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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 357 Look at me directly, you bastard!

When people prepare in a hurry, time seems to never be enough. Two days go by in a blink of an eye.

Inside Dragon Island, the sound of drills resounded, and everyone was preparing for the final battle.

Even if they were in seclusion, the first elder and the second elder who would not come out until the moment of life and death were all invited out by Zhu Li and Qi You.

Because this is the time now!

The First Elder and the Second Elder were respectively the First and Second Star Fighting Saints. Their release also greatly made up for the lack of the top combat power of Dragon Island.

However, due to the long period of seclusion, the two of them have not even seen Zi Yan with their own eyes so far. In addition, this time Zi Yan actually handed over the support of the Fulong Formation to an outsider, which made the two elders feel sad. Very unpleasant.

Fortunately, Zhuli and Qi Youju explained that the two elders were loyal to Longdao, so they suppressed the matter for the time being.

“Have Lord Dragon King and the boy named Chen Guan come out yet?” The elder of Donglong Island, who was dressed in white robes and looked old but energetic, looked in the direction of the volcano and asked with confusion.

He didn’t quite understand why the two most important people were out of touch at this time, even the elders from the retreat had come out.

“Don’t worry, Zi Yan is casual on weekdays, but she won’t joke about big things. She is the bloodline of the old Dragon Emperor, and none of us know the inheritance she has awakened. It is normal to need more time to prepare. When the war begins, they will not be absent. .” Zhuli replied with a chuckle.

The inheritance of the awakened Dragon King in the bloodline is mysterious, but extremely convincing.

To this day, those who still stay on Donglong Island, without exception, are all die-hard loyalists of the old Dragon Emperor. In their eyes, there is nothing they cannot do when they reach the level of the old Dragon Emperor.

“That’s good. Hmm, the three dragon kings dared to leap up when His Majesty the old Dragon King was missing. Zhu Li, Qi You, you should also cooperate with Saint Ming Ye’s Dragon Formation. In any case, this It’s the order from Lord Dragon King, we can’t let our guests see the joke.” The great elder ordered slowly.

Mingye is the real name of the Great Elder of Little Dan Pagoda. As a strong person in the same realm, it is normal for him to know after asking about it when they meet. Of course, it is also a convenient name.

Zhu Li, Qi You nodded in agreement.

However, just as the two were about to set off, something suddenly changed.

“Boom boom boom!”

Three roars exploded one after another, accompanied by the rapid turbulence of whining, making the listener’s emotions tense up unconsciously.

Looking outside the barrier that isolated the island, one after another saw three huge islands appearing out of thin air. They were densely packed with elites. One after another, strong men sprang out from the three islands, actually setting off extremely violent waves. The energy storm swept across the sky and covered the earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was also at this time that the alarm bells on the island sounded, and the decisive battle was about to begin!

The atmosphere was terrifyingly chilly at this moment. All the dragon-armored troops clenched their weapons and looked at the Great Elder of Little Dan Pagoda. They had been ordered to obey his command in the past two days.

The Great Elder of Little Dan Pagoda, the Master of Sound Valley, Lord Tianhuo, Little Medical Immortal, Qing Lin and others looked at the elders in charge of Long Island.

Chen Guan and Zi Yan have not yet come out. As guests, they cannot overwhelm the guests.

The old face of the Great Elder of Long Island was tense. Just when he was about to give an order, a strong throbbing of blood attracted him to look back. When he saw the two people flying out and rushing over, a smile finally appeared on his face.

“Welcome to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor!”

“Welcome to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor!”

Under the leadership of the First Elder and Second Elder of Longdao, except for Chen Guan’s relatives and friends, everyone on Longdao knelt down, which shocked Chen Guan and Zi Yan for a while.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly.


Zi Yan stood beside Chen Guan and uttered a word calmly.

At this moment, Zi Yan’s tall figure was wrapped in a set of dark golden body-hugging armor. The armor was not bulky and stuck tightly to her exquisite body, outlining graceful and sexy curves. Hidden in the light temptation was a bone-piercing coldness, which was completely different from his behavior in the past two days. When he looked at Zhuli, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Who would have thought that the little girl back then would be so charming and charming now.

The delicate face now has a hint of coldness due to the slightly raised eyebrows. Although it is still young, a hint of the temperament of a superior can be seen between the slender eyebrows. As the Dragon King of Taixu Ancient Dragon, Your Majesty, when he truly matures, his kingly demeanor will be intimidating.

Zi Yan glanced at the two leading elders, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

If the two elders have never seen her before, it is also the first time for Zi Yan to see these two elders who are living in other people’s mouths.

Zhuli understood immediately, and after getting up, he briefly explained their identities, which made Zi Yan feel relieved.

The battle was about to begin, and there was no time to say more. Zi Yan nodded slightly and stopped asking any more questions, and quickly gave the order.

“Dragon Armor Army listens to orders, everyone acts according to the orders of the elder…the elder of Xiaodanta. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!”

“Everyone, follow me out of the island to meet the enemy!”

Under the leadership of Zi Yan, a group of strong men jumped out of the shield one after another, followed by a large number of dragon armor troops.

Outside of Donglong Island, the three islands have just come together. Three elite troops in completely different attire stand in front of them, each standing tall with a mighty man as the commander of the three armies.

The three islands are close together, densely packed with people and full of murderous intent, but at this moment it is silent, and everyone lowers their heads slightly, as if they are waiting for some important person.

The answer is obvious. Just when everyone from Donglong Island came out, three figures from Sandao appeared together. They were all middle-aged, with confident smiles on their faces, and their gestures were domineering, showing their true heroic qualities.

The three dragon kings!

“I wonder who is so bold as to directly kill Xia Zhe and Man Yan. I see, that’s it.”

“The growing royal bloodline is really unbelievable. It seems that our news is too late. However, for the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, three islands are enough.”

“There are some more unfamiliar bastards.”

Seeing Zi Yan, Chen Guan and others standing in front of them, the three dragon kings exchanged surprises. Their murderous intentions were not hidden at all, and they showed no respect at all.

Seeing that the three of them still looked like this in front of Zhengtong, Zhuli and others on Donglong Island were furious and their teeth were itching with hatred.

For them, there is nothing more treason than this.

“Three evil dragons, look directly at me!”

Zi Yan spoke coldly, and the terrifying bloodline pressure was completely released forward at this moment.

This invisible and intangible thing possesses unspeakable power for the monster.

Moreover, the enemy and ourselves are clearly distinguished!

In an instant, the blood of the dragon armored army behind them boiled and their eyes burned.

On the other hand, those under Dou Zun on Mishima’s side began to sway uncontrollably as if they were drunk. Their faces were red and they were sweating profusely. Even if they worked together, they still tried their best to control and resist before they collapsed. land.

Even the three dragon kings and the three commanders who had already achieved the strength of the Fighting Saint could not help frowning at this moment, which showed that they were not without influence.

After showing off her power, Zi Yan’s eyes were full of purple meaning and she scanned the whole place.

“Thousands of years ago, the old Dragon Emperor disappeared, causing dozens of strong men from our clan to go out to search for each other, but they have not returned yet. This is the time when our clan should work together most, but your choices are chilling. My thoughts are with you. Among them, there may be some who are bewitched by these three people. Today, I will give you one last chance. At this moment, you should abandon the darkness and turn to the light. I will forget the past.”

Ignoring the three dragon kings in front of her, Zi Yan gave her final warning.

It is undeniable that many people were shaken at this moment.

After all, having personally felt the pressure of Zi Yan’s bloodline, they could tell that Zi Yan’s bloodline was far purer than the three dragon kings.

Unfortunately, at this moment, it is no longer up to them.

Before the first person could step forward, the three dragon kings simultaneously launched a coercive fight against Zi Yan. They glanced back with murderous intent, calming down the shaken soldiers.

They knew that Zi Yan was more orthodox, but it was hard to believe that Zi Yan had the strength to keep them safe on the other side.

Perhaps, before it could pass, the three dragon kings would have already been killed.

At this moment, I can’t help myself!

“Haha, don’t waste your efforts. It sounds grand, but in fact you are the same as us, with almost the same royal bloodline. You call yourself the Dragon King. Compared to us, you are the one who deserves to be liquidated!”

The Northern Dragon King sneered and stood up, knocking him down.

This level of shamelessness is comparable to calling a deer a horse or a mouse a duck!

Seeing this, Zi Yan said no more. The Dragon King needs to be tolerant, but he is by no means a Holy Mother.

“Since that’s the case, it’s useless to talk more. Let’s see who is going to liquidate whom today, and let my subordinates see the truth!”

“Hahaha, don’t you want to fight against the three of us on your own?”

The Northern Dragon King laughed out loud. He could see that Zi Yan had just broken through to the Three-Star Fighting Saint, and she was not much different from them.

However, there are three of them!

As for the people below, the three commanders are all two-star fighting saints. With their numerical advantage, they can fully cope with the First Elder and Second Elder of Long Island, as well as those who come across as troublemakers.

And as long as the three of them kill Zi Yan, the rest will be nothing more than a local chicken and a wugouer, one punch and a big piece!

Facing the ridicule of the three dragon kings, Zi Yan was not angry at all, and even showed a disdainful smile.

Immediately, he took out a throne from the ring and sat on it very calmly.

“You are wrong. To deal with you, I don’t need my personal action. It is enough for one of my subordinates to kill three evil dragons.”

As the sound fell, more and more people came out of the crowd around them.

This sudden movement, not to mention the three dragon kings on the opposite side, even the friendly forces, Lord Skyfire, Little Medical Fairy and others were so shocked that their mouths opened wide.

Seeing the faces of the three Northern Dragon Kings changing from confidence to astonishment to exaggerated smiles, Chen Guan was not in the mood to listen to their continued chatter.

Fighting energy surged within his body, and a terrifying and powerful aura instantly swept across the entire place.

Six-star Dou Zun, Seven-star Dou Zun…

The peak of Dou Zun!

Half Saint! Fighting Saint!

one star! Two stars!

Samsung Battle Saint!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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