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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 369 The soul cliff that continues to jump

As the group of people approached, they saw ripples suddenly appearing in the calm lake. Immediately, everyone felt that an extremely terrifying space fluctuation emerged from the space above the lake and spread out.

“Everyone, this is the entrance to the ancient world.” Gu Xun’er turned around with a smile.

“In the ancient world, the territory is vast. If you wander around randomly, you will inevitably lose your way. If you break into some space cracks, you may be buried in the void space. Therefore, I hope that you will not mess around after entering. Break in.”

From what he meant, it seemed that he was not prepared to enter it together.

Sure enough, Gu Xun’er’s next words also confirmed this.

“After you enter the ancient world, someone will come to receive you, and then send you to the center of the ancient world, the Ancient Sacred Mountain Range.”

“In addition, there are hundreds of millions of people of our ancient tribe living in the ancient world. I hope you will not interfere with them. Otherwise, you may be blacklisted by our ancient tribe. I hope everyone knows this.”

After hearing Gu Xun’er’s words, some polite echoes echoed outside the lake.

“People from ancient ethnic groups?”

This title made Xiao Yan, who was next to Chen Guan, slightly startled.

It was also at this time that a strange female voice sounded from the other side of Chen Guan.

“The descendants are the lowest level of the eight ancient tribes, but they are also the most important layer. After countless years of reproduction, the number of descendants of the eight ancient tribes has reached a considerable number, and they all have in their bodies The Dou Emperor bloodline is almost negligible. Of course, there will be some accidents or mutations that cause the bloodline to become stronger. Once these descendants are discovered, their worth will skyrocket and they will become real emperors. Members of the clan enjoy incomparable respect.”

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan looked sideways, and then realized that the person speaking was the woman with the gauze that touched the strange fire in their bodies.

From Huo Zhi’s eyes, both of them felt the kindness released by the other, and…


Moreover, when Huo Zhi was solving his doubts, he did not talk about the declining Xiao clan separately. Although this sounded like a small mistake, it made Xiao Yan feel much better.

“With unlimited fresh blood, no wonder the Imperial Clan has endured for a long time…” Xiao Yan looked melancholy and thought of many things at once.

With such a large descendant, it is no wonder that young geniuses from this ancient tribe emerge one after another. It turns out that they are all top geniuses chosen among one hundred thousand or even one million.

If the Xiao clan developed normally, maybe it would be the same situation today, right?

“Yan Clan, Huo Zhi, has long heard that there is an unknown genius coming out of the Zhongzhou Dan Pagoda. When we see him today, he is indeed a talented person despite his great reputation.”

Ignoring Xiao Yan’s mood swings, Huo Zhi stared at Chen Guan’s face, announced his family status, and started the business model of mutual bragging.

Chen Guan had already guessed about her identity, but now he just confirmed it.

Chen Guan has a good impression of the Yan Clan. They are not as ambitious as the Soul Clan, nor are they as hypocritical as the Ancient Clan. Their strength is also ranked in the middle and upper reaches among the eight tribes.

Another factor is that the Yan tribe also plays with fire.

Nodding slightly, Chen Guan smiled back.

“Miss Huo Zhi is over-reputed. I only have a certain reputation in Zhongzhou. Compared with the talents of the eight tribes, Chen Guan is nothing. If Miss Huo Zhi goes to Zhongzhou, I, Chen Guan, will have nothing to do. “

Hearing this, Huo Zhi smiled and did not admit it, but he did not deny it either.

When she came up to talk to him today, she just wanted to get to know him for a while.

Not to mention, upon first contact, Huo Zhi felt some differences in Chen Guan, or in other words, the characteristics of outsiders.

Ninety-nine percent of the eight tribes would not be so self-effacing, and all of them would think highly of themselves.


Just at this moment, there was a sound on the lake.

As if the terrifying spatial fluctuations had reached their peak, an extremely bright beam of light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the lake, and finally connected with the energy shield of the city.


The moment the two connected, a thunderous sound suddenly erupted from the space above the lake.

Immediately, the space was slowly torn apart in the shocking gazes. After a while, a black space door leading to the unknown depths appeared in the gaze of many eyes.

“The space door to the ancient world has been opened, everyone, please!”

Looking at the huge space door, Gu Xun’er greeted with a slight smile.

As soon as Gu Xun’er finished speaking, there were figures flashing around him. In a flash, they appeared in front of the door of space. After looking at it curiously, it was the Yi Gao who boldly walked in first.

As for the Ancient Clan, they felt very relieved and were not worried about what they would do to them.

Someone started, and the crowd behind them also became commotion, and began to rush towards the door of space one after another. Facing such a large-scale entry, the door of space was like a bottomless pit. No matter how it was filled, it would be filled with water. There has never been any fluctuation.

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan were not in a hurry and watched as figures entered one after another, including the Hun Ya three from the Hun clan.

“Go ahead and see you in the ancient world.”

Huo Zhi nodded gently and stepped into it with the three people accompanying him.

Immediately, only Xiao Yan and Chen Guan were left.

“Brother Chen, cousin Xiao Yan, Xun’er needs to make some other preparations, so I won’t go with you. I have already informed the receptionists inside that things like Lingquan will never happen again.”

Gu Xun’er thought that the two of them had some scruples and stepped forward to reassure them.

With her status, she did not need to appear in person in the recruitment process. Everything was done to show her sincerity, which also revealed the importance she attached to Chen and Guan.

In other words, it is the emphasis on the slight chance of finding the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

“Thank you, Xiao Yan, let’s go.”

Chen Guan simply handed over his hand, replied with a smile, and immediately took the lead to march towards the lake, stepping on the water and heading towards the door of space, followed closely by Xiao Yan.

Around the gate of space, there are many soldiers of the Black Annihilation Army heavily protecting them, including several Black Annihilation Army commanders, but the Lingquan is still not here.

Chen Guan’s eyes swept over these black Annihilation troops calmly, without saying a word, and without stopping in his footsteps, he stepped straight into the door of space, and immediately disappeared in the ripples of the space.

It wasn’t until the two men disappeared completely that several leaders of the Black Annihilation Army began to whisper.

“I really don’t know what the eldest lady is thinking. This is just Chen Guan. As for Xiao Yan Douzong’s strength, if he enters the Sky Tomb, it will be difficult to even protect himself, let alone anything else?”

“So it’s okay to use your brain, otherwise you won’t even understand such an obvious thing.”

“Third brother, what do you mean, second brother?”

“literal meaning.”


Above the endless blue sky, clouds float, and occasionally a breeze blows, bringing up waves of green that stretch to the end on the grassland below.


In the sky, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the space, and then a huge dark space door appeared strangely out of thin air. Shortly after the space door appeared, figures one after another slowly emerged, and finally stood in this completely unfamiliar land. in the world.

“Is this the ancient world? The energy of heaven and earth is so rich, it is at least several times stronger than the outside world!”

“It is indeed a level that only a strong Dou Sheng can reach. This kind of magical power is truly incredible.”

Along with the appearance of those figures, exclamations gradually spread.

Even Huo Zhi and his party, who were also members of the Eight Clans, looked a little surprised at this moment. It seemed that this was their first time in the ancient world.

They are all small worlds opened by the strong, but they are also divided into strong and weak. When I come to the ancient world in person, I can truly feel that the ancient clan is the head of the eight clans, and it is well-deserved.

Only the three people in Hunya looked as usual and indifferent, as if they had been accustomed to this kind of scene.

“The energy of heaven and earth is so strong. If you practice here, your progress will probably be twice as fast as in the outside world. This ancient tribe is not only unique in their cultivation talent, but also has such a blessed land. There is no reason why they are so strong.” Xiao Yan took a breath of air and exclaimed.

After hearing this, before Chen Guan could speak, someone answered.

“Haha, compared to the former Xiao Realm, this ancient world is nothing. It’s a pity that it was all destroyed.”

If he was so unworthy of a beating, there was no doubt that only Hun Ya would say so. It seemed that letting Xiao Yan break through his defenses became his pleasure, and he was extremely skilled at uncovering scars.

As he wished, Xiao Yan was indeed very angry. His fists were clenched and his body was trembling slightly, but he was unable to refute.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s appearance, Hun Ya became even more arrogant and led the two Dou Zun guards away laughing.



Still strength!

Looking at the back of Hunya, who was speaking openly, Xiao Yan was about to bite his teeth into pieces.

“Brother Guan…”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about the dead. Someone will take care of him when he enters the celestial tomb.”

Xiao Yan nodded heavily and looked at Chen Guan with great gratitude.

Little did he know that the person Chen Guan was talking about was not actually him.

Of course, if Hun Ya continues to seek death like this after entering the Heavenly Tomb, Chen Guan wouldn’t mind doing it for him.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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