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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 328: Be the First to Eliminate the Correct Options

There is no doubt that it was Yaochen who made the noise.

At this critical moment of benefit, the old guy came just right, neither too early nor too late.

No one raised a voice to object. One was that Chen Guan had already expressed his opinion.

Furthermore, the strength of Xingyun Pavilion should not be underestimated.

In the past, the four pavilions in Zhongzhou may have differences in overall strength, but the difference was not big.

But since Yao Chen’s resurrection and return, this balance has been completely broken, and Xingyun Pavilion has become the default head of the four pavilions.

“It seems Yaolao has made a good harvest.”

Seeing Yao Chen leading Xiao Yan and others into the hall with smiles, Chen Guan nodded slightly in greeting.

Hearing this, Yao Chen just laughed and took it as a response without answering.

When he was in the Medicine Hall, Chen Guan could sense the familiar aura in it. Yao Chen, who was in the Medicine Hall, could naturally detect a group of strong men coming outside, but soon those strong men disappeared, leaving Yaochen guessed their identities.

An alchemy beast that is very likely to trigger eight-color elixirs, or even nine-color elixirs, is very good in the eyes of ordinary people, but for a two-time elixir competition champion, it is nothing more than that, not worth showing off.


“Master Chen Guan, the seal is about to be broken. Let’s take action. If we wait any longer, I’m afraid more people will come.”

A soft sound attracted everyone’s attention. Seeing that the seal was about to be broken, the Ice Lord and others immediately couldn’t hold it back any longer and started urging them.

No one knows how many powerful people are hiding in the ruins this time. The opportunity is in front of them. They can get it earlier and feel at ease. They don’t want anyone to come and get a piece of the pie.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, and then looked up. The ten light groups in the sky of the hall suddenly trembled violently, and then erupted into a dazzling light. In this strong light, the scrolls inside also melted at this moment. Streams of light burst out from the light group!

The scroll flew out, and the whole hall boiled instantly!

Many people instinctively wanted to grab it, but when they saw a group of fighting masters standing in the center, they had to forcefully suppress the wormhole.

Taking action now is tantamount to seeking death.

Ten scrolls of light danced and flowed in the hall, escaping as if they had spiritual intelligence, but never left the hall, which saved everyone a lot of effort.

At the same time, at the central stone seat, the surrounding stone puppets also slowly opened their eyes that had been closed for countless years at this moment. A strong killing force spread out at this moment!

“Do it!”

Chen Guan gave an order, and all the powerful Dou Zun warriors no longer hesitated, and all rushed toward the dozen or so puppets.

If you want to seize the opportunity, first remove the obstacles!

No one dares to rebel at this time.

These more than ten puppets are very strong, and they all have Dou Zun combat power. The power of two of them is no less than that of a five-star Dou Zun.

It’s amazing, but that’s all.

No one knows puppets better than Chen Guan.

In addition, at this moment, both in terms of quality and quantity, the group of people is still far behind. To deal with these more than ten puppets, it is more appropriate to say that hunting is more appropriate than fighting.

“Hey, he is actually a human puppet. The owner of this ruins is really not a good person.”

Using absolute strength to crush the puppets, Chen Guan released his mental power and immediately noticed that there was still a faint trace of anger remaining in the eyes of these puppets.

Looking at their eyes, they are not empty like ordinary demon puppets, but are burning with an extremely strong desire to kill.

All these things made it easy for Chen Guan to see through.

Ancient human puppets are also a type of puppetry.

This way uses special means to extract the soul of the strong man from the human body, and then seals it in the prepared puppet body. The puppet created in this way not only possesses sanity, but can also perform fighting skills, which is far more powerful than ordinary puppets. Tricky.

Of course, it is also more cruel.

These more than ten puppets represent the tragic endings of more than a dozen powerful Dou Zun warriors!

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, disperse.”

With a sigh in his heart, Chen Guan used his spiritual power to penetrate into the puppet’s body. He felt as familiar as going home and quickly found the soul power that had been sealed with a special technique and had been eroded for countless years and was about to dissipate.

After a slight burst of mental power, the remaining soul power immediately dissipated completely. The puppet that was killing arrays of people a moment ago stopped and fell to the ground like a stone sculpture.

The long knife loomed in Chen Guan’s hand, the light of the knife was like fire. Without hesitation, he clicked a few times and completely ‘divided’ the puppet body that fell to the ground.

The puppet’s body is made of special materials, making it difficult for ordinary weapons to cause damage to them.

But unfortunately, Chen Guan’s sword is also made of the best materials and is very easy to handle.

After casually collecting the puppet fragments on the ground into Najie, Chen Guan rushed into the battlefield with a knife. He first helped the Little Medical Fairy and others chop up the puppets they dealt with, and then Yao Chen and others dealt with them.

The sword’s light is like fire, cutting off all the debris!

Not long after, more than ten puppets disappeared, leaving only pieces of their bodies.

Seeing this, Chen Guan’s expression did not change, as if he were picking up garbage, he waved his hand and collected it all into Najie.

And seeing his actions, no one stopped or expressed any opinions.

What’s the use of a pile of scrap materials?

As everyone knows, these materials are all good things in Chen Guan’s eyes.

The reason why he didn’t use the simplest control method, but spent more effort to destroy all the puppets, was because he felt that the puppets made by this method were still rough and not pleasing to the eye.

Furthermore, it is to collect all the materials, so as not to control the puppets and have to worry about allocating them.

Anyway, for him, as long as he has the materials.

As for helping those sealed ancient fighting masters to free their remaining souls, he just did it casually. He was never a good person.

With the threat of the puppet gone, everyone stopped and stared at the ten streams of light that were still flying in the air, and their breathing became slightly faster.

Ten scrolls, nine false and one true!

One of the volumes must be heaven-level skills or fighting skills.

This is the unanimous thought of everyone except Chen Guan.

A group of powerful Dou Zun masters used various methods to detect the information on the scrolls. However, the surface of these scrolls seemed to have the power of isolation. Even Chen Guan was unable to detect the information on the scrolls.

This also means that what you get depends entirely on luck!

This makes many people think about it, if they are the luckiest person present and happen to get that volume of heaven-level skills or fighting skills, how can they escape?

There is no doubt about the appeal of heaven-level martial arts and fighting skills. This is something legendary. Even if they are powerful fighting masters, they have never seen it.

Facing the temptation of using oneself to judge others, it was difficult for them to believe Chen Guan’s verbal assurance.

Anyway, if it were them, they would never let it go.

“You can’t open it on the spot, just get it and leave!”

For a moment, Lord Bing and others had almost the same thoughts in their hearts.

As long as I don’t open it on site, who knows what I’m getting?

“Everyone, according to the agreement, you can collect it. Just leave one volume for Chen Guan.”

As Chen Guan spoke, his vast spiritual power condensed into an invisible hand, accurately grasping the two streams of light, and then threw them out of the hall without any hesitation.

These are the two volumes agreed to be given to the others to compete for.

With the addition of the Xingyun Pavilion, the distribution has changed slightly. Many people did not expect that Chen Guan would give his share to the Xingyun Pavilion. This move gained a lot of favor, and some Douzong strongmen handed it over one after another, and then used the fastest method to Jump out and join the fight.

The scene instantly became chaotic!

The densely packed figures were like a pack of wolves rushing towards prey, scurrying away.

As a result, the hall became much emptier.

Yao Chen, Tang Zhen, Bing Zun and others each hesitated for a moment, and then, under the leadership of Yao Chen, the seven Dou Zun experts began to fight in confusion.

Although everyone has a copy, without being able to ascertain the content, there will always be people who feel that others are more likely to target the martial arts and fighting skills of that day.

There is no doubt that the person being targeted is Yaochen.

Master Yao’s name is well known in Zhongzhou.

The magical use of mental power has always been mysterious.

Many people doubted that Yao Chen could sense it more deeply than they did, and the scroll he chose was also the best.

In this way, the current situation was created.

Every time Yao Chen wanted to collect the scroll, a strong person would always intervene, once, again, and again…

It’s really funny.

Tang Zhen, the only one who didn’t target Yaochen, picked it up and took the lead in grabbing a scroll. He directly put it into the ring without opening it and checked it, and then happily landed next to Chen Guan and others to watch the show.

In the air, Yao Chen was also speechless by this group of old men. I swear to God, he really just chose the target at random. Can you please stop thinking about it?

After missing more than ten times in a row, Yao Chen stopped playing and stopped in mid-air.

Aren’t you staring at me? Then I’ll just wait until you make your choice before taking it.

Seeing Yao Chen’s actions, even the faces of Lord Bing and others felt a little warm at the moment. They finally believed that Yao Chen, like them, could not detect the scroll information.

Immediately, several people no longer had any doubts and rushed towards the scroll that they thought was interesting.

A few minutes later, there was only a stream of light flying in the sky. There was no doubt that this was what they consciously left for Chen Guan, and they did not dare to be greedy.

Seeing that all the powerful Dou Zun masters had gained something, Chen Guan chuckled and collected the last scroll with his soul hand.

However, he didn’t choose to hide like others. In front of everyone, he put his palm into the halo of the scroll and fished it out.

“Advanced earth level, blood attribute technique, Huangtian Red Blood Refining.”

Looking at the large scarlet characters on the scroll, Lord Bing and others felt their hearts move, feeling happy and a little gloating about the misfortune.

Blood attribute skills of this level are very rare and precious.

But as long as it’s not that volume of heavenly order, that’s fine!

Chen Guan lost the possibility. Now the probability that the scroll technique in their hands is of heaven level has changed from one in ten to one in nine!

The possibilities can grow so much!

For a moment, their glances at the others became subtle.

Except for Chen Guan, it is possible for everyone here!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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