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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 354 Dragon Armor Army, charge!

A moment ago, outside Dragon Island.

In the dark and silent void, streams of light suddenly appeared. Without exception, these streams of light slowly paused outside Gulong Island. The light dispersed, revealing a series of powerful figures.

Most of these people were wearing dark gold armor. There were dragon-shaped patterns on the armor. The dragon body was faintly swimming, as if it were a living creature, exuding a vast and powerful dragon power.

In addition to these people wearing dark golden armor, there are also some bare-chested figures. These figures appear to be extraordinarily strong, giving people a strong sense of visual power impact.

“They are from Xilong Island and Nanlong Island!”

In the early years, there were many battles with the other three islands. Seeing these figures, angry voices suddenly sounded in Gulong Island.

“Xia Che, you actually dare to lead people to invade our Donglong Island. What a great skill!”

In the sky, the space was distorted, and figures emerged one after another. The old man in the lead was clearly the elder Qi You who had talked with Zhuli before.

At this moment, his unsmiling face looked extremely stern, and there was a faint air of calmness and self-power.

While scolding, Elder Qi You stared into the void, but found no trace of Sanlong Island.

Obviously, these two groups of people are just pioneers.

The three dragon islands have not yet been completed, but it is certain that they are not far away.

“Haha, old man Qi You, don’t get angry at me. I’m just here on orders. I heard that a person with royal blood was found on Donglong Island. Lord Dragon King specially ordered me to go ahead and invite her to sit on Xilong Island. “

Outside the void, a big man wearing dark golden armor and thick eyebrows slowly stepped out. As his footsteps stepped out, it seemed that the void space was shaking because of this. He glanced at the protective shield. Qi You inside laughed.

Hearing this, Elder Qi You, Zi Yan and others inside the shield all laughed in their hearts.

From these words, we can know that the Three Dragon Islands have received some information from Zi Yan.

Unfortunately, times have changed, and these messages were long ago.

It can also be seen that Donglong Island has done a good job in keeping secrets secret recently.

Elder Qi You sneered in his heart, but his anger remained unabated.

“Huh, Lord Dragon King? It’s ridiculous. Our Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan has only had one Dragon King from the beginning to the end! Your so-called West Dragon King is just a sideline of the royal family. Now he dares to call himself Dragon King without fear of hurting himself. ! Wanting to take away the royal bloodline and put them under house arrest is a fool’s errand!”

Listening to Qi You’s cold drink, the big man known as Xia Zhe was not annoyed. It happened every time and he was used to it. It would be strange if he didn’t react like this.

“Old man Qiyou, now the Gulong clan is divided into four. No matter what, Lord Xilong King also has royal bloodline, which is always more powerful than the young royal bloodline you found. Speaking of which, your Donglong Island is the real one. It shouldn’t exist. Of the four previous islands, you were the only one who didn’t have a leader of royal blood. This kind of existence will not be recognized!”

“Do you agree or not, but it is not the turn of the other three dragon kings to comment. In the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, there are no dragon kings from the east, west, east, west, and west. There is only the Dragon King. The rest are not qualified to enforce the clan rules at all. It is useless to say more. If you want to take Zi Yan away, you must see what you are capable of.” Qi You raised his eyes and said.

“Hey, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you old guy. I came here under orders this time, and I have to hand over the blood of the royal family. Otherwise, I’m afraid this matter won’t be so good.” Xia Zhe couldn’t argue. He curled his lips and saw the picture.

“Just you?”

Qi You’s face was slightly cold, and he clenched his hands slightly, and the vast and terrifying energy was rapidly condensed.

“Hey, Qi You, in terms of combat effectiveness, your Donglong Island is the worst among the four islands. If the Dragon Armor Army of our Xilong Island wants to invade in a big way, your Donglong Island won’t be able to hold on for long.”

Seeing that Qi You was about to take action, Xia Zhe also waved his hand, followed by the figures in dark gold dragon armor, who also slowly stepped forward, and the powerful pressure gathered together and filled the air towards the Dragon Island.

The atmosphere instantly became chilly.

Faced with such an aura alone, Elder Qi You was not afraid at all. His dull eyes swept over the suspended figures in the void, and finally stopped on the group of bare-chested, slightly bulky figures.

“The Dragon Armor Army of Xilong Island, the Barbarian Dragon Army of Nanlong Island, and the elite warriors from the two islands were actually sent out. I believe there must be someone to lead the Barbarian Dragon Army. Come out together, I will suppress them all!”

“Haha, old man Qi You is worthy of being you. In that case, I won’t hide it anymore.”

Elder Qi You’s voice fell, and the pitch-black void space slowly distorted. Immediately, an old man wearing simple leather clothes with pale white skin appeared out of thin air and smiled at Qi You.

Apparently, there was an acquaintance.

“Barbarian rock…”

Elder Qi You glanced at the old man, but there was still no big wave in his voice.

In the past, he could only deal with one of the two, and he would definitely lose if one versus two.

But today is different from the past. Thinking about the power hidden behind him, Elder Qi You has no idea how to lose today.

“Qi You, hand over the people. We are also here under orders. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan has become like this. It is extremely difficult for you to unify again. The three dragon kings will not allow this to happen. .” Looking at Qi You, Man Yan sighed and then said in a deep voice.

“What the hell, do you really think that Donglong Island is easy to bully? If it weren’t for the First Elder and the Second Elder to go into seclusion, how could you three islands dare to come to our Donglong Island to act arrogantly?” A figure suddenly flew up to the sky, Not afraid of the pressure from those many strong men, he shouted loudly.

“Zhuli, why have you imitated Hei Qing’s bad temper?” Xia Che glanced at Zhuli, then turned to Man Yan and said, “We don’t have much time to waste, let’s do it.”

After the words fell, the dark golden dragon armor on Xia Che’s body suddenly erupted with a burst of bright golden light, and a monstrous aura swept out of his body like a storm. There was a faint sound of dragon roars, and from there The golden light came out.

“Dragon Armor Army, take action and bring that royal blood back!”

Xia Zhe waved his hand fiercely, and the figures behind him in dragon armor all shouted loudly. Their fierce auras surged out, and then turned into streams of light, rushing towards the ancient dragon island. .

“Hey, let’s do it.”

Seeing this, Man Yan also sighed and gave the order.

Hearing his command, the bare-chested figures also nodded heavily. With their fists clenched, their arms squirmed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the two arms transformed into dragon claws covered with lavender scales, and their bodies flashed. In a flash, he rushed straight to Gulong Island.

However, something unexpected happened to them. Facing the two elite charges, Qi You and Zhu Li both looked calm and showed no signs of anxiety.

Even, there is a hint of joking.

what happened? !

Before Xia Che and Man Yan could react, they saw silhouettes suddenly appearing inside Dragon Island.

The leader is clearly Zi Yan.

Behind him, the four elders of the Little Dan Pagoda, the Master of the Sound Valley, the Venerable Heavenly Fire, the old monster You Po, the Little Medical Immortal and other powerful people were standing in the queue.

“Dragon Armor Army, charge! Leave no one behind!”

Zi Yan changed her usual cheerfulness, her pretty face was full of sternness, she pointed a dagger in her hand, and the dense dragon armor army was dispatched.

Immediately afterwards, Zi Yan took the lead and took the lead to greet the two groups of elites that were attacking.

Behind him, a group of strong men also launched a counterattack at the same time.

What kind of scene was that? Xia Che and Man Yan could only see their elite men. At this moment, they were like a swarm of flying ants. A large piece of them fell from the air after being slapped by the group of people on the opposite side. The number of people was decreasing sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

This is not a charge, it is simply a death attempt!

Blood was flying, and screams were heard one after another. After just a moment of stunned silence, most of the elite in the field had already been lost.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can there be so many strong men on Donglong Island!”

“Qi You, you are despicable!”

Xia Zhe and Man Yan were shocked and angry at the same time, and could hardly believe their eyes.

However, while he was scolding, his movements were not slow at all. They all dodged and fled in the same direction quickly.

Things have changed, and Donglong Island is no longer the Donglong Island it once was.

This news must be sent back now, so as to ensure that the three dragon islands will not suffer big losses.

Unfortunately, the cruelty of reality will not change because of their foolish loyalty.

Before the two of them could escape far, they found a huge dragon blocking their way.

On the back of the giant, a young man and an old man stood steadily.

“Fortunately, I came back at the right time. Mr. Dean, it’s your turn to perform.”

When Dean Mang saw Hei Qing, he had already realized that he had been deceived by this boy. However, he had not been able to abandon his burden halfway when he boarded the pirate ship.

When I heard someone speaking at this moment, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes back.

Fortunately, he took action decisively. When he raised his hand, a thunderous light swept towards the two of them like an angry dragon.

At the same time, Hei Qing also changed back into human form and followed closely to join the battlefield.

The same goes for Qi You and Zhu Li on the other side.

In addition, a group of strong men who quickly eliminated the miscellaneous fish with the power of thunder are rushing here, and this situation is already unsolvable.

There is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. Seeing that all directions are blocked, Xia Zhe and Man Yan completely understand.

This is simply a long-planned trap!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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