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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 349 Spring orchids, autumn chrysanthemums, each has its own merits!

“Yao Lang?!”

The piercing cry of grief woke everyone up. Looking at the dead body of Demon Flower Evil Lord, and then looking at the young man with a warm smile on his face, it seemed that everything had nothing to do with them, everyone felt that they were looking away.

This guy is so cruel!

He struck so decisively that none of the Hua Sect elders had time to stop him.

“Why! Why do you still want to kill Yao Lang when he has already admitted defeat! Chen Guan, you will pay the price for what you did today. Tianming Sect will not let you go!”

Hua Jin’s mean face was full of anger, and her eyes were full of hatred. She pointed at Chen Guan and shouted, but she always leaned in the direction of the elder Hua Zong and did not dare to take a step forward.

It can be seen that she has feelings for Demon Flower Evil Lord, but not much.

The color is fierce and the internal stubble is nothing more than this.

Chen Guan turned a deaf ear to Hua Jin’s rebuke, turned around and slightly bowed his hands to the frowning Hua Zong masters around him.

“Don’t worry, everyone. The gambling battle between Huazong has ended. What happens next is between me, Chen Guan, and the Tianming Sect. If the other party comes to hold accountable, just blame it on me. On behalf of Danta, I will shoulder the responsibility. .”

In the final analysis, the Hua Zong didn’t care about the life and death of the Demonic Flower Demon Lord. They were just concerned that the Tianming Sect would attack because of the death of the Demonic Demonic Flower Demon Lord.

In fact, in terms of strength, the Hua Zong is not inferior to the Tianming Sect, but the nature of the Hua Zong is the same as the previous Little Danta. If you can lie down, you don’t want to sit, and if you can sit, you will never stand, and get involved in disputes. They don’t want to see it.

Hearing that Chen Guan had taken over the responsibility, although the elders of Hua Zong were still a little dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything else and looked towards the north of the square.

Directly in the north, a white-haired old woman stood up slowly. Judging from her clothing, she looked like an elder of the Hua Clan, and her status was not low.

“Dan Pagoda Chen Guan, Xuan Kongzi has taken in a good disciple. Anyway, the matter has been revealed. Yun Yun is the leader of the Hua Sect and will take over the affairs of the sect from now on. Her order is that all the disciples of the Hua Sect must Comply, otherwise, the sect rules will follow!”


When the white-haired old woman’s voice fell, the densely packed Hua Sect disciples in the square quickly knelt down and respectful voices resounded.

“I’ve met the sect master!”

Even though she had been in charge of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun was still a little stunned when faced with such a scene.

After all, compared to the Hua Sect, the Yunlan Sect can only be regarded as a child’s play house at best.

“Sect Master Yun, congratulations.”

Chen Guan joked in a low voice, bringing Yun Yun back to reality.

Life always needs some spices. Although Sect Leader Yun and Yun Yun are the same person, the agitation they bring to people is completely different.

Yun Yun rolled her eyes at him charmingly, sighed quietly, and quickly adjusted her mentality.

Although she has no desire to take over the Huazong, she also knows in her heart that this will be a great help to Chen Guan, so she can only rush to the shelves.

Seeing Yun Yun’s actions, the white-haired old woman smiled slightly. When she looked at Chen Guan, her smile froze again.

“As for you…forget it…”

I originally wanted Chen Guan, an outsider, to stop getting involved in Huazong affairs, but then I thought that with Yun Yun’s relationship, it would be in vain, so I simply swallowed the words that came to my lips.

Out of sight, out of sight, after the explanation, he disappeared directly.

Seeing this, the other elders and disciples had nothing to say and began to leave in twos and threes.

Not long after, only a group of people who had supported Yun Yun according to Granny Hua’s arrangement were left in the venue.

“Little friend Chen Guan, don’t take it to heart. The Great Elder’s temperament is like this. Although I have taken over the responsibility, the death of Demon Flower Evil Lord in Hua Zong will eventually make the relationship between the two sects more delicate. This and several There are some differences with the principles that the elder in charge has always implemented, but everyone is happy to see that the relationship with Danta can be further improved.”

A middle-aged elder stepped forward and explained.

Chen Guan chuckled and nodded, this is what he wanted.

After this incident, Hua Zong will inevitably lean towards Danta. If there is a need to form an alliance in the future, there will be less resistance.

Yun Yun’s appointment ceremony was hastily arranged for the next day and was not grand.

But with the great elder of Hua Zong presiding over it, everything seemed quite formal, and when the ceremony was completed, Yun Yun truly became the new generation leader of Hua Zong.

At this point, Chen Guan’s purpose of this trip has been achieved.

That night.

The room with the lingering fragrance was filled with a faint pink color. At a glance, it was clear that this should be a certain woman’s boudoir, just like the atmosphere at the moment.

After Yun Yun broke through Douzun, she had not experienced a decent battle, so Chen Guan decided to discuss and give her some guidance.

At Chen Guan’s request, Sect Leader Yun still wore the phoenix crown costume, which made Chen Guan’s fighting spirit soar, leaving traces of battle everywhere in the room.

The result is clear at a glance. Even after gaining Granny Hua’s fighting spirit, Yun Yun was still defeated by the brave Chen Guan before she could fully digest it.

Fortunately, Chen Guan took pity on her and finally let him go on purpose, causing the two of them to fall on the bed.

After resting for a long time, the redness on Yun Yun’s face subsided a little, and then she started chatting about business.

“Over there at Dragon Island, do you need me to follow you?”

In the past few days, she had learned about Chen Guan’s latest plan, a trip to Dragon Island, which was imminent.

Only by solving the hidden dangers of Dragon Island and allowing Zi Yan to completely control Dragon Island can she have the capital to truly have a chance with the ancient race.

Otherwise, relying solely on Danta is still too weak.

“No, just focus all your attention on Hua Zong from now on, and digest Granny Hua’s fighting spirit as soon as possible. I have a hunch that the next time His Highness Soul appears, Zhongzhou may be in chaos.”

Chen Guan shook his head slightly and refused.

Let’s go to Dragon Island, not to mention Yun Yun. Even he can’t help much. The most important thing is the decisive battle between Zi Yan and the other dragon kings.

Therefore, the combat power of Dou Zun is not too much if one more is not too much, but not too much if one is less.

“Well, I plan to go into seclusion after you leave until I have completely digested Granny Hua’s fighting spirit. Anyway, there are great elders and others in the Hua Sect. There are not many places where I am needed, but Yanran’s side… I am a teacher. She’s not very competent. I haven’t taught her properly since she came out of the northwest. How about you take her back to Qingce Village first, and then pick her back up after I get out of seclusion.”

“She is not a child, so there is no need to go to such trouble, and compared to Qingce Village, Huazong is more suitable for her training. I will leave some elixirs for her before I leave tomorrow, and I can also give her some fighting skills that are not needed , you will definitely be surprised when you come out of seclusion.”

Chen Guan laughed dumbly. As a master, he had too many things to worry about.

But thinking about Tang Xi and Tang Zi who had always been with Xuan Kongzi, Chen Guan felt a little ashamed.

When it comes to being incompetent, he seems to be even more incompetent than Yun Yun.

“Then I’m relieved.” A look of satisfaction appeared on Yun Yun’s cheek, she stood up slightly and reached out to pat the restless palm behind her.

When he looked up, he saw Chen Guanzheng staring at him with a strange expression.

Seeing Chen Guan’s gaze, Yun Yun was also startled, and then she lowered her head slightly. Her cheeks instantly felt like they were on fire. Because of her previous small move, the clothes on her body actually burst open.

His face was flushed with embarrassment for a moment, but he showed a rare boldness and did not hide it. Instead, he was playful and fun-loving. He raised his eyebrows and said something that made Chen Guan feel incredible.

“Does it look good? How does it compare with Dieyi?”

“Spring orchids, autumn chrysanthemums, each has its own merits, let me take a closer look.”

For a time, in the room, jade bodies lay across the room, and the spring scenery was moving.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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