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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 335 The Three Loyal Elders

Going east from the side hall, traveling more than a thousand meters, there is a peculiar stone hall.

This stone hall is built entirely of huge stones. In the center of the hall, there is a towering altar.

At this moment, on the top of the altar, the third elder Zhuli stood alone with his hands in his hands, his eyes looking into the distance, his thoughts wandering to nowhere, and he didn’t even seem to notice when Chen Guan came to his side.

Just when Chen Guan was about to say hello, Elder Zhuli spoke first.

“My little friend, do you know where this place is?”

Chen Guan shook his head truthfully. He knew the situation on Long Island well, but the rest of the situation on Long Island was rarely mentioned in the original trajectory.

“This place is called the Ancient Dragon Altar. Most important events of our clan will be held here. To this day, I still clearly remember that more than a thousand years ago, the old Dragon Emperor did not return from his trip and lost his voice. All the elders are here. There was no end to the dispute, so six elders left here and went to the void space to look for the old Dragon King.”

“Day after day, year after year, in the hundreds of years since then, at regular intervals, elders have embarked on the road to find the old Dragon King. So far, there has been no news.”

“Although our clan has a profound heritage, under such consumption, Long Island’s strength is shrinking visibly.”

“For a race, especially the Warcraft race, this situation is undoubtedly fatal. Without absolute strength to suppress it, some ambitious people in the royal family will have thoughts that they shouldn’t have. From temptation to action, they will start to divide. Each has their own lineage, and their ambitions have grown more and more. Today, they even want to unify Gulong Island and establish their own orthodoxy!”

“This is sad!!”

The more Elder Zhuli spoke, the angrier he became. His emotions were on the verge of losing control, and his tyrannical aura leaked out unconsciously.

Fortunately, Chen Guan’s strength was not bad, otherwise he would have suffered some shock this time.

As for what the other party said, he knew it well.

The situation on Gulong Island is indeed not optimistic.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Elder Zhuli turned around and smiled apologetically, then sighed helplessly.

“My little friend is laughing. In the eyes of outsiders, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is unpredictable, aloof, and unpredictable in strength. However, our clan today is exactly what I said just now.”

“My little friend and Zi Yan have a deep friendship. They are our own people. It doesn’t hurt to tell you these things.”

“The Gulong Island you see now is actually not the complete Gulong Island, but only a quarter of the original Gulong Island.”

“With my wisdom, I should have guessed the situation of the other three parts. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan split into four parts in the hundreds of years after the old Dragon Emperor, Zi Yan…the father disappeared, and the Ancient Dragon Clan split into four parts. The island is also divided into four, each wandering in the void.”

As Elder Zhuli said, he glanced at Chen Guan’s expression and was slightly surprised to see that his expression was as usual.

If I had known, even Zi Yan now only had a rough understanding of these things, which could be called a secret. However, her face did not change when she heard about it for the first time, which made Zhuli a little confused about Chen Guan’s thoughts.

But this is not important. With Zi Yan’s relationship, he believes that Chen Guan will not do anything to harm Gulong Island. He only needs to guarantee this, and it is enough.

“To put it simply, the Taixu ancient dragon clan you see now is actually incomplete.”

“Every once in a while, the four dragon islands floating in the void space will meet each other, and this time is also the most dangerous time. In the past few encounters, they have all fought!”

“The reason is simpler. The island owners of the other three islands, who call themselves Dragon Kings, all want to unify the Taixu Ancient Dragon. However, the strength gap between these three Dragon Kings is not big. No one is convinced by the other, which puts pressure on us. Secretly competing with each other is how our Dragon Island can survive until now. Even after so many years, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is still in a state of division.”

“If this were not the case, even if a group of elders in seclusion took action, it would be difficult to resist the attack of the three dragon islands.”

“Well, please keep these matters confidential, little friend Chen Guan. After all, if word spreads, there is no guarantee that some powerful forces who have grudges against my Gulong clan will secretly interfere.” Zhuli said seriously.

Chen Jian nodded and agreed, “We can’t cheat our teammates.”

“Having said so much, I must have understood the importance of Zi Yan to our clan. She has the purest blood of the old Dragon Emperor flowing in her body. The old Dragon Emperor is missing, and Zi Yan is the legitimate Dragon Emperor of our clan in the future! “

“We originally planned to use our old age to mediate and buy Zi Yan a few decades. As long as she can grow up, she will be able to easily suppress those dragon kings with impure blood and let the Ancient Dragon Island reunite. one.”

“However, this idea is different when the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit appears. This is an unimaginable opportunity. With the help of the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit, Zi Yan may be able to grow up before the four dragon islands meet. Cleanse the evil dragon with your invincible posture!”

Elder Zhuli swept away his frustration, clenched his fists, his face was rosy, and his eyes were filled with a mesmerizing purple light, looking forward to the arrival of that day.

This time, he looked like a fanatical believer!

As long as he can achieve what he wants, Chen Guan has no doubt that he is willing to do everything for it!

“So, senior asked me to come today because he wanted to…”

“The Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit appears six times in the records, but only two of them were successfully used. One was from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, and the senior of our clan died with him. Therefore, even our clan is not very Know the correct way to use the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit.”

“Zi Yan told me that the inheritance in her bloodline has the correct way to use the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, but it cannot be used rashly. It must wait for the arrival of my little friend. Although I am old, I am not that stupid. Zi Yan said The method of saying it must be the credit of my little friend.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan just smiled and acquiesced, without denying it.

Elder Zhuli did not go into details. The next moment, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared and turned into a solemn one.

Immediately, he bowed to Chen Guan and gave a heavy salute.

“I have no intention of finding out where my little friend got the secret recipe, but for the sake of the survival of our clan, Zhuli is here to ask my little friend!”

He didn’t promise any benefits, nor did he say anything about being a distinguished guest forever, but Chen Guan could feel the ultimate sincerity.

Looking at the elder in front of him who didn’t care about his identity at all, Chen Guan finally understood why he was now in charge of Donglong Island.

His heart can be learned from the sun and the moon!

“Senior, there is no need for this. Zi Yan and I have known each other since the northwest and have been with her all the way to this day. We are more than family members. To help her rebuild the glory of Dragon Island, Chen Guan is bound to do his best and will do his best!”

In front of the third elder, Chen Guan had no intention of joking and expressed his attitude very seriously.

The stakes are too high to allow for joking.

“Okay! Great! It’s Zi Yan’s luck to meet my little friend, and it’s also the luck of our clan. Although after these years of fighting and division, most of our clan’s heritage has been lost, but the remaining treasures can still be passed on, little friend if If you have what you need, feel free to take it, and wherever I need help, I will arrange it as I please, including me!”

After receiving the promise, Zhuli was so excited that he almost patted his chest to guarantee everything.

Naturally, Chen Guan would not be polite to him. After learning about the situation on Long Island, the original plan had to be slightly changed. There were some things that really needed help.

“Before coming to Dragon Island, I was preparing for this. Now all the other neutralizing items are ready, but there is only one item that requires help from senior.”

“Oh? What?”

“Ancient dragon marrow!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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