. Zi Yan’s expression suddenly changed and she stood up. She didn’t even notice that the half-eaten medicinal materials in her hands fell, which shows how shocked she was in her heart.

The Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is a legendary thing that only exists in the ancient books of the ancient dragon clan. Its rarity is even more than the well-known strange fire!

This kind of fruit needs to absorb the life force of the ancient void dragon and the ancient sky phoenix before it can be born, which shows its difficulty.

Even in the records of the ancient dragon clan, it only appears five times.

If what Chen Guan said is true, then this will be the sixth time!

“Chen Guan, are you sure?”

At this moment, Zi Yan didn’t care to ask how he knew this information before she even sensed it, she just wanted to know the truth or falsehood.

Everyone present was his own and could be trusted absolutely. Chen Guan did not hide anything at the moment and nodded solemnly.

“Nine times out of ten, this is why I have to bring you to this ruins. You should know better than me about the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, including picking it. In front of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, everything else can Let it go for now.”

Zi Yan nodded blankly, her mood visibly changing. This was the first time, including Medusa’s, to see her so serious and cautious.

“I understand, leave the rest to me.”

After the words fell, Zi Yan quickly made secrets with her hands.

In an instant, purple energy that was ten times more intense than before emitted from his body, making the entire ancient forest look like a dream.

Sure enough, an inexplicable call came from the depths of the forest for no reason.

If it weren’t for Chen Guan’s reminder, she might still have doubts, but since it is the dragon-phoenix origin fruit, everything makes sense.

“Chen Guan, this way!”

Without any nonsense, Zi Yanyu waved her hand and took the lead in the pointed direction.

Everyone around him can be trusted, so there is no need to say anything else at this time. At Chen Guan’s signal, he quickly spread out his body to follow.

It can be seen that people including Lord Tianhuo, Old Monster Youdu and others are somewhat curious about the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit. While on the way, Chen Guan also briefly told them the information he knew.

“Whether it is the Taixu Ancient Dragon or the Heavenly Demon Phoenix, as long as you obtain the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, you will be able to evolve into a truly supreme beast with the dragon and phoenix bloodline. This is what the Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan are doing today. It’s incomparable, and it’s no exaggeration to say, whichever of these two clans gets the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, it only takes a little time to digest, and becoming the World of Warcraft Supreme is almost certain!”

Following Chen Guan’s narration, the group finally had a clear understanding of the importance of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit. No wonder he took it so seriously.

Based on the relationship between the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, once the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan succeeds, the world of Warcraft may change.

Obviously, this is what they don’t want to see.

It is most suitable for this dragon and phoenix origin fruit to fall into Zi Yan’s hands.

Taixu Ancient Dragon’s starting point is already very high. Now with another Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, maybe this little girl will become the strongest one on her side in the near future.

At the thought of this, everyone couldn’t help but look at Zi Yan, who was leading the way, with envy and sigh.

As for jealousy, that’s not necessary.

No matter how good the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is, only people from the Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan can use it. As for the others, it is useless to give them to them.

Including Xiong Zhan, who has the blood of the ancient dragon, is determined to be unbearable.

The little doctor wanted to congratulate Zi Yan, but when he looked up, he found that there was no joy on Zi Yan’s face, only rare seriousness and seriousness.

Emotions can be contagious, not to mention Zi Yan, who is always lively.

Seeing her like this, everyone just felt depressed. Even the conversations along the way became smaller and lighter, and even the many rare medicinal herbs passing by were no longer bothered to pick.

The group of people traveled through the endless ancient forest at lightning speed for about half an hour, and they did not know how many thousands of miles they had penetrated.

The only obvious thing is that the power of the magical beasts in the surrounding area is getting stronger and stronger, and the aura of eighth-level magical beasts is even revealed from time to time.

However, the intelligence of these monsters was no less than that of humans. After realizing the strength of the group, they quickly restrained themselves, which made Chen Guan and others’ journey very smooth.

Finally, Zi Yan, the leader, stopped in her tracks and looked closely at the front not far away. There was a rare flat land, but there seemed to be nothing strange about the green grass.

Where is the dragon-phoenix origin fruit?

Sensing everyone’s doubts, Zi Yan didn’t make a sound. She floated down from the tree trunk, walked slowly on the ground for about ten steps, and then stretched out her jade hand with a solemn expression.

Just when his palm touched the empty space half a foot in front of him, a trail of golden light suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Looking at the sudden golden light, Chen Guan’s eyes flashed with astonishment. Just now, he could not detect any abnormality with his mental power. This kind of mental power seemed to be ineffective, but it was really rare.

The golden light that appeared in front of Zi Yan was in the shape of an inverted bowl, with a rounded bottom and an area of ​​more than ten feet.

Although the golden light was dazzling, it was obscured by the overlapping trees. Unless you were close, you would not be able to spot it at all.

“Zi Yan, what is this?”

A group of people rushed to Zi Yan’s side and looked at the golden light shield in front of them. Except for Chen Guan, their eyes were full of solemnity. Medusa asked.

From this mysterious golden light shield, they felt a kind of depression. This feeling of depression made them understand that even if the people here join forces, they may not be able to break this weird golden light shield.

It’s incredible, after all, there are several powerful Dou Zun warriors present.

But the intuition of the strong does not come out of nowhere, it truly makes them feel powerless.

“Beast spirit cover, this is the beast spirit cover.”

“Only extremely powerful monsters in life can condense this kind of beast spirit shield when they are dying.”

Ziyan’s palm gently rubbed the light mask, with a faint sadness on his face.

Previously, she heard Chen Guan say that there was the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit here. Although she knew how the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit was formed, she had not yet seen it in person, so she only paid attention to it.

But at this moment, seeing it with my own eyes, the inheritance from the bloodline, I unconsciously felt sadness in my heart.

Seeing Zi Yan, who had always been carefree, looking like this, everyone was silent and didn’t know how to comfort her. They could only stand behind her to support her.

However, Zi Yan quickly regained her composure and said with a forced smile: “Chen Guan’s news is very accurate. I can feel that there is not only the aura of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan seniors in this beast spirit shield, but also a far stronger energy than those of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix.” The purer aura should be that of their ancestor, the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix. If all the conditions are met, it is really possible that there will be the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit inside.”

After the words fell, Zi Yan did not waste any time and immediately bit her slender jade finger. A strand of golden blood came out and condensed at the fingertips. Then Zi Yan gently tapped it on the beast spirit mask, drawing a golden blood mark.

“This kind of beast spirit shield must have the same bloodline before it can be opened.”

As the golden blood marks were drawn out, the place fluctuated rapidly. Immediately, the golden light shield fluctuated, and a golden light crack slowly tore open.

“Let’s go in and have a look.”

Seeing this, Zi Yan waved his hand and took the lead to step directly into it.

Chen Guan and others did not hesitate and quickly followed.

As the final bear battle entered the beast spirit shield, the golden light once again sent out a wave of fluctuations, and the cracks quickly disappeared, as if there was a spirit.

Stepping into the beast spirit shield, everyone felt their eyes suddenly blur with flowers. The lush forest disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a desolate plain.

This plain is quite large and is covered with red sand that looks like it has been stained by blood. It is obviously different from the desert that Medusa and others are familiar with.

In the red sand, there is occasionally a pale color like lime.

Gazing into the distance, everyone discovered that in the center of the plain, there was an ancient huge stone altar with a height of 100 feet. A vague majesty permeated from the altar, making everyone present except Zi Yan The fighting energy in his body became blocked at this moment.

“What a terrifying pressure! The elder of the ancient dragon tribe who died here, and the ancient sky phoenix, are probably both powerful fighting saints!”

Lord Tianhuo was amazed by this. He had been dead for countless years and still had such power. It was hard to imagine what his strength was when he was still alive.

Without hesitation, the group of people immediately and cautiously approached the huge stone altar. Except for Zi Yan, who flew by with ease, the others all felt like they were carrying a heavy load.

Fortunately, there are no weak people here. Even Queen Medusa is not far from Dou Zun. This pressure will not stop them from moving forward.

After a while, everyone landed on the huge stone altar.

When they came into close contact with this huge stone altar, an ancient smell of vicissitudes of life immediately came to them, which made Chen Guan and others calm down a little.

Everyone is in the middle of the altar. Standing here and looking up, you can see the bluestone steps extending to the end.

Zi Yan stared blankly at the end of the stone staircase, and the feeling of calling in his heart became stronger and stronger.


Taking a long breath, Ziyan’s face was extremely solemn. The next moment, he stamped his feet on the ground and turned into a purple light and shadow. He ran up the stone stairs like lightning. In a few flashes, he appeared at the altar. The end.

Chen Guan and others followed closely. When they reached the top of the altar, they saw Zi Yan standing there blankly, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

Following Zi Yan’s gaze, in the center of the altar, there was a golden and purple stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a half-foot-sized groove.

At this time, in the groove, a small sapling grew out of the stone platform.

The sapling was no more than the thickness of a thumb, but it snaked around like a giant dragon. On the top of the sapling, there was a fruit hanging impressively.

This fruit is about the size of a palm and is golden and purple in color!

If you look carefully, you will find that the golden half, winding and twisting, looks like a small dragon.

There is no doubt that this should be what Taixu Ancient Dragon looks like after being shrunk countless times.

The other half of the fruit, which is purple, is a dancing demon phoenix with spread wings.

I haven’t seen it, but I can guess its identity.

Ancient Heavenly Phoenix!

“Is this the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit?!”

“The name is worthy of it!”

Looking at this extremely strange fruit, everyone including Chen Guan was amazed. Although he knew a lot, this was the first time he had seen such a rare treasure with his own eyes.

“The pressure we feel seems to be coming from the fruit?” the little medical fairy whispered, with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

Hearing this, everyone was even more amazed at the strangeness of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit.

Ziyan stared blankly at the real Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit that only existed in legends. After a moment, he slowly walked to the edge of the altar and looked down at the vast plain.

Everyone followed and then discovered that the pale color in the red earth, faintly outlined, was an extremely large dragon and the bones of the ancient celestial phoenix!

Sure enough, here, an ancient void dragon and an ancient celestial phoenix fell at the same time!

The huge skeletons were connected end to end, forming a circular loop that surrounded the plain, and this huge stone altar was exactly in the center of the circle.

This scene shocked even Chen Guan, who had been mentally prepared for it, let alone the others.

“The Ancient Sky Phoenix and the Ancient Void Dragon are both supreme beings in the world of Warcraft, but they are incompatible with each other. They started fighting as soon as they met. They must have died after experiencing a great war and were both injured. This.” Ziyan said softly.

Everyone nodded slightly. It was easy to guess what happened from the scene here, but it was difficult to imagine that kind of battle scene.

Looking at the ending again, I feel a little more sad for no reason.

“But the ancient Sky Phoenix should be slightly weaker than the senior of your clan. Otherwise, the beast spirit shield outside should be dominated by the breath of the Sky Phoenix.” Chen Guan added.

“That’s of course. Our Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is the supreme leader in the World of Warcraft. It’s natural to suppress the ancient Sky Phoenix. As for the current Celestial Demon Phoenix Clan, haha.”

Facts have proven that appearance is easy to change, but nature is hard to change.

Hearing Chen Guan’s praise, Zi Yan felt doubly proud, held her head high, and finally showed a proud smile that she hadn’t seen in a long time.

Chen Guan originally intended to ease her mood. Seeing that she recovered, he no longer worried about it.

“Go out and play again, and quickly put away the dragon and phoenix origin fruit to avoid more births…”

“What’s the matter?”

“No need, I’m here anyway.”

Chen Guan was about to remind him, but when he turned his eyes, he saw many figures appearing in the distance of the plain. He felt helpless, as those who were supposed to come did not escape.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s normal.

When the ancient forest passage opens, Zi Yan can sense the call, and so can those from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

Based on the importance they attach to the dragon-phoenix origin fruit, I am afraid that they will chase desperately along the way without any delay. It is reasonable to arrive one step behind their own side.

“People from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan?!”

“Moreover, I have seen in the Beast Remains Mountains that the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan does not have so many strong men.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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