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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 330 Great Elder Feng Qingyundan

“Great Elder, is there anyone following?”

“The two half-saints are hiding very well. We are not sure where they come from.”

“Just two?”

“You kid, how much more do you want? Although the bones of the Fighting Saint are precious, they are just a skeleton after all. For a strong man who is already a Fighting Saint, it is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away. As for those half-saints, aren’t you? It’s quite outrageous that two of them would dare to risk offending Danta and chase after them after forgetting their identities.”

Listening to the great elder’s message, Chen Guan was speechless. It seemed that this was really the case…

“Tell me about what happened in the ruins. Have you met anyone from the Soul Palace?”

After hearing this, Chen Guan did not hide anything, and told everything including the dragon and phoenix origin fruit.

When he learned that Chen Guan had actually offended the three major forces, namely the Tianming Sect, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, and the Jiuyou Earthly Ming Python, the great elder who followed them in secret fell silent.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t open my mouth.

In the final analysis, the reason is also because of the active targeting of these three parties, and Chen Guan cannot be blamed.

After a long time, the great elder sighed quietly, and his hidden figure appeared.

“I really don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse to have the Danta in your hands.”

When he was in Little Danta, he had anticipated some possible situations, but today it seems that his prediction was still too conservative.

In this battle, not only the Danta Soul Palace, but also most of the forces in Zhongzhou will be involved. No matter which side wins in the end, the situation in Zhongzhou will undergo a drastic change.

Seeing the great elder appear, Chen Guan was stunned and quickly glanced at the sky behind him.

“Don’t look anymore, they left. Boy, you have to eat your meal one bite at a time, and walk the road step by step. You may have offended three major forces at once and feel that the debt is too heavy to bear. It doesn’t matter if you have a few more. Now you It’s already a little irrational.”

It was obvious that the reason why the Great Elder appeared was to scare away the two semi-saints who were following him.

Those who can have such a strong man sitting in command must be the second sect and three valley level forces, or the Warcraft race that ranks at the forefront in the beast domain.

Since no problem has been established yet, there is no need to fish for law enforcement and cause trouble for yourself.

Listening to the great elder’s warning, Chen Guan felt dazed for a while and became much more awake.

Indeed, when he left the ruins, he thought that he had offended even the top forces such as the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and the Nine Netherworld Pythons. It didn’t matter if there were a few more who dared to show up, they would all be tricked and killed.

But now that I think about it, there is something wrong with this idea.

“Thank you, Great Elder, for your teachings. Chen Guan understands.”

“Haha, you don’t have to feel guilty. With your age and experience, it’s normal to be impulsive. Besides, what you did this time was good enough. Although you offended many forces, you were able to get a powerful foreign aid from the Ancient Dragon Clan. It’s not a loss.”

A smile appeared on the elder’s old face, and he was not stingy in his praise.

At this point, Danta has no retreat.

The only thing he could do was to guide Chen Guan as much as possible, not to do anything that would harm others or benefit himself, shelter him for a few years, and look forward to the day when Chen Guan could truly stand alone.

Chen Guan nodded slightly and glanced at Medusa, the Little Medical Fairy, Lord Tianhuo and others. Unlike the Great Elder, they were in different positions. They were also considered fans of the authorities and did not notice the problem from the beginning to the end.

At this time, the role of having a senior by your side becomes prominent.

If you have an old man in your family, you will never deceive me if you have a treasure.

“Boy Chen, are you planning to go to the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan’s territory now?”

“Well, Great Elder, for Zi Yan, I need to hunt down a strong man from the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Tribe and use his demon phoenix heart as medicine, so as to make full use of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit.”

The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is not as numerous as the Nine Nether Earthly Dark Pythons that can be found throughout the Beast Realm, but there are actually quite a few of them, so it is not difficult to hunt them down.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to in this matter is the purity of the bloodline. Those who can reach the level of Dou Zun, presumably the bloodline is not low, enough to be used.

As for the strong warriors…

Sorry, I don’t dare to do it at the moment, and I don’t have the ability.

He hunts, not kills himself.

“Rare objects have their own special uses. I see, leave this matter to me. There is a remnant of a fighting saint in this skeleton. Once used, it can be used as a trump card. Just keep it. You guys wait here, me. Come as you go.”

After speaking, the great elder disappeared immediately without giving Chen Guan a chance to speak.

In the past, when he lived deep in the Little Dan Pagoda, the Great Elder had no intention of participating in external battles, but now the situation is different. Now that he has made a decision, the Great Elder is not an indecisive person, and he can be said to be quite resolute in doing things.

Watching the great elder leave, the group of people looked at each other and felt that they could enjoy the shade under the big tree.

It’s quite unfamiliar, but it’s also really reassuring.

While waiting, Chen Guan was thinking about the fighting skills of that day.

In any case, I would definitely not look at what I got, but if I want to learn it, I must first get rid of the residual thoughts of fighting saints, which makes Chen Guan slightly tangled.

I don’t want to waste this trump card, and I don’t want to delay too much time in learning heaven-level fighting skills…

We must find a way to resolve this matter.

In addition, the improvement of Medusa’s strength is also imminent.

There were a lot of fights in the ruins this time, but from beginning to end, Medusa was rarely able to help. This was definitely hard to accept for Medusa, who had always been arrogant.

Although she didn’t say it, Chen Guan could feel the unwillingness in her heart.

Jiuyou Land, the land of the Ming Python Clan, Jiuyou Huangquan!

Thinking of this, Chen Guan quickly made a decision in his mind.

The sky is blue, the fields are vast, the sun and the moon are passing by, and the day is fleeting.

After seeing it for a whole day, the great elder still failed to return, and Chen Guan and others began to worry.

Could it be that the Great Elder was unlucky and happened to meet a strong Saint Fighter from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan?

Beyond that, it’s really hard to explain the long delay.

“Wait until dawn, if the Great Elder has not returned yet, we will go there. At least we can provide support from the outside, create chaos, and share some of the pressure with the Great Elder.”

“Hahaha, there’s no need for that. I’m not weak enough to need your rescue.”

As soon as Chen Guan finished speaking, the great elder’s laughter could be heard in the air.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the sound and looked up. When the space was distorted, the Great Elder slowly stepped out and landed on the top of the mountain.

boom! boom! boom!

Following several roars, six corpses of the Sky Demon Phoenix, which were more than ten feet long, were thrown out and piled on the ground like a hill. Judging from their appearance, there were no wounds. They were all fatal with one blow!

“I’m not sure how many Star Dou Zun’s Heavenly Demon Phoenix you want, so I simply killed all the ones I met along the way. It just happened to weaken the strength of this clan and avoid trouble in the future. This one is the strongest, the Eight Star Dou Zun. , this one is six-star, these two are four-star, and the remaining two have just entered Dou Zun, which is enough.”

As if in response to everyone’s doubts, the great elder Yun Danfengqing’s explanation seemed to be talking about a trivial matter.

There are six corpses of Dou Zun-level demon phoenixes as a background, invisible pretense, high!

“Enough, enough, more than enough! Great Elder’s power!”

Chen Guan was so impressed that it made the elder’s smile even harder to hide.

People always like to hear good things, no matter what age they are.

“Hurry up and put it away. We can’t stay here for long. The response of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan was not slow. When I killed the third one, a strong Fighting Saint noticed it and has been following my traces. Unfortunately, my Danta The best thing about Zhongren is mental power. Want to find me? It’s just a dream.”

The Great Elder chuckled. From his expression, everyone seemed to see the crazy way that the Demon Phoenix Clan Fighting Saint tried their best to track but was always one step behind. They all laughed unkindly.



At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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