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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 322 Is the oriole behind?

Being locked by Zi Yan’s gaze, the old man’s heart tightened. Just when he was about to escape, the huge dragon tail of the Taixu ancient dragon had already hit him with a terrifying strong wind.

There was only a muffled banging sound, and a dark space crack spread like lightning in the void space, and then went straight towards Old Man Feng.

Feeling the terrifying force of the lightning, the latter’s expression changed drastically, and the fighting energy in his body suddenly exploded. He turned around and struck out with a fierce palm, colliding heavily with the space crack that swept in front of him.


Like comets colliding, the violent energy aftermath seemed to split the space in half at that moment, sweeping thousands of miles away. It was the beast spirit shield that enveloped this place. Under this collision, spider web-like shapes appeared. of cracks.

Fortunately, it is still strong and not broken.

In contrast, the old man who received Zi Yan’s thunderous blow was extremely miserable. He spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground like a sack.

When the energy subsided, the old man stood up with difficulty. His hair was disheveled, his face was like gold paper, his right hand was weakly shrugged, and his breath was greatly weakened.

The majestic Nine-Star Dou Zun was unable to withstand the attack of Taixu Ancient Dragon Ancestral Soul!

Such a result made everyone in the venue tremble.

Taixu Ancient Dragon is worthy of the name of the Supreme of Warcraft!

However, Zi Yan’s pretty face condensed slightly, as if she was not satisfied with the result.

If I were stronger, I would be able to unleash the power of my ancestral soul more perfectly and completely kill this person with one blow!


Zi Yan shook her head and took a step forward. She controlled the huge Taixu ancient dragon, opened her bow from left to right, and attacked the five people again with unparalleled momentum.

Since one blow didn’t solve the problem, let’s strike again!

Seeing her actions, Huang Xuan and the other five people had no choice but to launch a desperate counterattack. While drinking, they launched their ultimate moves to press the box.


“Tiger breaks through the sky!”

“Heavenly Bloody Hand!”

The roar was shrill, but it had little effect.

In front of the incomparable Taixu Ancient Dragon Ancestral Soul, it was just a little wave that could be calmed down with a snap of a finger.

The huge ancient dragon’s phantom body shook, like the sky collapsing, and with the simplest and crudest movements, all the fighting skills that came at him were shattered.

Truly, one effort can defeat all laws!

Everyone knew that the Taixu Ancient Dragon Ancestral Soul was invincible, but it was still disappointing to see with one’s own eyes that the strongest move that the group of people used together was so vulnerable.

The huge consumption, coupled with the fading fighting spirit, caused the movements of Huangxuan and others to sluggish.

And this moment of effort was enough to destroy them dozens of times.

The winding body twisted, and the giant claws tore the sky, almost pushing the five people flatly, and only a few “puff” sounds were heard, like candles extinguishing.

The white-haired man from the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan died!

The leader of the Earth Tiger Clan has fallen!

The leader of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, Yu Luo!

Looking at the field again, only the five-star Dou Zun Huangxuan, who was still alive, and the old man who was in slightly better condition were left.

Seeing this situation, Feng Qing’er below was already blind-eyed and regretful to the extreme.

Just because of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, Lord Lei is gone, Fenglei Pavilion has collapsed, and the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan has lost a few powerful Dou Zun warriors, and its strength has also been greatly damaged.

Obviously, if the situation is not right, you can use the power of the ancestral soul to retreat first. You can wait until you leave this place before making plans.

“A centipede insect is dead but not stiff, and a smelly bird is also a virtue.”

Looking at Huang Xuan struggling to breathe, Zi Yan snorted softly, punched out in the air, and the raging space cracks swept across crazily.

Normally, it would not be difficult for Huangxuan to resist such an offensive, but at this moment it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He tried his best to resist, but like a bubble, it burst with one poke, and his body shape also followed. Swallowed by the space storm.

Huangxuan, fallen!

There was only one old man left in the Tianming Sect!

At this point, the battle can be said to be over. Even without the Taixu Ancient Dragon Ancestral Soul, the combined power of everyone can kill the old man who is not at his peak.

There are so many ants that they can kill an elephant. What’s more, these are not ants, but seven or eight fighting masters!

What makes the old man even more frustrated is that he has no way to retreat within this beast spirit shield. This place is its own space, unless there is the bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon or the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, or someone with the same strength as the Taixu Ancient Dragon’s ancestral soul. Only by forcibly breaking can one get out.

And he has neither of these.

Fight, can’t beat.

Escape, there is no way to escape.

“Hahahaha, I never thought that I, Chen E Zongheng, would fall here in my whole life. Taixu Ancient Dragon has a well-deserved reputation. I only hate that my son’s blood debt cannot be tasted.”

After seeing the situation clearly, the old man stopped doing other useless things and laughed like a self-mockery, only staring at Chen Guan.

“Chen Guan, be careful!”

Zi Yan, who controlled the power of the ancestral soul, was undoubtedly the strongest person in the field at the moment. She sensed the danger before anyone else, and immediately turned the ancient dragon’s shadow around, penetrated the space and came to Chen Guan and Lord Tianhuo, and brought The two of them surrounded it, circle after circle.

Then he waved his palm again and pulled Medusa, Little Medical Fairy, Qinglin and others in.

It was also when Zi Yan finished her words that the old man suddenly rose up, his aura around him was disillusioned, his body expanded rapidly, and his eyes flashed towards Chen Guan with extremely crazy eyes.

He wants to die together!

Realizing this, Chen Guan’s brows jumped, and the expression of Lord Tianhuo beside him also changed drastically.


The evil old monster who had just gotten into the protective circle was cursing, but his hand movements were not slow at all, like Chen Guan and others, quickly strengthening the defense.

The self-destruction of a Nine-Star Dou Zun is unimaginably powerful!

Since it is not possible to leave the beast spirit shield immediately, it is best to stick to the strength of everyone. At least there is still the ancestral soul of the Taixu ancient dragon to rely on.

“Hahaha, die to me, die to me!”


Along with the old man’s crazy laughter, everyone felt their ears were buzzing and could not hear any sound. They could only feel the terrifying energy impact, and even the surrounding space seemed to have become a substance. , crazily squeezed from outside to inside.

At the same time, there was a dense crowd gathering outside the beast spirit shield, and there were also many powerful Dou Zun warriors.

They were able to determine that the fluctuations in the previous battle came from it.

However, due to the special nature of the beast spirit shield and the mutual concerns of the major forces, there was nothing they could do about the beast spirit shield at the moment. They could only gather outside and wait, whispering and guessing about the situation inside.

Just as they were having different opinions, suddenly, they saw spider web-like cracks being struck by a powerful energy on top of the beast spirit shield.

Things have changed!

Immediately, many forces retreated cautiously and kept their distance.

There are also many reckless people who think that an opportunity is about to appear, so they advance instead of retreating, hoping to rush into it as soon as possible.

The chilling atmosphere lasted for six or seven minutes. Finally, in full view of everyone, the beast spirit shield shattered and turned into little golden light falling down.

But what appeared next was not a chance, but a terrifying energy shock wave. There were thousands of people within a hundred feet of the beast spirit cover. Under this shock wave, they were all swallowed up almost in an instant. Not even a scream could be uttered.

Many forces such as Xingyun Pavilion retreated further, but there was no loss at this moment.

While Yao Chen took action to resist the sweeping aftermath, he looked inward. Even with his knowledge, he couldn’t help but look shocked at this moment.

In the direction of the beast spirit shield, all space collapsed, and countless scenes were disillusioned. He saw boundless sand and dust being swept into the cracks in the space, saw a magnificent altar turned into powder, and saw a silent giant dragon with no head or tail. dissipate.

In a daze, he seemed to see many familiar faces, all of whom had expressions of lingering fear.

“This place… is a self-contained space. I don’t know what happened. The space completely collapsed. The energy was so terrifying. If it wasn’t blocked by the golden cover, we would probably have to shed our skin even if we didn’t die.”

“Great danger means great opportunity.”

“Look, there’s someone alive and coming out!”

“Hey, why are there so many powerful people? Are all the Nine Netherworld Python clan leaving?”

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, and a pit hundreds of feet deep appeared in everyone’s sight.

In the deep pit, several figures stood close together.

The leader is clearly Chen Guan.

At this moment, except for Chen Guan and Medusa, Lord Tianhuo and others were all slightly injured, but fortunately it did not have much impact.

In fact, the impact of the self-destruction was too great. If it were not for the protection of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Ancestral Soul, there would have been casualties this time, just like Feng Qing’er who was not alive at all.

It was also in the aftermath of this resistance that Chen Guan’s powerful physical body came into full play, so that he could be in good condition and look more relaxed than the higher-level Lord Tianhuo.

As for Medusa, it was Chen Guan who protected her closely from behind and was protected from injury.

“Is Zi Yan okay?”

Once again down to earth, everyone in the group breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking at the unconscious Zi Yan lying on Chen Guan’s back, several of them were a little worried.

“It’s okay, it’s just a loss of strength. I gave her some elixirs to calm her down a bit.”

In the original trajectory, Zi Yan used the power of the ancient dragon’s ancestral soul in its infancy, and it was extremely consumed after it was over.

This time it was different. She was more powerful, but she also used the power of her ancestral soul to a greater extent. She first defeated the ancient ancestral soul of the Heavenly Phoenix, then destroyed four fighting masters, and finally resisted Na Chen almost by herself. The consumption of Hubei’s self-destruction was only larger than the original trajectory. It was reasonable for him to pass out at this moment. Chen Guan had already checked carefully and found that the consumption was indeed too large.

After hearing Chen Guan’s words, Medusa and the others felt relieved.

They will not forget Chen Guan’s identity as a ninth-grade master of alchemy. Since he said it is no problem, it must be no problem. Chen Guan will not lie about this kind of thing.

It was only then that the group of people took stock of their surroundings.

What caught my eye were pairs of eyes like hungry wolves!

Among them, there are no longer a few strong ones!

One wave just subsides, and another wave rises again.

After thinking about it for a moment, I can guess what these people are thinking. They are just emerging from the tiger’s den and entering the wolf’s den.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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