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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 343 Yun Danfeng Qinghun Emperor, disheveled ancient patriarch

Based on Yaoyue’s description, a name flashed through Chen Guan’s mind.

But what didn’t make sense was that he had never interacted with that person, so there was no reason why the other person would look for him for no reason.

Could it be about the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?

Or is it related to the one named Lingquan?

After thinking about it, I still think it’s impossible.

This matter is of great importance, so even after many years, Chen Guan still remembers it clearly, and there should be no traces left at that time.

With a lot of suspicion, the two of them left Qingce Village together, and soon entered Shengdan City and came to the foot of Danta Tower.

“You go ahead. I won’t go up. I have to bow to everyone I see. It’s not comfortable at all.”

Without saying a word, Yaoyue quickly flew away. Apparently, this girl had been suffering from cumbersome etiquette for a long time.

Chen Guan shook his head and laughed, not caring, and climbed up to the Dan Pagoda alone, his expression gradually becoming serious.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that there was a vague gaze in the dark observing his every move. The ethereal gaze made it difficult for him to grasp the source.

Ignoring it selectively, Chen Guan remained calm and spent a few minutes before arriving at the reception hall on the top floor of the Dan Pagoda.

After gently knocking on the door, Chen Guan pushed the door open and entered after receiving permission.

There were only five people in the huge hall at this time.

Wearing a white robe, Xuan Kongzi sat in the chair.

Tian Leizi and Xuan Yi looked slightly solemn and reserved.

Cao Ying looked like she was in a state of wandering mind and was very unfocused.

And the mysterious woman on the other side.

Just as Yaoyue said, this girl is very young and has a stunning appearance. She is wearing a decent purple dress, but she is not the type that makes people feel stunning all at once. Instead, she looks calm, cold and indifferent. Her temperament is like an earthly green lotus.

When Chen Guan came in, everyone including Xuan Kongzi glanced at him, smiled and nodded, but this woman was still sipping tea, elegant and indifferent, as if she was the host.

The feeling of being superior to others is not expressed in words, but is a result of living in a special environment for a long time and being nurtured invisibly.

It’s really her, Gu Xun’er!

Chen Guan murmured in his heart, basically confirming the identity of the other party.

“Teacher, two senior uncles, and senior sister.”

Without thinking much, Chen Guan saluted and greeted Gu Xun’er appropriately, without forgetting to cast a curious look at Gu Xun’er.

“Well, take a seat first.” Xuan Kongzi smiled slightly, “Master, let me introduce to you. This is Miss Gu Xun’er, a distinguished guest from the ancient tribe. The relationship between Danta and the ancient tribe has always been good. This time Gu Xun’er Miss is here and I want to ask you something, so you don’t have to hide anything, just answer truthfully.”

This is just a scene talk.

Xuan Kongzi believed that Chen Guan understood and would act according to the opportunity.

After saying that, he looked at Gu Xun’er and said, “This is my incompetent disciple Chen Guan. Miss Gu Xun’er has been to the northwest, and I don’t think she needs too much introduction from me.”

Hearing this, Gu Xun’er looked towards Chen Guan and nodded politely as a greeting.

“Of course, the Tianmeng is now the leader in the northwest region. The leader of the Tianmeng, Chen Guan, this name should be familiar to anyone who has been to the northwest, including Xun’er.”

Hearing the polite business exchange, Chen Guan smiled slightly and was sure that the other party came today and was not looking for trouble.

“It’s just a small fight, it won’t be on the stage. I dare to ask Miss Gu Xun’er why she is looking for Chen Guan…”

When the key issue was mentioned, Xuan Kongzi and others also looked curiously. Obviously, they were also confused about what the other party wanted.

Being stared at by Wushuang’s eyes, Gu Xun’er’s smile paused for a moment, and he looked around, as if he was sure that everyone present could be trusted, and then slowly told the whole story.

“I think based on the experience of several seniors, they should all know the existence of the eight ancient tribes. What Xun’er wants to say is that it has something to do with the soul tribe behind the soul palace.”

“Among the eight ancient clans now, apart from my ancient clan, the Soul clan is the strongest, and this clan is extremely ambitious. The Xiao clan, which was once in its heyday, encountered unexpected events and ended up in name only. The main culprit is It’s the Soul Clan!”

No one interrupted, everyone was quietly listening to Xiao Xun’er’s story.

But in fact, except for Cao Ying, who heard about it for the first time, Chen Guan and the other four people knew it more or less.

In fact, Chen Guan only knew a lot more than Gu Xun’er.

For example, he was very sure that among the eight ancient ancient clans, the ancient clan was actually not as powerful as the soul clan, and Gu Yuan could not compare to the Soul Emperor!

Whether it’s combat power or courage.

In the original trajectory, these two peak experts had fought each other more than once, but the results were exactly the same every time.

Yun Danfeng Qinghun Emperor, the ancient patriarch with disheveled hair!

“However, the battle with the Xiao Clan also caused a lot of losses to the Hun Clan. However, after a thousand years of cultivation, the Hun Clan has probably recovered a long time ago. Because of this, the Hun Clan’s ambitions have grown day by day, and they have been secretly plotting in recent years. Quite a few.”

“Before, when they were planning, they would still worry about the Ancient Clan, Thunder Clan, etc., but just a few days ago, a big event happened. In the small world of the Spirit Clan, hundreds of puppets suddenly appeared. Each of these puppets Not inferior to Dou Zun, some are even comparable to semi-saints!”

When he said this, Gu Xun’er looked at Chen Guan.

Its purpose gradually became clear.

“Thanks to the spirit tribe’s quick response, these puppets were quickly dealt with, but the losses were still considerable.”

“This matter is strange, and the eight tribes take it very seriously. We speculate that this is the handiwork of the Soul Clan, or a test, but there is no conclusive evidence. According to the Spirit Clan, these puppets are very different from ordinary puppets. They are much better than ordinary puppets.” More agile.”

“In recent days, the Eight Clans have been digging into this matter. I heard by chance that Mr. Chen Guan is good at this and has used special puppets many times. That’s why the clan asked Xun’er to come and ask about it.”

“Of course, this is not to doubt Mr. Chen Guan. The relationship between Danta and the Soul Clan is well known. Xun’er also believes that Mr. Chen Guan will not be an enemy. I just want to ask Mr. Chen Guan if he knows anyone else who will. To create this kind of puppet, or have this kind of inheritance?”

After listening to Gu Xun’er’s story, the hall was silent.

These news are really a bit too shocking.

There are hundreds of puppets that are comparable to the powerful Dou Zun!

What kind of concept is this?

The entire Zhongzhou, not counting the eight ancient tribes, probably only adds up to this number.

Even worse than…

The forces behind this are really terrifying!

But the Spirit Race can withstand such a crisis, which shows that its strength is equally astonishing.

Xuan Kongzi and others really felt some of the preciousness of the eight ancient tribes at this moment.

Chen Guan’s face was equally solemn. He thought more than Xuan Kongzi and others.

During this period of time, there had been no movement in the Soul Palace, as if it had disappeared. He was still wondering what the other party was planning.

Now it seems that it makes perfect sense that the Soul Palace noticed something unusual about ‘Old Man Mu Gu’ and sent him back to the Soul Clan to master the secrets!

Compared to the losses of several Dou Zun experts and even Tian Zun, it was nothing at all.

No one knows better than him the horror of a huge force mastering this. As long as there are enough resources, it can create an army of puppets at any time!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guan forced himself to calm down.

I thought that transforming Old Man Mu Gu and sending him back was a good move, but now it seems that he really underestimated the methods of this ancient imperial clan.

Fortunately, the situation is not completely out of control.

The transformation of Old Man Mu Gu is more like a medicine puppet like Han Feng, rather than a real puppet.

Therefore, even if the Soul Clan defies heaven, it is impossible to analyze and obtain the core puppet formation. At most, they can only get inspiration and make some improvements based on some of the puppet techniques they originally mastered.

And this kind of puppet is made of the body of a strong human being!

In other words, it is impossible for the Soul Clan to create an army of puppets!

For the Soul Clan, after thousands of years of planning, the situation is now very good. It is the time to employ people. No matter how crazy the Soul Clan Emperor is, he cannot use living clan members as materials.

But, it’s hard to say after death…

After such a calculation, the benefit gained by the Soul Clan is that the combat power of the Dou Zun level has skyrocketed, but the combat power of the top level Dou Saint has not been affected.

Otherwise, we can completely push the entire Dou Qi Continent!

Therefore, it is still barely acceptable.

“Mr. Chen Guan?”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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