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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 355 Zi Yan’s trump card

If they could do it all over again, Xia Che and Man Yan would never take the initiative to attack Long Island as forwards. They thought it was a good job, but who would have thought that this would be a complete fire pit.

Looking at the group of powerful men surrounding them, regret flashed in their eyes.

But when it comes to fear, that’s not the case.

As the pinnacle fighting master, the Dragon Transformation Queen can even contain the powerful semi-saints. The two of them are considered masters even in the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, so naturally they cannot be compared with those ordinary dragon-armored troops.

“Dacheng’s royal bloodline, and a strong fighting saint, Donglong Island, are really a great gesture.”

Knowing they were outmatched, Xia Che and Man Yan gave up their resistance and stared at Zi Yan and the great elder with strange expressions.

Both of them agreed that even if there was internal fighting before, Zi Yan would not likely kill them, and if they were captured now, they would be imprisoned at most.

Therefore, the performance can be called confident.

Not to mention, in normal development, Zi Yan really has to think carefully in order for the future of Long Island not to be too empty. After all, the strength of these two people is not low. As long as they are used for their own use, they are two good combat powers.

Unfortunately, today is different from the past.

With the unconditional support of Chen Guan’s Danta, and even having met the old Dragon Emperor who was trapped at the entrance of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s cave, no one has more confidence than Zi Yan!

Therefore, looking at the two people who had become prisoners but still showed no regrets and dared to make sarcastic remarks, Zi Yan only had a contemptuous smile on her face.

“It’s just two evil dragons. Do you really think that this emperor cares about your meager strength? I will punish all rebels!”

The undisguised murderous intent came out of their bodies, and with the blessing of the Dragon King’s bloodline, it actually made the two bodies tremble unconsciously.

“No, you don’t…”


The screams and wails stopped abruptly, and Zi Yan closed her palms with an expressionless face, as if those who died under her palms were two rookies instead of two powerful warriors.

The decisiveness and speed of the attack exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Even the elder of Little Dan Pagoda’s eyes twitched when he saw it.

It is a well-known fact that the gap between Dou Zun and Dou Sheng is like a chasm.

But even he may not be able to kill two peak fighting masters so casually.

This girl is probably not weaker than him now!

“The Dragon Armor Army listened to the order, quickly cleaned the battlefield, adjusted its status, and was always ready to face the Three Islands army!”


The neat and loud cheers sounded, and their excitement seemed to be felt thousands of miles away. All the Dragon Armor Army was like a machine, starting to operate rapidly under Zi Yan’s order.

Unlike the senior elders, they have a lot of things to consider. As for the Dragon Armor Army, they only know that today, under the leadership of the new Dragon Emperor, they severely damaged the Mishima forwards and even killed two peak Dou Zun on the spot. Strong man, this is a record that has never been achieved before.

Just this is enough to inspire people!

It was not until this incident that Elder Qi You and Zhu Li recovered from the shock.

In fact, Zi Yan’s actions just now were so decisive that they all felt strange.

Looking at the two bloody corpses, the two elders looked at each other. They had something to say, but they couldn’t say it.

The deal is already done, so what’s the use of opposing it?

They didn’t care about the lives of Xia Che and Man Yan, but they simply felt that this move was a bit extreme and might make the three dragon kings go completely crazy.

After all, they still don’t know what Zi Yan has experienced over the years. If the two of them had personally seen the old Dragon King underground in Canaan Academy, they would probably be more confident than Zi Yan.

After leaving it to the Dragon Armor Army to clean up the battlefield, a group of powerful men returned to the main hall to discuss.

“Lord Dragon King, as Xia Che and Man Yan, they have destiny cards on their respective islands. Now that they have died, the three Dragon Kings behind them must have known what happened and will definitely come as quickly as possible. I think it is It’s time to mobilize all combat forces and prepare for a decisive battle.”

Returning to the main hall, Elder Qi You took the lead in standing up and saluting Zi Yan, who was in charge.

Although Zi Yan did not hold a succession ceremony, it doesn’t matter anymore.

After Qi You, the third elder Zhuli also stood up.

“Lord Dragon King, although our Donglong Island is now much stronger than before with the help of all our friends, the Three Dragon Islands are by no means good, especially the three Dragon Kings. They are all genuine fighting saints. This battle is inevitable. It’s difficult, the Dragon King needs to be fully prepared, if… once the situation changes, even if we die, we must ensure the safety of the Dragon King.”

After all, I still lack a little confidence.

Zi Yan was not annoyed about this, and nodded lightly and replied: “Third elder, don’t worry, I have my own way out. If you really get to that point, I will lead you to an absolutely safe place.”

Hearing this, Zhuli finally felt relieved.

As long as the green hills remain, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood. As long as the people are still there, it is only a matter of time before they can unify Long Island.

After discussing a few more wartime issues, Zhu Li and Qi You hurriedly left to prepare, leaving only a few people on Chen Guan’s side waiting.

They are all members of the same family, but when facing Chen Guan and others, Zi Yan’s attitude, including what she can say, is very different.

After losing her Dragon King posture, Zi Yan looked at Chen Guan and others without reservation.

“The power of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is very powerful. In my estimation, if I can completely digest it, I can pacify the three islands by myself.”

“But now there is not enough time. Three Islands came too quickly. My current strength is about between two and three stars. With some… Dragon King inheritance in my mind, I am sure to deal with the three dragon kings. As for Whether we can keep them completely, I’m not sure.”

Zi Yan did not explain the so-called inheritance of the Dragon King. Only Chen Guan guessed it through her eyes. It was most likely the handiwork of the old Dragon King.

After hearing Zi Yan’s words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and frowned slightly.

No rookie here knows the necessity of eradicating the roots. If the three dragon kings cannot be left behind at once, there will only be endless troubles left.

Moreover, due to the talent of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, when the time comes for Sanlong Island to hide, even if Zi Yan completely digests the terrifying power of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, it will be difficult to find them again.

No one wants to have so many powerful enemies hiding in the dark that come and go without a trace. If that day comes, I’m afraid no one will be able to sleep peacefully again.

Chen Guan knew that the three dragon kings were not that shrewd, but if this time could not be ended at once, I am afraid that they would have to follow the same path again. Wouldn’t the preparations these days be meaningless?

Just when Chen Guan was struggling, Zi Yan’s voice sounded again.

“I will not allow that to happen. Therefore, some changes need to be made in this battle before it can be resolved in one battle.”

No one spoke rashly, everyone was quietly listening to Zi Yan’s story.

“It’s a very common sense question. In this continent, most of the various tribes and major forces have their own special skills, or protective formations, such as the Ten Thousand Snakes Formation of the Nine Netherland Nether Python Clan. Jiuyou Earthly Nether Python has such means, and I, the Taixu Ancient Dragon, as the supreme being in the World of Warcraft, will naturally not be lacking.”

No one will question the heritage of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. The more they come into contact with them, the more so they become.

“It just so happens that among the inheritance I received, there is this kind of formation, called the Fulong Formation!”

“So, I want to use the Great Elder as the core and gather the power of all the Dragon Armor Army to form a large formation, which will definitely cut off the escape route of Sanlong Island!”

“Haha, when I come with Mr. Chen this time, I won’t be out of work. Everything will be at your disposal. Speaking of which, I have seen the Ten Thousand Snakes Formation of the Nine Netherland Nether Python Clan, and I have no idea about the Ancient Dragon Clan’s great formation. , I am also very curious.”

The great elder was very considerate and responded with a smile.

Needless to say, the importance of this battle. If you win, Danta will get a powerful ally. Otherwise, you have to be careful of the Three Dragon Islands secretly causing harm.

With this premise, the Great Elder hopes to capture all of Sanlong Island in one fell swoop.

Zi Yan smiled and nodded in thanks, then continued seriously: “As for the decisive battle with the three Dragon Kings, leave it to me and Chen Guan.”


Hearing this, Chen Guan was stunned.

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant enough to participate in the decisive battle between the fighting saints. This seems to be a bit too high on him.

The Little Medical Fairy and others also looked at Zi Yan in confusion. They also couldn’t figure out this problem.

Faced with everyone’s doubts, Zi Yan did not explain and gave it up.

“Sister Xian’er, don’t worry. I won’t let him take risks. It’s just to improve the chances of winning this battle. I need his help.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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